• Let's start a revolution!
    Jun 6 2024
    5 mins
  • The truth is, you can't polish a turd!
    Jun 17 2024

    Why do I do what I do?! Because I saw the gap between the BS glossy marketing and the results being delivered in programs and decided enough was enough!

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    11 mins
  • Listening isn't learning
    Jun 27 2024

    So many online programs rely on passive learning experiences, being lectured by the “expert”, in hour long Zoom calls or pre-recorded videos, frantically scribbling pages of notes that you never look back over. Once the hour is done you’re left with unanswered questions and feeling unsure as to how it applies to you.

    This kind of approach, where we expect our clients to passively absorb the information we share is highly ineffective if we want to facilitate change and support our clients to get REAL results. So what can we do instead?

    I break that down in this episode, and here's your homework! Ha!

    1. Ask yourself whether your delivery style is primarily passive (listening to you) vs active (them taking action and doing the work)

    2. What is the ultimate goal of my course? What is that A to B?

    3. How can I infuse interactive elements into that learning pathway e.g. discussions, critiques, work examples

    4. How can I encourage learner autonomy and self-direction? Help them to take control with self assessment, goal setting and reflective exercises #

    5. Ask yourself, am I providing regular opportunities for application and practice? This could look like setting them a challenge or a get it done week.

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    8 mins
  • The passive income myth
    Jun 27 2024

    You’re listening to this podcast because you care about client results, and I want to break down why the “set it and forget” passive income course model that we’re all sold as the dream to a chilled out lifestyle, is setting both you and your clients up for failure.

    Show more Show less
    7 mins
  • Finding Joy in everyday with Elle Wood...yes, even with social media!
    Apr 26 2024

    A failed medical career that led to an award-winning estate agency, Elle's life took a different turn after her best friend died suddenly at just 30 years old.

    'Embrace, Don't Escape: Finding Fulfilment in Everyday Life' is her keynote speech that gives audiences the stark reality behind the Instagram filters of off-grid life in a foreign country.

    The dream of a utopic paradise, far away, simply isn't always the answer.

    If we can find the glimmers of joy in our day-to-day lives, the ripple effect of positivity has the power to change our businesses and our lives, as well as of those around us.

    With actionable steps from Elle's own highly effective Core Conditions for Success framework, you can change your energy-zapping business into the energy-giving thing you always wanted!

    Great for those wanting to curate a positive, life-loving culture whether that's in a corporate, educational, community or self-employed context.

    Deliverable in 1:1 coaching, group training or keynotes. Contact Elle for more info www.calendly.com/ellewooduk




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    22 mins
  • Working smarter not harder (all things automation!) with Claire Taylor
    Apr 26 2024

    Claire Taylor set up her first business in 2007, a Digital Marketing Agency with a focus on helping clients generate leads from Google.

    She has helped countless clients achieve online growth and success in what is often a crowded and competitive space. Since then, she has gone on to start a Tech VA company and support business owners in marketing and automation strategy and implementation.

    Outside of business life Claire lives in Spain wiht her husband and youngest son, and can often be found running and hiking in the countryside with her rescue dog Darcy.

    Buy "Turn Back Time" https://www.amazon.co.uk/Turn-Back-Time-balancing-business-ebook/dp/B0CVBLYC9D/

    Grab your free ChatGPT Prompt generator https://www.clairelouisemarketing.co.uk/chat


    Show more Show less
    19 mins
  • Why looking after your customers is good for business with Nic Welsh
    Apr 26 2024

    Nic Welsh is a certified business strategist specialising in helping online businesses with their client retention and customer journey. Nic spent many years managing customer facing teams in financial services and then move on to running her own successful first aid business. Nic has now turned all her skills to helping online businesses to shine bright in their niche.

    10 ways to increase your customer reviews and get your customers talking!


    IG - https://www.instagram.com/the_customer_experience_pro

    Show more Show less
    24 mins
  • Busting through the mindset blocks with Rachel Bloomfield
    Apr 26 2024

    Rachel Bloomfield is a positive mindset and self-confidence coach, host of The Mindset Map Podcast and founder of The Level Up Club – a supportive membership for female biz owners to unlock your potential and elevate your life and business.

    Rachel helps women to step into your own spotlight, shatter doubts and unleash your limitless potential with confidence, joy and success.

    Rachel is Mum to Roxy, who's 12 and Henry who's 8. After too long losing herself within the role of 'Mum', Rachel is on a mission these days to prioritise herself better, to live more in the moment and find the joy in all areas of busy Mum life and she wants to help other women to do the same.

    Rachel is on her own journey of self-discovery and will be your listening ear, your loyal supporter and your loudest cheerleader!

    What you get when you work with Rachel is a unique blend of coaching and mentoring – she’ll offer you ideas, support and strategies in both life and business but will also challenge and encourage you to work on your mindset, confidence and what may be holding you back which is so often the missing piece of the puzzle!

    Whatever you want in life or business it all starts with your mindset!

    If you’re ready to start prioritising YOUrself more, then you can book a free discovery call with Rachel to see how coaching can help you rediscover what you love in your busy life and shatter those doubts: https://www.rachelbloomfield.com/service-page/free-discovery-call

    If you are a female business owner looking to elevate your life and business then check out http://www.rachelbloomfield.com/levelup - Rachel’s membership that’s just £25 a month.

    The Mindset Map Podcast will help you to navigate your path to confidence, joy and success. Like a sat nav for your brain! Head over and have a listen here: www.rachelbloomfield.com/podcast

    If mindset is not an area you’ve spent much work on then Rachel has a free masterclass: 5 Ways your mindset is holding you back (and what to do about it!) and you can download that here: www.rachelbloomfield.com/mindsetmasterclass

    More info on all Rachel’s services at: www.rachelbloomfield.com

    Or follow Rachel at:




    Show more Show less
    26 mins