
  • 6. STOP Playing it Safe and Start Living Radically for Jesus - Nik Ripken
    Sep 25 2024

    If you follow Jesus, do you see your life as expendable or defendable? Are you defending your freedom to avoid persecution or willingly laying it all on the line for those who have never heard of Jesus? In this conversation, author and former missionary Nik Ripken explains what bold faith looks like. Serving in some of the most dangerous countries in the world as well as losing one of his sons on the mission field, Nik has seen unimaginable tragedy. However, he has also seen how insane faith can radically transform people's lives, even in the darkest places of the world. Our God doesn't call us to play it safe; He commands us to make disciples of all nations. Yet, no matter where we go, He is always with us. With that in mind, what would radical obedience to Jesus look like in your life?

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    34 mins
  • 5. How Sadie Robertson Huff Found Her Bullseye
    Aug 28 2024

    On today’s episode, we had the privilege of talking with renowned speaker, author, and influencer Sadie Robertson Huff. As you’ll hear, her life was impacted by stardom from a young age, and she had to choose what to do with the platform God had given her. Like so many celebrities, she could have kept chasing the fame. However, she found her bullseye—to be a sister and a friend to millions of other females. Today, her ministry—Live Original—is impacting the lives of women around the world. Whether you're an influencer or just follow one, Sadie reminds us that we all have a God-given platform. The question is, “What is your bullseye?” Even you can leverage what God has given you to impact the lives of others right where you are.

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    56 mins
  • 4. Uncover Your Purpose: Insights from Blue Bell's Former CEO and President
    Jul 31 2024

    Do you know what God's purpose is for your life? If your answer is, “I'm not sure,” you're not alone. As we explore that question in this episode, special guest Ricky Dickson gives us the inside scoop on his story of discovering God's will for his life. From a class project about Blue Bell in college to eventually becoming the ice cream company's CEO and President, Ricky explains how his faith helped him thrive in his leadership journey. As Ricky teaches us in his latest book, “One Scoop at a Time,” life can be difficult and outcomes uncertain. Yet, God can lead us from fear to faith as we rely on His purpose—not our own—for our lives.

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    44 mins
  • 3. Are You a Follower or a Believer?
    Jun 26 2024

    The word “believer” has different meanings in today’s society. From pop culture to Christianity, the phrase “I’m a believer” is fairly common. But in the Christian faith, what’s the difference between a believer and a follower? Is there a difference? How you answer that question can say a lot about how you view your faith. In Matthew 16:24, Jesus tells those who want to be His disciples to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. All people who profess the name of Christ are called to follow Him—not simply believe. That's the difference. Believing in Jesus is a start, but following Jesus is how we show the world we are who we say we are, especially when life is difficult or we face persecution. So, the next time you call yourself a believer, think about how Jesus has invited all of His disciples—even you—into the extraordinary purpose of following Him by taking up the cross in their lives.

    Learn more about Providence Church Frisco: https://www.providencefrisco.com/

    Follow pastor Afshin Ziafat on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/afshinziafat/

    To learn more about East-West, visit https://www.eastwest.org.

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    52 mins
  • 2. Has the Church Set the Bar Too Low?
    Jun 25 2024

    How would you answer the question, “Why does the Church exist?” Many people will say things like, “It's for the betterment of the community,” or, “It's a place for Christians to gather and worship,” or even, “It's where you go to learn about God.” These answers may be true, but are they enough? Whether you grew up going to Sunday services or just visited one for the first time, it's important to know why the Church exists. In 1 Corinthians 12, it says the Church is the Body of Christ, made up of individual members who have different gifts. Those gifts are designed to help us proclaim the excellencies of Him who redeemed us out of darkness and into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). The Church is not a social club or a building you go to on Sunday. It's the hands and feet of Jesus, gifted and equipped by God to fulfill the Great Commission. This raises the bar for every Christian—even you—and begs the question, “What's my role in the Body of Christ?”

    Learn more about Auburn Community Church: https://auburncommunitychurch.com/

    Take the spiritual gifts assessment from Auburn Community Church: https://auburncommunitychurch.com/spiritual-gifts/

    Follow pastor Miles Fidell on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milesfidell/

    To learn more about East-West, visit https://www.eastwest.org.

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    55 mins
  • 1. Why Missions Isn't Just for “Those People”
    Jun 25 2024

    Have you ever thought, “I could never be a missionary,” or, “I’m not cut out for missions. That’s for ‘those people’”? More than 2,000 years ago, Jesus commanded His followers to make disciples of all nations. What you may not realize is that this command—the Great Commission—applies to every Christian. It’s not a suggestion or an idea. It looks different for every believer, but the bottom line is that we don't get to cherry-pick our destiny. Our Creator calls us to take the gospel to the ends of the Earth. That’s huge. But it's also special because it means that God has a role for all of us—even you. You are uniquely wired by God to live a life on mission—to have an eternal impact on people's lives. This is what extraordinary purpose looks like. Have you given God your yes?

    To learn more about East-West, visit https://www.eastwest.org.

    To learn more about the unreached, visit https://www.eastwest.org/unreachedpeoplegroups/.

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    34 mins
  • Even You Trailer
    Jun 24 2024

    The Even You podcast is hosted by East-West, a global missions agency focused on shining the light of the gospel among the unreached. This podcast exists to empower ordinary people to live for an extraordinary purpose. What does that mean? We want to see more Christians saying “Yes!” to what God is inviting them to participate in, especially as it relates to the Great Commission. We believe you are uniquely wired to play a role in this mission whether you're a missionary or commuting to a 9-5. Nothing is more important than leveraging our gifts, talents, and lives for the glory of God as we obey His command to make disciples of all nations. This is the most extraordinary purpose we can live for, and even you have a role to play. How will you give God your “Yes!” today?

    To learn more about East-West, visit https://www.eastwest.org.

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    1 min