• Strangers Living in a New House [Elementary]
    Sep 9 2024

    小刚 read a news article about a family whose new house was occupied by strangers for four days before they could move in.

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    Available in 8 languages:

    Learn Chinese | 중국어 배우기 | 中国語を学ぶ | Изучать китайский язык | Học tiếng Trung | Belajar bahasa Mandarin | Aprender chino | تعلم اللغة الصينية

    English Translation

    小刚: 小宝, I read a news article today, it's so strange! A family bought a new house, but before they could move in, someone else lived there for four days!
    小宝: What? How could this happen? Who was living there?
    小刚: It was three strangers, a father, mother, and a child. They brought luggage and acted like it was their own home!
    小宝: What about the homeowners? Didn't they know?
    小刚: The homeowners didn't know either. They only found out when they went to check on the new house. They discovered someone had been living there and used a lot of electricity!
    小宝: So what can be done? Did they catch those strangers?
    小刚: The police have started investigating. They should be able to find those people soon. What they did was wrong!

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    1 min
  • The Dilemma of Working Hours [Intermediate]
    Sep 8 2024

    The increasing working hours of Chinese people have sparked a discussion between 黄刚 and 陈花. They explore the reasons behind and impacts of this phenomenon from social and personal perspectives.

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    Available in 8 languages:

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    English Translation

    黄刚: Hey, have you noticed that the discussion about '996' has heated up again recently? It seems like everyone's working hours are getting longer, and there's not enough rest time.
    陈花: Yeah, many of my friends are like that. They work overtime until late at night, and often have to work on weekends too. It feels like they're turning into work machines.
    黄刚: I saw a report today saying that the average weekly working hours of Chinese workers are nearly 50 hours now, which is more than in many developed countries.
    陈花: Really? Does longer working hours necessarily mean higher efficiency? I think long hours of work might actually decrease efficiency and it's not good for health either.
    黄刚: Exactly, but now many companies keep pushing their employees to pursue efficiency and profits. Plus, with intense social competition, many people are afraid of losing their jobs, so they can only grit their teeth and work overtime.
    陈花: Yeah, it's really tough. I hope the government can introduce some policies to protect workers' rest time, so that everyone can find a balance between work and life.

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    1 min
  • Chinese Calligraphy Class [Beginner]
    Sep 7 2024

    小宝 and 小美 are learning to use brush pens in calligraphy class, trying to write beautiful Chinese characters.

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    Available in 8 languages:

    Learn Chinese | 중국어 배우기 | 中国語を学ぶ | Изучать китайский язык | Học tiếng Trung | Belajar bahasa Mandarin | Aprender chino | تعلم اللغة الصينية

    English Translation

    小宝: 小美, look! I got a big brush pen!
    小美: Wow, it's so big! Are we going to use it to write?
    小宝: Yes, the teacher said we can write the character '山'.
    小美: That's interesting! I'll try first. First, write a vertical stroke, then write the vertical strokes with a hook and the straight vertical strokes on both sides.
    小宝: I'll write too! Look, my '山' character looks like a small mountain.
    小美: Your character is so cute, I want to write like you too.
    小宝: Let's practice together, writing characters is as fun as drawing!
    小美: Yes, and we can also learn about Chinese culture, it's really interesting!

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    1 min
  • Nike Ad Sparks Controversy [Elementary]
    Sep 6 2024

    小刚 saw a Nike advertisement where an athlete licks a ping pong paddle. He found it strange and started discussing it with 小宝.

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    Available in 8 languages on the app:
    Learn Chinese | 중국어 배우기 | 中国語を学ぶ | Изучать китайский язык | Học tiếng Trung | Belajar bahasa Mandarin | Aprender chino | تعلم اللغة الصينية

    English Translation

    小刚: 小宝, did you see that sports brand ad? The one where the athlete licks the ping pong paddle, I think it's so weird!
    小宝: Licking a ping pong paddle? Why would they do that?
    小刚: I'm not sure either, the ad didn't explain. But many people online are criticizing this ad, saying it makes them uncomfortable.
    小宝: Why would advertisers want to make people uncomfortable?
    小刚: Maybe they think it's more attention-grabbing this way. But I think good ads should make people like them, not repel them.
    小宝: Yeah, I like watching fun ads, not ones that make people uncomfortable.

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    1 min
  • 无微不至: A Heartwarming Dialogue Between 小美 and 李老师 [Intermediate]
    Sep 5 2024

    李老师 explains the meaning and usage of the Chinese idiom '无微不至' to 小美 through vivid examples.

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    Available in 8 languages: Learn Chinese | 중국어 배우기 | 中国語を学ぶ | Изучать китайский язык | Học tiếng Trung | Belajar bahasa Mandarin | Aprender chino | تعلم اللغة الصينية

    小美: 李老师, today I saw a phrase in a storybook called '无微不至'. What does it mean?
    李芳: 小美, this is a beautiful idiom. '无微不至' means to take care of someone very meticulously, considering even the smallest details.
    小美: Oh, it sounds impressive! Can you give me an example?
    李芳: Of course. For instance, when your mother takes care of you when you're sick, she checks your temperature, gives you medicine, cooks porridge, and gently pats you to sleep. This is '无微不至' care.
    小美: I understand now, really! It's like when I had a cold, and mom stayed with me and even read me storybooks.
    李芳: That's right, your mother was taking care of you '无微不至'. This idiom is often used to describe very attentive and thoughtful care and concern.
    小美: Can I say that 李老师 is also '无微不至' to us? Because you always teach us very patiently.
    李芳: Thank you, 小美. Teachers try their best to take good care of every student. Now, can you make a sentence using '无微不至'?
    小美: Hmm... let me think. Ah, I've got one! Grandma takes care of the plants in her small garden '无微不至', watering and fertilizing them every day.
    李芳: Excellent, 小美! You used it very well. '无微不至' can be used not only for people but also for attitudes towards things.
    小美: 李老师, I thought of another one! My parents' care for me is '无微不至', which makes me feel very happy.
    李芳: Very well said, 小美. You not only understood the meaning of this idiom but also can use it correctly. I'm proud of you!
    小美: Thank you, 李老师! I will pay more attention in class from now on, and I want to learn to be '无微不至' to others too.
    李芳: That's a wonderful idea. Remember, '无微不至' care can make people feel warm and happy.

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    2 mins
  • Welcome to China [Intermediate]
    Sep 4 2024

    黄刚 and 陈花 read a report about China's continuous optimization of inbound tourism policies and discussed the experiences and feelings of foreign tourists.

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    Available in 8 languages:

    • Learn Chinese
    • 중국어 배우기
    • 中国語を学ぶ
    • Изучать китайский язык
    • Học tiếng Trung
    • Belajar bahasa Mandarin
    • Aprender chino
    • تعلم اللغة الصينية
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    1 min
  • The Mystery of High Return Rates for Women's Clothing
    Sep 3 2024

    黄刚 sees a news report about women's clothing return rates reaching 80%, which sparks a discussion with his wife 陈花 about the current state of the women's clothing market.

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    1 min
  • Introducing 小美 to the World of Chinese Language
    Sep 2 2024

    Teacher Li uses vivid examples to teach 小美 how to understand and use the '把' (bǎ) structure, sparking her interest in the Chinese language.

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    2 mins