
  • Acts 18:18-28 - Invested in People and Vested in the Church
    Jun 28 2024

    Welcome to our latest episode! Have you ever wondered what it truly means to invest in people and to be deeply committed to the church as a Christian? Today, we explore this question by delving into the lives of Paul, the dynamic husband-and-wife duo Priscilla and Aquila, and the compelling figure of Apollos, as documented in Acts 18:18-28.

    Join us as we uncover valuable insights from their actions and relationships, shedding light on the essence of Christian discipleship and community involvement. Whether you're looking to deepen your own spiritual journey or seeking inspiration for nurturing meaningful connections within your church, this episode promises to offer wisdom and encouragement. Let's dive in together!"

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    This podcast is a production of The Center for Biblical Coaching and Leadership. If this episode has been useful or inspiring to you in any way, please share it with someone else. Lastly, please subscribe to the show and write a review.

    Visit our website, tcbcl.org, to learn more about our mission and vision.

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    37 m
  • Acts 19:1-11 - Paul in Ephesus
    Jun 21 2024

    Check out our latest episode! Today, we embark on an enriching journey through Acts 19:1-11, exploring the transformative impact of Paul's ministry in Ephesus.

    Join us as we uncover the profound lessons and spiritual insights from this pivotal passage. Discover how Paul's dedication to spreading the Gospel and nurturing faith communities continues to inspire and resonate with us today.

    Whether you're seeking a deeper understanding of biblical teachings or seeking inspiration for your own journey of faith, this episode promises to illuminate and uplift. Let's delve into Acts 19:1-11 together!"

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    This podcast is a production of The Center for Biblical Coaching and Leadership. If this episode has been useful or inspiring to you in any way, please share it with someone else. Lastly, please subscribe to the show and write a review.

    Visit our website, tcbcl.org, to learn more about our mission and vision.

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    46 m
  • Acts 18:1-17 - Every Ending Marks a New Beginning!
    May 29 2024

    Welcome to another captivating episode! As we journey through the book of Acts, we find ourselves accompanying Paul on his solo venture from Athens to Corinth, eagerly awaiting the reunion with Silas and Timothy. Upon his arrival, Paul seeks refuge with Aquila and Priscilla, fellow believers and tentmakers like himself, who've recently resettled from Rome due to Claudius' decree expelling Jews.

    In true Pauline fashion, our intrepid apostle wastes no time in spreading the gospel, first in the synagogue, where he fervently persuades both Jews and Greeks of the truth of Jesus as the Messiah. However, when Silas and Timothy join him, Paul shifts his focus exclusively to preaching to the Jews, encountering unexpected opposition that shakes him to his core.

    But why does Luke choose to spotlight Aquila, Priscilla, and the growing opposition Paul faces? The answer to this intriguing question awaits you in this episode.

    Join us as we dive deep into Acts and unravel the significance of these encounters. I'm confident that as you listen, you'll discover profound insights that will enrich your understanding and faith journey. Let's embark on this exploration together!

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    This podcast is a production of The Center for Biblical Coaching and Leadership. If this episode has been useful or inspiring to you in any way, please share it with someone else. Lastly, please subscribe to the show and write a review.

    Visit our website, tcbcl.org, to learn more about our mission and vision.

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    52 m
  • Acts 17:16-36 - Distress Creates Opportunity
    May 17 2024

    Has a distressful situation ever created an opportunity for you? There are times when we experience situations or circumstances that are not pleasing, but could those occurrences be a opportunity in disguise. This is what took place for Paul when he arrived in Athens. Being led by the Holy Spirit Paul used his situation as an opportunity to fulfill his calling and purpose.

    If you're wondering if your current situation is an opportunity invest the time to learn from Paul. In this episodvitalwe review key insights that most believers overlook when involved in a distressful situation or circumstance. Enjoy!

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    This podcast is a production of The Center for Biblical Coaching and Leadership. If this episode has been useful or inspiring to you in any way, please share it with someone else. Lastly, please subscribe to the show and write a review.

    Visit our website, tcbcl.org, to learn more about our mission and vision.

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    53 m
  • Acts 17:10-15 - Studying the Word - A Form of Worship
    May 12 2024
    In the stillness of the night, Paul and Silas escaped Thessalonica and made their way to Berea, propelled by faith and a message that could not be silenced. When they arrived, they headed to the synagogue as it was Paul's discipline; however, this time, they were met not with hostility but with hearts open to the whispers of the Divine. This pivotal moment, divinely inspired and recorded by Luke, serves as a beacon for all who seek truth through the Word of God. It invites us to explore the remarkable encounter in Berea, urging us to delve deeper into our own approach to Scripture.

    With open hearts and minds, let us journey together into this episode, where we uncover the profound lessons woven into the fabric of faith by the Bereans. Listen, reflect, and let the Holy Spirit transform your relationship with the Word. Join us as we discover the critical issues of the heart that every believer must embrace. This is not just a story—it's a call to action, an invitation to engage with the Word of God with the same fervor and openness as the Bereans. Let’s embark on this journey together, inspired and guided by their example.

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    This podcast is a production of The Center for Biblical Coaching and Leadership. If this episode has been useful or inspiring to you in any way, please share it with someone else. Lastly, please subscribe to the show and write a review.

    Visit our website, tcbcl.org, to learn more about our mission and vision.

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    50 m
  • Acts 17:1-9 - Paul and Silas at Thessalonica
    May 3 2024

    In our last episode, we witnessed Paul and Silas endure hardship and persecution for the sake of spreading the Gospel. Despite facing imprisonment and physical suffering, their faith remained unshakeable, leading to the miraculous conversion of a prison guard and his household. After these events Paul and Silas are asked to leave the city, and they heard towards Thessalonica.

    Upon arriving, he follows his customary practice of visiting the synagogue, where he imparts invaluable lessons about the Gospel and seizing opportunities to share the love of Christ with others. While in Thessalonica, we also catch a glimpse into the hearts of those who reject the Gospel, witnessing firsthand their reactions.

    If you've ever found yourself facing adversity or experiencing opposition for your faith, this episode may provide some hope and encouragement. Join us as we delve into Acts 17:1-9 and discover profound insights that will strengthen your walk with Christ and empower you to face life's challenges with clarity and confidence.

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    This podcast is a production of The Center for Biblical Coaching and Leadership. If this episode has been useful or inspiring to you in any way, please share it with someone else. Lastly, please subscribe to the show and write a review.

    Visit our website, tcbcl.org, to learn more about our mission and vision.

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    45 m
  • Acts 16:11-40 - Finding the Gift and Opportunity
    Apr 9 2024
    Welcome to today’s episode, where we delve into the profound question: What does it mean to be led by the Spirit? It's a common misconception that a life guided by the Spirit is free from challenges such as persecution, job loss, or health issues. However, drawing inspiration from the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul enlightens us that “All things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” Today, we're going to explore some of the various trials Paul, Timothy, and Silas encountered, how they navigated these moments with grace, and understand how God orchestrates these experiences for a greater purpose. If you're currently facing a tough situation, this episode might just hold the key to finding your way through it. Join us as we uncover the strength and guidance that comes from being led by the Spirit.

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    This podcast is a production of The Center for Biblical Coaching and Leadership. If this episode has been useful or inspiring to you in any way, please share it with someone else. Lastly, please subscribe to the show and write a review.

    Visit our website, tcbcl.org, to learn more about our mission and vision.

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    51 m
  • Acts 16:1-10 - Led by the Spirit
    Apr 2 2024

    There are two main themes occuring in the beginning of chapter sixteen. First, Paul and Silas arrive at Lystra, and they meet a disciple named Timothy. Luke made it a point to share with us the ethnicity of his parents up front. Timothy mother was a Jewish believer, and his father was a Greek. Why was this so important? The second theme occurringis that Paul, Silas and Timothy were prevented by the Holy Spirit to visit two locations. Why is this important? I find both of these situation are prevalent to the day in time we live in. To learn more down this episode now.

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    This podcast is a production of The Center for Biblical Coaching and Leadership. If this episode has been useful or inspiring to you in any way, please share it with someone else. Lastly, please subscribe to the show and write a review.

    Visit our website, tcbcl.org, to learn more about our mission and vision.

    Más Menos
    37 m