
  • Passion to Connect the Gospel to the Needs of Others
    Jul 11 2024

    Part 4 of FLOWS: The Building Blocks of Healthy, Growing Churches

    This podcast with Dr. Mike Oney explores how Outreaching connects your people to the needs of your community and world.

    This mini-series explores the importance of the church structures of fellowshipping, learning, outreaching, worshiping and serving.

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    17 mins
  • Life Change Happens in Circles, Not Rows
    Jul 4 2024

    Part 3 of FLOWS: The Building Blocks of Healthy, Growing Churches

    This podcast with Dr. Mike Oney explores how Learning in small groups creates transformation in people's lives.

    This mini-series explores the importance of the church structures of fellowshipping, learning, outreaching, worshiping and serving.

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    17 mins
  • Making Church Feel Like Home
    Jun 27 2024

    Part 2 of FLOWS: The Building Blocks of Healthy, Growing Churches

    This podcast with Dr. Mike Oney explores how to build Fellowship in your church.

    This mini-series explores the importance of the church structures of fellowshipping, learning, outreaching, worshiping and serving.

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    17 mins
  • The 98% Rule
    Jun 24 2024

    Today, Dr. Oney introduces the 6-part mini-series called FLOWS: The Building Blocks of Healthy, Growing Churches.

    Fellowshipping, Learning, Outreaching, Worshiping and Serving are the foundation of every healthy growing, church!

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    17 mins
  • A Study in Effectivenss
    Jun 13 2024

    This unique episode is an excerpt from a presentation by Dr. Oney on research that he conducted on pastoral effectiveness. This study revealed:

    • The essential competencies of an effective pastor.
    • How and where they are best developed.
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    14 mins
  • The #1 Reason for Ministerial Burnout
    Jun 6 2024

    Learn to keep your expectations in line with the season of ministry God has you in.

    Winter: Preparing your heart to receive God's direction.

    Spring: Accepting God's vision for something new.

    Summer: Committing to the people, place, purposes and priorities God has given you.

    Fall: Rejoicing and protecting the harvest - Building structure.

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    17 mins
  • Promoting: From Attenders to Helpers to Partners
    May 30 2024

    Ten things you really want to know about people as you promote them from attenders to helpers to ministry partners!

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    17 mins
  • What People Have to Believe to Join Your Ministry Team
    May 23 2024

    Explore what has to happen in the heart of an individual to become a partner with you in ministry.

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    17 mins