• Season 5: Episode 5: Iran: Hopelessness Opens the Door to the Gospel
    Sep 6 2024
    Following Ayatollah Khomeini’s Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iran became the world's only country to be governed by an Islamic theocracy. Today, many of those living under the Islamic regime are filled with despair. Yet, their disillusionment has opened new doors for the Gospel, which is sweeping across the nation via satellite TV, the Internet, as well as a growing number of house church movements. Even so, the government continues its attempts to thwart the spread of Christianity by persecuting the nation’s followers of Jesus. Many Iranians are also coming into a relationship with Christ after leaving the country and moving abroad, where they are passionate about seeing fellow Iranians – both inside and outside of the nation – come to faith in Jesus. One such person is Shah Ahmadi [SM1] of Iran Alive Ministries, a U.S.-based organization and trusted ministry partner of Voice of the Martyrs Canada. In this episode of Closer to the Fire, host Greg Musselman sits down with Shah at the Iran Alive headquarters in Texas. Length: 42 minutes Episode Notes To watch the interview with Shah Ahmadi https://vomcanada.com/ir-videos/video/ir-hopelessness-opens-door.htm Iran Alive Ministries: www.iranalive.org Voice of the Martyrs Canada: www.vomcanada.com
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    43 mins
  • Season 4: Episode 23: Canada: Could Quoting the Bible Land You in Prison? (encore)
    Aug 21 2024
    A religious freedom advocate recently warned that a proposed Canadian law could imperil citizens’ freedom of speech and religious liberty, raising concerns for Christians across Canada. Jeff King, who serves as the president of International Christian Concern (a religious watchdog group based in the U.S.), says the proposed law, Bill C-367, would amend the Criminal Code by removing religious exemptions from Canada’s hate speech laws. If enacted, he warns that the new measures could impact public expressions of Biblical truth. In this episode of Closer to the Fire, host Greg Musselman is joined by VOMC’s CEO, Floyd Brobbel, to talk about what it could mean for Canadian Christians if the bill or one like it is passed into law. Floyd also discusses the various degrees of persecution, and where the church in Canada is currently positioned on the persecution scale. Length: 46 minutes Episode Notes To watch the interview with Floyd Brobbel https://vomcanada.com/cttf-videos/video/cttf-vomc-bible-prison.htm To purchase a copy of Trouble on the Way by Floyd Brobbel, go to: https://store.vomcanada.org/purchase/trouble-on-the-way View Jeff King’s interview with CBN News: https://www2.cbn.com/news/us/persecution-watchdogs-warning-canadian-bill-could-send-christians-jail-quoting-bible Sign up to receive VOMC’s Persecution & Prayer Alert emails and free monthly magazine: https://store.vomcanada.org/subscribe The Voice of the Martyrs Canada: www.vomcanada.com
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    46 mins
  • Season 4: Episode 22: North Africa: The Reemerging Church (encore)
    Jul 29 2024
    The Christian faith has a long history in North Africa. In fact, the early church father, Augustine of Hippo, was from this region of the world. However, after invasions by Arab Muslims, much of North Africa’s public Christian worship and witness disappeared during the seventh century AD. Today, many North Africans are rediscovering their Christian heritage. As a result, the church is expanding rapidly, but so is persecution against followers of Jesus. VOMC’s Minister-at-Large, Greg Musselman, recently travelled to an undisclosed country to hear firsthand about the situation facing our North African family in Christ. During this time, Greg met with Christian leaders from Algeria and Libya to discuss the growing challenges being encountered by believers in these Muslim-majority nations. Length: 30 minutes Episode Notes To view the full video report on Algeria, go to: https://www.vomcanada.com/dz-videos/video/dz-growing-persecuted.htm To view the full video report on Libya, visit: https://vomcanada.com/ly-videos/video/ly-dangers-following-1.htm The Voice of the Martyrs Canada: www.vomcanada.com
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    30 mins
  • Season 4: Episode 21: Iran: Bringing God’s Light into a Dark and Oppressive Country
    Jul 5 2024
    For Christians in Iran who convert from Islam, there is not even a semblance of tolerance for their faith. Conversion from Islam to Christianity is illegal in this Middle Eastern nation, and anyone discovered to be a member of a house church can be charged with a crime against national security. Followers of Jesus who are arrested and detained may also be subjected to torture and abuse during imprisonment. Despite the intense opposition to the Gospel, Iran is considered home to the fastest-growing church in the world. One of the ministries working in this oppressive country is the American-based organization, Iran Alive. This partner of Voice of the Martyrs Canada is witnessing a deep spiritual hunger among the Iranian people, and many are turning to faith in the Lord! In this episode of Closer to the Fire, host Greg Musselman speaks with Lily Meschi, the Director of Partner Relations for Iran Alive, about the various challenges and opportunities facing Christians in her home country. Lily also shares the story of her journey to Jesus, how she survived a 14-year abusive marriage, and her passion for seeing women in Iran and beyond experience the same freedom she now enjoys in Christ. Length: 45 minutes Episode Notes To view the interview with Lily Meschi https://vomcanada.com/cttf-videos/video/cttf-ir-bringing-light.htm Iran Alive Ministries: https://iranalive.org/ Voice of the Martyrs Canada: www.vomcanada.com
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    45 mins
  • Season 4: Episode 20: Pakistan: Muslim Man Sentenced to 25 Years for Murdering Christian Woman (encore)
    Jun 24 2024
    A sessions court in Islamabad has handed down a 25-year prison sentence to a Muslim man for murdering a Christian woman three years ago after she turned down his marriage proposal. Judge Azam Khan of the Islamabad Sessions Court convicted Muhammad Shahzad (also known as Shani) for the murder of 24-year-old Sonia Allah Rakha while acquitting three other suspects who had been involved in the case. Closer to the Fire host Greg Musselman discusses this landmark verdict with Asher John of Kross Konnection, a digital media platform that advocates for human rights on behalf of vulnerable minorities living in this Muslim-majority nation. During their conversation, Asher also provides an update on a recent incident in which a pastor in Jaranwala faked his assassination, and describes the current situation for followers of Jesus in an area where thousands of militant Muslims burned churches and Christian homes this past August. In addition, Asher and Greg preview a documentary focussing on the plight of Pakistan’s Christian women and girls, who are being kidnapped, forcibly converted to Islam, and then married against their wills – incidents that have been taking place with alarming frequency throughout the country. Length: 37:30 Episode Notes To watch the interview with Asher John The Voice of the Martyrs Canada - Closer to the Fire (vomcanada.com) View the Stolen Lives documentary: www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=YQXm_5Lo0Ig Kross Konnection: www.krosskonnection.pk The Voice of the Martyrs Canada: www.vomcanada.com
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    38 mins
  • Season 4: Episode 19: Nigeria: Bringing Persecution Teaching to Northern Pastors
    Jun 7 2024
    Nearly all Christians in northeastern Nigeria have lost family members due to the violence perpetrated by terrorist groups like Boko Haram and the region’s militant Fulani Muslims. Since the onslaught of violence began, thousands of followers of Jesus have been killed each year, and entire congregations were subsequently displaced. Remaining active in the church takes great courage and faith, as believers worship and serve Christ openly despite risk of attack. Recently, Closer to the Fire host Greg Musselman and VOMC’s trusted ministry partner, Stephen Wesley, travelled to Kaduna State to present the Theology of Persecution and Discipleship course to pastors from the Muslim-dominated regions of northern Nigeria. In this episode, Greg and Stephen discuss how these influential Christian leaders were impacted by the teaching. During their conversation, Stephen also reflects on his meeting with two Christian men who suffered the loss of multiple family members because of their faith in Jesus. Length: 46:30 minutes Episode Notes To Watch the interview with Stephen Wesley https://www.vomcanada.com/cttf-videos/video/cttf-ng-persecution-teaching.htm Beyond Borders Ministries: www.beyond-borders.ca The Voice of the Martyrs Canada: www.vomcanada.com View Greg’s interview with Nankpak Kumzwam: www.vomcanada.com/video/ng-tragedy-triumph.htm
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    46 mins
  • Season 4: Episode 21: Iran: Bringing God’s Light into a Dark and Oppressive Country
    May 24 2024
    For Christians in Iran who convert from Islam, there is not even a semblance of tolerance for their faith. Conversion from Islam to Christianity is illegal in this Middle Eastern nation, and anyone discovered to be a member of a house church can be charged with a crime against national security. Followers of Jesus who are arrested and detained may also be subjected to torture and abuse during imprisonment. Despite the intense opposition to the Gospel, Iran is considered home to the fastest-growing church in the world. One of the ministries working in this oppressive country is the American-based organization, Iran Alive. This partner of Voice of the Martyrs Canada is witnessing a deep spiritual hunger among the Iranian people, and many are turning to faith in the Lord! In this episode of Closer to the Fire, host Greg Musselman speaks with Lily Meschi, the Director of Partner Relations for Iran Alive, about the various challenges and opportunities facing Christians in her home country. Lily also shares the story of her journey to Jesus, how she survived a 14-year abusive marriage, and her passion for seeing women in Iran and beyond experience the same freedom she now enjoys in Christ. Length: 45 minutes Episode Notes To view the interview with Lily Meschi https://vomcanada.com/cttf-videos/video/cttf-ir-bringing-light.htm Iran Alive Ministries: https://iranalive.org/ Voice of the Martyrs Canada: www.vomcanada.com
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    45 mins
  • Season 4: Episode 18: Tunisia: The Risks and Challenges of Following Jesus
    May 24 2024
    With an estimated 22,200 followers of Jesus, Tunisia’s Christian population comprises only a tiny minority of the country’s 12.2 million people. If a believer's faith is discovered in Tunisia, it can have a profoundly damaging impact on their daily life – including subjection to verbal/physical abuse, rejection by loved ones, and/or job insecurity. In this episode of Closer to the Fire, host Greg Musselman speaks with two Christian leaders about the various challenges facing the church in this North African nation. During their conversation, they also discuss how Christian media is being used to reach the Muslim-dominated culture with the hope of the Gospel. Length 27:30 Episode Notes To watch the video https://vomcanada.com/tn-videos/video/tn-risks-challenges.htm For more information about what life is like for Christians in Tunisia, go to: www.vomcanada.com/tunisia.htm The Voice of the Martyrs Canada: www.vomcanada.com
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    28 mins