
  • Elijah - Elisha
    Jul 26 2024

    And as Elijah went by plowing, he just took off his mantle and threw it over the top of him. Because the mantle is significant of the transfer of power. And he left the oxen, Elisha left the oxen, and followed after, ran after Elijah, and said, let me, I pray thee, kiss my father and my mother, and then I'll follow thee.

    In other words, say goodbye to daddy and mommy. And he said unto him, go back again, for what have I done to thee? And he returned back from him, took a yoke of oxen, slew them, boiled their flesh with the instruments and the oxen, and gave them to the people, and they did eat. Then he arose and went after Elijah, and ministered unto him.

    And wherever Elijah went, Elisha went with him, carried his suitcase, his briefcase, did his secretarial work, wrote his letters, did his telephones, sent his cablegrams. But he was always with the man of God, being taught, learning, being instructed. And Ben-Hadad, the king of Syria, gathered all his hosts together.

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    58 mins
  • The Adversary's desire for worship
    Jul 25 2024

    And the thing that makes it so interesting is when Jesus Christ was here, the adversary tempted him. And every time the adversary tempted him, Jesus reciprocated by quoting him the word. He offered him all the kingdoms of the world if he would but bow down and worship him.

    All the kingdoms, everything. And the reason he did this is because Jesus Christ replaced this second in command. And since Lucifer is that adversary who is the devil and Satan who got kicked out, who lost all that stuff.

    And this one, Jesus Christ now is second in command. Who do you think he would be after? Jesus Christ. That's why it says he crucified him.

    But had he known, had he known, had he known he never would have crucified the Lord of glory. Now I'll tell you why. Because every one of you born again of God's spirit are his brother.

    The works that I do, ye shall what? Everyone is his brother. Had he known it, he wouldn't have crucified him. Boy, if this ever hits you, you'll walk 10 feet tall.

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    56 mins
  • Spiritualistic Terms and The Whole Armor of God
    Jul 24 2024

    It's the word of God that instructs and teaches and tells us. In Ephesians chapter 6. Finally, my brethren, there's a better translation of that, and I don't know what it is. Who knows? I taught it in the book class on Ephesians last year or so.

    But forget it. When it's all wrapped up, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his what? Might. Power of his might, meaning his mighty power.

    You be strong in the Lord. In chapter 3, verse 20, it said, Now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, that's being strong in the Lord. According to power that worketh in us, be strong in the Lord.

    And in this part of God's word, where we're dealing with the adversary, you better be strong in the Lord. Because unless you really drive this into your mind and take a real commitment to God's word, the whole devil spirit world will wreck and ruin you. Be strong in the Lord and strong in his mighty power.

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    59 mins
  • SMF - The Whole Man - Body, Soul and Spirit - Francis Winkowitsch
    Jul 23 2024

    SMF: Sunday Morning Fellowship

    We enjoy sharing the greatness of God and what He’s made available for us, ‘cause truly He is a big, wonderful God. He’s made everything possible for each and every one of us, but so many times we get carried away by a lot of the scientific knowledge that man has today. I’ve got nothing a wrong … against scientific knowledge, but many times it leaves God out of the picture; it’s test tube results.

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    42 mins
  • Good Seed - Music
    1 hr and 38 mins
  • Elijah and Ahab
    Jul 21 2024
    58 mins
  • Stayed mind to Victory
    Jul 20 2024

    Make up your own mind on your destiny and direction. This requires focus of thought. Control your own destiny by controlling your own mind.

    The Bible says, and be not conformed to this world, be not fashioned or distorted to or by this world, but be ye transformed, and the word transformed meaning changed for the better, by the renewing of your mind. You see, you must stay your mind, focus your mind, in order for your thought processes to be renewed, rejuvenated, revitalized. God designed the mind to be focused.

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    11 mins
  • Rhoda Becker Wierwille's 40th Anniversary of service - Piano Recital
    Jul 19 2024

    Rhoda Becker Wierwille graduated from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois, where she earned a music major in piano. Rhoda Becker was hired by The Way Ministry of New Knoxville, Ohio, in 1947 following her graduation from Moody and became the first salaried employee of The Way. She served as minister of music and was the personal secretary of the Founding President of The Way, Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille.

    The minister of music for many years, Rhoda Becker directed the music for the Chimes Hour Youth Caravan radio program. She arranged their programs, directed the choir, and also trained the vocalists and instrumentalists. Knowing hundreds of hymns and gospel songs from memory, she was the piano accompanist for the congregational singing in the ministry for over thirty-seven years.

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    36 mins