
  • S11E13 - Target Audience
    Jul 28 2024

    Target Audience

    It’s the last Drew and Sam episode of Season 11, and in this season finale they are singing the praises of their audience members - or at least appreciating the variety and quirks that different groups of patrons can bring.

    Love them or hate them (with the latter only occurring on very rare occasions of course!) there would be no point to a performance of any kind without an audience... or would there?! In fact could there actually be a performance with no audience at all?! Hold that thought, as there’s a whole episode worth of discussion there in itself! But intrinsic thoughts and strange considerations aside, both of the Drewling Samantics chaps have experienced the warmth, joy and excitement from various audiences over their careers. That said, “there’s nowt so strange as folk”, and spectators can be highly unpredictable, and are always liable to respond differently depending on venue or location!

    So join the fun now for a last entertaining chat before Drew and Sam are off on their theatre adventures for the summer, they will return very soon with stories, discussions and guests aplenty for Season 12 - but not before the always enjoyable “Best Of” episodes, don’t miss them!

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    34 mins
  • S11E12 - Falling into Place
    Jul 21 2024

    Falling into Place

    Season Eleven of Drewling Samantics is almost over - where has the time gone?! Indeed, today’s episode is the last time in the season that the chaps are visited by a guest, and it’s safe to say they are ending with a bang!

    Pete Løvstrøm has had a fascinating career, and that is putting it lightly. Starting out he chanced his arm and landed on his feet, which you could say came as a bit of shock to him! He had the good fortune, and the talent of course, to share stage and screen with some up and coming actors, directors and producers of the time - a much appreciated side effect for a young man starting out during a period when theatre was getting a rather substantial kick up the backside from the emerging talent that would go on to be theatre and TV heavyweights.

    Pete talks with energy, passion and great knowledge, and a joy for the work he made his specialty. Taking inspiration from his hero Buster Keaton, learning from and emulating him where he could, he carved a particular niche for himself that has won him large amounts of work and plenty of justified admiration. The art forms of “pratfalls” and slapstick comedy have enormous history and respect, and Pete is no stranger to either -, in fact they exactly what he loves most!

    So tune in now for an episode full of pure theatre, and witness Pete sweep Drew and Sam off their feet (theoretically speaking!) It’s the perfect reminder of just what Drewling Samantics is all about!

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    48 mins
  • S11E11 - Labour of Love?
    Jul 14 2024

    Labour of Love?

    Well, it has been a very busy time lately hasn’t it! A general election in the UK, football’s European Championships and the Copa America, Wimbledon, and an election in France to name but a few big recent events. Drew and Sam have been very busy performing and rehearsing too, and even PicNick is busy (well he’s on holiday, but he works extremely hard so he’s earned it!) But the Drewling Samantics team are never so busy that they can’t take some time out and release another podcast episode for loyal fans, followers and listeners.

    With such a lot for the chaps to talk about, it’s straight down to business, news and a catch up, and as always with Drew and Sam they aren’t afraid to address the tough stuff. How will a change of government affect things? How does one afford to train for the theatre? How much do the arts contribute to society? And will Drew and Sam survive another penalty shoot-out?!

    This episode bubbles along nicely, with the boys hitting the subjects around like a well played rally, so they vote you join them as they kick around for another episode - well until they are joined by a special guest next week!

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    39 mins
  • S11E10 - Three Shows are Better than One
    Jul 7 2024

    Three Shows are Better than One

    The wonderful thing about the entertainment business is the opportunities and challenges it presents, and the joy that is to be had in enjoying and conquering them. If it weren’t for enterprising and creative people it could be said there would be no ‘Arts’.

    This week’s guest is a perfect example of just that – Su Gilroy is a talented, hard-working, gifted and driven professional who loves the theatre and has immersed herself in almost every facet. Su has worked as an actor, director, stage manager, company manager, dresser, dramaturg, deviser.. in fact the list is almost endless! And that would be enough for most people, but not Su, as this summer she adds producer to the list for she will be producing three plays in a short weekly repertory season at the Marine Theatre in Lyme Regis. As she explains there is an enormous amount of work to be done and even she can’t be everywhere at once (though not for lack of trying!) But does she crumble? Of course not! She still finds time to join Drew and Sam to share her love for her work and give us all a few valuable theatre lessons on the way.

    You can’t fail to be impressed and swept up by Su’s enthusiasm, Drew and Sam certainly were, so join the three of them today and prepare to be amazed!

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    41 mins
  • S11E09 - The Show Can't Go On
    Jun 30 2024

    The Show Can’t Go On

    This week we join Drew and Sam for the 159th episode of Drewling Samantics. Not necessarily a notable anniversary it’s true, but it is an achievement that the boys have kept this show going solidly, despite often being inundated with work, having personal commitments, regularly needing to change locations, and taking into account the sheer lack of time to bring entertaining podcast content to listeners, watchers, followers and fans alike. And why do they ensure they make time to keep things going regardless of everything else? Because they love doing it of course!

    Obviously they also love all the other elements and areas of their work, and (to some extent) facing the challenges that they bring, however, there are those rare occasions where misfortune and fate make it impossible for “the show to go on”. Today’s episode sees them delve into some memories and experiences of when this has impacted them personally. Frustrating, costly, and sometimes even comical, there’s no doubt that once in a while - though thankfully not too often – things happen and there is nothing that can be done to resolve the unfixable!

    So tune in to this latest Drewling Samantics outing for stories of things simply not happening, as well as the usual helpings of chat, banter, news, and more!

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    36 mins
  • S11E08 - Drums, Drama and Drizzle
    Jun 23 2024

    Drums, Drama and Drizzle

    No disguises or imposters this week on Drewling Samantics, just another visiting talent and friend to share experiences and stories with our happy hosts!

    The chaps are delighted to welcome Andrew Lindfield this week, who shares his journey through the business with them, spreading knowledge and joy on the way. Despite early musical success drumming in a band, he was never truly content sitting at the back, and previous love for amateur dramatics inspired him to make a change, so he took himself off to drama school to learn his trade – resulting in flourishing as an actor and now producer. But training didn’t come without its challenges - there was a rather unexpected obstacle to overcome as is revealed when Andie tells perhaps one of the most shocking and dramatic guest stories ever!

    Drew and Sam are great advocates of creating your own work, and Andie has certainly done that! Making the leap and forming DOT Productions with his wife Louisa, they now tour Nationally each summer performing classic plays for adults and children alike, with this season’s shows featuring a rather familiar face..! And as the performances are mostly open air, let’s hope the good old British weather is kind to them!

    Andie is great fun, informative, entertaining and knowledgeable, and you’ll certainly want to hear that amazing story towards the end, so what are you waiting for?!

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    47 mins
  • S11E07 - Sincerest Form of Flattery
    Jun 16 2024

    Sincerest Form of Flattery

    Back with another week of ‘banter about the business’, on today’s show Drew and Sam throw around a few ideas and thoughts regarding portraying real life figures. They are inspired by the sad passing of Jeanette Charles, an actress who for many years impersonated the late Queen Elizabeth, and would probably these days be considered a “look-a-like”. Jeanette was beloved by the public and appeared in many TV shows and films as her royal doppelganger, but recreating celebrities on screen has certainly never been limited to monarchs.

    There have been innumerous biopics and plenty of memorable performances, (recent blockbuster Oppenheimer was enormously successful and is just one example to have a variety of real life people reincarnated), so building on that, Drew and Sam, who are no strangers themselves to playing popular figures, discuss their favourite performances and the pitfalls and benefits involved in portraying someone real. It’s safe to say expectation is great when an actor steps into the shoes and life of a famous personage, and today’s show is bound to provoke much though and many differing opinions regarding who has made a success of the task.

    Listen or watch now to join the debate!

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    36 mins
  • S11E06 - A Hand in Everything
    Jun 9 2024

    A Hand in Everything

    Guest week has arrived again on Drewling Samantics, and a treat is in store for all podcast fans and followers. This week’s visitor Roman Stefanski is an actor, director and puppeteer, however, those titles are far too vague for a performer who inspires others and breathes life into seemingly inanimate objects. Fun, energetic, very self-effacing, technically skilled, and the proud owner of a cheeky grin and glint in his eye, Roman has certainly never lost the joy of ‘play’!

    His decades long association with Polka Children’s Theatre is quite a tale, and indeed being that it is when Drew first worked with Roman, (quite a few years ago it’s safe to say!) there are even more stories to share there! This humble gent would have everyone believe he has luck to thank for most of his success, but as becomes very clear, it is his ability to get to the soul of a character and his joy and skill for story-telling that has delighted thousands of children and driven his work.

    So listen or watch now as Drew and Sam host this truly special interview with the wonderful Roman Stefanski.

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    48 mins