Sep 12 2024
    Psalms 27and 18. In this message we allow the Father to teach us more about SPIRITUAL WARFARE in HIS PSALMS. It is so necessary in this time as we await the soon RAPTURE. The enemy wants us to miss the RAPTURE and give up our BOARDING PASS to the RAPTURE. We have to submit to the FATHER and fight in SPIRITUAL WARFARE by using the PSALMS to hold onto our RAPTURE BOARDING PASS! This TEACHING is a must for all believer who have surrendered all to the FATHER and are part of HIS REMNANT!
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    28 mins
    Sep 6 2024
    In this Message we talk about this END-TIME spiritual warfare that wants to rob you of your RAPTURE BOARDING PASS! The biggest weapon the spirit of Antichrist has is DECEPTION! We look at examples in the word of how this spirit wants to deceive, going back to the Garden of Eden! The Mark of the Beast will be as strong or stronger than the Temptation in the Garden of Eden because of the DECEPTION from the Antichrist! .Joshua 9 v. 12-18, Joshua 10 v. 5, 8, 11-15, Joshua 11 v. 23, 2 Tim. 4 v. 3-4, Gen. 3 v.1-6.
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    29 mins
  • Your RAPTURE Boarding Pass-Prophetic Blessings! RECEIVE!
    Sep 2 2024
    In this message the Father uses me to speak Prophetic Blessings into the listeners who surrender all to the Father on a daily basis. This is to help them and all of us to get ready for the RAPTURE TAKE OFF! LISTEN and RECEIVE THESE BLESSINGS! Ge. 37 v. 5, 6-8, Gen. 39 v.1-7, 10-11, 23, Ez. 37 v. 7-10, 15-17.
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    28 mins
  • RAPTURE before Election Day-10/9? PREPARE, PREPARE!
    Aug 28 2024
    In this message continue to go over steps to be RAPTURE READY and to continue to talk about the RAPTURE possibly happening on 10/9, especially with the 7 planets and the sun and moon in alignment on 10/9. Also 10/9 is the LAST day of the Feast of TABERNACLES, when I feel the LAST TRUMP could possibly sound from Mt. Sinai! Joel 2 v. 15-16, 30-32, Gen. 13 v. 1-2, 7-9, 14-18, Lamentations 1 v. 1-4, Lamentations 2 v. 2, Rev. 3 v. 18, Rev. 4 v. 1-2, Mal. 3 v. 1-3.
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    29 mins
    Aug 22 2024
    This message reflects the URGENCY that I have in my spirit about the extreme closeness of the RAPTURE! I talk again about the possibility of the RAPTURE happening on 10/9 the last day of the feast of TABERNACLES. I also show again the trail from PENTECOST to TABERNACLES by showing an overlay of the constellations on 4/8, the day of the Solar Eclipse. It is time to PREPARE and I give some steps to prepare to avoid the desolation that will start to happen on the same day after the RAPTURE! Ps. 91 v. 1-3, 14, Luke 21 v. 20, Rev. 3 v. 1-3, Jer. 23 v. 1-4, 11, 27,38, Mt. 24 v. 4, Mt. 25 v. 1-6, 1 Jn. 2 v. 15, Luke 14 v. 26, Rev. 3 v. 11
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    29 mins
  • You are on the BRINK of a MIRACLE! DON'T GIVE UP!
    Aug 15 2024
    This message is about GIVING BIRTH TO YOUR MIRACLES and the BIRTH PAINS that are happening are confirming that the MIRACLES are ON THE WAY! We go over the word and show examples to encourage you! Rev. 12 v. 1-6, 14-16, Judges 6 v. 1-2, 11-16,25, 27, Judges 7 v. 9-22, 2 Chron. 19 v. 11, 2 Chron. 20 v. 1-9, 15-23, Numbers 14 v. 1-10, 30, Joshua 14 v. 6-13, Joshua 15 v. 16-19.
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    29 mins
    Aug 10 2024
    This message we talk about how the FATHER wants to interrupt some people to SHIFT them into PURPOSE, DESTINY, and and their BATTLE POSITION in this last great battle for SOULS in this PRE-RAPTURE season. The RAPTURE Is So CLOSE and this message is a must for the FATHER'S REMNANT! 1 Sam. 16 v.6 - 13, 1 Sam. 17 v. 17-28, 45-51, Daniel 1 v. 8-15, Daniel 2 v. 17-19, 48-49, Daniel 3 v. 12-18, 25-29 Acts 8 v. 5-8, 14-15, 26-40, Acts. 9 v. 2-18, 20-25, Acts 10 v. 1-48.
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    28 mins
  • 1 Step to be RAPTURE READY! ABIDE in the FATHER!
    Aug 2 2024
    On this series of STEPS TO BE RAPTURE READY we talk about ABIDING in the FATHER as the FIRST STEP! So many want to know when He is coming for us in the RAPTURE, but are we READY? ABIDING in the FATHER is so important to avoid watching what's happening or not happening in the world! We need to avoid the spirit of Antichrist's wrong focus and focus on the FATHER and HIS WORD and COMMUNE with HIM EVERY DAY in HIS WORD! Ps. 91 v. 1-13, John 15 v. 1-11, 2 Chr. 14 v. 9-15, 1 Samuel 5 v. 1-4, 2 Samuel 5 v. 17-20.
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    29 mins