• Pastor Rawd Jones - The Gift Of Soul(11am)
    Sep 23 2024

    Pastor Rawd Jones from Replenish Ministries talks to us about why we have to keep our souls healthy. When our soul is happy, we are more happier, healthier and vibrant. Our spirit has to tell our soul what to do. Don't let facts get in the way of your faith! The more you repair your soul, the better you are! If we can control our soul better, we can live and lead in the overflow. We have to stay close to our Shepard, God, in order to feed our spirits and so our souls will be better! Not only do we have to read God's Word in the Bible every day, we have to make sure we make it personal when reading it. Our soul is the seat of our mind, will and emotions. Our soul helps drive our emotions. On the other side of every trial is hope!

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    45 mins
  • Pastor Rawd Jones - The Gift Of Soul(9am)
    Sep 23 2024

    Pastor Rawd Jones from Replenish Ministries talks to us about why we have to keep our souls healthy. When our soul is happy, we are more happier, healthier and vibrant. Our spirit has to tell our soul what to do. Don't let facts get in the way of your faith! The more you repair your soul, the better you are! If we can control our soul better, we can live and lead in the overflow. We have to stay close to our Shepard, God, in order to feed our spirits and so our souls will be better! Not only do we have to read God's Word in the Bible every day, we have to make sure we make it personal when reading it. Our soul is the seat of our mind, will and emotions. Our soul helps drive our emotions. On the other side of every trial is hope!

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    48 mins
  • Pastor Marlon La Rosa - Breakthroughs(11am)
    Sep 15 2024

    Pastor Marlon La Rosa from Jesus The Gospel Japan and Jesus The Gospel Dubai talks to us about how God gives us instructions for breakthroughs. Our accomplishment is to say yes when God asks us to do something. God knows out situations and what we need. If we sense God is moving in some way, we have to move with Him! Nothing can change our situations except for the presence of the Lord. True breakthrough is inside every one of us from God. We can't be lazy in our faith in God, we have to stand up in our faith. God respects faith! As soon as we receive and accept the Word of God, change and breakthroughs can happen. Our God truly is the God of breakthroughs!

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    41 mins
  • Pastor Mhemeen La Rosa - Fulfillment(9am)
    Sep 15 2024

    Pastor Mhemeen La Rosa from Jesus The Gospel Japan and Jesus the Gospel Dubai brings us an incredible Word from God about Fulfillment! God fulfills all visions and dreams. He completes everything He starts in our lives. Nothing is impossible to God! Our God is a God of second chances. We just have to believe and strengthen our faith in Christ. Faith grows! When we believe in His power and mercy, that is our righteousness! What are you dreaming for?

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    24 mins
  • Pastor Willard - Trust The Process Pt.2(11am)
    Sep 11 2024

    Pastor Willard continues talking with us about the importance of trusting God's process for our lives. He tells us about warning signs God sends us to protect us and why He doesn't send us warning signs because He's mad at us, He warns us for our own benefit to protect us because he wants us to be successful. God warns us with His protection, guidance & direction and keeping us in healthy community. God knows we all need someone to watch out for us! We just have to remember the power of submission and why it is so powerful in our relationship with God. We cannot get in our own way, it sabotages His process. God's correction is His loving eye on us!

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    36 mins
  • Pastor Willard - Trust The Process Pt.2(9am)
    Sep 11 2024

    Pastor Willard continues talking with us about the importance of trusting God's process for our lives. He tells us about warning signs God sends us to protect us and why He doesn't send us warning signs because He's mad at us, He warns us for our own benefit to protect us because he wants us to be successful. God warns us with His protection, guidance & direction and keeping us in healthy community. God knows we all need someone to watch out for us! We just have to remember the power of submission and why it is so powerful in our relationship with God. We cannot get in our own way, it sabotages His process. God's correction is His loving eye on us!

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    47 mins
  • Pastor Willard - Trust The Process Pt.1
    Sep 5 2024

    Pastor Willard talks to us about how we have to be patient in our lives and our walk with God. He has a process for all of us in every situation and season in our lives. God is the planner, Jesus is the vessel and the Holy Spirit is the action plan! We have to obey Him through the good and bad times, obedience is God's love language and will always reward us in trusting Him. Obedience is what promotes us in the Kingdom of God. We aren't supposed to know every detail in His process for us, He will send people into our lives to sow wisdom and guidance for the process. God provides order for every process!

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    44 mins
  • Pastor Sergio - Yahweh, My Way Or The Highway Pt.4
    Aug 25 2024

    Pastor Sergio continues this series talking to us about the importance of acknowledging the people God has put into our lives to disciple and hold us accountable. God puts certain people in our lives for a reason. If we're really living for Jesus, there should be things about us that point others to Jesus. Jesus corrects and disciplines the ones He loves! If we're going to stay on Yahweh's way, we have to be disciplined. Nothing worth having is easy! We have to repent, endure hardness and let God's Word and others correct us, then we will see and turn away from our lack of concern. For every trial and suffering we have, God has blessings for us!

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    57 mins