
    Jul 15 2024

    In this explosive episode we interview Cadmus Publishing owner, Ken Passaro, as he shares his remarkable story and how he ended up in the publishing business. A product of a broken home, fatherless, and struggling with traumas Ken found himself piped into prison just like millions of other Americans. While in prison his labor was exploited and wages stolen, treatment and educational options were practically nonexistent, he was surrounded by violence and guard brutality, and he was released in severe poverty. Which is essentially the story of millions of fellow troubled Americans. Unlike masses of other released prisoners Ken self-rehabilitated himself. Striving arduously to discover true peace, productivity, and happiness despite mass incarceration's deep adverse impact on his life. Finding his Higher Power was the key to his redemption. Now he is dedicated to freeing the voices of prisoner authors. Unleashing the untapped potential of our troubled people so that their words can break stereotypes and disrupt the evil mass incarceration system.

    Co-host, Daniel J. Simms, Petition for Resentencing filed with Leesa Manion, the King County Prosecutor, is still pending. Daniel has been incarcerated since February 2006 for a botched drug deal (See: State of Washington v. Daniel J. Simms). No one was severely hurt. No one was murdered. No one was sexually assaulted. Yet Daniel is being murdered by the State with an egregiously long sentence. Daniel's rehabilitation is beyond extraordinary, with three published books, a podcast, blog, and countless certificates including as a Certified Paralegal, the ends of justice would be best served mercifully freeing him. That is why Daniel direly needs advocates and supporters to lobby Leesa Manion's Office for Resentencing. Please contact DefundDOC.net to help, or contact the King County Prosecutor's Office directly at www.KingCountyProsecutorOffice.gov/LeesaManion. Thank you.

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  • Washington's Finest: How Past Trauma and Love Shaped an Activist - With Guest Kehaulani Walker
    Jul 7 2024

    Focusing on the compelling story of Kehaulani Walker, we learn how her past pain, trauma, and husband's incarceration awakened her to Carceral State injustices giving her a new lifelong passion. Now Kehaulani is busily running three organizations FOTi, PUA, and Roots Up, dedicated to improving prison conditions. If there were awards for the most effective State of Washington Activist Kehaulani Walker would win first prize. She has put her energy and sweat on the D.O.C. reform battlefield. Inevitably incurring the ire of D.O.C. prison authorities. She has faced down attempts to silence and dissuade her from vigorously defending our troubled people's human rights and dignity. When Kehaulani works on an inequity or abuse D.O.C., Staff know she will not give up until the matter is remedied and resolved favorably. The episode dispels harmful tropes such as "do the crime, do the time," "you brought this upon yourself," and numerous other falsities used to excuse Carceral State human rights violations. Highlighting political elites incentive to use the media bully pulpit to vilify "crime" and "criminals" to increase the prisoner felon slave class. Explaining how criminalization of behavioural health has become big business. Detailing how the Carceral State exploits forced prisoner slave labor to subsidize mass incarceration. Keeping prisoners impoverished and in a beggarly state to extract billions of dollars from their families and friends.

    The explosive episode also breaks news of incarcerated co-host Daniel J. Simms Petition to the King County Prosecutor Leesa Manion for Resentencing. Daniel asks listeners to e-mail www.KingCountyProsecutorOffice.gov/Leesa_Manion to voice their support for Daniel's release.

    Moreover July 4th is the beginning of DefundDOC.net crowdfunding journey to raise funds for the World's 1st social justice prison reform reality TV show "LOVE AND PRISON ACTIVISM." All donators receive gifts and rewards that far exceed their donation. Including the opportunity to become a reality Star or appear in the show. Sign up now at www.DefundDOC.net.

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    Jun 15 2024

    Hell on earth. A torture chamber. A death trap. Just a few names that incarcerated Americans and their supporters are calling the state of Wisconsin Department of Corrections, Waupun Correctional Institution. There have been four deaths in one year, countless lawsuits, gross negligence, vicious guard brutality, systemic oppression, overwhelming petty rules, and the exhausted existence of our people across the country. But, at Waupun Correctional Institution, the level of inhumanity and cruelty surpasses belief.

    In this nation of grand wealth and infinite resources, we have an evil wickedness resting in the dark recesses of our prisons. DOC is the largest slaveholder in human history. Stealing the wages of millions of Americans is an out-of-control kleptocracy. How can goodness, love for fellow man, and successful reentry ever occur in a hate-filled environment as has been created in DOC? It cannot. That is why recidivism is at 83.4 percent nationally, and recidivism is a meager 20 percent in Norway and Finland where sentences are low and educational and career opportunities are prolific. Waupun is just one more example of systemic cruelties stemming from a slave system.

    Interviewing Tresa Hewlett and her incarcerated son Damien Hewlett, we delve into the truth about what is actually happening inside those walls. Waupun is the latest prison where abuse has finally spilled out into the public sector. Of course, for every one prison that gets exposed for its atrocities, there are twenty that go unheard of or unaddressed. It is time to put an end to the Department of Corrections experiment. Defunding it, and turning all prisons into treatment and career centers.

    Learn more about the truth that is happening across our country. All new subscribers receive a free digital copy of one of my books. You can choose either “Defund DOC: Turning All Prisons Into Treatment and Career Centers”, or “The Art of Living: Everything You Need to Achieve Success in Life and Business, I Learned in Prison”. Just subscribe at DefundDOC.net.

    Remember, we need your help! On July 4th, we are launching the most anticipated, world’s first social justice reality show crowdfunding for “Love and Prison Activism”. Everyone who donates will have the opportunity to appear at demonstrations or audition to be on the show. We are accepting pre-commitment donations at this time. Subscribe for updates.

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    Jun 6 2024

    The country lit up with millions of Americans protesting systemic abuses highlighted by the martyr George Floyd. It was the largest social justice mass demonstration in human history. Politicians and mass media took notice. For days afterwards they waxed and waned about reforming the system. Then within days they were back to demonizing troubled Americans that made bad decisions labeled crime (i.e. minorities, the impoverished, and the mentally ill). They promptly returned to perpetuating the status quo. As of date, no meaningful systemic change has occurred anywhere in the United States criminal justice system. Police STILL overpoliced disadvantaged communities and subjects the communities to blatant abuse and murder. Prosecutors STILL persecuted disadvantaged citizens while failing to hold criminal cops accountable. Courts STILL railroaded masses of our people into cruelly long sentences while finding criminal cops not guilty for murders like Emmanuel Ellis. Mass incarceration STILL enslaved our troubled Americans, stealing their labor wages, and depriving them of meaningful treatment or educational opportunities. From the Police on the beat, the Prosecutors and the Judges in the Courtroom, the Prison Administrator profiteers, and the complicit Politicians that govern our people by fear and control, it is a corrupted system that needs reform. Politicians and mass media received the message when the demonstrations were occurring. But they did not truly GET it. Now we have to make it MORE clearer. That is what the world's 1st social justice reality show "LOVE and PRISON ACTIVISM" seeks to do. We plan on filming the inherent injustices and inequities that mass incarceration breeds. Showcasing patriotic supporters and loved ones of troubled Americans that demonstrate and protest against the Carceral State. Demanding fundamental change: (1) ending prisoner slavery, (2) turning all prisons into treatment and career centers, (3) ending the drug war, (4) adopting extreme socialization reentry programs into all prisons, (5) returning the vote to felons and prisoners Nationwide, and (5) reducing all sentences for non-homicide offenses down to a maximum of eight to ten years. Those overdue reforms will decarcerate our Nation and take the incentive (i.e. free prisoner labor) away from the Carceral State. Which will decrease police, prosecutor, and judge budgets significantly over time. The Government should not be in the business of enslaving and exploiting our People. It should solely be in the business of saving, helping, and restoring our People. To achieve this monumental aim we will need your help. We need everyone in the Country to join. It is a true David versus Goliath undertaking. We are currently opening up pre-commitments for donators zealous to be in the front line in the social justice battle. The reality show Stars will be picked from those that donated. Furthermore all those that donate will have the opportunity to be filmed in the reality show during protests and demonstrations. Additionally there are gifts and other prizes which donators will receive so pre-committing a fixed amount assures your reward.

    Remember all new subscribers can get a free digital copy of the book, Defund D.O.C.: Turning All Prisons Into Treatment and Career Centers, or, The Art of Living: Everything You To Achieve Success in Life and Business, I Learned in Prison. www.DefundDOC.net.

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    Jun 5 2024

    Welcome to the DefundDOC Podcast, where we delve into the critical issues surrounding voting rights and criminal justice reform. Join Linda and Daniel, as we explore the history and current state of felon disenfranchisement in America, inspired by legal texts, historical documents, and contemporary analyses.

    In our discussions, we question the "obvious" exclusion of certain groups, such as women, people with mental disabilities, and former slaves, from the right to vote. We examine the discriminatory practices that have disenfranchised felons and prisoners, perpetuating inequality and prejudice.

    We uncover the origins of felon disenfranchisement as a tool to prevent African-Americans from voting, and the need for legislative action to address the racial discrimination inherent in this practice. We challenge the notion that past mistakes define a person's character or virtue, advocating for the restoration of voting rights as a means to break down injustice in the criminal justice system.

    By highlighting the importance of voting rights, we expose the inequities and over-sentencing within the system, and the need for felons and prisoners to have a voice in shaping policies that affect them. We argue that the denial of voting rights violates the equal protection clause of the Constitution and perpetuates a corrupt and discriminatory system.

    Join us as we uncover the injustices of the past and present, and explore the ways in which restoring the right to vote for felons and prisoners can lead to meaningful criminal justice reform. Subscribe to our podcast and blog at www.DefundDOC.net to stay informed and receive a free digital copy of one of Linda's books.

    Additionally, we invite you to be part of a groundbreaking reality show, "LOVE AND PRISON ACTIVISM," which aims to humanize prisoners and their loved ones while driving prison reform. Audition for the show and join us on July 4th, as we launch this revolutionary movement for change.

    To support our mission, browse our branded collections on our website, Cadmus Publishing, Etsy, and our TikTok store. All profits go towards advancing the cause of prison reform. You can also purchase the "Supporters Book Bundle" of all three of Linda's digital books for a limited-time offer.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey to fight for justice and equality for all. Together, we can make a difference.

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    May 19 2024

    As June 26 approaches this year, and every year thereafter, many Americans across the Country will anticipate it as if it was any other day. Tragically that will not be the case for Megan Kolb, of the State of Wisconsin. For the rest of her families lives, that day will represent an atrocity. A Human Rights Crime. The day their patriarch was killed by the State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Megan's father, Dean Hoffman, a man with severe mental health bipolar disorder. For decades he took his prescribed medications to mitigate the symptoms of his mental illness. For years such treatment worked. On occasion he would regress. Overall however he was striving to be a functioning member of society, and a valued member of his daughter Megan's, growing family, despite his severe psychological battles. Nevertheless one fateful night he lost a battle with his disorder. He had a mental health crisis. One that drove him to enter into his ex-girlfriend's residence and bother her with his innermost mental anguish. Instead of treating Dean Hoffman at a mental health hospital the system criminalized him. The police arrested him, the prosecutor persecuted him, and the Courts vilified and sentenced him to an outrageously long term of twenty six years.

    There was no mercy for being a first time offender, having a mental health disorder, or having a large growing family that desperately wanted him to grow old peacefully with them. The only thing on the minds of our contemporary corrupt U.S. Criminal Justice system was adding another prisoner slave to mass incarceration. Soon he was on the prison bus and arriving at Waupun Correctional Institution, Where they put him in an overcrowded small double cell. Being older, having mental health issues, and unfamiliarity of a first time offender, he was uncomfortable due to threats by his cellmate. He tried to peacefully refuse to return to the cell but the guards inhumanely put him in solitary confinement. In the process they breached numerous protocols and procedures that guaranteed a mental health breakdown. Needless to say, Dean Hoffman suffered the torture of solitary confinement while also enduring the torture of psychosis. The inescapable up and down, round and round, and around the clock mental anguish took an extreme toll. To escape the uncontrollable emotional rollercoaster he took a trip into the darkness. A darkness that lasts forever. The precarious case of Dean Hoffman is emblematic of the over-criminalization of the American people. How the government exploits our people's traumas and mental health problems to feed the beast of mass incarceration. Using crime as a pretext to enslave millions of our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters. Over sentencing them to cruelly long sentences to extract their free labor for as long as possible. Be prepared to be shocked, appalled, and brought to tears as Megan heart wrenchingly describes the human being, Father, Grandfather, and patriotic American citizen that has unwittingly became a martyr in the treacherous Crime War.

    In addition you can check out this blog for information on the Crime War which has been declared against you and your descendants: www.DefundDOC.net/

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    40 m
    May 14 2024

    Have you ever questioned how we view criminals? This episode of Defund DOC challenges the status quo and explores the surprising role "criminals" have played in securing our freedoms.

    Hosts Linda and Daniel J. Simms discuss:

    • How acts of civil disobedience, once deemed criminal, paved the way for social progress (think alcohol prohibition and access to birth control).
    • The disproportionate impact of mass incarceration on disadvantaged communities.
    • Why a "tough on crime" approach fails and the urgent need for reform.
    • Bipartisan solutions: reducing sentences, prioritizing rehabilitation, and dismantling prison slavery.

    Looking for a more humane criminal justice system? Defund DOC.net has the answers. We advocate for:

    • Treatment and career centers in place of prisons.
    • Reduced sentences for non-violent offenses.
    • Robust re-entry programs to help people rejoin society.

    Join the movement!

    • Subscribe to the podcast and blog for free resources and updates: https://www.defunddoc.net/podcast
    • Learn about the upcoming reality show "Love and Prison Activism."
    • Support the cause through merchandise purchases or book bundles.

    Together, we can build a more just future.

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    30 m
    May 8 2024

    Exceptional Presidential leader of the Asian Pacific Islander (API) Cultural Awareness Group, Michael Matol, illuminates his journey. From being a troubled impoverished gang member in San Diego, California. Losing friends to gun violence and Imprisonment. To a rap musician and producer. Revealing his immense gratitude at receiving an invaluable gift of mentorship that put him on a new path in the music industry. Ultimately he unveils how he found himself ensnared by the mass incarceration system. Without varnish he shared the truths of inequities and injustices that are destroying our people. Along with his views for Carceral State reform. With a delightful conversation on his vigorous advocacy for cultural awareness and the victims of mass incarceration (i.e. children of the incarcerated, trauma to prison pipeline, criminalized abuse victims, etc.).

    Please join our community by subscribing and you will receive one of free digital books, Defund D.O.C.: Turning All Prisons Into Treatment and Career Centers, or, The Art of Living: Everything You Need to Achieve Success in Life and Business, I Learned in Prison. Subscribe today!

    Remember you can be part of our upcoming reality show pilot, LOVE AND PRISON REFORM, which we hope to get distributed on major TV networks such as MTV, VH1, or A and E. We need people in every city and State. No experience necessary. Just join our community to stay apprised of developments. Our fund raising begins on July 4th to represent our Country's next key struggle for civil rights and freedom. It is time to end prisoner slavery, warehousing, and the countless injustices inflicted upon our imprisoned Americans."

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