• E122 - The Dad's Guide to Marriage, 3 Key Actions for Long-Term Relationship Success
    Sep 30 2024

    Episode 122 - The Dad's Guide to Marriage, 3 Key Actions for Long-Term Relationship Success

    To strengthen relationships with partners for long-term stability in marriage, especially for dads, consider these three actionable strategies:

    Prioritize Open Communication
    • Effective communication is the cornerstone of a healthy marriage. Dads can enhance their relationship by:Setting Aside Time: Dedicate time each day to discuss feelings, experiences, and concerns. This could be during dinner or a quiet moment after the kids are asleep.
    • Active Listening: Instead of simply waiting for your turn to speak, focus on truly understanding your partner’s perspective. Acknowledge their feelings and validate their experiences.
    • Expressing Appreciation: Regularly express gratitude for your partner’s efforts, whether big or small. This fosters a positive atmosphere and reinforces emotional bonds

    Engage in Shared Activities
    • Spending quality time together helps maintain connection and intimacy. Dads can strengthen their marriages by:Scheduling Date Nights: Make it a habit to go out or engage in activities together, even if it’s a simple walk or movie night at home. Regular date nights help rekindle the romance and provide an opportunity to reconnect32.
    • Collaborative Projects: Work on a home project or hobby together. This not only allows for teamwork but also creates shared memories that can deepen your bond.
    • Parenting Together: Actively participate in parenting duties as a team. This shared responsibility can enhance your partnership and demonstrate mutual support

    Foster Emotional Intelligence
    • Developing emotional intelligence is crucial for understanding and supporting each other effectively. Dads can improve their emotional connection by:Accepting Influence: Be open to your partner's opinions and feelings. This shows respect and fosters collaboration in decision-making, which is vital for a healthy relationship4.
    • Empathy in Conflict: During disagreements, strive to understand your partner's viewpoint rather than simply defending your own. Approach conflicts with a mindset of compromise and collaboration.
    • Emotional Check-ins: Regularly ask how your partner is feeling about various aspects of life, including the relationship itself. This proactive approach can prevent misunderstandings and build trust

    By implementing these strategies, dads can cultivate stronger relationships with their partners, ensuring long-term stability and happiness in their marriages.

    Source Materials Used:






    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big

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    31 mins
  • E121 - How to Be a Better Husband, 8 Simple Tips to Improve Your Marriage Now
    Sep 23 2024

    Episode 121 - How to Be a Better Husband, 8 Simple Tips to Improve Your Marriage Now

    8 Practical Tips to Be a Better Husband Right Now

    Appreciate Your Spouse

    Every day, think of five things you're grateful for about your spouse. Even small things matter. Share your appreciation with them—it brightens their day and strengthens your bond.

    Take Over a Task

    Without expecting anything in return, take on one of your spouse's chores. Whether it’s picking up the kids or washing dishes, easing their load will show you care and deepen your partnership.

    Schedule a Weekly Date

    Set a date night each week and stick to it. Even simple outings, like a walk or grabbing dinner, help you reconnect and keep the spark alive.

    Work on Yourself

    Your spouse wants you to be the best version of yourself. Address personal triggers, and invest in self-growth. Whether it's through reading, therapy, or self-reflection, improving yourself improves your relationship.

    Communicate Clearly

    Address issues without being harsh. If something bothers you, discuss it calmly and work together on solutions. Healthy communication builds trust.

    Listen Without Fixing

    When your spouse shares their problems, resist the urge to jump to solutions. Instead, listen, empathize, and acknowledge their feelings. Sometimes, they just need to be heard.

    Handle Money Calmly

    Don’t stress your spouse out with money worries. Be responsible with your spending, and work together to find a financial balance that works for both of you.

    Make Them Your Priority

    Show your spouse that they’re your top priority. Whether it’s through small gestures, kind words, or simply giving them your time, putting them first strengthens your relationship.

    Start today with one small action, and watch how it transforms your marriage.

    Original Source for this episode:




    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

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    24 mins
  • David Bartley - Charting the Course from Mental Hellness to Mental Wellness, A Journey of Hope and Healing
    Sep 19 2024

    Episode 119 - David Bartley - Charting the Course from Mental Hellness to Mental Wellness, A Journey of Hope and Healing

    David Woods Bartley, a dynamic speaker, trainer, and master storyteller, captivates audiences with his heartfelt anecdotes. His presentations provide a unique lens on mental health, offering fresh insights and empathy. David's approach transforms understanding, encouraging wellness for individuals, families, and communities.

    From Adversity to Advocacy

    David's personal journey is marked by profound challenges and victories. Overcoming the loss of a parent, childhood sexual abuse, grappling with depression and PTSD, and triumphing over life's darkest moments, he now navigates the path from mental “hellness” to wellness with grace and strength.

    Whole Person Care: The Essence of David’s Philosophy

    Central to David's teachings is Whole Person Care (WPC), a holistic approach addressing the full spectrum of an individual's needs. This method, born from David's experiences and self-care practices, is a cornerstone of his advocacy and education.

    Inspiring Change and Connection

    David believes in the transformative journey from isolation to inclusion. His mission extends beyond individual healing, encompassing community-wide impact. He seeks to lighten the burden of mental health challenges, advocating for connection and hope.

    A Distinguished Mental Health Advocate

    David's contributions to mental health are extensive. A member of multiple mental health organizations and holding vital certifications, he has delivered over 800 presentations nationwide and 2 TEDx talks, influencing a wide range of audiences. David's commitment to changing the culture of mental health is unwavering, as he continues to share his story and lived experience.




    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

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    56 mins
  • Jeremy Roadruck - Roadmap to Relationship Mastery and Unstoppable Masculine Community
    Sep 16 2024

    Episode 120 - Jeremy Roadruck - Roadmap to Relationship Mastery and Unstoppable Masculine Community

    Jeremy Roadruck is a transformational coach, teacher, speaker, and multi-time international best selling author on Amazon.

    Mr. Roadruck is a veteran martial artist with more than 26 years of martial arts experience and former member of the US Army Reserve. He’s an accomplished competitor and international champion – winning 1st place at the Pan-American Games, multi-time US National Champion, and is an educator with a deep commitment and passion for helping others develop a winning mindset.

    He is also the developer of several programs custom-tailored for specific results, such as the Falling Safely workshop – designed to teach people of all ages how to fall safely after his own mother, Barbara fell and hit her head, ending up in the ICU unconscious for 3 weeks. This workshop was featured on Channel 2 News in Dayton, Ohio. He has also developed extensive programs for doctors who specialize in Emergency Room medicine, as well as programs for parents and children. He is also the founder, with his wife Autumn, of The Parenting Program, an online resource for parents to improve their relationship with their spouse/partner, children and work/business.

    Most recently Mr. Roadruck has pivoted into transformational life coaching. A transformative coach works specifically with a person’s mindset, essentially helping you to look at your life and become aware of why things are the way they are. Then, Jeremy helps coach others to tap into there own wisdom to create their own solutions. He’s also one of the few coaches to guarantee his 1:1 work!

    With this style of coaching Jeremy has helped others to make quantum leaps in their relationships, career and entrepreneurial journeys. Instead of teaching coping strategies, Jeremy helps his clients integrate and release years and even decades of anger, fear, sadness, hurt and guilt. These are the ugly 5 that ultimately make or break your mindset.

    Mr. Roadruck is also an international best-selling author with his 2nd book, Your Best Child Ever: Is This Game Worth Winning?, and as a contributing author to the best selling, Bullyproof: Unleash the Hero Inside Your Kid, vol 3.

    In addition to his many achievements, Jeremy is a sought after motivational speaker. He speaks on communication, clarity, mindset, & meaning, as well as, building a high-performing mindset.

    Jeremy Roadruck was raised in a military family traveling to multiple countries as a child before his family settled down in the Dayton, Ohio area. As a Master-level certified NeuroLinguistic Programmer, Neurostrategest, and Hypnotherapist Jeremy is at your service. He currently lives in the Miami, Florida area with his wife, three cats and two children.




    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

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    57 mins
  • Mike Martin - Project Mindfully Outdoors - Why Retreat is Not A Sign of Weakness
    Sep 2 2024

    Episode 118 - Mike Martin - Project Mindfully Outdoors - Why Retreat is Not A Sign of Weakness

    With a deep passion for the outdoors and spirituality, Mike Martin helps others find inner peace through nature.

    As a certified meditation guide, wilderness first responder, and survival skills trainer, Mike has the expertise to lead transformative outdoor experiences. He shares his knowledge through his popular podcasts, Project Mindfully Outdoors, and The Wilderness Experince.

    Project Mindfully Outdoors is an uplifting podcast exploring the transformative power of wilderness meditation and its enrichment to daily life. Led by hiking meditation guide Mike Martin, each episode highlights a unique facet of developing mindfulness in nature's embrace. From quiet sits in forest clearings to mindful walks along the shore, or observing wildlife in city parks, Mike assists listeners in harnessing nature's healing energies to enhance mental clarity, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.





    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

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    46 mins
  • Tracy Poizner - How To Be An UnDeletable Dad, Resources For The Divorced Dad
    Aug 26 2024

    Episode 117 - Tracy Poizner - How To Be An UnDeletable Dad, Resources For The Divorced Dad

    Tracy Poizner is a world leader at helping divorced dads master fatherhood and shape their legacy. She spins together the worlds of litigation coaching, strategic parenting and spiritual growth into a unique consultancy exclusively tailored to the needs of the divorced, separated or alienated father.

    Tracy combines 25 years of international accolades as a mind/body wellness expert with personal experience of a high-conflict stepfamily dynamic.

    Her uncanny ability to read beneath the surface allows her to perceive subtle distortions in your personal energy and her unconventional approach yields brilliant, rebellious solutions for the modern patriarch.




    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

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    52 mins
  • Smart Strategies for Dads - Preparing Your Kids for Home Ownership Through Real Estate Investment
    Aug 19 2024

    Episode 116 - Smart Strategies for Dads - Preparing Your Kids for Home Ownership Through Real Estate Investment

    As a dad, preparing for your kids' future through real estate and rental properties can be a powerful way to build generational wealth. Here's how you can approach this:Start Early

    Begin focusing on your children's financial health as soon as possible, ideally from birth. The power of compound growth means that even small investments made early can have a significant impact over time.Invest in Rental Properties

    Benefits for Your Kids' Future
    • Passive income generation
    • Potential property value appreciation
    • Teaching opportunities about real estate and finance

    1. Buy properties in up-and-coming areas: Look for locations with growth potential.
    2. Consider multi-unit properties: These can provide higher returns and diversify risk.
    3. Involve your kids: As they grow, teach them about property management and investment.

    Helping Kids into Home OwnershipStart a Housing Fund
    • Set up a dedicated savings account or investment portfolio for each child's future home purchase.
    • Consider using a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) which can later be partially used for housing.

    Teach Financial Literacy
    • Involve kids in budgeting and saving discussions from an early age.
    • Encourage them to save a portion of any money they receive or earn.

    Co-signing or Gifting
    • When they're ready to buy, consider co-signing their mortgage or gifting a down payment.
    • Be aware of tax implications and seek professional advice.

    Long-term Planning StrategiesSet Clear Goals
    • Determine how much you want to contribute to each child's future home.
    • Create a timeline for achieving these goals.

    Diversify Investments
    • While real estate is valuable, also consider other investment vehicles for balance.
    • Explore stocks, bonds, and other assets to create a well-rounded portfolio for your kids' future.

    Regular Review and Adjustment
    • Reassess your strategy annually to ensure you're on track.
    • Adjust as needed based on market conditions and your family's changing needs.

    Teaching by Example

    As a dad, your financial habits will significantly influence your children. Demonstrate good financial management, discuss investment decisions, and involve them in age-appropriate financial planning activities.Remember, while preparing for your kids' financial future is crucial, it's equally important to balance this with enjoying the present and not sacrificing your own financial health. By taking a thoughtful, long-term approach to real estate and financial planning, you can set your children up for a stable and prosperous future.

    Welcome to the Cash Kid Podcast! I’m here to teach kids and adults the financial literacy skills they need to start saving money early. Join us as we interview experts and explore topics to take that piggy bank to a real bank and start investing today to watch your money grow. “Cash Kids” are kids who at a young age have an entrepreneurial mindset and good financial skills to use their passions, hobbies, and skills to earn money.

    Just remember, anyone can be a “Cash Kid,” you just have to learn how to become one. So let’s be the generation to grow the greatest wealth and be the most financially literate. From financial skills to getting your first job, to investing in the stock market, we’ll cover it here on the Cash Kid Podcast.


    Money and personal finance are one of the leading causes of stress among adults, but it doesn't have...

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    34 mins
  • Extending Grace, Treating Everyone Like a Learner on Life's Highway
    Aug 12 2024

    Episode 115 - Extending Grace, Treating Everyone Like a Learner on Life's Highway

    The Hidden Struggles: Treating Everyone Like a Student Driver

    Imagine you're driving down a busy street and you spot a car with "STUDENT DRIVER" plastered on its sides. What's your immediate reaction? Most of us instinctively become more patient, give the car more space, and perhaps even silently cheer on the novice behind the wheel. We understand that this person is learning, and we adjust our expectations and behavior accordingly.Now, what if we applied this same mindset to everyone we encounter in our daily lives?

    The Invisible "Student Driver" Sign

    The truth is, many people around us are navigating personal struggles and challenges that we know nothing about. These hidden battles could be anything from mental health issues, financial stress, relationship problems, or health concerns. Unlike the student driver's car, there's no visible sign alerting us to their situation.

    Creating Space for Silent Struggles
    1. Just as we give student drivers extra room on the road, we can create space for those who might be silently hurting:Practice patience: When someone seems short-tempered or distracted, consider that they might be dealing with unseen difficulties.
    2. Offer kindness: A simple smile or a genuine "How are you?" can make a world of difference to someone who's struggling.
    3. Withhold judgment: Before jumping to conclusions about someone's behavior, remember that there might be more to their story than meets the eye.
    4. Listen actively: If someone opens up to you, give them your full attention without trying to fix their problems immediately.

    The Power of Grace

    Extending grace to others means showing kindness and understanding, even when it's not necessarily deserved. By treating everyone as if they're wearing an invisible "STUDENT DRIVER" sign, we create a more compassionate and supportive environment for all.Remember, just as a student driver eventually becomes a confident motorist, people facing challenges can overcome them with time, support, and understanding from those around them.

    Action Item Summary:

    Commit to treating everyone you encounter with the same patience and understanding you'd offer a student driver, recognizing that they may be silently navigating personal challenges.



    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

    Show more Show less
    31 mins