
  • Raising your vibrational high is one of the KEY ingredients to living a life of abundance and bliss.
    Apr 30 2024
    Living your life from the standpoint of a high vibration will allow you to experience a life of abundance. A high vibrational life is one of beauty and flow. You don't seem to struggle with the current of life. You know what it entails, and you swim beautifully. To get more insight on what you need to do to raise your vibration high, do listen to today's podcast and share it with everyone around you. Should you want to send a message, do so via mwithudmor@gmail.com. I would love to read from you.
    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Look beyond the sleeves. The sleeves can only serve you for a particular time. Energy is forever.
    Apr 25 2024
    Death isn't permanent. You are energy, and you only transform from one form to another. You need to come out of the box society has kept you and start looking beyond it all. Start today to listen to the signal that is emitting from the other party. Because the individual is from your tribe doesn't mean there is a vibrational match. Evolve to the level of oneness, and you will see beyond what you have always been taught.
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • You are entitled to be any character in your movie, seeing it is rooted in love and not validation.
    Oct 11 2023
    Variety they say is the beauty of life. The matrix wanting us to live our life in a particular way simultaneously is what is causing the chaos. We are meant to embody all of our experiences, seeing that will lead us to the realisation of who we truly are inside out. Todays podcast is mind changing. Listen and share with everyone. You can write to me at mwithudmor@gmail.com. I am you, and you are me. I love you.
    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Past life regression: Is my current lifestyle influenced by my past life? Do I have a karmic debt?
    Sep 27 2023
    When you are a chronic smoker and you stop, that doesn't mean your lungs haven't been damaged. The moment you decide to live a good, healthy life, and liver problem comes knocking, do you suddenly tell your liver that it isn't fair? No! You know that your previous habit caused such for you. This is the same thing with past life regression. The fact that you have forgotten and have chosen to live a "good" life now doesn't mean you won't pay the price for what you once did. There are steps listed in this podcast on how you can get free from your karmic debt. Listen to the end and apply those steps into your life. Remember to write to me if you have any questions on mwithudmor@gmail.com I am you, and you are me. I love you.
    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Addiction is one burden that can definitely hinder your growth in life. How do you get free from it?
    Aug 15 2023
    Addiction varies from person to person. Getting yourself out of what has tied you down is a conscious effort that only you need to accept. The first step to releasing yourself from addiction is awareness of the fact that you are indeed addicted to it. If I point out your addiction to you, you won't see it except you come to the acceptance that this is your problem. Like the saying goes, once you identify your problem, you are one step in finding the solution. That also applies to addiction. The knowledge of it will set you on the path to the solution. To get more insight on today's topic, do listen to the podcast to the end. If you want me to assist you in your journey to freedom, you can write to me at mwithudmor@gmail.com and I will gladly show you the path to complete freedom. I am you, and you are me. I love you.
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Leaving Christianity in search of who God truly is made me to come to know the universe is in me.
    Jul 17 2023
    The Abrahamic religion has only one thing to offer. Forget who you are. Religion is a tool to trap us into the reincarnation process. Religion will teach you how to hate yourself and hate another. Religion is filled with so much division and zero togetherness. Ask yourself one question. If there is truly a God, why will he create so much confusion as to which religion is best? Now that will set you on a journey to the realisation that you are all you need. You don't need to worship anything outside of you. There is no heaven and there is no hell. Wake up to the your true identity. Get to know that the universe isn't just inside of you but you are the universe experiencing yourself in the form you are now. Get to access your DNA cause in it lies the truth that you are in search for. The book I bought is called the Eth Cepher. Read it and open your mind. Send me an email on mwithudmor@gmail.com I would love to read from you. I am you and you are me. I love you 💚.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Men Stop Encouraging RAPE! The same safe space we created for the sisters, lets do same for the men.
    Jul 4 2023
    Don't shut a man up when he is ready to speak out. We should make it a new culture to encourage our brothers to speak whenever they are hurting. As a mother or father, you don't need to focus on your daughter thinking the society is rotten and leaving your son to grow up himself. You don't know what is happening to him outside. He might be molested and due to the fact you don't want him talking, he will go into his closet and hide. Such a psychological trauma will breed a monster in the society and all we will do is say "all men are the same" that is a false narrative. The men we neglect today will become the monster tomorrow. We have rapist's, pedophile, women beaters roaming the street should we check, we will find out that there is an underlying somewhere. It is either as a child or a teen he was molested and told to keep it to himself. Enough of doing such. It is time we change the narrative and allow our brothers to come speak up. Our brothers will turn to alcohol and drugs because of how hurt they have been and no one to listen to them. Let us tell our men that not anymore. If you want to speak about being raped when you were a child or experiencing domestic violence from your wife, the time is now. Don't allow anyone stop you from sharing your story. And if you want to talk to someone, I am here. Send me a mail on mwithudmor@gmail.com I will really love to read from you. I am you and you are me. I love you 💚 Be safe.
    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Diagnosis: Shadow work; Repair: Healing. Without these two, you won't enjoy being authentic.
    Jun 26 2023
    The individual who designed car, did so by replicating the human body. Whenever your car isn't working properly, you take it to the service centre for it to be diagnosed and then repaired. The same thing should always happen to us. But one thing I have noticed about us as humans, we barely pay attention to the fact that we need repair. Like the popular saying, once you have identified the problem, you are one step away in looking for the solution. Shadow work is compulsory. It isn't something that is meant to be done by a few individuals but each and one of us. Go and sit with yourself and diagnose yourself of areas in your life that needs healing. You must have had a nasty childhood. You might have been bullied in school. Something must have made you that way and all you need is to heal yourself. Once you are healed, if you get triggered you won't react. Once you change the break pad, the break no longer makes a funny noise. So you owe it to yourself to embark on this journey to self. Do this and you will always be proud of you. I love you. Our email still remains mwithudmor@gmail.com I would love to read from you. Stay safe until next podcast.
    Más Menos
    30 m