• 059 Performative Learning
    Sep 26 2024

    How often as a kid at school were you told to show your workings out?

    In certain situations (eg. maths exams) this is to our benefit, in order to help someone understand our process and give us clarity on how to get to where we are trying to go.

    But sometimes it can leave us with a sense that we need to get someone else's approval or sign off on how we are doing, mid way through the process, and I don't think this is helpful for our creativity and the ability stay present.

    Maybe there is room for mystery and trust, and I would suggest more joy too.

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    To hear more from me, head over to cassiehubert.com or check out my linktree

    And you can also click here to sign up to my newsletter Connect, Create & Resonate

    Original Artwork - Eleanor Oliver & Cassie Hubert
    Original Music - Cassie Hubert.

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    16 mins
  • 058 Age Is But A Number
    Sep 19 2024

    Birthdays can be tricky for many of us, feeling like milestones and marker points in our lives, yet they don't always coincide with where we hoped or thought we'd be. But what if age really was just a number, and the real marker points where how much more fully we know and have stepped into who we are?

    Support the show

    If you would like to support the podcast, you can do so here!

    To hear more from me, head over to cassiehubert.com or check out my linktree

    And you can also click here to sign up to my newsletter Connect, Create & Resonate

    Original Artwork - Eleanor Oliver & Cassie Hubert
    Original Music - Cassie Hubert.

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    16 mins
  • 057 Productivity Isn't For Every Season
    Sep 12 2024

    In nature there are laws of seed time, and harvest... some plants spend ages underground before emerging , but then grow rapidly, bloom and die, whereas others are slow to grow at all, yet last longer, growing from strength to strength.
    Babies gestate in the hidden place of the womb for 9 months before emerging.
    Yet we can often be led to expect ourselves to be always producing content and 'evidence of time well spent'.

    I think there is a lot to be said for NOT being productive.
    At least not in every season... because if we try, we shall burn out. But when we learn to trust the timing - long or short - of the time in the dark, putting down our roots, we can experience more joy and better quality of work when it is time to put it out in the world.

    Join me for today's episode.

    Support the show

    If you would like to support the podcast, you can do so here!

    To hear more from me, head over to cassiehubert.com or check out my linktree

    And you can also click here to sign up to my newsletter Connect, Create & Resonate

    Original Artwork - Eleanor Oliver & Cassie Hubert
    Original Music - Cassie Hubert.

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    14 mins
  • 056 It's Been A Minute! **Podcast Update**
    Sep 5 2024

    Hi there you lovely listeners!

    So for those of you who have been listening a while, you may have noticed the sporadic output and the near radio silence for over a year.
    Burnout, life and moving have played a huge part in that, so here is a slightly shorter episode filling you in on the plan going forward.

    Thank you for sticking with me.

    Cassie x

    Ps. I would love to hear what you struggle with in your random dot-connecting life, and so if you have any topics or directions you'd love to hear me explore on here, please get in touch via hello@cassiehubert.com, or DM me on Instagram.

    Support the show

    If you would like to support the podcast, you can do so here!

    To hear more from me, head over to cassiehubert.com or check out my linktree

    And you can also click here to sign up to my newsletter Connect, Create & Resonate

    Original Artwork - Eleanor Oliver & Cassie Hubert
    Original Music - Cassie Hubert.

    Show more Show less
    10 mins
  • 055 Softening Isn't Stupidity
    May 3 2023

    Have you ever been told that in order to survive and get on in this world, you need to develop a thick skin?
    Maybe you've been led to believe that softness is weakness (and not in a good way), and that to be soft is to be less-than.

    Well I don't think so!

    What if, in order to grow into our creativity and our relationships with more freedom, softness was the way forward?

    Join me today as I explore why I don't think that the process of softening isn't stupidity.

    In today's episode I reference Braving The Wilderness by Brené Brown, a great book, well worth reading.

    Support the show

    If you would like to support the podcast, you can do so here!

    To hear more from me, head over to cassiehubert.com or check out my linktree

    And you can also click here to sign up to my newsletter Connect, Create & Resonate

    Original Artwork - Eleanor Oliver & Cassie Hubert
    Original Music - Cassie Hubert.

    Show more Show less
    16 mins
  • 054 - Embracing the Stop/Start
    Apr 26 2023

    How often do you find that you have big plans or ideas, but then fail to be able to execute them because of... well... Life?
    Perhaps you long to fulfill a big project, but it's slow going due to ongoing health needs, or family commitments or because you simply cannot maintain the pace?

    You are not alone.

    This is where embracing the 'Stop/Start' way of pursuing what matters will get you further than nowhere. Because even showing up in small ways, as and when you can, is better than not showing up at all!

    Allow me to encourage you to embrace where you are right now with kindness, and allow you to see that it won't render you obsolete.

    That Deep Work - my poem on doing the deep, inner work for ourselves.

    Support the show

    If you would like to support the podcast, you can do so here!

    To hear more from me, head over to cassiehubert.com or check out my linktree

    And you can also click here to sign up to my newsletter Connect, Create & Resonate

    Original Artwork - Eleanor Oliver & Cassie Hubert
    Original Music - Cassie Hubert.

    Show more Show less
    16 mins
  • 053 - Feeling It!
    Apr 5 2023

    Making art requires connection to our emotions and physical sensations... the more connected we are, the better able we are to create work that resonates.
    However, we can mistake this need to be in touch with our feelings with a sense that we should reside in that feeling space, when by nature, a bubble of Feeeeelings is just that, a fixed bubble of stasis.

    So how can we treasure those feelings without needing to be stuck within them in order to feel truly alive?

    Support the show

    If you would like to support the podcast, you can do so here!

    To hear more from me, head over to cassiehubert.com or check out my linktree

    And you can also click here to sign up to my newsletter Connect, Create & Resonate

    Original Artwork - Eleanor Oliver & Cassie Hubert
    Original Music - Cassie Hubert.

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    16 mins
  • 052 Personal growth in the hidden places (or Not Showing Your Workings!)
    Mar 29 2023

    When you can't see what's happening below the surface, it can cause us to worry whether anything is actually happening at all - whether we are discussing personal growth or creative development. Yet what if the deepest work, that gets us to the point where we see progress on the surface, actually benefits from happening out of sight?

    Learning to trust our instincts, particularly when we feel wobbly about our progress, is a really valuable practice to cultivate.

    Support the show

    If you would like to support the podcast, you can do so here!

    To hear more from me, head over to cassiehubert.com or check out my linktree

    And you can also click here to sign up to my newsletter Connect, Create & Resonate

    Original Artwork - Eleanor Oliver & Cassie Hubert
    Original Music - Cassie Hubert.

    Show more Show less
    16 mins