• 063 – David Andrew Wiebe on WeMaple
    May 23 2024
    Who is David Andrew Wiebe? Where did he grow up? What pivotal life events shaped his views on life? What does he believe about the Universe? This episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion features a conversation between WeMaple’s Matt Keay and David. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Digital NO-Mad: Exposing the Lies of the Freedom Lifestyle and Grass is Greener Syndrome. David’s new book on designing the life you love through your passion is coming. Pre-order TODAY. Highlights: 00:17 – David Andrew Wiebe on WeMaple 00:56 – What is The Indie YYC? 02:03 – Clean Slate 06:30 – What David’s guitar teacher told him 08:59 – How David bet on himself 12:55 – What role does formal education play in a creative’s life? 16:38 – How does more views or more subscribers affect our perceptions of a creator? 19:30 – Growing up in Japan and the moment that changed everything 23:23 – How David has applied personal development to his career 26:44 – David’s (controversial) thoughts on masculinity and men in culture 34:36 – Life expectancy – are we really living longer? 38:35 – Is David a flat earther? 41:05 – Reality is malleable 43:54 – How can you be positive while encountering negative circumstances? 46:56 – The hotbox incident 47:33 – When David got the cops called on him 48:18 – Three roommates and the sale of David’s home 49:08 – Three months of WTF 50:48 – David’s advice on writing and publishing books 52:18 – Closing thoughts Summary: Award-winning composer, best-selling author, and professional podcaster David Andrew Wiebe was recently a guest on WeMaple, hosted by Business On Camera’s Matt Keay. The conversation touches on everything from events and music to conspiracy theories and bizarre life events. What is The Indie YYC? Noticing David’s T-shirt, Matt asks what The Indie YYC is. David shares that The Indie YYC community was created by him and Frederick Tamagi. Pre-pandemic, the community focused on three unique live events, including The New Beat (a fusion of poetry and live music), Storytellers (bringing together songwriters, poets, and authors), and Avant Guardians (featuring avant-garde and alternative musicians). During the pandemic, as well as after, the community focused on growing mostly through user submitted content on Facebook. Clean Slate On February 16, 2024, David hosted a live music and multimedia event in Victoria, BC called Clean Slate. Matt asks how the event came about, and David shares that the idea came to him while reading Frederick Dodson’s Parallel Universes of Self. David initially envisioned an event where he could bring people together to celebrate the launch of new music, a new book, new comedic video content, and more. The initial phases of planning went swimmingly. Then, things started going awry in September 2023. David could not secure the featured artist he’d hoped to, and despite booking local artists for the event, it failed to gain local support. Most people in attendance were there because David had invited them. Matt asks David whether he sees the experience as a stepping stone or opportunity to try his hand at another event. David shares that while he sees the possibility of hosting low-cost, low-key events in the immediate future, he can’t see himself attempting something like Clean Slate again unless there’s a rabid demand for it. What David’s Guitar Teacher Told Him There is something David’s guitar teacher told him that has stuck with him until present day. Matt asks David what that was. David shares that his guitar teacher told him that he’d surpassed him within one lesson. I’ve been playing guitar for 13 years. Imagine what you’ll be able to accomplish in 13 years. Matt asks David what kind of impact that statement had on him. David shares that it gave him the motivation he needed to keep practicing. From his teacher, he also learned not to dismiss people who offer him praise. If people say good things about you,
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    Less than 1 minute
  • 062 – Embracing the Age of AI in Creativity – with Karlo Keet
    May 16 2024
    Now that we’ve had the opportunity to see just what AI is capable of, many of us are starting to wonder about our futures, our work, our financial lives, and more. So, how concerned should we be? What is the right attitude to have toward AI? In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David passes the mic with Karlo Keet, who shares his creative passions, business pursuits, spiritual practices, and why he’s embracing AI in creativity. Sponsors: Digital NO-Mad: Exposing the Lies of the Freedom Lifestyle and Grass is Greener Syndrome. David’s new book on designing the life you love through your passion is coming. Pre-order TODAY. Highlights: 00:17 – Today’s guest, Karlo Keet 00:37 – How did Karlo get into photography? 03:15 – Karlo’s involvement with graphic and web design 04:45 – Aurora conspiracies? 07:22 – Digital marketing for artists, creatives, and creators 08:47 – How has Karlo’s work changed with the emergence of Artificial Intelligence? 11:31 – In the next 10 years, AI will overtake humanity in logical processing 19:46 – How Karlo got into tarot reading, Reiki, and all things spiritual 23:49 – Karlo and David’s comedic collaborations 26:37 – Karlo’s book and course recommendations 28:47 – What Karlo is looking to accomplish next 30:10 – Closing thoughts Summary: Coming soon.
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    32 mins
  • 061 – How to Make an Impact on Your Audience in 2024 – with Amos Bracewell
    Apr 30 2024
    It’s not necessarily a fun thing to think about, but 2024 could be your final year. If your life were to end this year, would you be happy with everything you’ve accomplished? Or would you be leaving something on the table? This episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion is a must for anyone looking to make a difference in the world. Join David and Amos Bracewell to learn about the Catapult opportunity, the challenges Amos overcame, and the difference this program can make for you. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Catapult: If you’re ready to build a community of rabid fans who will happily hire you and buy everything you offer, this program is for you! Use the code “David Andrew Wiebe” to let Amos know I sent you his way, and he’ll give you a 10% DISCOUNT! Offer expires April 30, 2024. Contact Amos to set up your discovery call before then. Highlights: 00:17 – Some of the challenges Amos experienced while building his Facebook group 06:00 – Is building a Facebook group a “numbers game?” 09:02 – How to claim your 10% discount 09:53 – Closing thoughts Summary: What if you could achieve five years of business growth in just three to six months? Would you be willing to do anything it takes to get there? Or would you pan the opportunity if it didn’t fit into your idea of growth? In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, Amos recaps the Catapult opportunity, shares the trajectory of his journey, what he’s been able to help his students accomplish, the value of living a purposed-based life, and more. What Challenges Did Amos Experience on the Way to Building His Facebook Group? Amos recounts how one day he was sitting at Good Kid Coffee in Abbotsford, BC, calling up David to share his new business idea with him. Amos didn’t have a coach. He didn’t have anyone guiding him. He had no idea what the results of his efforts were going to be. But he got started anyway, believing it was his purpose to create a movement with his Facebook group. 15 and a half months later, he hit over 10,000 members. Amos was excited about getting started with this project, but he was also scared. At the time, he had no idea that he would end up teaching others how to build their Facebook groups. There were times when he wanted to give up. He had no idea how he was going to monetize his group. On day 80 of building his group, the right idea finally showed up. In month four, Amos managed to earn $4,000 USD, and in month five, he exceeded $30,000 USD in revenue. Despite the challenges and difficulties faced, Amos knew deep down that if he waited any longer, 2023 would end up being another disappointing year. So, he leaped and stuck with the process. Today, his Catapult cohorts are the beneficiaries of the mistakes he’s made and the lessons he’s learned. Half of his students are doing well. The other half are doing amazingly. While Amos provides the structure and framework for his students to succeed, his students also bring amazing ideas to the table that make it work even better. Some of his students are now doing in two months what took Amos nine months to accomplish. Amos asks – is now the time to make a change in your life? Are you tired of the way you’ve been living? What do you want to accomplish in 2024, and if you have another year ahead of you, 2025? If there is a vision or a purpose your heart can’t shake, now might be the time to jump in. It may not be easy, and it certainly won’t be free, but if you’re ready to go all-in on your dream, Catapult is right for you. A Numbers Game? David acknowledges that many numbers have been discussed to this point in considering Catapult. So, he asks for Amos’ opinion on whether growing a community is just a numbers game. Amos answers by sharing that while some grow faster than others, the Catapult program is ultimately geared toward those who are looking to make an impact. But the opportunity to earn an independent income is real.
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    12 mins
  • 060 – Would You Like 400 to 600 Members Per Week?
    Apr 26 2024
    What are your goals for social media in 2024? Are you thinking about phasing it out of your life? Or would you like to experience explosive growth as never before? Isn’t it time you got the kind of growth you truly deserve? If you’re ready for a change, listen carefully to this special message from David Andrew Wiebe. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Catapult: If you’re ready to build a community of rabid fans who will happily hire you and buy everything you have to offer, this program is for you! Use the code “Creativity Excitement Emotion” to let Amos know I sent you his way, and he’ll give you a 10% DISCOUNT! Highlights: 00:17 – A special message from David Andrew Wiebe Transcript: Imagine this: You’ve just set up a brand-new Facebook group. You show up for a couple of hours per day to have conversations with your tribe. Your people. You do it consistently for a month or two, and before you know it… BOOM! Your group is growing CRAZY. Now, you might be rolling your eyes right about now, and I get it. 🙄 First, you’re thinking to yourself, “Well, that sounds like A LOT of work.” Second, you’re thinking to yourself, “I have no idea how to grow a Facebook group, and I honestly don’t care that much about Facebook.” Third, you’re probably thinking, “What’s that going to do for me and my career or business?” You might even be thinking… “I don’t want to become a social media guru. I just want to focus on my art!” I know EXACTLY how you feel, and I’ve been there. So, let’s rephrase the question: What if, with just a couple of hours of effort per day, you could grow your Facebook group by 150 to 200 engaged members per week? And what if 1 to 3% of those people were eager to listen to your music, hire you for a gig, buy your merch, or collaborate with you? (That’s anywhere from 1.5 to six high-quality customers or clients per week for those who don’t do math.) And on top of that, what if you got a lot of other sweet perks on top – free swag, free books, free coaching sessions, homes to stay at in a variety of locations, opportunities to play across the world, and more? Would THAT be worth your time? And what if, on top of that, you didn’t have to do it all yourself? What if you had the support, coaching, and guidance you needed to be able to do the right things to grow your Facebook group consistently? This is exactly what my friend, Amos Bracewell is offering. And he and his student groups aren’t just growing by 150 to 200 members per week… Some are growing by as much as 400, 500, or even 600 members per week. How does a whopping 18 high-quality clients per week sound to you? Do you think you might be able to make it worthwhile? Do you think your musical, artistic, or creative career could benefit from that type of growth? Fast growth is not for everyone, and I get that… But if you’re the kind of person that LOVES to serve and make other people shine… You will LOVE this, and I haven’t seen anything else like it. But time is of the essence, because: Amos is only offering a 10% discount for those who sign up before April 30. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. There will be NO extension. So, yeah, there isn’t much time… Even if you’re just thinking about it and you’re not quite sure whether it’s for you yet… You can book a discovery call with Amos to talk it over. So, when you’re ready… >> Book your discovery call with Amos and let him know that I sent him your way for your 10% discount
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    4 mins
  • 059 – From 0 to 5,200 Members… in a Year?!
    Apr 25 2024
    When it comes to social media growth, we’re all hoping for consistent, reliable growth. Yet, most if not all creators struggle to get new followers each week. It could be because of their content. It could be because they’re nobodies. There are reasons too numerous to mention. But if you’re willing to approach things in a new way, you could experience unprecedented growth. The kind of growth that helps you build a sustainable income from your passion in a year or possibly even in a few months. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David shares a special message. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Catapult: If you’re ready to build a community of rabid fans who will happily hire you and buy everything you have to offer, this program is for you! Use the code “Creativity Excitement Emotion” to let Amos know I sent you his way, and he’ll give you a 10% DISCOUNT! Highlights: 00:17 – A special message from David Andrew Wiebe Transcript: From 0 to 5,200 members… in a year?! So, I’m not sure if you knew this but… Most effective Facebook groups only grow at a pace of 50 to 100 members per week. Again, that’s the most effective ones. Now, that’s nothing to scoff at, but it’s not what you would call… MEGA growth either. I know that if you don’t already have a Facebook group (or don’t even have Facebook in your crosshairs – because, after all, it’s so old man), you’re probably wondering whether it’s even worth your time. Well, stick with me here, because I think you’ll be amazed at what my friend, Amos Bracewell, has been able to do. His strategy has been helping him and his students grow their groups by 400, 500, and even 600 members per week! Even better, Amos says that 1 to 3% of people joining your group consistently become your clients. If your group is growing by 600 members per week, that means you’re converting anywhere from six to 18 clients per week! Now don’t get caught up in the terminology here… I know some of you aren’t looking for “clients.” You want streams or customers. You want gigs and exposure. You want to have an impact on your fans. You want to sell your eBook. I get it. I have very good news for you… Amos’ method for building Facebook communities doesn’t rely on you monetizing your group through clients… You don’t even need a product! Honestly, you don’t even need to be thinking about monetization! People will read, listen, watch, or buy WHATEVER you have because they will see you as a leader in your niche. But that’s not all (sorry for the cliché here). Amos and his clients have landed themselves all kinds of great opportunities, and I have witnessed it firsthand: A couch or bed to crash on Free products Free coaching Free plane tickets High-profile collaborations Joint ventures Opportunities to speak across the world And more... small stuff and BIG stuff! If you did this… Could you land yourself some great gigs? Sync and licensing opportunities? A record contract? Look, I’m not giving you any guarantees here. But the bottom line is, you won’t know unless you try. And while it would be great if there was all the time in the world to make up your mind… Amos is only giving us until the end of April to get a 10% discount on his Catapult program. Maybe it’s right for you, maybe it’s not. But if you’re the kind of person who loves to support and help others… If you love the idea of leaving an impact and a legacy… And you’re at least entertaining the idea of earning a good income from your passion… I haven’t seen anything else like it. So, don’t delay… >> Get the Catapult program and mention “Creativity Excitement Emotion” to get your 10% discount
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    4 mins
  • 058 – Have You Been Trying and Failing to Crack the Code on Social Media?
    Apr 24 2024
    How’s the social media game going for you? Are you winning? Let’s face the facts. Most people working their butts off aren’t going to win any medals any time soon… Are you done trying to figure it out all for yourself? If so, tune into this special episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Catapult: If you’re ready to build a community of rabid fans who will happily hire you and buy everything you have to offer, this program is for you! Use the code “Creativity Excitement Emotion” to let Amos know I sent you his way, and he’ll give you a 10% DISCOUNT! Highlights: 00:17 – A special message from David Andrew Wiebe Transcript: Have you been trying and failing to crack the code on social media? So, does any part of this sound familiar to you? Some expert online tells you “Hey man, all you’ve got to do is A, B, C and you’re going to be a social media rockstar.” But you go out there and test their tactic in the real world for a month… And it doesn’t do anything? So, you start to feel frustrated, angry, and eventually, defeated. Come on, we’ve all been there. We’ve all been promised the world when it comes to social media. But in practice, it feels as though getting any kind of attention, let alone sustaining it, is a Herculean uphill climb to oblivion. And it is just so frustrating when you’re trying to put your best foot forward. It takes SO MUCH effort to pump out the content required to get attention… Yet most of it doesn’t do anything for you! I know something about you… I bet you didn’t get into social media hoping to become a digital marketer. But you’ve effectively been forced into a position where you’ve got to try and figure everything out for yourself… Scouring the web for disconnected information that’s only available in fragmented pieces. As if you were moving slowly down a path one inch at a time, as opposed to one stride. And hoping that somehow, tomorrow, you go viral. I mean, the rent was due yesterday man, come on. Well, some of my smartest mentors say you can’t deposit likes, shares, and comments at the bank, and they are right… Engagement falls under what clever people call “vanity metrics,” and I’m sorry to be the one to burst your bubble, but they don’t mean a thing (if they ain’t got that swing). But if you thought it was all for naught, think again. Because there is a way to crack the code on social media. My friend, Amos Bracewell, recently figured it out and has started teaching others how to do what he did. He supports his students at every leg of the journey… And when you hear what it is and how it works, you’ll be BLOWN AWAY. It’s so simple and yet so authentic and genuine. You’ll wish you thought of it first. If you haven’t watched my recent interview with Amos, that’s your homework for now… Come on, you know you’ve got 20 minutes to spare, especially if those 20 minutes change your life. So, don’t delay any longer, because as with anything worthwhile, there is an expiration date on this unique offer… >> Watch the video now
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    4 mins
  • 057 – How to Build a Community and Monetize Your Passion Organically in 2024 – with Amos Bracewell
    Apr 23 2024
    It has gotten harder than ever to grow your career or business organically. Dropping your desperate messages onto social media is like a loud fart at a bad party, noticed but annoying. Are you ready to cut through the stinky cloud of frustration and take a different approach to growth? Would you like to see how YOU can build an audience that will adore you and delight in your content? In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David engages in a conversation with longtime friend, collaborator, and entrepreneur Amos Bracewell, who shares his new, amazing program to help you grow your audience and business organically. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Catapult: If you’re ready to build a community of rabid fans who will happily hire you and buy everything you have to offer, this program is for you! Use the code “Creativity Excitement Emotion” to let Amos know I sent you his way, and he’ll give you a 10% DISCOUNT! Highlights: 00:17 – A delicious meal in Pemberton 01:15 – Amos’ new program 04:23 – What have Amos’ students been able to accomplish? 09:36 – Amos’ next goal and the “secret sauce” to building a Facebook group 12:26 – Can the Catapult program work for any niche? 15:25 – Are there any other monetization opportunities? 17:33 – Are there different tiers to the Catapult program? 18:32 – Reach, Relationship, and Riches 21:41 – What makes Catapult the right opportunity? 23:26 – Closing thoughts Summary: Digital marketing is an ever-changing landscape, and it has gotten harder than ever to attract, engage, and retain an audience on content alone. This has forced many artists and entrepreneurs to turn to advertising as the solution. The only problem is… Advertising has risen in cost, it’s more competitive than ever, and without the help of an expert, creating effective ads can be a crapshoot. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David and Amos discuss the solution. A Delicious Hamburger David and Amos briefly bond over their love of food. Amos recently had an incredible burger and fries combo in Pemberton, BC, just north of Whistler, and he says he would recommend the place to anyone. Amos’ New Program David shares that for as long as he’s known him, Amos has been great at building communities – especially Facebook groups. Amos recently turned his knack for growing Facebook groups into a program called Catapult. Amos began building his Facebook group, ENTV Today, in January 2023. In one year, he grew the group from 0 to 5,200 members. By month 11, he’d started to clue in that his group was growing faster than most others out there. He suggests that growing your Facebook group by 50 to 100 members per week is a good pace. But he noticed that his group was growing by 400, 500, and even 600 members per week, completely organically! That’s when he decided that he should begin showing others how it is that he was able to accomplish what he accomplished. One of the keys to creating ongoing engagement, says Amos, is bringing people into your house. If all you’re doing is blasting your message into the void of social media, it’s going to be difficult to get noticed and create a connection with your audience. But if you bring them into your Facebook group, you’re better positioned to interact and connect with your audience continually. This also enhances income opportunities. His first Catapult student started building their Facebook group on February 19. Most of his students are growing by 200 to 300 members per week. Amos has found that roughly 1 to 3% of your group members will become your clients. That means if you have 100 members joining per week, you can expect to land one to three new clients per week. Since his students are growing at 200 to 300 new members weekly, they are landing two to six clients per week. If you have four to 24 clients coming in per week, your sales and marketing challenges should be solved, would you agree?
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    26 mins
  • 056 – Creating Your Freedom Lifestyle – with Evan Price
    Apr 22 2024
    Would you like to spend more of your time doing what you love to do? Would you like to be able to pick and choose the projects you want to work on? Are you thinking about becoming a digital nomad? In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David interviews Evan Price, who shares the steps he took to create his freedom lifestyle. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – Returning guest, Evan Price 00:31 – How do you package your creative skills to create a viable business? 03:08 – Streamlining you and your customer’s focus 09:26 – The value of being unfocused for a time 10:19 – Improving your product vs. improving your marketing 13:48 – Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich 15:11 – How do you identify your ideal customer? 17:40 – Evan’s best tips for building a team 20:24 – Content creation and giving away the keys to the kingdom 24:04 – Building trust with people 26:15 – The importance of networking 29:12 – What’s the right time to scale your business? 33:23 – How did Evan decide to take the leap of faith? 38:59 – What is it like to live nomadically? 45:39 – How much money do you need to live a freedom lifestyle? 51:12 – Closing thoughts Summary: The very idea of trying to create a freedom lifestyle can sometimes appear an uphill battle. You’ve got to get your finances in order. You’ll probably need a passport. On top of that, you’ve got to plan the logistics of where you’ll be going and when, where to stay, whether to bring your car with you and more. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David and Evan break down and simplify the process of becoming a digital nomad. Bundle Up Your Expertise and Sell it Evan emphasizes the value of the DLB (Do Less Better) offer model. Nowadays, many businesses are a little bloated – they offer dozens if not hundreds of products and services, and this scatters the focus of the business owner as well as the prospects and customers who might otherwise be interested in buying. Evan suggests that you should find something you can do that no one else can. The more specific, the better. This allows you to create what Evan calls a “luxury” offer, something that can be sold for thousands of dollars rather than pennies. Evan says this is how he streamlined his business. David offers that minimizing and optimizing seems to be the direction things are going in now. As opposed to having dozens of websites and products, marketers are creating central portals and leading prospects on different journeys depending on their interests. David also shares an example from his life, stating that when he had one or two books, his customers knew what to buy and were happy. But as his catalog increased, his customers became paralyzed and bought fewer books. Which explains why he’s only promoting his latest book on his website. Spreading Yourself Thin Evan shares that it’s easy to spread yourself thin. When you’re young, and you’re not sure what you want to focus on, you feel like you could take on the world and try your hand at dozens if not hundreds of different things. At the time, Evan was learning how to use Facebook ads, managing acts, booking tours, and more. But he noticed that none of the things he was working on were reaching the tipping point of success. If you keep on that path, says Evan, you will eventually reach a point of burnout. So, he stopped doing what he was doing, made an assessment of his strengths and weaknesses, and bundled up his expertise to streamline his business. David admits to having too many things to fulfill in recent years, including Members Only Audios, which he quickly realized was akin to running two podcasts at the same time. He would often think to himself, “I’m a superhero, and I can do it!” But he would either end up disappointing himself or his pr...
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    53 mins