• At the movies Week 1 - Crossroads Christian Church
    Jul 15 2024

    In 1945, America's greatest generation returned from war, bringing with them a sense of victory and hope as Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were defeated. Among the returning soldiers were beloved baseball players like Musial, DiMaggio, and Williams, and life in the United States began to normalize. However, African American soldiers came home to find racism and segregation still entrenched in society, including in Major League Baseball. In 1946, all 400 players in the Major Leagues were white, but that changed in 1947 when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier, becoming the first African American to play in the Major Leagues. His journey, supported by Brooklyn Dodgers executive Branch Rickey, was a testament to resilience and faith. Despite facing immense racism and hostility, Robinson's ability to turn the other cheek and his deep faith helped him endure and pave the way for future generations. His story, immortalized in the film "42," highlights the struggle for racial equality and the power of forgiveness and character in the face of injustice.

    As we conclude today, I invite you to bow your head and pray. If you’ve been a victim of racism, sexism, or any form of discrimination, pray for the strength to forgive and turn the other cheek, as Jackie Robinson did through his faith in Jesus. Ask God for grace to respond with love and character. Additionally, some of us need to seek forgiveness for harboring prejudices and to strive to see others as God does. Pray for our church to grow into a true church without walls, embodying the transformative love of Jesus Christ.

    Thank you for listening. For more, visit CrossroadsChristian.org and PastorRustyGeorge.com, and check out our podcast, Simple Faith with Rusty George.

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    26 mins
  • Make a Splash Sermon Week 3 - Crossroads Christian Church
    Jul 8 2024

    Good morning, Crossroads! Whether you're joining us in person or online, I’m grateful to be with you today. I’m Pastor Brian Mrazek, and I invite you to meet me and our team at The Hub in the lobby after the service to get connected.

    Today, we conclude our series, "Make a Splash," with a message titled "Leave a Wake." I want to start by asking, what’s your boat story? Many of us have experiences on boats, whether fishing, kayaking, or even just riding a ferry.

    Reflecting on my childhood, I recall Saturdays prepping our Glastron speedboat for trips to Joe Pool Lake. I fondly remember my first fishing trip with my Snoopy fishing pole, which ended with me falling into the lake, saved by my dad’s quick reflexes. These memories tie into our theme: making a splash not just literally, but through meaningful actions. This series encourages us to think about the impact we leave behind. Today, I challenge us to consider who has impacted our lives and how we can impact others.

    Jesus left the greatest legacy, impacting people across cultures and centuries. In Philippians 2, Paul highlights how we can follow Jesus’ example: by showing love, striving for unity, and serving with humility. These actions help us leave a legacy that influences generations to come.

    So, what kind of impact are you making? What wake are you leaving behind? Let's strive to leave a positive, lasting legacy in our communities.

    Thank you for listening. For more, visit CrossroadsChristian.org and PastorRustyGeorge.com, and check out our podcast, Simple Faith with Rusty George.

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    38 mins
  • Make a Splash Sermon Week 2 - Crossroads Christian Church
    Jul 2 2024

    We began this series by discussing the importance of serving within the church. If you're new, you might think this is a volunteer drive, but it's more than that. We're exploring how serving others is the best way to connect with God, improve your marriage, and enhance your work life. Just like jumping off a high dive can be scary at first but exhilarating once you take the plunge, serving in the church may feel daunting, but it’s rewarding. Whether you dive in quickly or ease in slowly, there’s no wrong way to start serving. You might wonder if you have the right gifts or if you need to believe everything the church believes to serve, but there are many ways to get involved even if you're still exploring your faith. Today, we’ll challenge you to take a step and jump into serving. We'll also discuss a trip tracing the missionary journeys of Paul, an exciting opportunity to learn more about his life and teachings. As we delve into Romans 12, we'll see how Paul describes the church as the body of Christ, emphasizing the importance of each member contributing their unique gifts to serve others and fulfill God's will.

    Thank you for listening. For more, visit CrossroadsChristian.org and PastorRustyGeorge.com, and check out our podcast, Simple Faith with Rusty George.

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    32 mins
  • Make a Splash Sermon Week 1 - Crossroads Christian Church
    Jun 24 2024

    Good morning, Crossroads! Today, I want to talk about shortcuts. We all love them, whether it's finding a quicker route using the Waze app or choosing the shortest line at Target. But sometimes shortcuts don't work out as planned, like my recent Chick-fil-A drive-thru mishap.

    This brings us to our topic: a biblical shortcut to connecting with God. In 1 Peter, we learn how to deepen our relationship with God quickly. Peter, originally a fisherman, became a follower of Jesus and witnessed incredible things. He wrote letters to early Christians facing persecution, providing guidance and hope.

    In 1 Peter 4, he mentions that God has given each of us unique spiritual gifts. These gifts are meant to serve others, not ourselves. By using these gifts to help others, we not only fulfill our purpose but also strengthen our connection with God.

    Over the next three weeks, we'll explore this concept further in our series, "Make a Splash." We'll dive into how using our spiritual gifts can transform our lives and relationships. Let's open our Bibles to 1 Peter and discover this divine shortcut together.

    Thank you for listening. For more, visit CrossroadsChristian.org and PastorRustyGeorge.com, and check out our podcast, Simple Faith with Rusty George.

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    32 mins
  • Friend of God Sermon Week 4 - Crossroads Christian Church
    Jun 17 2024

    Good morning, Crossroads, and happy Father's Day to all the dads here and online! It's great to see everyone. Today, we continue our series on discovering our true identity in Christ, exploring how we are more than the labels others place on us.

    Interestingly, Mother’s Day celebrations span the entire weekend, while Father’s Day often gets just a few hours. Dads, claim your day! We’re diving into 1 John 2 today, focusing on our identity as friends of God. This series has included weekend teachings and resources like the "Friend of God" devotional and our "Simple Faith" podcast.

    Reflecting on identity, we often define ourselves by others' perceptions, missing the deeper identity God offers us. Jesus' sacrifice transforms us from enemies to friends of God, a truth that can change everything. However, our identities are often misunderstood, much like my daughter mistaking "Cassius Clay" for a designer name.

    Your identity goes beyond names and societal roles. Even as fathers, our true identity is rooted in what God calls us to be. Many struggle with feeling distant from this divine identity, but it is not out of reach. Through abiding in Jesus, we can fully embrace our identity as His friends.

    Thank you for listening. For more, visit CrossroadsChristian.org and PastorRustyGeorge.com, and check out our podcast, Simple Faith with Rusty George.

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    31 mins
  • Friend of God Sermon Week 3 - Crossroads Christian Church
    Jun 11 2024

    In Todays sermon we hear Matt Harvey sharing about how Jesus calls us friends, offering us the ultimate love. Despite this, we often seek fulfillment elsewhere, appreciating His sacrifice but then living independently. My hope is that today’s message, grounded in John 15, helps you reconnect with Jesus. If you struggle to feel close to Him, remember that He is the true vine, and we are the branches. By abiding in Him, we can bear much fruit, as apart from Him, we can do nothing. Embrace this connection, and let it transform your life, just as it has mine.

    Thank you for listening. For more, visit CrossroadsChristian.org and PastorRustyGeorge.com, and check out our podcast, Simple Faith with Rusty George.

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    40 mins
  • Friend of God Sermon Week 2 - Crossroads Christian Church
    Jun 3 2024

    We've all experienced being called the wrong name, whether at Starbucks or by a coworker. Despite my name being Rusty, I've been called Randy, Dusty, Rudy, and even Wesley. Often, it's not just the name but what people think about us that sticks. They might label us based on our past jobs, relationships, or personal struggles. Over time, these external labels can shape how we see ourselves.

    That's why our series, "Friend of God," is so important. When you receive Jesus, you become a friend of God, as the Apostle John tells us, and that's the only identity that matters. We're exploring this through weekend messages, a 40-day devotional, and a daily podcast from Simple Faith. Understanding our true identity as friends of God can transform us. Today, we’ll dive into how we often identify ourselves by our pain, and how changing our interpretation of experiences, as Viktor Frankl did, can lead to a more meaningful life. Mark Batterson emphasizes that our explanations of experiences are more crucial than the experiences themselves. Let’s explore how viewing pain through the lens of God’s friendship can redefine our lives.

    Thank you for listening. For more, visit CrossroadsChristian.org and PastorRustyGeorge.com, and check out our podcast, Simple Faith with Rusty George.

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    31 mins
  • Friend of God Sermon Week 1 - Crossroads Christian Church
    May 29 2024

    Good morning, Crossroads! Today, we're kicking off a new series, and I want to thank you for your amazing response to our recent family chat about our church's future. Your participation in community initiatives and efforts to connect with new faces have already made a significant impact.

    For the next 40 days, we're going to set aside all the negative comments from our past—what your high school coach, math teacher, or even your parents might have said—and focus on what God, the Bible, and Jesus say about us. We're going to dive into these teachings, learning from someone whose life was radically transformed by walking with Jesus. This journey will help us address the struggles we face with our identity. Now, let's dive into today's message. Open your Bibles to Genesis 1, Ephesians 2, or Colossians 1 as we explore how to overcome these negative voices and embrace the identity God intended for us. Let's get started!

    Rewatch online: https://youtube.com/live/L7eg948vfnQ?feature=share

    Thank you for listening. For more, visit CrossroadsChristian.org and PastorRustyGeorge.com, and check out our podcast, Simple Faith with Rusty George.

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    32 mins