
  • S2 Ep105: Outdated and Expired Medications: Are they safe to take?
    Jul 16 2024
    Outdated or Expired Medications are always a question at the doctor's office, especially when a patient is on a weekend outing away from major retail stores, they ask can this medication "still" be taken? It's a great question! Many studies have shown that tablets and capsules even 10 years are greater than 88% effective. Longer shelf lives of medications sitting in your cabinets loose their potency and efficacy.
    A Law was passed in 1979 for pharmaceutical drug manufactures to require a date to 'guarantee' full potency and safety. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov (Drug expiry debate:the myth and the reality- PMC)

    The Shelf Life Extension Program (SLEP) was started by the FDA for the Department of Defense to order to help cut costs https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/mcm-legal-regulatory-and-policy-framework/expiration-dating-extension
    SLEP is used in order for preparedness for our military and natural disasters like earthquakes, viral outbreaks, hurricanes, tornados and more. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) oversees the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). In helping to prepare for natural emergencies it is also what brings Emergency Use guidelines, we all remember that from COVID.

    Please send me a comment on your thoughts of Emergency Use Guidelines, stockpiles for emergencies and the shortages of medications many Americans are experiencing now. Would love to have your opinion. Please like, comment and ask a friend to Subscribe!

    Let's continue to discuss options for better health and a better future together. Join me, Dr. Liza Leal, your @everydayhealthhacker and Mike Herzing to discuss your first steps to a better future. We want to be your resource for your medical and dental questions and needs.

    Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare powered by Meridian Health Institute is located in Sugar Land, Texas and is a medical-dental facility to treat the whole body, mind, body and soul. Together we reclaim our health and reach for new beginnings.
    Call us today whether is a simple or a serious health complication we will work together to solve the difficulties life can bring us.
    Call us today at 281-265-6565.

    Information in this video is to be used as a resource for information and is not personal medical advice.
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • S2 Ep104: Know the Signs: Heat Exhaustion vs Heat Stroke
    Jun 13 2024
    Update from 2023:

    Heat exhaustion is less serious than heatstroke also sometimes called sunstroke.

    Symptoms of heat exhaustion can occur quickly or over a few days.
    Many patients will call complaining of leg cramping here is a list of symptoms:

    Heat exhaustion can lead to:
    - headaches
    - muscle cramping
    - nausea and vomiting
    - excessive sweating and cold clammy skin
    - on occasion a decreased pulse and feelings of weakness
    - dizziness and sometimes fainting
    - dark-colored urine can occur from dehydration

    It's important to note that heat exhaustion can be alleviated with hydration and moving to cooler temperatures indoors.

    Heatstroke is a life threatening medical emergency and your body's temperature can rise to 104 or more. It needs immediate treatment and we encourage you to call 911. Heat stroke affects the brain and nervous system which can lead to serious injury.
    It also affects your organs. Immediate attention is required. When a person has reached this level they usually have stopped sweating, as their body's ability to cool is now disabled they are more likely to faint as well as have the symptoms arriving from heat exhaustion.

    Instead of a weak pulse, the body responds with a racing heart beat.

    They may appear confused, agitated, slurred speach and appear if they are drunk if they had been drinking alcohol. Alcohol and heat do not mix and a serious event can be mistaken for a drunken fool instead of a heat stroke that can cause a person to loose consciousness and even coma.

    These are simple definitions to help you and your loved ones seek medical care. The key is to stay hydrated while out in the sun, use sunscreen and have shade available.

    Remember to keep an eye out on your fur children as pets can also suffer from these same consequences and if the pavement, sand or walking is area is hot on your feet it is also hot on all of our four legged friends. Be safe, stay hydrated, wear sunscreen and foot protection for all of us two legged and four legged friends.

    Let's discuss options for better health and a better future together. Join me, Dr. Liza Leal, your @everydayhealthhacker and Mike Herzing to discuss your first steps to a better future. We want to be your resource for your medical and dental questions and needs.

    Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare powered by Meridian Health Institute is located in Sugar Land, Texas and is a medical-dental facility to treat the whole body, mind, body and soul. Together we reclaim our health and reach for new beginings.
    Call us today whether is a simple or a serious health complication we will work together to solve the difficulties life can bring us.
    Call us today at 281-265-6565.

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • S2 Ep103: Intimacy and Chronic Pain
    Apr 16 2024
    Intimacy can be devastating when you are in chronic pain, you both suffer if you choose it.
    Writing Cupid's Challenge was a way to help couple's ignite their relationship to a whole new level. Discussing and Exploring ways to go beyond the depression, sadness, guilt, overwhelm and the loss of the way they thought their life would go without pain. You have to re-discover who you are and build a better together. It can be done!
    Don't let depression and pain rule your life take charge, make a choice to do something about it. In the next few videos we have developed a playlist to help you be successful in re-igniting your love life, your intimacy, your ability to see a new future in the face of chronic pain. Check out our book on Amazon Cupid's Challenge with the link: https://amzn.to/3vSA5mV free on Kindle as our gift to you.

    Your Everyday Health Hacker is Liza Leal, M.D., of Meridian Health Institute Board Certified in Family Medicine specializing in the unique approach of medical dental health with her partner and CEO of Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare Dr. Duncan Foulds. We are a team of team of health professionals, who want to be your resource for medical and dental information for you, your family and friends.

    Write to us via email at info@everydayhealthhacker or call us at 281-265-6565 .

    Stay Tuned, Like, Comment and Subscribe
    Más Menos
    10 m
  • S2 Ep102: Pain Management Part II, What you need to know about Chronic Pain
    Mar 26 2024
    Chronic Pain is day in and day out, everyday a constant feeling of heart wrenching discomfort. Having lived in a wheel chair during my years as a medical student and resident, I too know what has to happen to overcome the chronic pain. We will discuss over the next episodes practical usable elements to help you Live Well even in the face of chronic pain.

    Thank you Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare powered by Meridian Health Institute, . Reach out to us @Everydayhealthhacker, @meridianhealthinstitute, email info@everydayhealthhacker.com and or call us at 281-265-6565, We want to be your resource of medical and dental information for you, your family and loved ones.

    Hosts Michael Herzing (@mikeherzing and @let'stalkwheels and Dr. Liza Leal @everydayhealthhacker
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • S2 Ep101: Pain Management, What you need to know if you suffer from Chronic Pain
    Mar 19 2024
    Do you feel like you are the only one battling chronic pain, do you wonder if your needed medications will be available this month. Come join us in our discussion
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • S1 Ep199: Asthma and Vitamin D
    Mar 12 2024
    This past allergy season, we had several patients ask us about Vitamin D3 and if it is helpful in allergies and asthma. Join your Everday Health Hacker, Dr. Liza Leal and co- host Mike Herzing as we share medical and dental information as a resource for you and your family. Join us and subscribe. Follow us on Instagram @Everdayhealthhacker and @meridianhealthinstitute.
    Más Menos
    9 m
  • S1 Ep198: Osteoporosis and the Side Effects of Treatments
    Feb 29 2024

    Thanks again for all the wonderful questions, Osteoporosis has been our most listened to playlist and videos on youtube. Today we will discuss what you can do now to prevent osteoporosis and if you are in your 50's and 60's like me, what you can do to gain bone health through supplementation, diet and exercise. It's never too late to make a better change.

    As we have been discussing Bisphosphonates for Osteoporosis are dangerous. The most serious side effect can be to lose all your teeth from osteonecrosis it can cause the bone to die. Originally bisphosphonates like Boniva, Reclast, Fosamax just to name a few work to keep the "old" bone around. This can have an appearance of more bone on a bone density test, however, it is deceiving. Listen today to learn options to protect your bones and mobility and we will build on Part I, II and III.

    Your Everyday Health Hacker is Liza Leal, M.D. and her patient co-host Mike Herzing of "Let's Talk Wheels" a nationally syndicated program. Together we discuss topics from emails from around the world to help educate, inspire and be the resource for the latest medical dental topics. Write to us via email at info@everydayhealthhacker or call us at 281-265-6565 Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare (Dr. Duncan Foulds) powered by Meridian Health Institute in Sugar Land, Texas.

    Stay Tuned, Like, Comment and Subscribe
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    8 m
  • S1 Ep197: Osteoporosis and Andropause, What You Need to Know about Testosterone
    Feb 20 2024
    Join us and learn how to keep your bones healthy and your smile beautiful. Low T or Low Testosterone can cause many deleterios effects. Not just for men but also women. Strong bones also depend on testosterone.
    You can prevent this through many modalities and today we are going to talk about them.
    What labs should your doctor order and look at? Testosterone, DHEA, Estrogen, thyroid and more. We look forward to your comments and we hope you will subscribe

    Your Everyday Health Hacker is Liza Leal, M.D., Together we discuss topics from emails from around the world to help educate, inspire and be the resource for the latest medical dental topics. Write to us via email at info@everydayhealthhacker or call us at 281-265-6565 Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare (Dr. Duncan Foulds) powered by Meridian Health Institute in Sugar Land, Texas.

    Stay Tuned, Like, Comment and Subscribe
    Más Menos
    6 m