• Climate News: Like the Titanic, we steam toward disaster, aware of the trouble ahead but doing little to avoid the catastrophe
    Jul 25 2024

    The Titanic, on its maiden voyage in 1912, is something of a metaphor for the world community today - like those in charge of the ocean liner, we know there's trouble ahead, but we steam into the future, doing nothing or little to make the world, and the people on "spaceship Earth" climate-ready.

    "Earth broke all-time heat record two days in a row, scientists say";

    "No time to waste on another climate war, big business warns";

    "States pump up ‘key technology’ to get households off gas";

    "D.C. heat hits 104 degrees as people seek shelter and AC";

    "My life at 50C: India’s new reality of extreme heat";

    "Here’s Where Kamala Harris Stands on Climate";

    "Yes, Australia’s environment is on a depressing path – but $7 billion a year would transform it";

    "What a Harris campaign could mean for the fight against climate change";

    "Small modular reactors have promise. But we found they’re unlikely to help Australia hit net zero by 2050";

    "Monday was hottest recorded day on Earth: ‘Uncharted territory’".

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    20 mins
  • Interview: Conversation is the most powerful tool for social change, Professor Joseph Camilleri
    Jul 25 2024

    Professor Joseph Camilleri (pictured) has long believed in the power of conversation. He acted on that belief about three years ago and set up the Melbourne-based group, "Conversation at the Crossroads".

    Here he talks about that group, and the power of conversation and alerts listeners to an upcoming series of six, weekly sessions entitled "Ethics in Turbulent Times: How to Bring Society to Higher Ground".

    International thinker and philosopher, Peter Singer, will be among the guests - people can attend in person or virtually.

    Conversation at the Crossroads secretary, Susan Lengel, was a guest on Climate Conversations in May this year.

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    30 mins
  • Interview: Clive Hamilton talks about 'Living Hot: Surviving and Thriving on a Heating Planet', the book he co-authored with George Wilkenfeld
    Jul 23 2024

    "Living Hot: Thriving and Surviving on a Heating Planet", co-authored by Clive Hamilton and George Wilkenfeld, tells the blunt truth about our current climate change predicament: it's time to get cracking on making Australia resilient to intensifying climate extremes.

    If we prepare well, we can give ourselves a fighting chance to preserve some of the best of what we have, build stronger and fairer communities, find a path through the escalating pressures of a warming world – and even find new ways to flourish.

    To get there, we must leave behind both the doomism and the wishful thinking currently holding us back.

    In Living Hot, highly respected academic Clive Hamilton and policy consultant George Wilkenfeld shift th emphasis away from reducing carbon emissions and to making Australia is resilient, outlining a vision for an all-embracing and ongoing investment and social change program to protect ourselves from the ravages of a changing climate.

    Living Hot is a sober assessment of the challenges we face and a farsighted road map for what we must do next to survive and even thrive on our heating planet.

    The above words have been taken, largely, from a review of Hamilton's and Wilkenfeld's thought-provoking book.

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    27 mins
  • Interview: Home comfort and energy expert, Tim Forcey, talks about his new book on 'Australia's BIggest Book Club'
    Jul 21 2024

    Tim Forcey (pictured) was recently a guest on The Australia Institute's "Australia Biggest Book Club".

    He was interviewed and talked about his relatively new book," My Efficient Electric Home Handbook".

    Tim has been a guest on Climate Conversations.

    He spoke recently at "Shepparton's GV Library" a few months ago with the members of Zero Carbon Tatura, and that event was recorded.

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    1 hr
  • Climate News: The crippling issue of corporate self-control, greenwashing and the confusion and moderation of alcohol
    Jul 17 2024

    Professor Christine Parker (pictured) last month lectured about "Nudge versus Sludge: The Great Greenwashing and the Failure of Corporate Regulation".

    And then, coincidently, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) carried a story on its Radion National program, Breakfast, in which corporations were "walking both sides of the street" about alcohol control in the story; "Domestic violence experts criticise NRL for partnership with DrinkWise".

    The Greenpeace 20-minute movie, "Journey for Justice", follows law student and activist Anjali Sharma as she travels across the Pacific on Greenpeace's iconic ship, the Rainbow Warrior, to hear from those most impacted by climate change.

    The inspiring new documentary by Greenpeace Australia Pacific showcases how powerful activists across the globe are using the law to hold big polluters to account.

    Finally, we go to The Green Institute to listen to a webinar hosted by Executive Director, Tim Hollo, who talked with Natalie Bennett about her new book, "Change Everything" during an event "Change Everything – Natalie Bennett on her new book on transformative Greens politics, with guest Christine Milne".

    Although Tim was reluctant to use its name, "Change Everything" was available from the company whose name began with "A" - my digital copy came from "A".

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    23 mins
  • Virtual event: 'Don't nuke the climate' - become a nuclear-free campaigner
    Jul 16 2024

    Here's your chance to be inspired and after hearing from those who know, become an anti-nuclear campaigner enabling you to talk with others about the myths and weaknesses of the poorly thought-through idea the Liberal-National Party Coalition has for using nuclear energy to power Australia.

    First, you should listen to/watch the recent virtual event - "Don't nuke the climate: How to stop Dutton's nuclear power reactors" - take a close look at the "Don't nuke the climate" web page and then study the "Friends of the Earth Australia’s Nuclear-Free Campaign".

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    41 mins
  • Event: Tim Forcey and Geoff Lodge discuss making your home more energy efficient
    Jul 14 2024

    More than 70 people were recently at Shepparton's GV Library to hear two speakers with an enlightening understanding of how to make your home more energy-efficient - the event, known as the "Home Energy Efficiency Talk" - was promoted by the City of Greater Shepparton through its "Sustainability & Environment Team".

    The first of the speakers was Tim Forcey, the fellow behind the Facebook page "My Efficient Electric Home" and the author of "My Efficient Electric Home Handbook: How to slash your energy bills, protect your health & save the planet".

    The second speaker was the CEO of GV Community Energy, Geoff Lodge.

    Tim Forcey was not a stranger to the Goulburn Valley, having been a guest at a virtual event organized by" Zero Carbon Tatura" and in May this year having been a guest on "Climate Conversations"

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Climate News: People are talking everywhere, it seems, about wind and solar energy and the Coalition's idea in Australia for nuclear power stations
    Jul 12 2024

    Conversations can be found everywhere about the success and for some the weaknesses, of wind and solar energy.

    To further confuse the conversation, the Coalition in Australia, the alternative government, is now arguing for constructing and commissioning seven nuclear power stations across Australia.

    "Refuting myths about nuclear and renewable energy";

    "Digging Deeper | Nuclear energy - is it viable? A local’s perspective";

    "Tell politicians to ban fossil fuel ads and sponsorships";

    "Creating, connecting, collaborating & campaigning for a liveable planet - Art Disrupt";

    "Monash University launches its first-ever Circular Economy Framework";

    "Top Climate Scientist Sums Up Second Donald Trump Term With 2 Chilling Words";

    "Two stars out of 10: Why most Australian homes are poorly heated";

    "Urban heat island effect making temperatures 8F hotter in 65 US cities – study";

    "‘All threats to the sea come from humans’: how lawyers are gearing up to fight for the oceans";

    "‘It’s nonsensical’: how Trump is making climate the latest culture war".

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    46 mins