• Did Democratic Party... Kamala Harris Sleep Her Way to the Top?
    Jul 23 2024
    Dr. Carole tried to warn you about both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in this episode from 2020 - and she was right! But, you didn't listen. You need to hear this again before even thinking of voting for her in 2024! Kamala Harris wasn't really a household name throughout most of America until she was nominated by the Democratic Party for Vice-President. Yet it is especially important for everyone to get to know who she is because Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's Presidential nominee is not fit enough-mentally or physically-to last four years. This means whoever is VP would likely shoulder much of the responsibilities and take over at some point during the term. So, who is Kamala Harris? Today's guest, Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka Dr. Chaps), a former State Representative (R-CO) and author, takes us back to Kamala's earliest days in politics and how she traded sex for a political head start. Her first move was to have an extra-marital affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who not only gave her two six-figure political appointments, but escorted her on his arm to hobnob at political events, introducing her to key figures who would later finance her political aspirations.
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    1 hr
    Jul 16 2024
    It's hard to believe, but ANYONE can vote in America now - you no longer have to be an American citizen! This is crazy stuff - and we must put a stop to it before November elections! No matter what party you belong to - both Democrats and Republicans - should be appalled! Today's guest, Catherine Engelbrecht, Founder of True the Vote, a Houston, TX based nonprofit organization devoted to preventing voter fraud, is sounding the alarm in order to get REAL American citizens to put an end to this NOW! Millions of migrants with humanitarian parole, refugee or asylum status are eligible for benefits that would bring them to the offices where voter registration takes place. Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship. Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms — gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship. There is currently no requirement on federal voting forms to provide proof of US citizenship, though it is illegal to falsely claim one is a citizen or for a non-citizen to cast a ballot in a federal election. Engelbrecht says, “The Federal Govt has data on the 10m+ aliens they’ve processed through their CBP programs. Citizens must DEMAND that data be shared with the states so that they can verify citizenship on their voter rolls. Contact your representatives and speak out. See our call to action at truethevote.org 611 Project”
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    Jul 9 2024
    LONG ISLAND SERIAL KILLER REX HEUERMANN DIDN'T ACT ALONE! While law enforcement is digging up (literally) more evidence against Rex Heuermann, the serial killer who tortured and murdered untold numbers of women, they have been turning a blind eye to his family as potential accomplices. His wife, Asa Ellerup, and daughter, Victoria Heuermann. But, they should not be off the hook, according to today's guest, internationally known attorney John Ray, and he's got evidence to prove it! Heuermann's family has made a million dollar deal with Peacock to tell the story of what it was like living with husband and father, Rex Heuermann... but they're not going to tell the whole story because it would implicate them!
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    1 hr
  • Fast&Loose with Guns: Alec Baldwin & Kyle Rittenhouse prosecutor!
    Jul 2 2024
    Since the Alec Baldwin Trial is about to begin, let's revisit this episode of Dr. Carole's Couch. Alec Baldwin deluded himself by pretending that he would never be tried because of his celebrity status, so he was shocked to discover that his trial is going forward. He wanted to blame it all on the armorer, who was already found guilty, but he's the one who pulled the trigger - despite pretending he didn't! Two recent headlines are stark reminders of why one should never play fast and loose with guns. On the movie set of the western Rust, actor Alec Baldwin picked up a prop gun, pulled the trigger and accidentally killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and wounded the film's director, Joel Souza. Baldwin had been told the gun was cold, meaning it had no ammunition, but it was loaded with a live round. There had already been many problems on the set and there is enough blame to go around.... Then, in the Kenosha, Wisconsin courtroom, where the jury in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse was hearing closing arguments, the prosecutor, Thomas Binger, picked up a real gun - the one Kyle allegedly used - and swung it around the courtroom. If it weren't for the judge insisting upon a detective double checking that the gun wasn't loaded, Binger's 'Alec Baldwin moment' could have ended in death and injury, as well. Today's guest, Steve Wolf, is an expert on guns, movie sets and courtrooms! He will narrow in on who's to blame on the set of Rust and will critique how the gun was handled in court - and what should have happened in both of these scenarios.
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    1 hr
  • BIDEN'S BRAIN: From Dementia to State of the Union on Speed!
    Jun 25 2024
    Dr. Carole will take you along on the journey of Biden's Brain. She was the FIRST to announce on national media - while Biden was running for President in 2020 - that he has Encroaching Dementia. She was able to recognize it because, as a forensic psychiatrist and expert witness, she has experience with cases where competency is an issue, such as when grown children are fighting over their parent's will and one wants to claim that their dad wasn't competent when he wrote them out of his will. In a published OpEd in 2022, Dr. Carole offered to give Biden a competency test - but he has yet to take her up on it. He still is refusing to take such a test, but Robert Hur, while investigating whether Biden mishandled classified documents, arrived at the conclusion that, although there was enough to charge Biden with this, the jury would see him as a sympathetic elderly man with memory problems. Not competent to stand trial makes him eligible for impeachment and the 25th amendment. Recently, we all watched Biden try to give the State of the Union speech. Overnight, he went from quiet and bumbling to loud, angry and amped up - which Dr. Carole has said was due to his being given an amphetamine like Adderall. On today's show, Dr. Carole will describe the symptoms he had at each state and what destruction he has done to America. She fears that the worst is yet to come. Dr. Carole has always acknowledged that she never personally met or examined Biden, but she has been following him closely via media appearances and stories since before he went into his basement.
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    1 hr
  • KEEPING IT REAL: From Votes to Vaccines!
    Jun 18 2024
    The future of America depends on KEEPING IT REAL - with traditional values like individual freedom and patriotism. Today's guests are wholeheartedly devoting their life to promoting these principles and encouraging others to do the same. Charlie Kirk, is the Founder and President of Turning Point USA and author of the new book, Right Wing Revolution: How to Beat the Woke and Save the West. In it, he drags wokeism out of the shadows and details the exact steps needed to stop its toxic spread. Right Wing Revolution is not a cautionary tale. Wokeism has already seeped into every aspect of American society. Instead, Charlie Kirk looks to inform and prepare everyone for the coming confrontation against one of the most existential threats the United States has ever faced. Kirk has been fighting for American values since he was an Eagle Scout and in High School volunteering on a Senator's campaign. At age 30, he's the author of 4 books and has lots of political credits behind him. His Turning Point Action organization is ballot-chasing to try to assure that this next election is honest. In discovering how he was moved to follow this path, we can learn what makes the difference between people who turn out like him - and those who spend their time protesting for Hamas. Leslie Manookian, President and Founder of the Health Freedom Defense Fund, seeks to rectify health injustice through education, advocacy, and legal challenges to unjust mandates, laws, and policies that undermine our health freedoms and human rights. Most notably, she has taken up the legal fight against the Los Angeles COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate and fortunately refused to quit when one court ruled against her. Just in - a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on June 7 reversed that ruling, so the fight is still on!
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    1 hr
  • Encore: Hamas Sympathizers: Propaganda & AntiSemitism in Cities & on Web
    Jun 11 2024
    Hamas Sympathizers have cropped up everywhere - spewing their hate and refusing to believe or care about the atrocities Hamas is perpetrating on Israel! Wait until they realize 'We're all Israel!' and in danger. Radical Islamists are taught since childhood to wage jihad and kill the unbelievers - those who don't believe in Radical Islam. Today's guests will help you understand and know how to prevent being sucked in to the propaganda and AntiSemitism. Jason Rantz, author of What's Killing America: Inside the Radical Left's Tragic Destruction of our Cities, will talk about The AntiSemitic Mask Slips Off the Left in American Cities. Jason Sheppard, founder of Wimkin Social Media, will talk about how Hamas Turns to Social Media to Win Propaganda War.
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    1 hr
  • Are WE The Next Endangered Species?
    Jun 4 2024
    Have you been feeling increasingly uneasy about our increasingly dangerous world? Not just the obvious stuff, like leaders threatening to nuke us, but more hidden and sinister dangers. Today's guest, Dr. Richard M. Fleming is a physicist, nuclear cardiologist, and attorney with over 50 years of research into what is lurking in the shadows to kill us. His new book, Are WE The Next Endangered Species? First, he will explore these dangers and describe how they are heading towards a crescendo of destruction, and then provide a roadmap and a call to action for us to stop it from becoming inevitable. For example, key revelations include the stealthy usurpation of power in the United States since the 1850s, the nation's pivotal role in developing biological and chemical weapons, and its shocking collaboration with Nazi scientists, doctors, and intelligence officers. Dr. Fleming unveils the shadowy world of covert operations, the establishment of the military-industrial complex, and the surrender of medical control to the federal government. You will hear about the intricate pathways of biowarfare and eugenics converging with the emergence of COVID, the gain-of-function bioweapons responsible for the pandemic and the parallel development of eugenic genetic vaccines. He reveals the control the military-industrial complex and world leaders wielded over your life, movement, property, and freedoms. He warns us how those in power are on the brink of realizing their ultimate control, it's a call to action. It doesn't just raise awareness—it empowers readers to understand, question, and take decisive action to halt the ominous path we're on.
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    1 hr