
  • Mauritius
    Jul 16 2024

    Mauritius - Land of the Dodo. At first we were a bit suspicious of Mauritius but after learnin' about the place we find it to be delicious, auspicious, and ambitious. Right!?

    This lush tropical island lies a few hundred miles off the coast of Madagascar and is technically in Africa. But unlike the rest of Africa, this country is predominantly Hindu and has its own distinct mix of cultures and history.

    On this episode, we get into the nitty-gritty about the infamous Dodo bird, childhood nicknames, and what makes this island nation so unique. And unlike some of the other tiny island countries we've been to, this one definitely stands out!

    Have you been to #Mauritius? Tell us what we missed or what we (hopefully) got right!

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    55 mins
  • Laos
    Jun 18 2024

    The Boyz are back and were going to the country of Laos! This place is kind of like an off the grid version of Thailand. The rugged one. Just get one thing right, it's pronounced Lao. So forget the S over here unless you want to look like a real numbskull.

    Laos is the up and coming country in South East Asia, not heavily travelled, but pretty pretty. There's a whole lot of jungle, mountains, and even some waterfalls if you know where to look. It's also called "The Land of 1 Million Elephants" but we're pretty sure there aren't even that many elephants in the world, but maybe at one point it was.

    We go deep into the jungle and figure out all of the stuff to do there. Sadly, there are a ton of bombs that were dropped in Laos during the Vietnam war, but the Lao people have resourcefully found things to use these bomb shells for all kinds of stuff which makes us wonder if what we've done to turn lemons into lemonade.

    Have you been to #Laos? Tell us what we missed or what we (hopefully) got right!

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    42 mins
  • Kyrgyzstan
    May 2 2024

    We are back in the 'Stans and to the country of Kyrgyzstan. Or KERR-GEE-Stan as we way it. I think. This place definitely wins the award for wackiest spelling of a country with the lack of vowels.

    Kyrgyzstan is super remote, not heavily travelled, and very easy on the eyes. A country with a whole lotta mountains and lakes if that's your thing. For such an interesting place, we were surprised to hear how little people go there.

    Some of the highlights include a walnut forest. One of the biggest in the world. An old tower that dates back to the time of the Silk Road. And the WORLD NOMAD GAMES!

    These games look absolutely wild with eagle hunting, belt wrestling, bone throwing, and of course, goat-polo-basketball. Kok Boru as it's actually called but basically a horseback game where you throw a goat into a hole. Yep. Never thought that was a thing but definitely sounds awesome.

    Have you been to #Kyrgyzstan? Tell us what we missed or what we (hopefully) got right!

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    44 mins
  • Guinea-Bissau
    Feb 9 2024

    Guinea-Bissau is one of 4 countries with the name Guinea in it and this place might be the least known of them all. Not a whole lot of people know or have travelled to Guinea-Bissau but this place is the Kashew Kingdom.

    For real. Cashews make up 85% of the jobs and $ for this place so get ready to toss a few back. On this episode, we go at little nutty and discuss what the top nuts are and are cashews the top nut? Almonds?! Pistachios!?!?!?!

    We talk about the ancient art of carrying HUGE amounts of weight on your head. Walking. For possibly miles. Which the women in this country do effortlessly.

    And speaking of women, this place also has a people that are a matriarchal society. One of the few in the world!

    Have you been to #Guinea-Bissau? Tell us what we missed or what we (hopefully) got right!

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    45 mins
  • Malta
    Dec 15 2023

    Malta is a tiny island country in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. While it is itty-bitty, it has quite the history and has been conquered by just about every nation under the sun.

    Despite it's size, there is a WHOLE lot to see and do there. They literally have 365 churches so you have no excuse not to go drop some prayers while you're there. Malta has great weather and some pretty nice scenery too. If you're into that sorta thing.

    We go DEEP into the history of this place, including the legendary "Siege of Malta."
    We talk about Popeye Village, a film set turned theme part.
    And we get into the very unique Maltese language that is a combination of several other languages.

    Have you been to #Malta? Tell us what we missed or what we (hopefully) got right!

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    51 mins
  • Qatar
    Nov 1 2023

    Q-at-ar or is it Qa-tar? Who knows and apparently they don't care how you say it! I like this place already.

    Qatar is a small country, about the size of the US state Connecticut, but this country is BIG in a whole lot of other ways. They have a ton of off shore liquid oil...which means they're got that money. They are developing at one of the fastest rates in the world. And they've hosted a World Cup which most other countries can't claim.

    Qatar is a mix of old and new and we get into what makes this place unique. One unique thing, is they are super into falconry. You read that right, they love falcons and even have a market dedicated to this art. This gets us talking; what exotic pet would we have?

    We also go over the House of Thani (Qatar royal family), the World Cup, and we get into ROBOT CAMEL RACING!!! Well, not robot camels, but regular camels with robot jockeys. Still cool.

    Have you been to #Qatar? Tell us what we missed or what we (hopefully) got right!

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    49 mins
  • Uruguay
    Sep 15 2023

    On this episode of CountryBoyz, we take a trip down to South America to #Uruguay. Uruguay is the second smallest country in South America by land, but we feel like it's a pretty well known. As in we've actually all heard of this place!

    Many people say it's kind of like a mini-Argentina right next to Brazil...or is it a mini-Brazil across the river from Argentina!? You figure that one out.

    Uruguay is filled with flat farm land and known for several things that you need flat land to excel at; steak, soccer, and saxophones. Ok maybe they're not known for saxophones but DEFINITELY steak and soccer.

    Also known to have the longest national anthem in the world, we go into our own anthem as well as bite stories inspired by local Uruguayan soccer star, Luis Suarez. Dude likes to chomp. And for the first time in CB history, ONE OF US HAS ACTUALLY BEEN THERE!!! So we get first had knowledge from our Uruguayan professor, Jason. Give 'er a listen!

    Have you been to Uruguay? Tell us what we missed or what we (hopefully) got right!

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    51 mins
  • Tuvalu
    Aug 4 2023

    Tuvalu or Tu-VA-lu is the top (or bottom) of a lot of lists.

    Smallest country by population
    Least visited
    Least developed country!!!

    You really gotta go out of your way to get to Tuvalu, but seems kinda cool once you're there. If you're into livin' off the grid or not being around too many people.

    This place has a friendship pact where you can become relatives with anyone you want. Choose carefully though cause it's FOR LIFE. They also got pretty lucky and own the rights to the ".tv" domain extension. If it wasn't for that, they wouldn't have too much.

    They do have a runway though where everyone hangs out and plays games. Does YOUR country have a runway where you can hang out and party? Yah, didn't think so.

    Have you been to Tuvalu? If so, and you aren't from there, congrats! You've done something almost no one on Earth has! Tell us what we missed or what we (hopefully) got right!

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    39 mins