• Ozempic (GLP-1) and Personal Training: What are the Consequences?
    Jul 29 2024

    This week on the CPT Podcast, host Eddie Lester delves into the impact of GLP1 receptor agonists (Ozempic) on the personal training industry. He explores how these medications, known for their significant weight loss benefits, are transforming the fitness landscape. With enhanced client results, a broader client base, and a holistic health approach, personal trainers are poised to see unprecedented success. Discover how GLP1 can motivate clients, improve retention rates, and open new opportunities for trainers to collaborate with healthcare providers, positioning themselves as comprehensive health professionals.

    Join Eddie as he breaks down the science behind GLP1, explaining its mechanism of action and the sustainable weight loss it promotes. Learn how personal trainers can seamlessly integrate GLP1 into their programs, customizing training plans and providing essential education and support to their clients. Whether you're a trainer looking to enhance your practice or someone interested in the latest advancements in weight management, this episode offers valuable insights into the synergy between GLP1 and personal training, promising a healthier and more effective fitness journey.

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    25 mins
  • The Guide to Content Marketing for Personal Trainers
    Jun 10 2024

    The Guide to Content Marketing for Personal Trainers

    In this episode of the Certified Personal Trainer Podcast, we dive deep into the world of content marketing specifically tailored for personal trainers. Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your client base, effective content marketing can be a game-changer for your business.

    Join us as we cover:

    • The Basics of Content Marketing: Understand what content marketing is and why it's crucial for personal trainers.
    • Identifying Your Target Audience: Learn how to pinpoint your ideal clients and create content that resonates with them.
    • Creating Engaging Content: From blog posts and social media updates to videos and podcasts, discover the types of content that attract and retain clients.
    • Building Your Online Presence: Tips on optimizing your website and leveraging SEO to increase your visibility online.
    • Social Media Strategies: Explore the best practices for using platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to connect with potential clients.
    • Measuring Success: Find out how to track the effectiveness of your content marketing efforts and adjust your strategy for better results.

    Whether you're looking to establish your authority, grow your audience, or convert followers into clients, this episode provides practical insights and actionable tips to help you succeed in content marketing as a personal trainer. Tune in to elevate your marketing game and take your business to new heights!

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    29 mins
  • 6 Essential Business Checkpoints for Launching Your Personal Training Business
    May 20 2024

    Launching your own personal training business requires careful planning and attention to detail. In this episode, host Eddie Lester dives into the six most crucial checkpoints every aspiring personal trainer must address when starting their business.

    From naming your business to setting up banking and accounting systems, each checkpoint plays a pivotal role in establishing a strong foundation for your business.

    1. Name Your Business:
    Discover the importance of choosing a compelling and memorable name for your personal training business. We'll discuss strategies for brainstorming creative names that resonate with your target audience and align with your brand identity.

    2. Obtain Insurance:
    Learn why obtaining insurance coverage is essential for protecting yourself, your clients, and your business. We'll explore different types of insurance policies, including liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance, and how to select the right coverage for your needs.

    3. Choose Your Business Structure:
    Understand the different business structures available for personal trainers, such as sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation. We'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each structure and how to choose the best option for your business goals.

    4. Register Your Business:
    Explore the process of registering your personal training business with the appropriate government authorities. We'll walk you through the steps to obtain necessary licenses and permits and ensure compliance with local regulations.

    5. Set Up Banking:
    Learn how to set up business banking accounts to manage your finances effectively. We'll discuss the importance of separating personal and business finances, choosing the right bank, and selecting the appropriate accounts for your needs.

    6. Establish Accounting Systems:
    Discover the importance of establishing accounting systems to track your income, expenses, and taxes accurately. We'll discuss tools and software solutions for bookkeeping, invoicing, and tax preparation, as well as best practices for financial management.

    Whether you're a newly certified personal trainer or an experienced fitness professional branching out on your own, this episode provides invaluable guidance to help you navigate the essential business checkpoints of starting a personal training business. Tune in and empower yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to turn your passion for fitness into a thriving business venture.

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    30 mins
  • Mastering Closing Sales Statements to Get More Clients
    May 13 2024

    In this episode we delve into the art of closing sales as a personal trainer, unveiling powerful closing statements and techniques to increase your client conversion rate. Whether you're new to sales or a seasoned professional, mastering these closing strategies can take your personal training business to new heights.

    Join Eddie Lester as he explores dynamic closing techniques tailored specifically for personal trainers:

    • The Direct Close: Cut straight to the point with the Direct Close, a straightforward approach that asks for the sale directly. Discover how to confidently present your offer, address objections, and secure commitments from potential clients.
    • The Indirect Close: Employ the Indirect Close to subtly guide clients towards making a decision without exerting pressure. Learn how to leverage storytelling, testimonials, and social proof to create a compelling case for your services.
    • The Pro's vs Con's Close: Present clients with a balanced analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of your training programs using the Pro's vs Con's Close. Uncover strategies for framing objections as opportunities and helping clients overcome their reservations.
    • The Multiple Option Close: Provide clients with multiple options to choose from with the Multiple Option Close, empowering them to select the package that best suits their needs and preferences. Explore how to customize your offerings, add value, and facilitate decision-making.
    • The Hard Close: When it's time to seal the deal, employ the Hard Close—a decisive and assertive approach that leaves no room for hesitation. Discover how to use urgency, scarcity, and persuasive language to motivate clients to take action.

    Whether you prefer a direct, indirect, or assertive approach, this episode offers practical insights and actionable strategies to help you close more sales and grow your personal training business. Tune in and discover the power of closing sales statements in driving client conversions, boosting revenue, and achieving your business goals.

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    27 mins
  • Leveraging Your Own Personality to Sell Personal Training
    May 6 2024

    In this episode of the Certified Personal Trainer Podcast, we dive deep into the art of salesmanship in the personal training industry, exploring how different sales personalities can influence client interactions and drive business growth. Whether you're an Instant Friend, a Guru, a Fitness Consultant, a Networker, or a Hard Seller, understanding and embracing your unique sales style can make all the difference in closing deals and building lasting client relationships.

    Join host Eddie Lester, a seasoned personal trainer and sales expert, as he explores the distinct characteristics and strategies of each sales personality archetype:

    • The Instant Friend: Known for their warmth, empathy, and ability to connect on a personal level, Instant Friends excel at building rapport and trust with potential clients. Learn how to leverage your natural charm and interpersonal skills to create meaningful connections and win over prospects.
    • The Guru: With deep knowledge and expertise in fitness and wellness, Gurus position themselves as trusted authorities and advisors. Discover how to showcase your expertise, educate clients, and inspire confidence through thought leadership and tailored solutions.
    • The Fitness Consultant: Fitness Consultants take a client-centered approach, focusing on understanding clients' needs, goals, and pain points before offering solutions. Explore how to conduct thorough assessments, provide personalized recommendations, and empower clients to make informed decisions.
    • The Networker: Networking is second nature to Networkers, who thrive on building relationships and expanding their professional circles. Uncover strategies for maximizing networking opportunities, leveraging referrals, and tapping into your extensive network to generate leads and referrals.
    • The Hard Seller: Bold, persuasive, and results-driven, Hard Sellers excel at closing deals and driving sales conversions. Learn how to overcome objections, highlight the value of your services, and confidently ask for the sale without being pushy or aggressive.

    Whether you identify with one sales personality or embody a combination of traits, this episode offers practical insights and actionable tips to help you leverage your individual sales style to sell personal training effectively. Tune in and unlock the secrets to sales success in the competitive world of personal fitness.

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    28 mins
  • Networking: The Key to Business Growth and Client Acquisition as a Personal Trainer
    Apr 29 2024

    In this episode of The Certified Personal Trainer Podcast, we unlock the power of networking as a crucial strategy for personal trainers to fuel business growth and attract new clients. Networking goes beyond exchanging business cards—it's about building meaningful connections, fostering relationships, and positioning yourself as a trusted authority in the fitness industry.

    Join host Eddie Lester as he explores actionable tips and strategies to leverage networking effectively in your personal training business. Discover how to expand your professional network, cultivate referral partnerships, and create valuable opportunities for client acquisition.

    Learn the art of networking both online and offline, from leveraging social media platforms to attending industry events, workshops, and meetups. Uncover the importance of authenticity, active listening, and reciprocity in building genuine connections with potential clients, colleagues, and industry influencers.

    Explore the role of networking in establishing your personal brand and differentiating yourself in a competitive market. Hear success stories and real-world examples of how strategic networking efforts have propelled personal trainers to new heights of business success and client satisfaction.

    Gain insights into cultivating long-term relationships with clients through effective communication, follow-up, and personalized engagement strategies. Discover how to turn networking connections into loyal clients and advocates for your fitness services.

    Whether you're a seasoned fitness professional or just starting your personal training journey, this episode offers valuable guidance on harnessing the power of networking to drive business growth, expand your client base, and create lasting impact in the lives of your clients.

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    31 mins
  • How to Use Branding as a Personal Trainer to Get More Clients
    Apr 22 2024

    Join us as we delve into the power of branding and its impact on attracting more clients as a personal trainer. Building a strong brand identity goes beyond having a logo—it's about crafting a compelling story, defining your unique value proposition, and connecting authentically with your target audience.

    This episode explores practical strategies and actionable tips to leverage branding effectively in the fitness industry. Discover how to differentiate yourself in a competitive market, build trust with potential clients, and establish a memorable brand presence that drives business growth.

    Learn the key elements of successful personal trainer branding, from defining your mission and values to creating a consistent visual identity and messaging strategy. Explore how to use storytelling to communicate your passion for fitness and showcase your expertise in a way that resonates with your ideal clients.

    Gain insights into the role of social media, website design, and content marketing in building your personal training brand. Uncover tips for cultivating client testimonials, leveraging influencer partnerships, and maximizing word-of-mouth referrals through strategic branding initiatives.

    Whether you're just starting out as a personal trainer or looking to elevate your existing brand, this episode is packed with valuable guidance to help you harness the power of branding to attract, engage, and retain more clients.

    Show Links:
    Eddie's Book: Business and Sales: the Guide to Success as a Personal Trainer

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    42 mins
  • How to Discuss Pricing During a Sale to Close More Sales
    Apr 1 2024

    In this episode of the Certified Personal Trainer Podcast we dive deep into the art of discussing pricing during a sale as a personal trainer. Pricing discussions can often be nerve-wracking, but they don't have to be! Join us as we uncover unique tactics and strategies to confidently bring up your prices and close more sales with ease.

    Hosted by Eddie Lester, a seasoned personal trainer with years of experience in the industry, this episode offers practical advice and actionable tips for navigating pricing conversations effectively. From building confidence in your value proposition to employing persuasive techniques, we cover it all.

    Learn how to communicate the true value of your services to potential clients, emphasizing the benefits they will receive and the transformative impact on their health and fitness journey. Discover how to address common objections about pricing and turn them into opportunities to showcase your expertise and credibility.

    We also explore the importance of setting clear pricing structures and packages that reflect your expertise, time, and resources. Find out how to tailor your offerings to meet the unique needs and preferences of your clients while maintaining profitability and sustainability in your business.

    Whether you're a seasoned personal trainer looking to level up your sales game or a newcomer navigating pricing discussions for the first time, this episode is packed with valuable insights and strategies to help you close more sales and grow your business with confidence.

    Tune in and unlock the secrets to mastering pricing discussions during sales to propel your personal training business to new heights!

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    32 mins