
  • S01:00 [Brian Silverthorn] My Story
    Aug 9 2022
    The question in my mind is... How do you create or re-launch a highly profitable and successful 6 to 7 figure business? With so much conflicting advice about the best ways to start and grow your business how do you get it right, the first time? I want to help entrepreneurs make a real difference and navigate the messy world of startup, growth or re-launch. My name is Brian Silverthorn and this is the Evolvepreneur Secrets for Entrepreneurs Show, and I am your host today.
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    1 m
  • S01:01 [Amie Devero ] 25 Years of Strategy Consultancy and Coaching
    Aug 11 2022
    Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Amie Devero ... Amie is the President of Beyond Better. We offer executive coaching and strategy consulting to high-growth, funded start-ups. Having been a strategy consultant and coach for over 25 years, Amie spent a number of years running two high-growth tech start-ups. Amie got the first acquired by the second, RingGo (the then market leader in mobile payment for parking and transit). When RingGo pulled out the US I continued consulting and acting in advisory roles to other start-ups in the smart cities and fintech space. Amie is also the author of the book Powered by Principle: Using Core Value to Build World-Class Organizations.
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    24 m
  • S01:02 [Dan Lazar] The Best Version of Myself
    Aug 15 2022
    Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Dan Lazar ... Dan is a property developer at herox.com.au, started and sold 2 businesses (tennishero.ro & covershero.ro), passionate about helping others and driven to become the best version of himself.
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    22 m
  • S01:03 [Derrick McManus] ​​​​​​​Police Officer Shot 14 times and Still Smiling
    Aug 16 2022
    Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Derrick McManus ... Derrick is an Australian Special Ops police officer - sniper, recovery diver and counter-terrorist operative - who was shot 14 times in less than 5 seconds and then lying on the ground for 3 hours before being extracted. Doctors said he defied medical knowledge and understanding by surviving and then defied medical expectations by returning to work - sniper, recovery diver and counter-terrorist operative - after 2.5 years of intense rehab … He also defied psych expectations when diagnosed with zero anxiety, stress, depression or PTSD and did not require any psych assistance. He has now developed the psych philosophy of Human Durability - going beyond resilience to sustaining optimal performance and have research collaborations with Universities. Human Durability is about creating high-performance people and high-performance mental fitness, agility and strength. It’s applicable to kids in school, fighter pilots and everyone in-between from hair-dressers to banking to entrepreneurs to CEOs - and he had spoken to them all.
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    22 m
  • S01:04 [Devon Jones] ​​​​​​​Transferrable Skills
    Aug 17 2022
    Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Devon Jones ... Devon started a record label back in 2006 that he still operates today, had a 12 year stint as a partner with a real estate marketing agency, and then branched out in his own in 2019 to create a media agency. I guess you could say he's a serial entrepreneur!
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    31 m
  • S01:05 [Erica Saccoccio] ​​​​​​​Starting Over: Rebuilding Your Dream Team
    Aug 18 2022
    Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Erica Saccoccio ... Erica Saccoccio is a Business Owner and President with over 22 years in the early education and youth development field. She opened six childcare centers in a 12-year period serving over 800 families in the cities of Warwick, West Warwick, East Greenwich, and Cranston. In addition, she expanded on a growth opportunity and brought the After School Moves dance enrichment program to life as her seventh business, and opened a 5,000 square foot dance studio offering dance classes to 96 students.
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    26 m
  • S01:06 [Gill Tiney] A Community Catalyst
    Aug 19 2022
    Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Gill Tiney ... Gill Tiney is a speaker, author, entrepreneur, podcaster, writer, business coach and ultimately a Community Catalyst and as such looks after the Collaboration Global community that she founded in 2019. Together with the community they are instrumental in creating collaborations that in some large or small part can and do change our world. This community works to build and develop strategies that help collaborations to success by providing a safe space for abundant thinking and practical solutions to bring a project to fruition. Meeting every month they build a culture that expands genius, delivers knowledge and growth to members and enables them all to make a difference to the community and beyond.
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    22 m
  • S01:07 [Gregory Mohr] Franchise Consulting
    Aug 22 2022
    Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Secrets Show for Entrepreneurs Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business. My very special guest today is Gregory Mohr ... Greg Mohr is the Wall Street Journal Best Selling author of “Real Freedom, Why Franchises Are Worth Considering and How They Can Be Used For Building Wealth”, and has managed restaurants, been a micro-electric circuit engineer, owned and operated dry cleaners, storage units, rental properties, and franchises. Greg has helped hundreds of people invest in a few hundred franchise units with his franchise consulting business.
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    25 m