• Conservative Politics and the Danger of Secularism
    Jul 29 2024

    Conservative Politics and the Danger of Secularism

    What is a cultural Christian? Those who have traditionally been opposed to Christian beliefs, people Like Richard Dawkins, James Lindsay, and others are publicly siding with Evangelicals for conservative causes associated previously with church-goers. They don't believe, but identify as "cultural Christians." What are we to make of all of this? Is it a good thing or something we need to be wary of? Learn about the new rise of secular conservatism on this podcast.

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  • Christianity vs. Christian Nationalism and the Woke Right
    Jul 22 2024

    Christianity Vs. Christian Nationalism and the Woke Right

    Today's culture has really shifted as more people are disconnected from faith. Proponents of what we may term "traditional values" are on the rise even though they don't ground such values in any transcendent ethic. Others, claiming to be Christians place their political battles on par with their religious beliefs and some have adopted the tactics that those on the left have used such as cancel culture against their opponents. How can we as Christians understand what it means to be virtuous in a society that no longer holds virtue as a value?

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  • Why Are Churches Blessing Same Sex Couples While Denying Same Sex Marriage?
    Jul 15 2024

    Why Are Churches Blessing Same Sex Couples While Denying Same Sex Marriage?

    There’s an alarming trend beginning to emerge in churches today across Christendom. Conservative Catholic, Orthodox and even Evangelical churches have taken to offer blessings to same-sex couples while still trying to hold that same-sex unions are against the teachings of scripture. Should "pastoral care" trump the clear teaching of scripture on what we understand as an immoral lifestyle? And how do we as evangelicals elevate doctrine to its proper position while still “loving the sinner and hating the sin”? We tackle this difficult topic in this round-table discussion.

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  • One Nation Under God: How America’s Christian Heritage Shaped Our Country
    Jul 8 2024

    One Nation Under God: How America’s Christian Heritage Shaped Our Country

    We’ve heard the phrase “American Exceptionalism.” Just what is it that makes America different? In a word, it’s Christianity. Because Christianity so changed and infused the culture, Christian ideas provided the foundation of the American experiment. Indeed, America could not have existed without it and those Christian principles are necessary to maintain the nation as the founders envisioned.

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  • How We Became a Crotch-Driven Culture
    Jul 1 2024

    How We Became a Crotch-Driven Culture

    Pride month, transgender ideology, throuples, onlyFans, sexual self-expression, InCels, and abortion. It seems that almost all the issues that capture the attention and the headlines today center around the pelvis. How is it that the center of our culture revolves around the vulgar and the crass? How did civilization lose its way? In this podcast, Dr. Harry Edwards and I discuss why in the 20th century culture turned from elevating the human condition to a more self-centered and feelings-based drive of the individual and how that led to our sex-saturated society.

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  • Understanding In-vitro Fertilization As A Christian
    Jun 24 2024

    Understanding In-vitro Fertilization As A Christian

    Reproduction, in vitro fertilization, and all of the questions that go along with it have been making the headlines recently. Did the Southern Baptists really oppose IVF treatments for infertile couples? How can pro-life people be against bringing more babies into the world? Just what issues are there with IVF and other reproduction-assisting procedures? Are there dangers to the parents? Listen in as Lenny explores all those questions and more.

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  • Pope Francis vs Augustine: Are People "Fundamentally Good"?
    Jun 17 2024

    Pope Francis vs Augustine: Are People "Fundamentally Good"?

    In a recent 60 Minutes television interview, Pope Francis made the claim that people are "fundamentally good in heart." Such a statement by the head of the Roman Catholic church seems to directly contradict Catholic theology, going all the way back to Saint Augustine! Is the pope renouncing the doctrine of original sin? What about human nature and human depravity? Is the pope even Catholic? In this podcast, I'm joined by Reasons to Believe scholar Ken Samples as we contrast Catholic and Protestant theology and help unravel Francis's cryptic comments.

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  • What's the Big Deal About The Trinity, Anyway?
    Jun 10 2024

    What's the Big Deal About The Trinity, Anyway?

    The Trinity. It forms the center of Christian doctrine, yet most Christians today either don’t understand it or ignore it as something not important. But if God wasn’t a triune being, our salvation would be impossible. How can we make the Trinity more comprehensible? In this episode I interview Dr. Fred Sanders of Biola University, an expert on the Trinity, as we explore the deep things of God.

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