• The Divine Scheme: Shani's Drishti and Hanuman's Assistance
    Aug 31 2024

    The story revolves around Ravan, the demon king of Lanka, who had defeated all the devas and brought the nine planets under his control. He was also a great astrologer and had kept all the planets in a position favorable to his son Indrajit's birth. The devas were worried that if Indrajit was born in this position, he would become invincible. To prevent this, they asked the planets to move from their positions, but they were helpless as they were under Ravan's control. The story highlights the importance of worshipping Lord Hanuman on Saturdays to avoid the evil eye of Lord Shani. It also suggests that offering oil or tail to Lord Hanuman can protect one from Shani's evil eye. The story showcases the bravery and wisdom of Hanuman and his devotion to Lord Ram.

    This episode was written by Amar Vyas based on Puranic Tales, and has been translated in Marathi and Narated by Amar. Audio editing by Prashanth. Devgatha Podcast is produced by gaathastory. Music: Silk Brocade. Cover Art depicting battle between Krishna and Satyabhama against Narakasur crated by gaathastory. To listen to more such amazing stories, visit www.gaathastory.com

    Did you like this story? You can write to us at contact@gaathastory.com, or leave a review.You can subscribe to Devgatha podcast on your favourite podcasting website or apps including Apple Podcasts, JioSaavn, Spotify, Gaana, and other podcasting apps and sites. To learn more, visit www.devgatha.com. New episodes of Devgatha are available in English and Hindi.

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    12 mins
  • Marathi Story- भगवान कृष्ण, सत्यभामा, आणि राक्षस राजा नरकासुरशी युद्ध
    Oct 24 2022

    देवगाथा पॉडकास्टच्या या एपिसोडमध्ये, भगवान कृष्ण आणि त्यांची पत्नी सत्यभामा यांनी राक्षस राजा नरकासुरशी कसे युद्ध केले ते ऐका. नरकासुर देवांना आणि मानवांना त्रास देत आहे हे देवांचा राजा इंद्र याने कृष्णाला सावध केले आणि त्याने 16,000 पेक्षा जास्त तरुण कुमारींना पकडले आणि आपल्या राजवाड्यात कैदी म्हणून ठेवले. क्षिष्णाने या राक्षसाशी लढण्याचा आणि पृथ्वीला त्याच्या कर्मांपासून मुक्त करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला.

    कृष्णाने आपले ध्येय साध्य केले का ?या कथेत सत्यभामेची भूमिका काय होती ? अधिक जाणून घेण्यासाठी देवगाथा पॉडकास्टचा हा विशेष भाग ऐका. दीपावलीच्या मुहूर्तावर, नरक चतुर्दशीच्या मुहूर्तावर आम्ही हा भाग प्रकाशित करत आहोत. आजच्या कथेचा दीपावली सणाशी काय संबंध?

    पुराण कथांवर आधारित हा भाग अमर व्यास यांनी लिहिला होता आणि अमर व्यास यांनी वर्णन केला आहे. प्रशांतचे ऑडिओ एडिटिंग. देवगाथा पॉडकास्ट गाथास्टोरी निर्मित आहे. संगीत: सिल्क ब्रोकेड. एआय इमेजिंग टूल्स वापरून नरकासुर विरुद्ध कृष्ण आणि सत्यभामा यांच्यातील युद्धाचे चित्रण करणारी कव्हर आर्ट. अशा आणखी कथा ऐकण्यासाठी www.gaathastory.com ला भेट द्या

    In this episode of Devgatha podcast, listen how Lord Krishna and his wife Satyabhama fought the demon King Narakasur. Krishna was alerted by Indra, the King of Gods, that Narakasur was troubling the Gods and Humans, and he had captured over 16,000 young maidens and kept this as a prisoner in his palace. Ktishna decided to fight this demon and rid the earth of his deeds. Did Krishna achieve his goal ?What was Satyabhama's role in this story? Listen to this special episode of Devgatha Podcast to learn more.

    We are publishing this episode on occasion of Deepawali, on the occasion of Narak Chaturdashi. What is the relation of today's story to the Deepawali festival?

    This episode was written by Amar Vyas based on Puranic Tales, and has been translated in Marathi and Narated by Amar. Audio editing by Prashanth. Devgatha Podcast is produced by gaathastory. Music: Silk Brocade. Cover Art depicting battle between Krishna and Satyabhama against Narakasur crated by gaathastory. To listen to more such amazing stories, visit www.gaathastory.com

    Did you like this story? You can write to us at contact@gaathastory.com, or leave a review.You can subscribe to Devgatha podcast on your favourite podcasting website or apps including Apple Podcasts, JioSaavn, Spotify, Gaana, and other podcasting apps and sites. To learn more, visit www.devgatha.com. New episodes of Devgatha are available in English and Hindi.

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    15 mins
  • भगवान कृष्ण, सत्यभामा और नरकासुर के साथ युद्ध
    Oct 23 2022

    देवगाथा पॉडकास्ट के इस एपिसोड में, सुनें कि कैसे भगवान कृष्ण और उनकी पत्नी सत्यभामा ने राक्षस राजा नरकासुर से लड़ाई की। देवताओं के राजा इंद्र द्वारा कृष्ण को सतर्क किया गया था कि नरकासुर देवताओं और मनुष्यों को परेशान कर रहा था, और उसने 16,000 से अधिक युवा युवतियों को पकड़ लिया था और इसे अपने महल में कैदी के रूप में रखा था। कतिश्ना ने इस राक्षस से लड़ने और पृथ्वी को उसके कर्मों से मुक्त करने का फैसला किया। क्या कृष्ण ने अपना लक्ष्य हासिल किया? इस कहानी में सत्यभामा की क्या भूमिका थी? अधिक जानने के लिए सुनिए देवगाथा पॉडकास्ट का यह खास एपिसोड।

    यह प्रसंग हम दीपावली के नरक चतुर्दशी के अवसर पर प्रकाशित कर रहे हैं। आज की कहानी का दीपावली पर्व से क्या संबंध है?

    इस एपिसोड को अमर व्यास ने पुराणिक टेल्स पर आधारित लिखा था, और इसे अमर व्यास ने सुनाया है। प्रशांत द्वारा ऑडियो संपादन। देवगाथा पॉडकास्ट गाथास्टोरी द्वारा निर्मित है। संगीत: सिल्क ब्रोकेड। कवर आर्ट एआई इमेजिंग टूल्स का उपयोग करके उत्पन्न नरकासुर के खिलाफ कृष्ण और सत्यभामा के बीच युद्ध को दर्शाती है। ऐसी ही और कहानियां सुनने के लिए www.gaathastory.com पर विजिट करें

    In this episode of Devgatha podcast, listen how Lord Krishna and his wife Satyabhama fought the demon King Narakasur. Krishna was alerted by Indra, the King of Gods, that Narakasur was troubling the Gods and Humans, and he had captured over 16,000 young maidens and kept this as a prisoner in his palace. Ktishna decided to fight this demon and rid the earth of his deeds. Did Krishna achieve his goal ?What was Satyabhama's role in this story? Listen to this special episode of Devgatha Podcast to learn more.

    We are publishing this episode on occasion of Deepawali, on the occasion of Narak Chaturdashi. What is the relation of today's story to the Deepawali festival?

    This episode was written by Amar Vyas based on Puranic Tales, and has been narrated by Amar. Audio editing by Prashanth. Devgatha Podcast is produced by gaathastory. Music: Silk Brocade. Cover Art depicting battle between Krishna and Satyabhama against Narakasur is created by gaathastory. To listen to more such amazing stories, visit www.gaathastory.com

    Did you like this story? You can write to us at contact@gaathastory.com, or leave a review.You can subscribe to Devgatha podcast on your favourite podcasting website or apps including Apple Podcasts, JioSaavn, Spotify, Gaana, and other podcasting apps and sites. To learn more, visit www.devgatha.com. New episodes of Devgatha are available in English and Hindi.

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    13 mins
  • Telugu Story- Krishna, Satyabhama, and Narakasur
    Oct 23 2022

    In this episode of Devgatha podcast, listen how Lord Krishna and his wife Satyabhama fought the demon King Narakasur. Krishna was alerted by Indra, the King of Gods, that Narakasur was troubling the Gods and Humans, and he had captured over 16,000 young maidens and kept this as a prisoner in his palace. Krishna decided to fight this demon and rid the earth of his deeds. Did Krishna achieve his goal ?What was Satyabhama's role in this story? Listen to this special episode of Devgatha Podcast to learn more.

    We are publishing this episode on occasion of Deepawali, on the occasion of Narak Chaturdashi. What is the relation of today's story to the Deepawali festival?

    This episode was written by Amar Vyas based on Puranic Tales, and has been translated in Telugu and narrated by Surekha. Audio editing by Prashanth. Devgatha Podcast is produced by gaathastory. Music: Silk Brocade. Cover Art depicting battle between Krishna and Satyabhama against Narakasur generated by gaathastory. To listen to more such amazing stories, visit www.gaathastory.com

    Did you like this story? You can write to us at contact@gaathastory.com, or leave a review.You can subscribe to Devgatha podcast on your favourite podcasting website or apps including Apple Podcasts, JioSaavn, Spotify, Gaana, and other podcasting apps and sites. To learn more, visit www.devgatha.com. New episodes of Devgatha are available in English and Hindi.

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    12 mins
  • Kannada Story - Krishna, Satyabhama, and Narakasur
    Oct 23 2022
    Lord Krishna and his wife Satyabhama fought the demon King Narakasur. Krishna was alerted by Indra, the King of Gods, that Narakasur was troubling the Gods and Humans, and he had captured over 16,000 young maidens and kept this as a prisoner in his palace. Krishna decided to fight this demon and rid the earth of his deeds. Did Krishna achieve his goal ?What was Satyabhama's role in this story? Listen to this special episode of Devgatha Podcast to learn more.

    We are publishing this episode on occasion of Deepawali, on the occasion of Narak Chaturdashi. What is the relation of today's story to the Deepawali festival?

    This episode was written by Amar Vyas based on Puranic Tales, and has been translated in Kannada and narrated by Shruthi Prakash Audio editing by Prashanth. Devgatha Podcast is produced by gaathastory. Music: Silk Brocade. Cover Art depicting battle between Krishna and Satyabhama against Narakasur generated by gaathastory. To listen to more such amazing stories, visit www.gaathastory.com
    Show more Show less
    12 mins
  • Kannada Story - Krishna, Satyabhama, and Narakasur
    Oct 23 2022

    Lord Krishna and his wife Satyabhama fought the demon King Narakasur. Krishna was alerted by Indra, the King of Gods, that Narakasur was troubling the Gods and Humans, and he had captured over 16,000 young maidens and kept this as a prisoner in his palace. Krishna decided to fight this demon and rid the earth of his deeds. Did Krishna achieve his goal ?What was Satyabhama's role in this story? Listen to this special episode of Devgatha Podcast to learn more.

    We are publishing this episode on occasion of Deepawali, on the occasion of Narak Chaturdashi. What is the relation of today's story to the Deepawali festival?

    This episode was written by Amar Vyas based on Puranic Tales, and has been narrated by Sheerali Biju. Audio editing by Prashanth. Devgatha Podcast is produced by gaathastory. Music: Silk Brocade. Cover Art depicting battle between Krishna and Satyabhama against Narakasur generated using AI Imaging tools. To listen to more such amazing stories, visit www.gaathastory.com

    Did you like this story? You can write to us at contact@gaathastory.com, or leave a review.You can subscribe to Devgatha podcast on your favourite podcasting website or apps including Apple Podcasts, JioSaavn, Spotify, Gaana, and other podcasting apps and sites. To learn more, visit www.devgatha.com. New episodes of Devgatha are available in English and Hindi.

    Did you like this story? You can write to us at contact@gaathastory.com, or leave a review.You can subscribe to Devgatha podcast on your favourite podcasting website or apps including Apple Podcasts, JioSaavn, Spotify, Gaana, and other podcasting apps and sites. To learn more, visit www.devgatha.com. New episodes of Devgatha are available in English and Hindi.

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    14 mins
  • Ganesh and the Fruit of Wisdom
    Dec 22 2021

    Listen to this episode from Devgatha Podcast, which tells us why Lord Ganesh is considered to be the lord of "Buddhi", i.e. Wisdom. This episode was originally published in August 2019. We thought it was a good time to publish it again, hoping that the upcoming New Year will shower wisdom on all of us.

    This episode was narrated by Sheerali Biju. Parts of this story have been edited and re-written by Amar Vyas for brevity, language and context. Audio editing by Krishnadas and Vyas. Theme Music Frost Waltz and Procession of the King by Kevin Macleod (Incompetech). Sound effects under creative commons license.

    Did you like this story? You can write to us at contact@gaathastory.com, or leave a review.You can subscribe to Devgatha podcast on your favourite podcasting website or apps including Apple Podcasts, JioSaavn, Spotify, Gaana, and other podcasting apps and sites. To learn more, visit www.devgatha.com. New episodes of Devgatha are available in English and Hindi.

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    14 mins
  • Hanuman Jayanti and Birth of Lord Hanuman
    Apr 8 2020

    On occasion of Hanuman Jayanti, a festival to mark birth of Lord Hanuman, we are delighted to publish the story about his birth. Listen to this story to learn about his parents and how he came to be born. Finally, learn how he came to be known as Hanuman. This story has some interesting elements- for example, Why and how did Shiva agree to be born as Anjani's son? Why did Hanuman decided to swallow the Sun? Listen to this story to learn more.

    This episode been revised and rewritten by Amar Vyas and narrated by Sheerali Biju for gaathastory. Music and images obtained from public domain sources or Creative Commons license.

    Did you like this story? You can write to us at contact@gaathastory.com, or leave a review.You can subscribe to Devgatha podcast on your favourite podcasting website or apps including Apple Podcasts, JioSaavn, Spotify, Gaana, and other podcasting apps and sites. To learn more, visit www.devgatha.com. New episodes of Devgatha are available in English and Hindi.

    Show more Show less
    22 mins