• The Protein Debate Part II
    Jun 28 2024

    Part II of the debate brings up a number of related issues about protein and blood sugar. I was a surprise that we covered so many different topics, processed foods, addiction to carbs, addiction in general, and some of the causes for this. Enjoy

    —————————COME SAY HI!!! ——————————
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    YouTube channel www.youtube.com/ketonaturopath
    Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/482971/episodes
    Our Youtube Podcasts https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UC6LBX8_RDaXtzF_Z02jvl0Q

    Judi’s NEW cooking channel Keto Naturopath Kitchen https://www.youtube.com/c/KetoNaturopathKitchen
    ——————————— OUR COURSE ——————————
    PSMF 30 day course: https://www.thebiointegrationcode.com/courses/PSMFChallenge

    Strategene https://bit.ly/3iqCfka

    ——————————WHERE WE GET YOUR LABS DONE—————

    ————————— WHERE WE BUY OUR SUPPLEMENTS ——————

    Why get a Fullscript account to get your supplements??
    1. They have more brands than anywhere else to choose from;
    2. Their prices are 20 -50% lower than anywhere else; compare and you’ll see
    3. This is where most physicians have their account
    4. Been in existence for nearly 30 years working with physicians and health practitioners sustained outcomes in the end.

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    45 mins
  • Does it or doesn’t it...That is the question. Does "Protein convert to Sugar” when you Eat it?
    Jun 20 2024

    What started as a disagreement between Dr. Rob Cywes and myself about whether protein when eaten ‘turns to sugar (glucose) in your blood stream' grew into an academic debate. Doug Reynolds thought this would be a great podcast.

    Here is that podcast in two parts with a brief intro about what the heart of the issue is all about. As a way of further setting up the topic I spliced in a portion of Dr. Bikman presentation on protein and the insulin / glucagon ratio. All very interesting comments. The link to this talk is below as well. Enjoy.

    Bikman reference on protein

    —————————COME SAY HI!!! ——————————
    Facebook Group about Keto:
    BLOG: https://ketonaturopath.com/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ketonaturopath Y

    YouTube channel www.youtube.com/ketonaturopath
    Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/482971/episodes
    Our Youtube Podcasts https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UC6LBX8_RDaXtzF_Z02jvl0Q

    Judi’s NEW cooking channel Keto Naturopath Kitchen https://www.youtube.com/c/KetoNaturopathKitchen
    ——————————— OUR COURSE ——————————
    PSMF 30 day course: https://www.thebiointegrationcode.com/courses/PSMFChallenge

    Strategene https://bit.ly/3iqCfka

    ——————————WHERE WE GET YOUR LABS DONE—————

    ————————— WHERE WE BUY OUR SUPPLEMENTS ——————

    Why get a Fullscript account to get your supplements??
    1. They have more brands than anywhere else to choose from;
    2. Their prices are 20 -50% lower than anywhere else; compare and you’ll see
    3. This is where most physicians have their account
    4. Been in existence for nearly 30 years working with physicians and health practitioners sustained outcomes in the end.

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    44 mins
  • Something You Need To Know...Before We Continue
    Jun 12 2024

    It’s important to ‘remember where you came from’ as the saying goes. In our case, it’s a very short step back in time to re-experience how our health incinerated around us from colossal personal loss of everything we worked for, coupled with a grim diagnosis of my wife's brain tumor, and loss of my only brother, and mother. It all exceeded my ability to cope. I crumbled into (what I was told by the physicians treating me) severe lifelong illness with no cure (was told it was worst crohns and ulcerated colitis on record for that regional hospital in Connecticut). Supposedly my future would be possible only if I submitted to a series of powerful medications that would keep my immune system from destroying me. Seriously? Who changed my life script? How extremely bleak it was and so glibly delivered with complete certainty. Months of self-administered shots and potent pharmaceuticals followed. I was told I could not miss a dose or the meds would become far less effective due to developing a tolerance to them.

    OK, I get it: follow directions exactly or I’m screwed...for life.

    My outcome, our outcomes, were not in their play book. And if you should come to such a place in your life then it shouldn’t be in yours either. Do your homework and ask questions...be a ‘pain in their ass'...it will save your life. I swear.

    As a ‘culture’ we have become not only hooked on carbohydrates but on process foods specifically. This has Hacked our metabolism and created an epidemic of obesity and diabetes that is already at 40% of the population in some states (W. Virginia and Mississippi). The inevitable result, is that to mitigate all of the resulting metabolic problems medication after medication are used which results in a Hijacking of our brain health by depriving it of the healthy appropriate fuel that it needs.
    —————————COME SAY HI!!! ——————————
    Facebook Group about Keto:
    BLOG: https://ketonaturopath.com/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ketonaturopath Y

    YouTube channel www.youtube.com/ketonaturopath
    Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/482971/episodes
    Our Youtube Podcasts https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UC6LBX8_RDaXtzF_Z02jvl0Q

    Judi’s NEW cooking channel Keto Naturopath Kitchen https://www.youtube.com/c/KetoNaturopathKitchen
    ——————————— OUR COURSE ——————————
    PSMF 30 day course: https://www.thebiointegrationcode.com/courses/PSMFChallenge

    Strategene https://bit.ly/3iqCfka

    ——————————WHERE WE GET YOUR LABS DONE—————

    ————————— WHERE WE BUY OUR SUPPLEMENTS ——————

    Why get a Fullscript account to get your supplements??
    1. They have more brands than anywhere else to choose from;
    2. Their prices are 20 -50% lower than anywhere else; compare and you’ll see
    3. This is where most physicians have their account
    4. Been in existence for nearly 30 years working with physicians and health practitioners sustained outcomes in the end.

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    48 mins
  • Hooked, Hacked, and Hijacked - What do Addiction, Obesity and Alzheimer's have in common and why have their incidence increased astronomically since 1980?
    Jun 5 2024

    As a ‘culture’ we have become not only hooked on carbohydrates but on process foods specifically. This has Hacked our metabolism and created an epidemic of obesity and diabetes that is already at 40% of the population in some states (W. Virginia and Mississippi). The inevitable result, is that to mitigate all of the resulting metabolic problems medication after medication are used which results in a Hijacking of our brain health by depriving it of the healthy appropriate fuel that it needs.
    —————————COME SAY HI!!! ——————————
    Facebook Group about Keto:
    BLOG: https://ketonaturopath.com/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ketonaturopath Y

    YouTube channel www.youtube.com/ketonaturopath
    Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/482971/episodes
    Our Youtube Podcasts https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UC6LBX8_RDaXtzF_Z02jvl0Q

    Judi’s NEW cooking channel Keto Naturopath Kitchen https://www.youtube.com/c/KetoNaturopathKitchen
    ——————————— OUR COURSE ——————————
    PSMF 30 day course: https://www.thebiointegrationcode.com/courses/PSMFChallenge

    Strategene https://bit.ly/3iqCfka

    ——————————WHERE WE GET YOUR LABS DONE—————

    ————————— WHERE WE BUY OUR SUPPLEMENTS ——————

    Why get a Fullscript account to get your supplements??
    1. They have more brands than anywhere else to choose from;
    2. Their prices are 20 -50% lower than anywhere else; compare and you’ll see
    3. This is where most physicians have their account
    4. Been in existence for nearly 30 years working with physicians and health practitioners sustained outcomes in the end.

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    34 mins
  • Ketones and MCI / Alzheimers
    May 28 2024

    Knowing the action you can take for or to prevent MCI or Alzheimers or dementia is one. But hearing it from a top researchers presentation puts it in an entirely different context. Some selected ‘out-takes’ of Dr. Stephen Cunnane’s talks and then discussed to make sure you understand the importance and immediacy of what he’s presenting. I so value the work of this person and he’s a joy to listen to.
    Dr. Cunnane’s entire presentation


    —————————COME SAY HI!!! ——————————
    Facebook Group about Keto:
    BLOG: https://ketonaturopath.com/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ketonaturopath Y

    YouTube channel www.youtube.com/ketonaturopath
    Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/482971/episodes
    Our Youtube Podcasts https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UC6LBX8_RDaXtzF_Z02jvl0Q

    Judi’s NEW cooking channel Keto Naturopath Kitchen https://www.youtube.com/c/KetoNaturopathKitchen
    ——————————— OUR COURSE ——————————
    PSMF 30 day course: https://www.thebiointegrationcode.com/courses/PSMFChallenge

    Strategene https://bit.ly/3iqCfka

    ——————————WHERE WE GET YOUR LABS DONE—————

    ————————— WHERE WE BUY OUR SUPPLEMENTS ——————

    Why get a Fullscript account to get your supplements??
    1. They have more brands than anywhere else to choose from;
    2. Their prices are 20 -50% lower than anywhere else; compare and you’ll see
    3. This is where most physicians have their account
    4. Been in existence for nearly 30 years working with physicians and health practitioners sustained outcomes in the end.

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    41 mins
  • Cognitive Impairment up close - Things you can do now!!
    May 23 2024

    Another front page story from a national newspaper...The Boston Globe...Provides a first hand story of a mother and wife told from the perspective of her husband and high school sweet heart.

    I share this story for the same reason as the last story I did. That one from the New York Times.
    There is much you can do to support.
    To increase the likelihood of improvement in a person.
    Please see this as a hand to help ’Step Up’ and not sit passively by to watch your loved ones wither away.
    This is very much for you personally as well.
    Time to be proactive and preventative and not passively sitting back waiting for the next new medication to help you.
    Maybe that will happen but in the meantime, get involved proactively and learn what you can.
    START HERE and continue.
    Always ask questions, be assertive, make alliances, and research...and think for yourself. It’s really on you.Links:How could my wife have Alzheimer’s? She was only 56 1-7-2022 https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/01/07/magazine/my-wife-couldnt-have-alzheimers-she-was-only-56/?p1=Article_Recirc_Most_Popular

    —————————COME SAY HI!!! ——————————
    Facebook Group about Keto:
    BLOG: https://ketonaturopath.com/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ketonaturopath Y

    YouTube channel www.youtube.com/ketonaturopath
    Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/482971/episodes
    Our Youtube Podcasts https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UC6LBX8_RDaXtzF_Z02jvl0Q

    Judi’s NEW cooking channel Keto Naturopath Kitchen https://www.youtube.com/c/KetoNaturopathKitchen
    ——————————— OUR COURSE ——————————
    PSMF 30 day course: https://www.thebiointegrationcode.com/courses/PSMFChallenge

    Strategene https://bit.ly/3iqCfka

    ——————————WHERE WE GET YOUR LABS DONE—————

    ————————— WHERE WE BUY OUR SUPPLEMENTS ——————

    Why get a Fullscript account to get your supplements??
    1. They have more brands than anywhere else to choose from;
    2. Their prices are 20 -50% lower than anywhere else; compare and you’ll see
    3. This is where most physicians have their account
    4. Been in existence for nearly 30 years working with physicians and health practitioners sustained outcomes in the end.

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    48 mins
  • Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) : 3 Words you Never Want to Hear.
    May 15 2024

    Most of us have some idea what dementia is. Though we toss the word ‘demented’ around as a put down, Dementia, and Alzheimers experienced up close is difficult to witness. In part why it is so difficult to watch others go through the decline is because much of it can be avoided entirely by adopting a Low Carb High Fat Ketogenic diet. If there was one specific condition that is most improved by ketones, this would be it. In fact, unlike other conditions that can be improved by a ketogenic diet, taking ketones directly for Alzheimers or dementia has become a gold mind for certain companies that are now in business of creating them. The market for both LCHF Ketogenic diet and for ketones is based on two truths, the rate of Alzheimers is at an all time high and will just increase, and Mild Cognitive Impairment is happening at a younger and younger age. Both demographics can be addressed fairly easily. Listen in to hear how we do that.
    Sweethearts Forever. Then Came Alzheimer’s, Murder and Suicide.“They were absolutely soul mates.” 12-30-2019
    Stephen Cunnane - April 26, 2018

    Dr. Cunnane 2016-7Can Ketones Help Rescue Brain Fuel Supply in Later Life? Implications for Cognitive Health during Aging and the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease


    Ketones are the brain’s main alternative fuel to glucose and brain ketone uptake is still normal in MCI and in early AD, which would help explain why ketogenic interventions improve some cognitive outcomes in MCI and AD. We suggest that the brain energy deficit needs to be overcome in order to successfully develop more effective therapeutics for AD. At present, oral ketogenic supplements are the most promising means of achieving this goal.
    A ketogenic drink improves brain energy and some measures of cognition in mild cognitive impairment
    Emulsification Increases the Acute Ketogenic Effect and Bioavailability of Medium-Chain Triglycerides in Humans: Protein, Carbohydrate, and Fat Metabolism.

    Emulsification increased the ketogenic effect and decreased side effects in a dose-dependent manner for single doses of MCTs ≤30 g under matching conditions. Further investigation is needed to establish whether emulsification could sustain ketogenesis and minimize side effects and therefore be used as a treatment to change brain ketone availability over a prolonged period of time.
    —————————COME SAY HI!!! ——————————
    Facebook Group about Keto:

    BLOG: https://ketonaturopath.com/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ketonatur

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    43 mins
  • Treating Obesity as an Addiction with a Ketogenic Diet
    May 9 2024

    A key sign of an addict is the craving for their addictive substance or need for a "fix".

    A food fix, like any drug fix, is an attempt to experience the dopamine high needed by any addict.

    Food addiction, more specifically, Processed Food Addiction is no different than other addictions in the sense of they are looking for a dopamine high. Come listen to how it has been established that being overweight, or obese or even heavier, is not about calories or burning off calories but helping the brain of an ‘addict’ to restore itself. The Ketogenic diet helps generate some of the necessary neurotransmitters to ‘quiet’ those screams of cravings that all substance abuse people feel. Being over weight, not even jusi obese, but that as well, is merely a side effects of a substance abuse to a ‘drug’ called carbohydrate.

    I think you will see controlling your weight is in essence...All in your head...so should be addressed as such.
    —————————COME SAY HI!!! ——————————
    Facebook Group about Keto:

    BLOG: https://ketonaturopath.com/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ketonaturopath Y

    YouTube channel www.youtube.com/ketonaturopath
    Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/482971/episodes
    Our Youtube Podcasts https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UC6LBX8_RDaXtzF_Z02jvl0Q

    Judi’s NEW cooking channel Keto Naturopath Kitchen https://www.youtube.com/c/KetoNaturopathKitchen
    ——————————— OUR COURSE ——————————
    PSMF 30 day course: https://www.thebiointegrationcode.com/courses/PSMFChallenge

    Strategene https://bit.ly/3iqCfka

    ——————————WHERE WE GET YOUR LABS DONE—————

    ————————— WHERE WE BUY OUR SUPPLEMENTS ——————

    Why get a Fullscript account to get your supplements??
    1. They have more brands than anywhere else to choose from;
    2. Their prices are 20 -50% lower than anywhere else; compare and you’ll see
    3. This is where most physicians have their account
    4. Been in existence for nearly 30 years working with physicians and health practitioners sustained outcomes in the end.

    Show more Show less
    46 mins