
  • Elijah The Tishbite
    Feb 26 2024
    God sent Elijah to a widow of Zarephath. Why Zarephath, a town In Zidon? Jezebel was from Zidon, and her father was the king. Her father, Ethbaal, was also the priest of Baal, the major cause of the apostasy on Israel. Having started a walk with God, Elijah had to be trained and equipped for greater work and what was ahead, he had to be refined. Zarephath means refinement! every serious Christian must be refined and purged. God sent Elijah to a widow of Zarephath. Why Zarephath, a town In Zidon? Jezebel was from Zidon, and her father was the king. Her father, Ethbaal, was also the priest of Baal, the major cause of the apostasy on Israel. Having started a walk with God, Elijah had to be trained and equipped for greater work and what was ahead, he had to be refined. Zarephath means refinement! every serious Christian must be refined and purged. God sent Elijah to a widow of Zarephath. Why Zarephath, a town In Zidon? Jezebel was from Zidon, and her father was the king. Her father, Ethbaal, was also the priest of Baal, the major cause of the apostasy on Israel. Having started a walk with God, Elijah had to be trained and equipped for greater work and what was ahead, he had to be refined. Zarephath means refinement! every serious Christian must be refined and purged. God sent Elijah to a widow of Zarephath. Why Zarephath, a town In Zidon? Jezebel was from Zidon, and her father was the king. Her father, Ethbaal, was also the priest of Baal, the major cause of the apostasy on Israel. Having started a walk with God, Elijah had to be trained and equipped for greater work and what was ahead, he had to be refined. Zarephath means refinement! every serious Christian must be refined and purged. God sent Elijah to a widow of Zarephath. Why Zarephath, a town In Zidon? Jezebel was from Zidon, and her father was the king. Her father, Ethbaal, was also the priest of Baal, the major cause of the apostasy on Israel. Having started a walk with God, Elijah had to be trained and equipped for greater work and what was ahead, he had to be refined. Zarephath means refinement! every serious Christian must be refined and purged.
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    54 mins
  • The Day God Abolished Womanhood
    Jan 25 2024
    Many Christians miss out on God's blessings because they are judgemental of who is on the alter preaching. They hold so strongly to tradition, of established human norm (by whom?), negating the power of the Word. Paul said certain things, yes what is the genesis of what he said, what led to it; and to whom were they addressed? And so, the message is taken out of spiritual context. However, in Christ God abolished womanhood. This is how and why...
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • MY B
    Dec 25 2023
    What really is the end of year thanksgiving if it is not in agreement with God's plan and purpose; which has nothing to do with material or worldly things? Let's explore this issue and more in MY B
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    29 mins
  • MY
    Dec 21 2023
    The end of year thanksgiving which God commanded in Exodus 23 and detailed in Leviticus 23, seem to have missed it's mark. It was not to be a carnal worldly thing as we have it today. As we approach the Trumpet sound, let's examine this again.
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    30 mins
  • Because God Said!
    Dec 8 2023
    Everything is upheld by the Word of God. Nothing exists that is not affected by the Word of God. A life of Faith is a life founded on the Word of God; and this is the life God calls us to live, for "... without faith it is impossible to please God." How do we live the life of Faith? We discover it in the Gym of the Spirit and sustain it equally with exercise.
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    34 mins
  • The Power of Compassion
    Nov 4 2023
    THE POWER OF COMPASSION Goodness is not just doing good or philanthropy, it refers to the state of heart that produces kindness and generosity without thought of gain. It is thoughtfulness, sympathy and empathy for others. Goodness looks beyond what is done to the "why", the reason it is done. It is in goodness that we are able to give water or food or both to our enemies. Goodness is the heart of God. In the gym of the Spirit this is one "muscle" (Galatians 5:22) we should all build as we walk with the Holy Spirit.
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    24 mins
  • The King Wept
    Nov 2 2023
    Kings are known to be people of mirth and happiness. They even ensure this by employing jokers and musicians. The king must not be sad, crying or weeping was certainly out of the question. So, what would make the king weep ? It must have touched his soul.
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    32 mins
  • The Other Side Of Sorrow
    Sep 27 2023
    Apostle Paul encourages us to consider Jesus, how He looked beyond the immediate, endured the shame, mockery and reproach of people so that we do not get discouraged and give up the race. Jesus did this by seeing the other side of sorrow. We need, like Jesus, to see the prize ahead and keep believing. Things may be hurtful; the situation and circumstances of the moment, which are but temporal pains, however we must not loose sight of the fact that God loves us and would not abandon us. Holding unwaveringly to Him is our sure victory and reward.
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    35 mins