• Empowering Sleep Solutions for Women - Lois Wyant {Audio}
    28 mins
  • Empowering Sleep Solutions for Women Episode 3 (Audio)
    18 mins
  • Empowering Sleep Solutions for Women - Luisa Morrone (Video)
    45 mins
  • Empowering Sleep Solutions for Women Episode 1 (Audio)
    8 mins
  • Empowering Sleep Solutions for Women - Luisa Morrone (Audio)
    45 mins
  • Empowering Sleep Solutions for Women - Twyla St. Louis (Video}
    May 20 2024

    Interviewed a Guest, Twyla, a previous Client, who suffered from tense muscles all night long for over 10 years. We discussed the situation of getting to sleep and waking up refreshed. What we needed to delve into was the 'Why' of being on 'High Alert' when getting into bed, even tho' she had relaxed and done her wind down routine. When you have experienced a trauma while sleeping, this 'High Alert' condition can occur. Looking further into the circumstances were we able to Solve the problem and have her experience relaxed muscles and a feeling of support while allowing her body to fall asleep. Enjoy the interview.

    DO NOT FORGET: Sign up for further Episodes, Free Handouts and

    Discounts as well. SLEEP EMPOWERS YOUR TOMORROW!

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    19 mins
  • Empowering Sleep Solutions for Women Episode 3 (Video)
    May 11 2024

    How We Women Do Not Put Our Sleep First

    I explain how we degrade our sleep by putting responsibilities, other people and work-related projects ahead of our sleep and our health. This degrades our relationships, our productivity, never mind our physical and emotional health.

    Then I make suggestions how we can 'bookmark' our sleep time, relax with the goal of sleep and gain the respect of our family, friends and colleagues by prioritizing our sleep and set a wonderful example of 'Self Care'.

    Have a Listen, Christena Dawson - The Sleep Solutions Lady

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    18 mins
  • Empowering Sleep Solutions for Women Episode 1 (Video)
    May 11 2024

    Why My Passion For Women's Sleep?

    I explain my lifetime difficulties with sleep as well as clients, especially women having so much trouble getting refreshing sleep because of so many issues I have experienced throughout my many years from childhood to beyond menopause, widowhood and retirement. My passion is to share what I have learned and what many of my female clients have learned to improve their quality of sleep.

    Please listen to this and many ongoing episodes from Mother's Day forward!

    Blessings, Christena Dawson - The Sleep Solutions Lady

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    8 mins