Aug 26 2024

    Bill and John are at odds over the ethics of how the Dems and GOP conducted recent election primaries. But one thing the boys agree on is that just having two choices really stinks. The existing political machinery is simply not good for America… and the theatrics of it all (going on and on and on) is exhausting.

    But step 1 to get out of this hole is to start a bunch of civil discussions among neighbors. Friends. Co-workers. Anybody and everybody.

    Most will quickly see it’s up to the masses to change “the system” —and move from limited candidate choices to many legit ones through more political parties.

    Here’s a link to Chris Cuomo commentary on the deep money at the Democratic convention: https://youtube.com/shorts/8hwVf9WFWWE?si=OBCzR7nRLD_fqHKH

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    32 mins
    Aug 12 2024

    Most people naturally think presidential politics when considering a third party. And usually that means 1) a third-party candidate would spoil things for a favorite candidate; and/or 2) the entire idea is futile because of the GOP-Democrat duopoly.

    So we again remind folks... here at headquarters that our focus is on the support for local and state third parties. The local level is where the action is, and viable third-party candidates have a reasonable shot of winning. In short, it’s the fastest and most straightforward strategy to do what needs to be done:

    Change how government operates!

    Which admittedly is a topic that most people agree with… but don’t find sexy enough to get excited about compared to the debates over abortion, the southern border — let alone Taylor Swift-Travis Kelce updates.

    But we have hope! Listen in to Bill and John as yak about breaking through the political white noise to make gerrymandering (and other wonky stuff) as intriguing as [add you favorite political topic here].

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    36 mins
    Aug 4 2024

    The party platforms of the Dems and GOP are largely ignored by most voters (hey, regurgitating history should be left to high schoolers).

    All the words are repeated over-and-over in the “UniParty” platforms… pandering to voters’ emotions rather than focusing on how to get things done.

    Well, we’re taking a different approach for our dream third political party. Focus on incentivizing leaders to do the right thing. And focus on a few key “lesser-talked-about” issues that inspire many while having huge impact on the good ol’ USA…

    … like doubling down on diabetes therapies and prevention — a complication that can be largely managed and/or prevented. Yet, it’s one of the biggest killers around as it has become a full-blown $400+ BILLION annual catastrophe. We’re dealing with a major pandemic every year!

    John and Bill also list out other strategic initiatives (none of which require the heavy lift of changing the Constitution) that would quickly up the happiness level of society!

    The trick is to make these issues more sexy to voters… and create built-in incentive so politicians actually get the job done: reduce government bureaucracy, reform ridiculous campaign finance laws, end gerrymandering through objective “geographical” boundaries, and create legislative districts by the number of voters, NOT the number of citizens.

    Stay tuned… it’s a wild ride.

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    33 mins
  • New third party has a leg up on Dems and GOP by ignoring boring, pointless name-calling
    Jul 25 2024

    Political name-calling has gotten so ridiculous that now labeling your political opponent as [insert your least favorite dictator, cultural reference or school yard bully here] is as useless as a dead skunk (no offense to skunks).

    Most normal people are now exhausted by the antics. They turn the channel when it comes to political discourse. But that leaves a huge void in terms of actual, constructive debates to help move the country forward.

    A key value for a respectable third political party is to avoid name calling. Criticism based on facts is absolutely 100 percent fair… it is politics after all!

    But unsubstantiated references to demons — real and imagined — and childish trash talk are quite embarrassing for a country based on the premise of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

    All the more reason for focusing on local politics… where it’s much harder to look an opponent in the eye and call her or him a nasty name. Bravery seems to disappear once folks come out of the anonymous shadows of social media where being mean carries little risk.

    We recorded this episode between the political firestorms of the attempted assassination of former President Trump and current President Biden ending his campaign. Yet, our overall discussion of avoiding the ugliness of political speech remains more relevant than ever.

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    43 mins
    Jul 13 2024

    Here’s the deal. If you live in any state besides Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona or Nevada, you can rest assured your vote for a third party presidential candidate will NOT threaten Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

    You see, the two major candidates have realistically won their share of the other 43 states regardless of your vote. Trump will cruise to a win in places like Alabama, Nebraska and Texas. Biden has already wrapped up California, New York and Washington.

    So, if you’re tired of the two-party system... vote or write in a third-party candidate (regardless if you’re a Democrat or Republican) in 2024 to send the message that you’re done on the limited presidential choices. The only way to break the logjam is to end the duopoly of the GOP and Dems by threatening their hold on future elections.

    You’re fooling yourself if you think your vote for Trump will make a difference in Oregon. Same holds true for potential Biden voters in North Dakota.

    The real power you hold is in NOT voting for EITHER candidate. You’ll help launch a grassroots campaign to end the divisions in our country that the Dems and GOP just love to encourage.

    Hang on… this is a wild-and-wooly episode as Bill and John catchup on all the chaos after being off for a few weeks!

    #GOP #Democrats #Bipartisan #Republicans #ThirdParty #progressivepolitics #conservativepolitics

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    34 mins
    Jun 6 2024

    Season 2 | Episode 6

    The groundswell of support for more political options beyond Dems and GOP has never been stronger. So, why do third parties and their candidates struggle to gain traction?

    Well, it’s complicated as John and Bill discuss. Quick look at history shows the policies of many third parties are wildly popular… only to be hijacked by candidates who go way too far with some radical ideas that turn people off.

    There is hope that younger voters will figure their way out of this paradox? The younger set certainly is frustrated with both major parties, and potentially hold the power to make much needed changes in our two-party system. But will they? Or will social media and AI continue to derail the process of moving the country away from the “UniParty.”

    The guys also yak about why local transportation is another key topic that could propel third party candidates. How good intentions behind policies turn bad. And the silliness of predicting the impact of AI when nobody really has control of it.

    #GOP #Democrats #Bipartisan #Republicans #ThirdParty #progressivepolitics #conservativepolitics

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    33 mins
    May 27 2024

    Countries like Brazil, Austria and Nigeria require every citizen to enter non-military “public service” programs.

    The idea is to provide relatively low-cost support for vexing social problems like homelessness… and also build pride in the country and respect for other cultures.

    Could mandatory service be an answer to find needed human resources to help with everything from homeless programs to cleaning up rivers? The idea could be yet another third political party innovation that separates it from the no-new-ideas UniParty of the GOP and Dems.

    The U.S. has a long history of building civic pride in similar programs. Most military vets reflect with pride what their service meant to them. Many roads, public buildings, national parks and hospitals we still enjoy today were created through the WPA and CCC programs focused on helping the unemployed coming out of the Great Depression. The volunteer Peace Corp and AmeriCorp programs provide huge benefits at fraction of the cost.So why not make a one-year public service mandatory to create low-cost solutions to solve some of our most pressing issues like chronic homelessness?

    Check out the latest Coalition Purple episode. John and Bill tackle the idea!

    Use existing space to relieve unaffordable housing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOElvicXMfECountries with mandatory public service:


    #GOP #Democrats #Bipartisan #Republicans #ThirdParty #progressivepolitics #conservativepolitics

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    36 mins
    May 12 2024

    The time for Third Party candidates has never been more important. We need reliable “fact checkers”… a role fair-minded politicians and voters could provide as a Third Party.

    The Trump trial not only serves as a major distraction for real issues facing the country, it’s the biggest financial windfall for the Big2 political parties as they raise billions in campaign donations.

    Yep, the GOP and Dems are both having a field day by duping the masses through the three standard marketing manipulators: fear, greed and sex! Bring on the popcorn!

    The bottom line is fact-distortion has become normal on most topics. So a Third Party willing to stand up to clear up misinformation would be attractive to most voters who simply want government to work and problems to be solved.

    John and Bill also yak about a sure-fire way to (finally) pass the Equal Rights Amendment. How to eliminate 88 percent of the abortion debate. Should ‘paid protesters’ be protected under political speech laws? The con job of political action committees. How Mexico has got it right when it comes to election season. And Trump’s extraordinary free daily media exposure that would make P.T. Barnum proud.

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    32 mins