• The BEST Strategies to Overcome Setbacks with Sean-Michael Doty
    Apr 16 2024

    This is going to be hard for you to hear…

    Setbacks are invaluable opportunities for growth and development as you step towards success. (Yelling this from the rooftops!!)

    As a pre and postnatal exercise specialist who helps women heal their bodies from pain and dysfunction, I gained so much perspective during this conversation with Sean-Michael Doty.

    Whether you’re an athlete pushing through challenges, recovering postpartum, or simply striving for a healthier lifestyle — this episode is for you.

    In this episode, you’ll learn practical tips for navigating setbacks, embracing resilience, and achieving success in your health and fitness journey.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [04:39] Sean's diverse experience in strength and conditioning and how he values setbacks in personal and professional growth.

    [05:42] How embracing setbacks as opportunities can springboard success.

    [09:55] How listening to your body can prevent further pain and injury, and what you can do instead during recovery periods.

    [15:04] The dangers of overexercising and the importance of finding balance in your movement practice.

    [18:21] The underestimated benefits of walking.

    [22:58] How 10 minutes of movement a day can promote your results.

    [25:42] Sean explains what an athlete mindset is and ways you can achieve it.

    [29:59] The best ways to reach your long-term health goals.

    [31:14] Do THIS to achieve your health goals.

    [34:43] The one thing we all will experience on our journeys.

    For full show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/312

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    38 mins
  • Finding Acceptance in Your Diagnosis to Heal with Megan Evans
    Apr 2 2024

    Wanna know the most important element in healing a diagnosis or symptom?

    … Acceptance.

    … And then it’s befriending it.

    … And then it’s communicating with it.

    Here’s the thing: I know (I know, I know) that acceptance FEELS very challenging… and that’s why people resist it. But it’s necessary.

    And one of my favorite examples of this is Megan Evans, founder and creator of The MS Stage and The MS Stage Method.

    When she was diagnosed with MS, she resisted accepting her diagnosis for 14 years. Then, she hit rock bottom. She decided to accept that MS was in her life so she could work with her diagnosis instead of fighting it.

    Spoiler alert: Her symptoms became her superpower.

    In this episode, you’ll learn the importance of acceptance in healing, strategies for becoming friends with your diagnosis or symptoms, and practical tips for communicating with your body to facilitate healing.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    (03:43) What Megan prioritized with her diagnosis of MS.

    (06:38) How acceptance of Megan's diagnosis became pivotal in her healing journey.

    (08:33) How to reframe your relationship with medication and injections.

    (10:29) The importance of working with your body instead of working against it.

    (15:39) Understanding how your body is communicating with you.

    (17:53) Megan's perspective on not letting your diagnosis define you.

    (20:18) The science behind cellular function and visualization techniques.

    (22:39) Megan's prompt to start using visualization in your daily life when what you want isn't your current reality or you don't believe what you want is possible for you.

    (28:12) Megan's explanation of symptoms being your superpower.

    (34:47) Morning exercise to connect with your body and emotions.

    (39:05) How music can influence cellular function and relaxation.

    For full show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/311

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    44 mins
  • STOP Doing Crunches to Strengthen Your Core
    Mar 21 2024

    Harsh reality: Crunches are doing more harm than good.

    That's not what you're used to hearing, is it?

    But the good news is that there's a better way to strengthen your core. (Just like anything else with movement, eh?)

    And because I truly (TRULY!) care about you and your well-being, I’m sharing all of the reasons why you should stop doing crunches.

    Grab your coffee, it's about to get real...

    Because, in this episode, you’ll learn why traditional crunches can lead to pelvic floor dysfunction, back pain, neck pain, hip pain, and an imbalanced core and how to adopt a more effective approach to core training that promotes optimal function and overall health.

    Click play to hear all this and...

    [02:23] Why I don't like traditional crunches.

    [05:17] Explaining all that is included in your core.

    [06:14] The impact that a tucked pelvis can have on your core function.

    [08:27] Addressing what is causing low back pain.

    [09:13] Why the crunching movement leads to aches, pains, and dysfunction.

    [10:14] How I teach functional flexion for your daily life.

    [11:41] The problem with static planks.

    [12:37] Breaking down the fundamentals of core training.

    For full show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/310

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    15 mins
  • The Mindset to Embrace When Prioritizing Movement Postpartum with Amber Marker
    Mar 7 2024

    There’s something we must do when healing postpartum.

    Shift our mindset about movement and results.

    Here’s the deal: as new mothers, we find ourselves juggling countless responsibilities while neglecting our own well-being. That said, prioritizing movement postpartum is not about getting back in shape but rather reclaiming our strength, confidence, and sense of self.

    Ok, so how do you do this?

    That’s what Amber Marker, founder of Declan + Crew and As You Are Cycle + Lagree Studio, broke down for us on the podcast.

    In this episode, you’ll hear our conversation – and lemme tell you, it was like talking to a long-lost sister. If you’re in the season of navigating motherhood and striving to prioritize your physical and mental health, this episode is for you!

    [04:16] How Amber went from elementary school teacher to opening a fitness studio.

    [07:15] What it takes to start a small business.

    [12:20] How Amber shifted her mindset towards movement postpartum.

    [19:19] Understanding weight gain during pregnancy and postpartum.

    [22:32] The impact social media has on mental health.

    [26:15] The pivot Amber made to open her cycling and lagree studio.

    [28:17] Amber's advice for embracing movement beyond calorie counting.

    [33:17] How to visualize your health goals.

    [38:09] The importance of giving yourself grace, embracing individual progress, and recognizing that "your best" looks different every day.

    Want to join Core Rehab and have a postpartum healing program that helps you feel better than you did before you were pregnant? Click >>HERE<< to sign up now!

    For full show notes; visit https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/309

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    41 mins
  • MTHFR and Pregnancy: What Women Need to Know with Dr. Ricardo Miranda
    Feb 29 2024

    Can you imagine unraveling the mysteries of your health with just a simple genetic test?

    (Yes, it IS possible!)

    This actually happened to clients Dr. Ricardo Miranda (aka the “pioneer of MTHFR genetic mutation research” and CEO of MTHFRdoctors.com) has worked with.

    But before Dr. Ricardo started revolutionizing genetic health, he had an interest in longevity and an understanding that our DNA is not our destiny.

    Today, he uses the knowledge he gained to help individuals, especially women planning pregnancy, struggling with infertility, and dealing with hormonal imbalances.

    In this episode, Dr. Ricardo Miranda so graciously shares with us his expertise on the MTHFR gene. He also lets us in on practical tips for optimizing health, along with his insights on detoxification, hormone activation, and gene expression.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [02:46] Dr. Ricardo's explanation of MTHFR and how this gene controls menthylation.

    [03:33] Why MTHFR is important during pregnancy and understanding its role in folate metabolism to prevent birth defects and support brain development in babies.

    [07:20] How fortified foods impact MTHFR.

    [10:33] The importance of organic foods for MTHFR due to their impact on detoxification pathways.

    [13:07] How MTHFR mutations can contribute to infertility and miscarriages.

    [15:29] Dr. Ricardo explains optimal TSH levels and the difference between lab ranges and functional ranges for thyroid hormones.

    [17:31] The role methylated folate plays in supporting proper thyroid function and hormone activation.

    [22:12] Dr. Ricardo's journey into researching MTHFR and its impact on gene expression and health.

    [25:23] Why testing folate levels (particularly in individuals with MTHFR mutations) is crucial for ensuring optimal health outcomes.

    [30:55] The correlation between MTHFR and Down syndrome, autism.

    [36:44] How over methylation of methylfolate can cause potential adverse effects.

    [38:14] How methylation influences cortisol production.

    Do you want an MTHFR Test Kit? You can head >>HERE<< to get your test kit and await physician recommendations and results interpretation.

    For full show notes; visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/308

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    43 mins
  • How Pilates Relieves Back Pain
    Feb 22 2024

    Ladies, her jaw was on the FLOOR.

    No back pain? After one Pilates session?

    It all started when I was in college, I became a certified Pilates instructor and witnessed how movement can heal the body...

    I then moved to California where I studied STOTT Pilates. It led me to create online courses, Knocked-Up Fitness, Core Rehab, and Core Studio, with my unique training techniques. It was something I knew was a definite need in the women’s fitness industry.

    And I'll tell you what, opening my Pilates studio has shown women that back pain isn't normal and Pilates can change their lives.

    You deserve this, too. Living the life you love without pain holding you back – I believe Pilates is what can get you there in the shortest amount of time.

    In this episode, you’ll learn how Pilates can prevent back pain, my movement tips for back pain relief, and how you can incorporate Pilates into your daily routine for a pain-free and active lifestyle.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [01:33] What I believe BEST relieves back pain.

    [02:27] The research findings on Pilates potential in preventing back surgery (and what the research is actually saying!).

    [06:07] What you need to focus on strengthening to alleviate back pain.

    [11:28] Why not all Pilates methods are created equal.

    [14:14] How to align your pelvic positioning for optimal deep core engagement.

    [17:58] The importance of breathwork to create space and release tension in the back.

    [20:28] My go-to technique to enhance the mind-body connection for expedited results.

    [24:44] What you need to know about Pilates impact on weightlifting.

    [30:05] My personal experience with clients overcoming back pain through Pilates to avoid back surgery.

    [31:43] The difference between mat and reformer Pilates.

    [33:43] The importance of modifying exercises to prevent exacerbating back pain.

    Ready to take action? I thought so! >>Click here<< for a week of free Pilates workouts to relieve your back pain.

    For full show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/307

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    39 mins
  • True Stories about Bravery to Live Courageously with Gina Gallaun
    Feb 15 2024

    Are you ready to let go of fearful thoughts and approach life with bravery and courage? (yes or yesss?) Grab your drink of choice and settle in – the stories and insights shared on this episode just might change your life.

    In this episode, Gina Gallaun and I chat as she shares some of the real-life stories from women she interviewed around the world for her new book (Embrace Your Brave in 30 Days) that will inspire you to live boldly.

    [03:34] How Gina's journey from fear to courage led her to compile inspiring stories from women worldwide into a journal.

    [06:41] How Gina's brave decision to face her fears led her to a fulfilling life.

    [11:17] What's involved in practicing courage when making choices.

    [14:11] The story of Abbey finding purpose in a harsh ballet environment.

    [22:36] How Irena overcame childhood beliefs.

    [31:02] How Emily's resilience fostered physical activity in her stepsons.

    [36:45] Gina discovers Common themes Gina discovered through diverse stories.

    If you’d like to grab Gina’s book, you can go to her website wavesandwords.org and use code “ERICA” for free shipping. You can also connect with her on Instagram @wavesandwordsinc.

    For complete show notes visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/306

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    43 mins
  • How to Optimize Hormonal Health and Embrace Spiritual Mindsets with Dr. Tabatha Barber
    Feb 8 2024

    Real talk: Hormonal health and weight management may feel like an uphill battle...but do you believe it's possible for YOU?

    If not, it’s time to start.

    And you can do this by looking at your symptoms (such as weight gain) not as a sign of betrayal from your body but rather your body trying to communicate with you. 

    In fact, this is exactly what Dr. Tabatha Barber, the incredibly talented and brilliant functional medicine doctor/podcaster/author, explained so beautifully during our discussion (which I'm so EXCITED to share with you.)

    In this episode, you'll learn how to optimize hormonal health (in a way that positively impacts your body and mind), the importance of fasting with gut health, and how overexercising is impacting your body. We also touch on the connection between the body and mind and how faith and spirituality may be the missing piece to achieving your health goals.

    Click play to hear all of this and…

    [05:02] The misconception of traditional weight loss methods causing hormone imbalances

    [09:24] Why intense workouts impact your hormonal health and nervous system.

    [13:20] The long-term consequences of overexercising.

    [18:38] How the brain and the gut are connected in regards to hormonal issues and weight loss efforts.

    [23:26] The role of fasting and sugar consumption in hormonal balance.

    [34:05] Why incorporating animal protein into your diet can support hormonal balance and stabilize blood sugar levels.

    [36:51] How faith-based healing can support overall wellness.

    [41:29] Strategies for a positive mindset and self-compassion to avoid negative self-talk.

    [45:13] How embracing discomforts is the ultimate catalyst for growth and transformation.

    [51:53] Overcoming obstacles through gratitude and resilience.

    [56:04] Using visualization to set wellness goals and develop strategies to achieve desired outcomes.

    For full show notes, visit: https://www.ericaziel.com/blog/305

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    1 hr and 3 mins