
  • 012: Everything To Know Before You Go To Disney World
    Jul 18 2024

    You’re finally taking that big step, taking your family on a trip, and going to Disney World, but you’re not sure what to do, where to go, or how to do it?! I got you, friend.

    Earlier this year, we had the privilege of being invited to the Disney Creator Celebration. We spent four days at Disney World, visiting all four parks, and three days on the Disney Cruise.

    Let’s discuss preparing for a Disney World trip with your family.

    This episode isn’t sponsored by Disney. These are my opinions and thoughts about what I wish I had known before going to Disney World to make the trip as MAGIC as possible.

    Now, we don’t have any babies anymore - I knoooooooooow. The kids are 9, 6 and 4 which in my opinion are the quintessential ages to take your kids. They’re all potty trained, have their favorite characters and are old enough to remember the experience.

    And while you may think it’s just for the kids, you will have such a wonderful time as well.

    In today’s episode, we’re discussing Everything You Need Before You Go To Disney World. These practical tips will help you be fully prepared, stay in the moment, and make the most of your trip.

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    36 mins
  • 011: Creating A Summer Schedule for Kids at Home
    Jun 27 2024

    The MAGIC of a summer schedule is that it allows you to get what you need to get done and what the kids want to get done.

    As you know, the Everyday MAGIC framework is about making your day meaningful, aesthetically pleasing, goal-oriented, intentional and consistent.

    However, MAGIC in the summer stands for:

    • Meals
    • Activities
    • Gear
    • Ideas
    • Calendar

    Oftentimes, you don’t make a deliberate schedule for summer break because you’ve been told it should be “relaxed.” But relaxed doesn’t have to been undisciplined.

    You can still enjoy your summer with structure.

    By the end of this episode, you’ll know how to create your MAGIC summer schedule for your kids at home.

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    37 mins
  • 010: What Makes Your Sunday Reset Routine MAGIC
    Jun 13 2024

    The whole point of the Sunday Reset Routine is to position yourself for success throughout the week. Once the work week starts, it can often feel like go, go, go, and you’re being pulled in all different directions. By the time you get to the end of the week, you know you did work, but it feels like it didn’t matter, and you’re no closer to reaching your goals.

    Being intentional with how you spend Sunday will allow you to use your time wisely throughout the week. That’s what makes the Sunday Reset Routine so MAGIC.

    A Sunday well spent brings a week of things well planned and well done.

    In this episode, you’ll learn 3 steps to create a MAGIC Sunday Reset Routine that sets your week up for success.

    For this episode, I’ve made an excellent resource for you to use to get your Sunday Reset Routine together - that’s the Sunday Reset Routine Plan.

    It's available in the Resource Library of my private community, And More. https://mattiejames.com/community

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    29 mins
  • 009: How To Make More Time For Self-Care
    Jun 6 2024

    Self-care isn’t the super indulgent practice that TV and the movies have made it out to be. Self-care is a discipline.

    The five types of self-care allow you to fully take care of yourself. In addition, appointments need to be made weekly, monthly, and annually to help you do so.

    The truth is that we often try to skip self-care because it takes time.

    Self-care is always time well spent.

    In this episode of the Everyday MAGIC podcast, we’re talking about about how to make more time for self-care.

    Podcast show notes + Self Care Schedule & Checklist: https://mattiejames.com/009

    Follow me on Instagram @themattiejames

    Join my private community, And More - here: https://mattiejames.com/community

    Get the book, Everyday MAGIC https://amzn.to/4dUIdV1

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    31 mins
  • 008: 5 MAGIC Rules to Keep Your Home Organized
    May 23 2024

    When you need to organize your home, your home needs MORE—management, organization, routine, and engagement.

    You may prioritize work and other aspects of your life over your home even though it’s where your most essential needs are met and personal routines are done. This is why you must start giving it more to get the order you’re looking for.

    When everything in your home doesn’t have a place, there are various piles of micro clutter, and you have no routine to resolve that, you start to feel overwhelmed every time you’re at home. Things must always be flowing in your home on purpose to keep it in order.

    In this episode of the Everyday MAGIC podcast, you'll learn 5 MAGIC Rules to Keeping Your Home in Order.

    Podcast show notes + Keeping Home in Order checklists: https://mattiejames.com/008
    Follow me on Instagram @themattiejames
    Join my private community, And More - here: https://mattiejames.com/community
    Get the book, Everyday MAGIC https://amzn.to/4dUIdV1

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    34 mins
  • 007: Discovering Your Skin Type & Creating Your Everyday Skincare Routine
    May 14 2024

    As much as you know, skincare is important, but sometimes you don’t take it as seriously as you should.

    Even for someone who loves an illustrious beauty routine, I’m so exhausted some nights I take my makeup off and jump in bed. Ch… I be tired.

    But that happens sporadically.

    In my 20s, I understood that having a skincare routine mattered. I kept up with it in my 30s, and as someone who is about to be 40, the consistency has served me well.

    The MAGIC of my skincare routine is that it's one of those moments in the day that I *get* to have to myself.

    You ever need a moment to yourself, to just take care of yourself? Nothing strenuous, just consistent. That’s exactly what your skincare routine gets to be for you.

    You should take it seriously AND personally. Skincare isn’t just self-care; it’s health care.

    So what if it’s never been your thing, and you don’t know where to start?

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to discover your skin type, which four core products are best for your everyday skincare routine, and why making time for it is well spent.

    Podcast show notes + Everyday Skincare Guide: https://mattiejames.com/007

    Follow me on Instagram @themattiejames

    Join my private community - And More - here: https://mattiejames.com/community

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    35 mins
  • 006: How To Make Your To-Do List Work for You
    May 9 2024

    When you misuse it, your to-do list can do more harm than good.

    Just because you have a to-do list doesn’t mean things will get done. It’s not about doing every single thing, every single day. That just isn’t realistic or sustainable.

    On average, people have about 15 projects going on at a time.

    Here’s why to-do lists work: They help us maintain awareness of our tasks, which makes us clear and focused, and therefore, we get things done.

    But they work best when we keep things simple and relevant.

    Why are to-do lists important? What do they do for us?

    They help us have…
    Less stress
    Less anxiety
    Priorities in order
    Sense of accomplishment
    Clear plans
    Time for what matters
    Task management

    How do you make a to-do list work for you?

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to use your to-do list work for you to get more done with less stress.

    Loved this episode? You’ll love the book (currently on sale for $16!) https://amzn.to/44pbH9e
    Join my private community - And More - here: https://mattiejames.com/community
    Podcast show notes: https://mattiejames.com/006

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    33 mins
  • 005: Creating A Morning Routine That Matters
    May 3 2024

    You ever sleep in until the last minute because you're trying to make sure you're rested? And then when you wake up you're still tired and now in a rush?

    You have enough time in the day but must be more intentional about your morning routine.

    Creating a MAGIC morning routine that works for you this season will solve 80% of your problems.

    More peace of mind.
    More focus.
    More energy.
    More time.

    Starting your day 30 minutes earlier to pray, think, move your body, and write things down will change your life.

    Seriously. The way you spend your mornings determines your quality of life.

    In this episode of the Everyday MAGIC podcast, you’ll learn how to create a MAGIC morning routine that works best for you in your current season.

    Loved this episode? You’ll love the book (currently on sale for $13!) https://amzn.to/44pbH9e

    Get the MAGIC Morning Makeover workbook in the And More resource library. Join the community here: https://mattiejames.com/community

    Podcast show notes: https://mattiejames.com/005

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    29 mins