• A Prayer of Complete Thanks
    Jul 28 2024

    "Sometimes just kneeling down in prayer and thanking God for what He has done gives you a different perspective and reminds you of all the blessings He has bestowed upon you."- Wesleyne

    Bible Verse as the Word of the Day

    "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."- 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

    This episode focuses on the power of gratitude and the importance of offering a prayer of thanksgiving.

    It highlights how taking time to express gratitude, rather than focusing on requests or needs, can shift our perspective and remind us of the many blessings in our lives.

    Cultivate a habit of thanking God for His blessings, both big and small.

    By praying a prayer of complete thanks, we acknowledge and appreciate what God has already done in our lives.

    This act of gratitude not only refreshes our spirit but also helps us recognize the many gifts we often take for granted.

    Listeners are encouraged to shift their focus from asking for more to appreciating what has already been provided, creating a more profound sense of peace and fulfillment.


    1. When feeling defeated, remember that God is not a God of defeat.
    2. Negative emotions are tools of the enemy and should not be embraced.
    3. Letting go of control and surrendering to God allows Him to work in our lives.
    4. Fully surrendering to God means taking our hands off the situation and trusting Him completely.
    5. Continually release worries and anxieties to God, trusting that He will take care of them.


    • 00:00- Prayer of Complete Thanks
    • 01:05- Shifting Perspective Through Gratitude
    • 02:20- The Power of Acknowledging God’s Blessings
    • 03:45- Encouragement to Offer a Prayer of Thanksgiving
    • 04:50- Embracing Peace and Contentment

    Take a moment to pray a prayer of thanksgiving, focusing on the blessings in your life.

    If you have any prayer requests or need support, send them to hello@askwesleyne.com.

    What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

    Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

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    4 mins
  • Nothing Is Too Hard for the Lord
    Jul 27 2024

    "With God, there is always a way. Nothing is too hard for Him, and His promises are always fulfilled in His perfect timing."- Wesleyne

    Bible Verse as the Word of the Day

    "Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son."- Genesis 18:14 (NIV)

    God's power surpasses all limitations and challenges we face.

    Despite Sarah's disbelief due to her old age and barrenness, God proved that no situation is too hard for Him.

    This is a call to trust in God’s promises and His ability to overcome any obstacle.

    It's about living in the hope of "But God" – acknowledging our struggles but believing in His capacity to deliver and fulfill His word.

    By focusing on God’s omnipotence and faithfulness, we can find strength and encouragement to face our own challenges with confidence and hope.


    1. When feeling defeated, remember that God is not a God of defeat.
    2. Negative emotions are tools of the enemy and should not be embraced.
    3. Letting go of control and surrendering to God allows Him to work in our lives.
    4. Fully surrendering to God means taking our hands off the situation and trusting Him completely.
    5. Continually release worries and anxieties to God, trusting that He will take care of them.


    • 00:00- God’s Boundless Power
    • 01:05- The Story of Sarah and God’s Promise
    • 02:30- Trusting God’s Timing and Promises
    • 03:45- Living with the Hope of “But God”
    • 05:10- Bringing Your Challenges to God

    If you have any prayer requests or need support, send them to hello@askwesleyne.com

    What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

    Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

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    4 mins
  • Blessings for Every Aspect of Your Life
    Jul 25 2024

    "To flourish under God’s blessing is to walk in the light of His promises and embrace the fullness of His joy."- Wesleyne

    Bible Verse as the Word of the Day

    "May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children. May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."- Psalms 115:14-15 (NIV)

    In this episode, the focus is on speaking blessings over every facet of life, including personal ministries, relationships, career, and family.

    The message emphasizes the importance of invoking blessings for growth, prosperity, and fulfillment.

    It reassures listeners that God desires them to flourish and be blessed, encouraging them to seek His favor in all aspects of their lives.

    The discussion highlights the power of blessings and the impact they can have on one’s personal and professional journey.


    • When feeling defeated, remember that God is not a God of defeat.
    • Negative emotions are tools of the enemy and should not be embraced.
    • Letting go of control and surrendering to God allows Him to work in our lives.
    • Fully surrendering to God means taking our hands off the situation and trusting Him completely.
    • Continually release worries and anxieties to God, trusting that He will take care of them.


    • 00:00- Speaking Blessings Over Your Life
    • 01:05- Blessings for Your Ministry and Relationships
    • 02:30- Prayers for Career and Family
    • 04:00- Flourishing and Prosperity in All Areas

    Reflect on the blessings spoken in today’s episode and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    If you have any prayer requests or need support, send them to hello@askwesleyne.com.

    Let's continue to seek God's blessings and celebrate His goodness in every area of our lives!

    What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

    Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

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    3 mins
  • The Race to Victory
    Jul 24 2024

    "Running towards something or away from something requires more than just effort; it requires embracing the journey and celebrating the milestones along the way."- Wesleyne

    Bible Verse as the Word of the Day

    "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."- 1 Corinthians 9:24 (NIV)

    In this episode, the focus is on understanding the importance of not only running towards goals but also celebrating when they are achieved.

    The message emphasizes the need to appreciate and bask in the glory of reaching milestones, whether it’s a new job promotion or overcoming personal struggles.

    The discussion encourages listeners to set goals, work diligently, and recognize when it’s time to celebrate achievements.

    It also highlights the importance of continuous effort and keeping faith in the process, whether running towards success or away from difficulties.


    1. When feeling defeated, remember that God is not a God of defeat.
    2. Negative emotions are tools of the enemy and should not be embraced.
    3. Letting go of control and surrendering to God allows Him to work in our lives.
    4. Fully surrendering to God means taking our hands off the situation and trusting Him completely.
    5. Continually release worries and anxieties to God, trusting that He will take care of them.


    • 00:00- The Race of Life
    • 01:10- The Importance of Celebrating Achievements
    • 03:00- Running Away from Struggles
    • 04:20- Finding the Goal Line and Celebrating Small Wins
    • 06:00- Continuing the Journey with Faith

    Reflect on what you’ve gained from today’s episode and share your thoughts by leaving a review.

    If you have any prayer requests or need support, please send them to hello@askwesleyne.com

    What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

    Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

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    6 mins
  • Renewing Your Mind for Transformation
    Jul 21 2024

    "The way to not conform to the world is by intentionally renewing our mind for ourselves."- Wesleyne

    Word of The Day

    "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will."- Wesleyne

    In this episode, we explore the importance of renewing our minds daily to avoid conforming to the patterns of this world.

    Wesleyne discusses the worldly influences that can lead us astray, such as social media, materialism, and societal pressures.

    She emphasizes the necessity of daily renewal through activities like reading the Bible, praying, listening to the Holy Spirit, and journaling.

    By intentionally feeding our minds, bodies, and spirits with God's word and reflecting on it, we can transform our lives and align more closely with God's will.


    • Avoid conforming to worldly patterns by renewing your mind.
    • Daily renewal involves reading the Bible, praying, listening to the Holy Spirit, and journaling.
    • Sharing your reflections and God's messages can reinforce your spiritual growth.
    • Transformation comes from consistently feeding your mind with God's word.
    • This practice helps you live according to God's will and not the world's expectations.


    1. 00:00- Introduction and Romans 12:2
    2. 00:55- Patterns of This World
    3. 01:30- Importance of Renewing Your Mind
    4. 02:00- Activities for Daily Renewal
    5. 03:10- The Role of Prayer and Listening
    6. 04:00- Journaling and Sharing God's Messages
    7. 05:00- Living for Yourself, Not the World

    Take time today to renew your mind through prayer, scripture, and reflection.

    Share your experiences and insights from this episode with others to inspire spiritual growth, by leaving a review. 🙂

    If you have prayer requests or want to discuss further, email us at hello@askwesleyne.com and connect with us

    What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

    Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

    Your spiritual and self-care growth matters deeply to us, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

    Be blessed as you walk in alignment with God's perfect will!

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    5 mins
  • Prayer for Healing
    Jul 20 2024

    "Even in silence, God is working tirelessly to shape our lives and guide our hearts."- Wesleyne

    Word of the Day

    "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans."- Romans 8:26

    Today, we are reminded of the importance of gratitude, faith, and surrender.

    The prayer begins with thanks for the blessings of life, clarity, love, and opportunities.

    It acknowledges the struggles and frustrations that come with unanswered prayers and the feeling of God's silence.

    However, we are also encouraged to believe that God is always at work, even when we cannot see or feel His presence.

    The prayer calls on the Holy Spirit to guide us, soften our hearts, and teach us love and peace.

    It concludes with a plea for physical, mental, and spiritual healing and a complete surrender to God's will.


    • Gratitude for the blessings in our lives is essential.
    • Even when we feel unheard, God is always at work.
    • The Holy Spirit helps us find peace and make decisions.
    • Complete surrender to God brings healing and strength.
    • Prayer is a powerful tool for seeking guidance and comfort.


    • 00:00- Introduction and Thanksgiving
    • 01:00- Acknowledging Struggles and Unanswered Prayers
    • 01:58- The Holy Spirit’s Role in Our Lives
    • 02:58- Seeking Healing and Surrendering to God
    • 04:00- Conclusion and Amen

    We'd love to hear how this message has impacted you.

    Consider the challenges you're facing right now: do they feel like God’s pruning or cutting?

    To connect with us;

    What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

    Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

    If you have any prayer requests, reach out to us at hello@askwesleyne.com.

    Be blessed!

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    4 mins
  • Seeking God's Guidance in Navigating Pruning and Cutting Seasons
    Jul 18 2024

    "Sometimes that prune can feel like a cut, but it’s what happens after that reveals God’s plan."- Wesleyne

    Word of The Day

    "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful."- John 15:1-2

    We learn how to discern whether we are in a season of pruning, where God is preparing us for greater fruitfulness, or a season of cutting, where something unfruitful is being removed from our lives.

    This understanding helps us navigate life’s challenges, whether in relationships, careers, or personal struggles, by recognizing the signs of God's intervention and guidance.

    It emphasizes the role of God as the gardener and how he prunes or cuts off branches that bear no fruit.

    The distinction between pruning and cutting off is discussed, highlighting the importance of discerning God's guidance.

    Overall, listeners are encouraged to seek God's guidance in navigating pruning and cutting seasons in their lives.


    • God prunes or cuts off branches that bear no fruit in our lives.
    • Discerning God's guidance is crucial in understanding whether we are in a pruning or cutting off season.
    • Pruning and cutting off can lead to increased fruitfulness and positive changes in relationships.
    • Seeking God's guidance is essential in navigating pruning and cutting seasons in our lives.

    • 00:00- Introduction to Pruning and Cutting
    • 00:58- The Gardener's Role in Our Lives
    • 03:18- Signs of a Pruning Season
    • 05:11- Signs of a Cutting Season
    • 07:00- Navigating Life's Challenges with God's Guidance
    • 09:00- Prayer and Reflection

    Think about the challenges you're facing right now—are they signs of God's pruning or cutting in your life?

    We'd love to hear your thoughts and how today's message resonated with you. Please share your insights and leave a review of this episode.

    If you have any prayer requests, send them to hello@askwesleyne.com, or simply use the link below;

    What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

    Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

    Your journey matters to us, and we look forward to supporting you.

    Be blessed!

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    7 mins
  • Sowing and Reaping in Relationships
    Jul 17 2024

    "Relationships are meant to be mutual, where you can get what you need in your times of need, and you can also give those things that are needed."- Wesleyne

    Word of The Day

    "Thus the saying, 'One sows and another reaps,' is true."- John 4:37

    Sometimes we don't reap in the same field that we sow in.

    When we sow into people, we may not always receive from the same people.

    Relationships may not always be mutual friendships, but rather opportunities for mentoring and pouring into others.

    It's important to evaluate our relationships and seek out those who can sow into us as well.

    Relationships should be mutual, where we can both give and receive.

    The key takeaway is to ensure that our relationships either sow back into us or continue to sow into others, creating a cycle of growth and support.


    • Sometimes we may not receive from the same people we sow into.
    • Not all relationships are mutual friendships; some are opportunities for mentoring and pouring into others.
    • Evaluate relationships and seek out those who can sow into us as well.
    • Relationships should be mutual, where we can both give and receive.


    1. 00:00- Sowing and Reaping
    2. 02:28- Feeling Unreciprocated in Relationships
    3. 03:55- Seeking God’s Guidance in Relationships
    4. 05:21- The Importance of Giving and Receiving in Relationships
    5. 07:00- Conclusion and Call to Action

    Are you pouring into others who can continue the cycle of sowing?

    Share your insights and leave a review of today's episode, using the link below;

    What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

    Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

    We would love to hear how today's message has impacted you.

    Be blessed today!

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    7 mins