
  • When Christ Separates The Sheep From The Goats
    Feb 10 2023

    Subscribe to Theology Applied to stay up to date with new episodes of Daily Truth & more!


    This episode concisely explains the true meaning of Christ separating the sheep from the goats in Matthew 25:31-46.

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    1 min
  • "Not All Who Say To Me, ‘Lord Lord’ Will Enter The Kingdom”
    Feb 9 2023

    Subscribe to Theology Applied to stay up to date with new episodes of Daily Truth & more!


    In the end, there will be many who PROFESS Christ who do not actually POSSESS Christ.

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    1 min
  • Is There Really No Such Thing As A “Carnal Christian”?
    Feb 8 2023

    Subscribe to Theology Applied to stay up to date with new episodes of Daily Truth & more!


    Is there really no such thing as a “Carnal Christian”? And if so, how should we properly define a “Carnal Christian”?

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    1 min
  • The Mentally Disabled & Children Who Die In Infancy
    Feb 7 2023

    Subscribe to Theology Applied to stay up to date with new episodes of Daily Truth & more!


    Scripture says we will be saved “if we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord.” But what about those who cannot speak?

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    1 min
  • “Strive For The Holiness For Without Which No One Will See The Lord”
    Feb 6 2023

    Subscribe to Theology Applied to stay up to date with new episodes of Daily Truth & more!


    What does Hebrews 12:15 mean when it commands us to “strive for the holiness for without which no one will see the Lord”?

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    1 min
  • God Is Sovereign Over Both Justification & Sanctification
    Feb 3 2023

    The same God who determines which one of us will be justified also determines how far each of us will be sanctified in this life.

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    9 mins
  • You Cannot Build A House Of Peace On The Foundation Of Lies
    Feb 2 2023

     “Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14

    “Holiness” is immediately added to “peace” in order to indicate that peace is to be pursued no further than that which is consistent with holiness.

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    9 mins
  • Weak Members Of The Body Affect The Strong
    Feb 1 2023

    If the wrist is broken, the strength of the hand will be of little avail.

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    3 mins