
  • Regulatorik: Markus Lange im Interview
    Nov 22 2022
    Dr. Markus Lange ist Rechtsanwalt und Partner bei BakerTilly in Frankfurt. Schwerpunkte seiner Tätigkeit sind kunden- undproduktbezogene Aspekte sowie Compliance und Governance im Bank- undFinanzdienstleistungsgeschäft. Lange hat sich intensiv mit der Analyse derMiFID-II-Regeln und deren Umsetzung in der Praxis beschäftigt. Als Mitgliedeiner beratenden Arbeitsgruppe der ESMA zu Anlegerschutz- und Vertriebsfragen(IPISC CWG) war er von 2013 bis 2017 mit wesentlichen Aspekten derMiFID-II-Konkretisierung befasst. Sein besonderes Augenmerk gilt seit einigerZeit auch dem ebenso allgegenwärtigen wie komplexen Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Erreferiert und publiziert laufend zu einschlägigen Themen.
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    23 mins
  • ESG oder Impact? Stephanie Maier von GAM im Interview
    Nov 22 2022
    Seit 2021 fungiert Stephanie Maier als Global Head of Sustainable and Impact Investment beim Schweizer Asset Manager GAM. Sie kam von HSBC Global Asset Management, wo sie als Direktorin für Responsible Investment arbeitete. Davor war sie bei Aviva Investors und bei der ESG-Research-Gesellschaft Eiris in Leitungspositionen tätig.
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    23 mins
  • Citywire Asia in conversation with Janet Shum
    Nov 18 2022
    The opportunities and vehicles for impact investment in Asia Pacific are growing rapidly in a region that has needs across a range of social and environmental issues.
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    21 mins
  • Indicatori di sostenibilità: luci e ombre degli investimenti da cui dipende la transizione verde
    Nov 16 2022
    Indirizzare gli investimenti privati è indispensabile per correggere l’economia mondiale verso una via più vicina all’ambiente e all’uomo, ma nella classificazione Esg ci sono ancora vuoti pericolosi
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    17 mins
  • It’s all about intention
    Nov 11 2022
    Citywire caught up with Craig Leslie, investment director at Rathbone Greenbank, to reflect on his four key factors for impact investing, where to find the most additionality, and which industry initiatives the company is supporting.
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    23 mins
  • Future of impact investing in healthcare
    Jul 5 2022
    Healthcare, like some other sectors, offers opportunity to invest for social impact and financial return. Global demand for healthcare solutions is rising because of economic development and an aging population, and innovative new treatments are revolutionising medical care. It is time to tap into that change.
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    12 mins
  • ‘The genie’s out of the bottle’: why invest in private assets now?
    Jun 23 2022
    Multi-asset funds and managed portfolio services are increasingly embracing private equity as part of their asset allocation, investing in the likes of Oakley Capital Investments or HarbourVest. What is driving this rise in exposure to private equity, and is this trend here to stay? With Citywire’s private equity correspondent Selin Bucak, we discuss regulatory barriers, risks and benefits, and potential answers to the liquidity question.
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    15 mins
  • ‘There are many companies with no coverage at all’: Japan’s small-sized gems
    Jun 21 2022
    Japan presents certain obstacles and frustrations for investors, making it a hard market for some to navigate. In this special podcast, Krystle Higgins spoke to Nicholas Weindling, a Japan country specialist at JPM Asset Management. Having lived and worked in the region for 18 years, Weindling has a unique insight into the issues the country faces such as serious labour market shortages created by Japan’s falling population. However, Weindling said these issues also present great opportunities. An example of which includes a ‘succession matchmaking’ sector for CEOs without an heir to pass their company onto. Weindling said
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    29 mins