• You Don't Do Drama!
    Apr 8 2024

    Hey Queens! Ready to ditch the drama and boss up your life? Buckle up for this episode with Jesucita Rey. She's here to spill the tea on how drama can steal your shine and stop you from achieving your girl boss goals.
    Jesucita knows what's up. Growing up, the drama was like her third wheel, always trying to crash the party. But guess what? Moving to a new city was a total game-changer. She realized drama wasn't some mandatory part of life – it was more like a bad accessory you could ditch.

    Drama is the ultimate energy vampire, sucking the life out of your hustle. Jesucita's here to help you make a power move: eliminate the drama and focus on what truly matters – crushing your dreams and living your life on your terms. She'll show you how to handle drama queens (because let's be real, they're out there).

    By the end of this episode, you'll be a drama-defying boss lady, ready to conquer anything life throws your way. Remember, Queens, YOU have the power to create the amazing, drama-free life you deserve. So ditch the drama, embrace your girl power, and go slay your goals!


    Introduction: The Impact of Drama

    Growing Up with Drama

    Choosing to Eliminate Drama

    Conscious Decision to Avoid Drama

    Dealing with Drama-Prone People

    The Danger of Spreading Stories

    Fighting Drama with Facts

    Constant Effort to Keep Drama Out

    Surrounding Yourself with Like-Minded People

    Drama as a Cancer

    Empowering Women to Overcome Drama

    Encouragement and Support

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    17 mins
  • You're Alone (Get Excited!)
    Mar 28 2024

    Alright, darling, let's dive into the fabulous world of solo stardom, where being alone isn't a sentence but a superpower. We're about to embark on a journey through the twists and turns of self-reflection, where your own company becomes your greatest asset.

    First up, let's talk about the allure of flying solo. It's not just about Netflix and chill nights with your cat (although those are pretty great too). Being alone gives you the stage to really get to know yourself, flaws and all. It's like a VIP session with the CEO of your life—no distractions, just you and your thoughts.

    But hey, let's be real, being alone isn't always a walk in the park. There are times when it feels like you're in a wrestling match with your own insecurities, and the urge to escape creeps in like an unwanted guest at a party. We've all been there, reaching for our phones or binging on social media just to avoid the discomfort. But guess what? Growth happens in the discomfort zone, honey.

    Now, picture this: you, in the driver's seat of your own life, cruising down the highway of self-discovery with the wind in your hair. That's what it means to take control, to own your narrative without waiting for someone else to write it for you. It's about saying, "I've got this," even when the road gets rocky.

    Oh, and let's not forget about the baggage we all carry—those ghosts from the past that haunt our every move. Being alone gives you the chance to unpack that emotional suitcase, to face your demons head-on and finally put them to rest. It's like Marie Kondo-ing your soul, decluttering the mess so you can make room for the good stuff.

    Now, onto the nitty-gritty: getting stuff done. Because let's face it, nobody's gonna live your dreams for you. It's all on you, babe. But here's the kicker: when you learn to love yourself, like really love yourself—flaws and all—suddenly, those dreams don't seem so far-fetched. You become your own cheerleader, your own hype squad, pumping yourself up to conquer the world, one goal at a time.

    And speaking of happiness, let's set the record straight: it's an inside job, baby. You can't outsource it to anyone else, no matter how hard you try. True happiness comes from within, from accepting yourself exactly as you are and knowing that you are enough, just as you are.

    So, as we wrap up this fabulous conversation, remember this: you hold the power to create the life you want, to dance to the beat of your own drum, regardless of what the peanut gallery has to say. So go ahead, embrace the solo spotlight, because darling, you were born to shine.

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    15 mins
  • What Do YOU Fear
    Mar 20 2024

    Alright, buckle up, ladies, because in this episode, Jesucita Rey is about to dive into the deep end of the fear pool. We're talking about choice and change, the dynamic duo that's got you shaking in your boots.

    Jesucita's not here to sugarcoat it—fear? Yeah, it's the monster under your bed, whispering sweet doubts in your ear. But guess what? Failure? It's not your enemy, it's your freakin' sidekick! It's the step you take on the ladder to greatness.

    Choice and change? Oh baby, they're like your secret weapons, your superpowers in this game called life. Jesucita's serving up the truth, telling you to dream big and kick fear to the curb.

    But hold onto your hats, because she's not just preaching, she's teaching. From starting small to slapping on that discipline like it's your favorite lipstick.

    So grab a pen, take notes, and get ready to smash through those barriers like the badass you are. In the end, it's all about believing in yourself and making choices that scream "I'm the boss of my own destiny!"

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    14 mins
  • Don't Let Their Labels Control You!
    Mar 12 2024

    Ditch the Label, Unleash the Babe!
    Ever feel like you're stuck in a box with a dusty old label slapped on it? Yeah, us too! This episode is all about shattering those stereotypes and reclaiming your inner boss babe.

    Our host gets real about how labels messed with her life, from the ones passed down like family heirlooms (yawn) to medical mysteries and misdiagnoses. But here's the tea sis: we ain't letting labels define us!

    We're gonna break it down:

    Labels? More like lame-bels. They might try to hold you back, but you have the power to rewrite your story.
    Question those labels like you question bad reality TV. Are they even true? Probably not. ‍♀️
    Change is your BFF! Embrace it, rock it, and use it to become the most awesome version of yourself.
    This episode is packed with tips on ditching the label drama, proving them wrong, and living your life to the fullest.
    Let's rewrite the script, embrace transformation, and show the world what girl power is really about!


    00:00 - Labels? Bye Felicia!
    00:59 - Family Labels? More Like Family Fails
    03:20 - Medically Misunderstood? Nah, We Got This!
    05:31 - Label Interrogation: Friend or Foe?
    07:18 - You Are Who You Say You Are, Boo!
    08:06 - Rewrite Your Family Script
    09:01 - Labels Don't Rule You, You Rule You!
    10:27 - Turning Negative Labels into Stepping Stones
    11:34 - Choices, Choices, Glorious Choices!
    13:30 - The Label-Fighting Journey Never Ends
    15:04 - Proving Those Labels Wrong Feels SO Good
    16:03 - You Got This, Girl! I Believe in You!

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    17 mins
  • You're Not Stupid Because You Failed
    Mar 5 2024

    In this episode, join Jesucita Rey as she dives deep into the intriguing world of failure—a concept often misunderstood but ripe with potential. With her signature wit and wisdom, Jesucita unveils her personal journey with failure, flipping the script to reveal its silver lining.

    Forget the doom and gloom! Jesucita shows us that failure isn't the end of the road; it's a pit stop for growth. Through her own experiences, she paints failure as a vibrant teacher, urging listeners to embrace its lessons with open arms.

    Jesucita isn't about rushing through life at breakneck speed. No, she champions learning at your own pace, reminding us that Rome wasn't built in a day—and neither are our dreams. So, slow down, take a breath, and savor the journey.

    But wait, there's more! She tackles the fear of failure head-on, encouraging us to kick that fear to the curb and see failure as a springboard to success. It's not about falling down; it's about bouncing back stronger.

    From parenting mishaps to personal stumbles, Jesucita covers it all. Through laughter and tears, she shows us that every failure is a stepping stone, not a stumbling block.

    And guess what? You're not alone! Jesucita emphasizes the importance of seeking help and support when the going gets tough. After all, even superheroes need a sidekick sometimes.

    In a world obsessed with perfection, Jesucita reminds us that it's okay to mess up—it's all part of the adventure. So, dust yourself off, chin up, and keep marching forward. Believe in yourself, because failure is just the beginning of something extraordinary.

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    22 mins
  • Who's In Charge of Your Happiness?
    Feb 29 2024

    In this episode, Jesucita Rey drops the mic on the myth that happiness is a magic lamp someone else rubs for you. Buckle up as she shares her epic journey of ditching the "blame game" and realizing happiness is all about how you wrangle the reins of your life.

    Jesucita spills the tea: happiness depends on your inner bartender, not the storm clouds outside. Start your day with a gratitude mojito, throw on some positive-thinking sunglasses, and evict negativity faster than a bad roommate. Remember, you're the CEO of your own happiness, so grab the metaphorical bull by the horns and create the life you deserve, one happy hour at a time!

    Key takeaways:

    Happiness: it's not what happens to you, it's how you juggle the lemons life throws your way.

    Start your day with an attitude of gratitude bigger than your breakfast burrito.

    Negativity and drama? More like uninvited guests. Show them the door!

    You've got the superpower of happiness within you. Use it!

    Building a happy life? Start with baby steps. Every journey begins with a single step.

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    24 mins
  • Do You Have Lovers Holding Ya Back?
    Feb 12 2024

    Forget Everything You Thought You Knew About "Lovers"!
    Imagine the people who love you...not just your romantic partner, but your whole crew: family, friends, maybe even your dog. We call them "lovers," and Jesucita is about to rock your world about their impact. Turns out, they can either propel you toward an amazing life or, unintentionally, clip your wings.
    Jesucita gets real. Remember that time you wanted to chase your dreams but faced resistance? Maybe from well-meaning parents who tried to "protect" you? She's been there, done that, moved away from home despite the fear in their eyes. This episode is more than just a pep talk; it's a boundary-setting battle cry! ️

    We’re talking about:

    Telling your "lovers" to back off if their fears are holding you back.

    Unleash your inner badass and recognize the strength you already possess.

    Grit your teeth and persevere even when the going gets tough. ‍♀️

    Grab the reins of your life and create the masterpiece you deserve!

    This episode is packed with:

    Jesucita's personal story - raw, relatable, and inspiring.

    Tips on setting boundaries and saying "no" with love.

    A healthy dose of empowerment to kick you into high gear.

    Ready to break free from limiting beliefs and create the life you dream of? Listen to this episode now! It's not just a podcast, it's a transformation waiting to happen. ✨

    P.S. Don't forget to check out other episodes from Charm School Dropout!

    P.P.S. Share this episode with your "lovers" (the supportive ones, of course!)

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    23 mins
  • Haters Be Hatin
    Feb 7 2024

    Haters gonna hate, but you gonna slay!

    Yo, queens! Ever feel like the world's full of trolls trying to dim your shine? Well, Jesucita's here to drop some truth bombs on how to shut down those negative Nancies and claim your power!

    Here's the tea:

    Haters gonna hate, it's just the sad reality. But don't let them rent space in your head rent-free!

    Flip the script, girl! Rewrite the narrative in your mind and tell those haters to take a hike.

    Positivity is your superpower! Shower yourself with love, affirmations, and fierce belief in your awesomeness. ✨

    Practice makes perfect, even for slaying negativity. Repetition is your friend, so keep repeating "I am unstoppable" until the haters shrink to the size of dust bunnies.

    You are the queen of your own castle, boo! Don't let anyone, especially some hater with bad breath, control your destiny.

    Remember, dreams don't discriminate! You got this, and Jesucita's got your back with all the tools and support you need to crush those goals.

    So, babes, keep your head high! The world needs your magic, not the haters' negativity. Go forth and slay! ✨

    P.S. Need a reminder of your fierce power? Share this with your squad and tag @CharmSchoolDropoutco on social media! Let's build a community of unstoppable queens who support each other and lift each other up!


    Introduction: Dealing with Haters

    Types of Haters

    Flipping the Script

    Building Mental Strength

    Starting with Positivity

    Repetition and Positive Reinforcement

    Not Letting Haters Control You

    Believing in Yourself

    Shutting Down the Haters

    Conclusion: You've Got This

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    20 mins