
  • 205 - The End of a Season
    May 22 2021

    It's time for a new season in my creative journey. Which means a pause on the podcast. Find out why and what's next!

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    25 mins
  • 204 - How to Write a Bestseller
    Apr 23 2021

    I've covered a lot recently on author platform this year, but I almost never talk about craft. It's time! If I wanted to rename this post, instead of How to Write a Bestseller it could be called Write Good Books to Sell More Books or Sell More Books with Your Craft.

    At least, a little. I literally have a master's degree in fiction, but craft isn't my favorite thing to teach. Mostly because it's subjective. I do sometimes work with authors one on one regarding craft, but I find the focus on selling easier for ME.

    WHY? Because authors are emotionally invested in their craft. So, discussing this is hard. We either think our books are amazing or terrible, and we have a lot of feelings on the subject.

    People don't always respond well when they ask why their books aren't selling and the answer is: your writing.


    I know it hurts. I've sat silently through critiques in grad school while people shredded my work. Just ... destroyed. I got over it. Having a beer at the bar with everyone after helped. For today and this post though, we're going to try to look a bit more objectively at our own craft.

    Read the full show notes at http://createifwriting.com/204

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    36 mins
  • 203- Instagram for Authors
    Apr 9 2021

    I've talked recently on social media for authors, but wanted to highlight a specific platform that I've been using more and seeing results from and discuss Instagram for authors.

    I think that most social media platforms have potential to work for you if you understand how they work and make it your goal to connect with the correct audience. (As opposed to authors who accidentally gather an audience of other authors, rather than fiction readers, by posting author-y stuff.) This year, I dove into Instagram, a platform I've been on since 2014 and not really used well since that time.

    For the full show notes, head to http://createifwriting.com/203

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    35 mins
  • 202 - Lessons Learned in Three Years as an Author
    Mar 26 2021

    The first month I published a book in 2018, I made $115. Which totally excited me! People were reading my book! I wrote and published a book! But the goal was always a CAREER. I joked (but not really) about building an Emma Empire.

    Three years later, I made $26k in February 2021 and am slated to make over $20k this March. Want some takeaways? I've got 'em!

    For the full show notes, head to http://createifwriting.com/202 

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    32 mins
  • 201 - Advertising for Authors
    Mar 12 2021

    As a part of my series on what authors need to sell books, I've covered the overall author platform, email, social media, and blogging/content strategy. Which leads me into another piece of the puzzle: ads for authors.

    Let's first rewind a bit to talk about author platform. I defined it in my post as the way that authors connect with readers. And while ads aren't NORMALLY what someone might think of when it comes to platform, it absolutely is a way to connect with readers. It's simply ... not organic.

    Let's dive into what you need to know about ads for authors, when you should consider running ads, and how you can learn them without breaking the bank.

    For the full show notes, head to http://createifwriting.com/201

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    28 mins
  • 200 - What Should Authors Blog About? Content Strategy for Authors
    Feb 26 2021

    As a part of my author platform series, we've talked about overall platform, newsletters for authors, social media for authors, and now I want to talk about what authors should blot (and video and podcast) about: aka, content strategy for authors.

    Authors often aren't so familiar with that term... and I think it's because often we create content without the strategy. Let's start using the term more because we should be intentional with the content we create.

    Let's talk about what authors should blog (and podcast and video) about: content strategy for authors!

    For the full show notes, head to http://createifwriting.com/200
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    26 mins
  • 199- Social Media for Authors
    Feb 7 2021

    Social media is often a dreaded piece of the author platform. There are so many different places to be and to post ... not to mention WHAT to post. Then there's the matter of how to handle social media while also writing books.

    Never fear! Authors can handle social media. You don't have to be everywhere or post a million times a day. Megan Ericson, a social media strategist, joins me for a conversation on social media for authors.

    Get the full show notes here: http://createifwriting.com/199
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    58 mins
  • 198 - Creating an Author Newsletter
    Jan 22 2021

    I have long been a fan of email lists. I think I started mine in ... 2010? Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. That's how it feels, anyway. Mostly because I was growing a newsletter as a blogger. 

    Now? I'm growing one (or several, actually) as an AUTHOR. 

    Some principles are the same. Some are different. Let's dive in and take out some of the intimidating factor of what I still believe should be the cornerstone of your author platform. 


    Why am I still harping on email all these years after starting Create If Writing? (Because, if you've been around the whole time, email has always been my recommendation.) 

    After growing email lists for nonfiction and for fiction, it is STILL king. It's still more effective to sell books than social media platforms. It also is the only real DIRECT connection with your readers. Any time, Instagram could yank you, or your Facebook account could get hacked and shut down. And then... you're done. 

    With email, you have that list of emails. You can hit up their inbox because they've given you permission, inviting you in. Sure, inboxes are crowded. But readers still get excited hearing from their favorite authors personally. And if they hit reply to an email you send out to everyone, it then becomes a one on one conversation. 

    Email is YOURS. It's a direct line. It's personal, and there's no algorithm to an inbox. 

    Get the full shownotes here: http://createifwriting.com/198

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    27 mins