• Believing In The Lies We Tell Ourselves
    Jul 23 2024

    In today's episode, Steve and Kenya delve into the intriguing topic of the lies we tell ourselves, exploring how we often distort reality to cope with difficult emotions, avoid uncomfortable truths, or maintain control. They examine how these self-deceptions can lead to feelings of guilt, anxiety, and disconnection from others and discuss how they can hold us back from living authentic lives. The hosts also touch on the idea that recognizing and acknowledging these lies is the first step towards breaking free from them. They also offer practical tips for cultivating greater self-awareness and honesty. Through their conversation, Steve and Kenya aim to help listeners identify and overcome the lies they tell themselves, leading to a more liberated and fulfilling life. For more episodes-subscribe to YouTube-channel Coached Soul.

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    30 mins
  • Overcoming Fear
    Jul 16 2024

    In today's podcast, Steve and Kenya delve into the topic of fear and how to overcome it in relationships. Fear in relationships can manifest in various ways, such as the fear of rejection, the fear of being hurt, or the fear of losing one's sense of self. When we allow fear to take control, it can lead to unhealthy patterns and behaviors, such as clinginess or avoidance. By acknowledging and addressing our fears, we can work towards building stronger, more authentic connections with our partners and cultivating a deeper sense of trust and intimacy. Subscribe today on Podbean, Itunes and YouTube for your next exciting podcast to being a better you!

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    30 mins
  • Freedom To Speak
    Jul 9 2024

    The weight of responsibility to speak is not the burden of articulating the truth, but the duty to silence the lies that would have us forget the voices that have been silenced before us - Shudgins. Today, Steve and Keny are tackling the quote, 'The weight of responsibility to speak is not the burden of articulating the truth, but the duty to silence the lies that would have us forget the voices that have been silenced before us. We must be willing to listen and learn from those who have been silenced before us, and use our platform to elevate their voices rather than just our own.' The conversation unfolds as Steve and Keny delve deeper into the complexities of responsibility, power, and the importance of using our voices for good. Subscribe to Coached Soul on Youtube

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    28 mins
  • Freedom To Be Independent
    Jul 2 2024

    Here is a rewritten version of the passage:

    In today's podcast, Steve and Kenya explore what it means to be free to be independent, just in time for the 4th of July celebrations. They discuss the importance of embracing independence not just as a national holiday, but as a mindset that allows us to live life on our own terms. According to Steve and Kenya, being independent means having the courage to take risks, pursue our passions, and make our own decisions without being beholden to others. This freedom allows us to live authentically and authentically express ourselves, without apology or fear of judgment. By embracing independence, we can break free from the constraints of societal expectations and forge our own paths in life. As we celebrate Independence Day, Steve and Kenya encourage listeners to reflect on what independence means to them and how they can cultivate this mindset in their own lives. Subscribe today on Youtube.

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    5 mins
  • Freedom From Thoughts
    Jun 25 2024

    In today's podcast, Steve and Kenya explore the theme of freedom. They delve into freedom of thought, discussing how truth can set us free, but how do we identify what's true? While we can't control what others think, we can choose not to let their thoughts dictate our own. The key is to question everything at the moment and not unquestioningly accept what others say. When we do this, we create a behavioral pattern of critical thinking rather than simply adopting someone else's thoughts as our own. Self-sabatoging thoughts blind the truth. Don't miss another episode and subscribe to future podcasts on one of our many platforms, including Podbean, YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and many others!

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    30 mins
  • Freedom From Patterns
    Jun 18 2024

    In this intimate podcast, Steve and Kenya candidly share a personal experience that sparked feelings of guilt and shame between them and revealed an unhealthy pattern. Have you ever done something you thought was wrong and hesitated to address it because you weren't sure how the other person would react? Have you ever thought that another person doesn't like you, but that really isn't the truth? Join them as they explore the childhood wound and unhealthy pattern that led to avoidance and discover how to cultivate more authentic connections by facing your fears and being vulnerable. Sometimes the saying is true, "it's just in your head". Challenge yourself and tune in by subscribing to future podcasts on one of our many platforms, including Podbean, YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and many others!

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    30 mins
  • A Message for Fathers
    Jun 11 2024

    Happy Father's day. It is a day to honor men who are fathers. Listen in as Steve and Keny discuss Father's day and the impact fathers have on the family.

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    33 mins
  • Mothering your inner child
    Jun 4 2024

    Mothers have been celebrated since the Greek time in the 16th century. Celebrating mothers is not just one day, but every day a mother is celebrated. However, Kenya discusses mothering your inner child. How do you love yourself? Listen to Kenya on loving yourself so your inner child can be seen and not abandoned or rejected. Kenya provides the tools to heal your inner child's wounds. Don't miss another episode and subscribe to future podcasts on one of our many platforms, including Podbean, YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and many others!

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    33 mins