• Father and Joe E371: Discuss Essential Life Skills -Unlocking the Power of Asking for Help
    Jul 18 2024

    In this episode of the "Father and Joe" podcast, hosts Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks dive deep into an essential yet often overlooked aspect of human relationships: the power of asking for help.

    Asking for help can be daunting, perceived as a sign of weakness or failure, and it's something many people struggle with. Joe and Father Boniface discuss why this vital skill is crucial for our development and spiritual growth. They emphasize that "learning how to ask for help because it's a relational skill and it's vital in relationships, and this is really what we're made in the context of and made for."

    Father Boniface reflects on the vulnerability involved in seeking assistance: "Asking for help is admitting that I don't know. It's admitting weakness. It's admitting that I have something to learn. And it's really putting the other person in a position of power." He shares wisdom from Georges Bernanos' "Diary of a Country Priest" to illustrate the challenges and rewards of seeking guidance from others.

    The discussion also touches on the fears and pride that can hinder us from reaching out. Joe and Father Boniface explore the dynamics between the asker and the helper, and how this interaction can sometimes lead to unexpected outcomes. They remind us that "healthy relationships ask for help. There's always a mutuality in that. And we don't grow in relationship unless we can ask for help and receive the help that's offered, imperfect as it might be."

    Joe highlights the practical implications of asking for help in everyday scenarios, from hiring someone for a job to relying on family for support. He points out that "getting someone who knows something and at least is capable at it is better than trying to do everything yourself."

    Father Boniface shares a poignant message from Pope Benedict XVI: "Save us from the prideful presumption of self-sufficiency." This call to humility encourages us to look beyond our own capabilities and embrace the support of others.

    The episode concludes with a thought-provoking reflection: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." Joe and Father Boniface urge listeners to consider the benefits of collaboration and community, both in practical and spiritual terms.

    Join us as we explore the profound impact of asking for help and how it can strengthen our relationships with others and with God. Whether you're seeking personal growth, spiritual wisdom, or just a better understanding of human connection, this episode offers valuable insights.

    Key Quotes:

    "The necessity of asking for help is vital for our human development."
    "Asking for help is admitting that I don't know. It's admitting weakness."
    "Healthy relationships ask for help. There's always a mutuality in that."
    "Save us from the prideful presumption of self-sufficiency." - Pope Benedict XVI
    "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
    Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insightful discussions on faith, relationships, and personal growth. Join the conversation in the comments below and let us know your thoughts on the importance of asking for help.

    asking for help, importance of asking for help, relationships, spiritual growth, faith journey, humility, overcoming pride, receiving help, Father Boniface Hicks, Joe Rockey, religious podcast, Christian living, seeking guidance, spiritual guidance, help and support, Catholic teaching, spirituality, human connection, community building, relational skills, trusting others, emotional intelligence, spiritual wisdom, humility and faith, overcoming fear, relationship with God, personal growth, self-improvement, Pope Benedict, prideful presumption, self-sufficiency, Christian advice

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    19 mins
  • Father and Joe E370: How to Live a More Loving Life: Practical Spiritual Guidance
    Jul 9 2024

    Welcome to another episode of Father and Joe. I'm Joe Rockey, here with Father Boniface Hicks. Last week, we delved into the importance of identifying your value hierarchy and understanding what you care most about. This week, we’re diving deeper into how we can put our spiritual priorities into practice and truly live a more loving life.

    Father Boniface beautifully explains that, "We need to know what we're aiming at. We're aiming ultimately at love of the Trinity, which is love within itself is what the Trinity is." He emphasizes the necessity of regular course correction to ensure we're on the right path. But how do we translate this into concrete actions, especially in our relationships?

    One profound insight Father Boniface shares is, "Have I been as loving as possible towards this person in my life?" This question should be asked in a peaceful, reflective state, perhaps during prayer. He suggests setting aside a dedicated time, whether in the morning, during a lunch break, or at the end of the day, to examine our actions and seek ways to be more loving.

    Father Boniface also highlights the importance of integrating God into every aspect of our lives. He challenges us to ask, "Is God really the top of your value hierarchy in every part of your life?" This includes business relationships, customer service interactions, and even how we drive and shop.

    For those already on the path of embracing Christianity, Father Boniface offers a gentle reminder to allow God to pervade all areas of life. He states, "God can be and should be, and then is He really in every part of your life?"

    To further enrich our spiritual journey, Father Boniface recommends engaging with resources like Father Mike Schmitz's Bible in a Year podcast, reading the Bible, and exploring the lives of the saints. "The lives of the saints are the most authentic interpretation of the gospel," he explains, providing us with practical examples of how to live a life rooted in love and faith.

    We also discuss the importance of persistence and resilience in our spiritual journey. Father Boniface encourages us to not give up, even when things don't go as planned. "Not to quit the workout plan, not to quit the lifestyle just because I found myself with a gallon of ice cream," he analogizes, reminding us that setbacks are part of the process.

    Join us in this episode as we put the rubber on the road and explore practical steps to live a more loving, spiritually fulfilling life. Whether it's improving your marriage, deepening friendships, or enhancing your overall spiritual well-being, these insights from Father Boniface Hicks are sure to inspire and guide you.

    Thank you for listening, and we hope this episode helps you on your journey. Remember, you're not alone, and there's always a way forward in love. We'll be with you again next week. God bless!

    #SpiritualGuidance #ChristianLiving #FatherAndJoe #LoveOfTheTrinity #LivingWithPurpose #CatholicFaith #SpiritualGrowth #PrayerAndReflection #ValueHierarchy #FatherBonifaceHicks #JoeRockey #MarriageAdvice #RelationshipAdvice #SaintsLives #BibleStudy #DivineRevelation #DailySpiritualPractice #ChristianValues #FaithAndLove #CatholicTeachings

    spiritual guidance, practical spirituality, living a loving life, Father Boniface Hicks, Joe Rockey, Father and Joe podcast, value hierarchy, love of the Trinity, spiritual growth, Christian living, marriage advice, relationship advice, prayer and reflection, course correction, living with purpose, Catholic faith, daily spiritual practice, saints' lives, spiritual reading, Bible study, divine revelation, Mother Teresa, St. Thomas Aquinas, spiritual examination, Christian values, loving relationships, faith and love, prayer tips, spiritual reflection, Catholic teachings, saints' examples

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    14 mins
  • Father and Joe E369: Embracing Faith: The Path to a Fulfilling and Holy Life
    Jul 2 2024

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe! I'm Joe Rockey, joined by Father Boniface Hicks, as we delve into the profound impact of truly embracing and living out one's faith. In this episode, we explore the complexities and transformative power of committing fully to a virtuous and holy life, drawing insightful analogies to help understand the journey of faith.

    "Over the last week or so, I've really been thinking about our conversation regarding the numerous variables that can create problems, particularly when discussing social media's net negative impact. We can't isolate variables easily when it involves people in long-term situations," Joe reflects, setting the stage for a deeper discussion on the importance of a steadfast commitment to faith.

    Father Boniface emphasizes the challenge of living out the faith authentically, comparing it to the dedication required in physical fitness routines: "Those who are all in and truly committed to living a virtuous life end up in a situation that is undeniably better than those who lead a sinful, selfish existence."

    In our discussion, we touch upon the importance of having a clear value hierarchy, as articulated by Jordan Peterson: "We all have a God that we worship. Our whole humanity is ordered to that. What difference does it make if I worship one thing as opposed to another? Over decades, it's going to make a significant difference."

    Father Boniface addresses how this value hierarchy should be centered around the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and how this alignment impacts every aspect of our lives: "It's not just about going to mass; it's about ordering your entire life according to a value hierarchy where the Trinity is at the top."

    We also discuss practical steps to deepen one's faith, such as attending mass regularly, daily prayer, and engaging with the Bible: "Do I dedicate a little bit of time every day to learn more about this God that I am worshiping? Am I actually living out what I learn? When I fall short, do I repent and turn back?"

    This episode provides a roadmap for anyone seeking to enrich their spiritual journey, emphasizing the need for continuous effort and alignment with divine principles. As Joe aptly puts it, "It's a long-term process of how we should act to realize incremental gains and understand that there is growth happening."

    Join us as we explore these themes and offer guidance on how to integrate faith more deeply into your daily life, leading to a more fulfilling and holy existence. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more inspiring discussions on living a life of faith.

    #Faith #Religion #Christianity #SpiritualJourney #HolyLife #Virtue #Prayer #Mass #God #JesusChrist #Trinity #Holiness #ReligiousCommitment #SpiritualGrowth #LivingFaith #Sacrifice #ChristianLife #ReligiousFulfillment #LivingVirtuously #FaithJourney #Worship #Spirituality #ChristianValues #ReligiousPractice #DailyDevotion #FaithInAction #CatholicFaith #FindingGod #SpiritualDiscipline #PersonalGrowth #FatherBonifaceHicks #JoeRockey

    Faith, Religion, Christianity, Spiritual Journey, Holy Life, Virtue, Prayer, Mass, God, Jesus Christ, Trinity, Holiness, Religious Commitment, Spiritual Growth, Living Faith, Sacrifice, Christian Life, Religious Fulfillment, Living Virtuously, Faith Journey, Worship, Spirituality, Christian Values, Religious Practice, Daily Devotion, Faith in Action, Catholic Faith, Finding God, Spiritual Discipline, Personal Growth, Father Boniface Hicks, Joe Rockey

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    18 mins
  • Father and Joe E368: Navigating Judgment: Balancing Condemnation and Evaluation in a Faithful Life
    Jun 25 2024

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe! I'm Joe Rockey, joined by Father Boniface Hicks. In this episode, we delve into the complex topic of judgment—how it permeates our lives, both in social media and in personal interactions, and its role in our spiritual journey.

    "To me, that's a big part of why I believe social media is negative. You're constantly judging each other, good, bad, or ugly," I express as we kick off the conversation. Social media amplifies our natural tendency to judge, often harshly, and this has deep implications on how we interact and perceive one another.

    Father Boniface offers profound insights, suggesting a distinction between judgment and condemnation. "Is the issue that I'm being judged, or is the issue that I'm being condemned? Those are two different things." This differentiation is crucial, as condemnation often carries a heavier, more negative connotation.

    We explore biblical references, with Jesus teaching, "Why are you judging people when you have a log inside your eye about their splinter?" This highlights the hypocrisy often involved in judgment and calls for self-reflection before criticizing others.

    Judgment, as Father Boniface points out, involves a measurement metric. "If the question is, you know, to say, you are a successful businessman, and my metric is annual net profit, then I look at a balance sheet, and that judgment is a matter of fact." Here, the metric used for judgment is essential and should be mutually agreed upon to ensure fairness and understanding.

    However, judgment becomes problematic when we judge based on incomplete information or when we presume to know someone’s motives. "Judging based on facts that we don't have...is a place that we have to be careful," Father Boniface warns. We must acknowledge our limitations in understanding others' intentions fully.

    I raise the practical aspect of judgment in everyday life, especially in roles such as parenting or management. "How do we balance the...need to evaluate, judge, and all that stuff?" It's crucial to have clear, agreed-upon standards and fair methods of evaluation to maintain just and constructive judgment.

    This episode serves as a reminder of the delicate balance we must strike between necessary evaluations and unfair condemnation. By understanding the difference and applying judgment justly, we can foster better relationships and a more compassionate community.

    Thank you for joining us in this insightful discussion. If you found this episode helpful, please give us a star review on your listening platform. It helps the algorithms to like us and share our content with more people. We'll be back with more thought-provoking conversations next week.

    "You see that? You just asked people to judge us," Father Boniface humorously points out as we conclude, reminding us of the ever-present nature of judgment in our lives.


    faith, religion, Christianity, judgment, condemnation, social media, spirituality, biblical teachings, Jesus, Bible, Christian life, self-reflection, parenting, management, business ethics, moral standards, Father Boniface Hicks, Joe Rockey, Father and Joe podcast, hypocrisy, personal growth, spiritual journey, evaluation, moral judgment, social media effects, human nature, understanding motives, ethical behavior, leadership, positive judgment, religious podcast, balancing judgment, practical theology, compassion, community building, self-awareness.

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    16 mins
  • Father and Joe E367: Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Society
    Jun 18 2024

    Welcome to another episode of "Father and Joe" with Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks. In this thought-provoking discussion, we tackle a pressing question: "Is social media net more evil than beneficial?" Join us as we explore the complexities of social media and its impact on society, relationships, and personal well-being.

    Key Quotes from the Episode:

    "Social media is net more evil than it is beneficial. I get the benefits of it, but on the net, I believe that it's much more negative because of its incentivation package." - Joe Rockey
    "The call to hospitality, humility, kindness is all out the window. All of these platforms essentially reward extremism." - Joe Rockey
    "What does good and bad mean? How do you measure that? Maybe we should measure these things around the development of virtue and holiness." - Father Boniface Hicks
    "The medium is inherently problematic unless there are legal or social pressures to change the algorithms to protect the innocent." - Father Boniface Hicks
    In this episode, Joe Rockey shares his candid thoughts on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok. He questions whether these platforms, designed to connect people, actually promote meaningful relationships or if they foster an environment of extremism and superficial interactions.

    Father Boniface Hicks adds depth to the conversation by examining the metrics we use to judge the value of social media. Should we measure it by societal outcomes, profitability, focus, or the development of virtues and holiness? He challenges us to consider whether the potential benefits, such as the inspirational content of figures like Jordan Peterson and Matt Fradd, outweigh the negative impacts.

    Topics Discussed:

    The incentive structures of social media and their impact on behavior.
    The difference between public interaction on social media and more intimate forms of communication.
    The potential for social media to detract from real-life, meaningful relationships.
    Examples of positive social media influence versus negative societal trends.
    The role of virtue and holiness in evaluating social media's impact.
    Join us for this engaging discussion that encourages deep contemplation about the role of social media in our lives. Are the connections we make online a poor substitute for real relationships, or do they offer unique benefits that we should embrace? How do we navigate the complex landscape of social media while maintaining our values and fostering genuine human connection?

    Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more insightful discussions. Share your thoughts on the impact of social media in the comments below!

    #SocialMediaImpact #JoeRockey #FatherBonifaceHicks #DigitalAgeFaith #SocialMediaAndReligion #HumanConnection #VirtualRelationships #FaithInModernWorld #OnlineEngagement

    social media impact, social media benefits, social media negatives, Joe Rockey, Father Boniface Hicks, online relationships, virtual community, social media algorithms, social media addiction, faith and social media, online engagement, social media influence, social media society, internet relationships, digital interaction, social media and religion, faith in modern world, social media pros and cons, human connection, online presence, virtual relationships, social media vs real life, internet impact on society, social cohesion, online communities, Christian perspective, digital age faith, social media discussions, moral implications of social media, internet ethics, technology and faith

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    23 mins
  • Father and Joe E366: How to Create Opportunities for Goodness
    Jun 4 2024

    In this episode of "Father Joe," hosts Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks dive deep into the concept of creating opportunities for goodness and how to follow God in our everyday lives. Reflecting on their previous discussions about Mary and the fourth commandment, they explore the profound idea of making intentional choices that lead us closer to God and enable us to do good in the world.

    Joe begins by addressing a common question: how can we create opportunities for others to choose goodness and follow God? He emphasizes the importance of making these opportunities explicit and actionable, even though we are not divine beings with the power of the archangel Gabriel. Joe points out, “I think there's a lot more people that will respond to, yes, I will, but they don't want to figure out how to create the opportunity. And the more I believe the opportunities being created are the catalyst to the effect.”

    Father Boniface responds by highlighting the importance of being in a prayerful state and open to listening, just as Mary was when she received the Annunciation. He explains, “His personal invitation to do good, to grow in holiness, to love beyond what might be sort of necessary from justice, that's a whispered voice, because otherwise he would overwhelm our freedom.” This gentle call from God requires us to be attentive and proactive in seeking out and responding to these opportunities.

    The conversation then shifts to modern distractions, particularly the pervasive influence of smartphones. Joe and Father Boniface discuss how these devices can lead to "motionlessness," where people are constantly distracted and unable to fully engage with the present moment or the people around them. Joe notes, “Most of us do not carry a television around with us 24/7 but there are many people out there that if they don't know where their phone is, it's a crisis.”

    Father Boniface adds, “Having a good cell phone hygiene is one way to be present to life. And I think in general, there's a...well, why is distraction also so attractive? I think we have a lot that we want to escape from.” He emphasizes the need for intentional actions and sacrifices to overcome these distractions and fully commit to our relationships and responsibilities.

    The hosts also touch on the broader societal issues of diminishing attention spans and the need for intentional living. Joe highlights the importance of questioning societal norms and finding ways to disconnect from distractions, stating, “We're a social species, we need to be a part of the group, but we also need to do what's right and question what's going on with the group.”

    In conclusion, Father Boniface offers a simple yet powerful call to action: “Give your attention to someone. That's an act of love. And love lasts forever. And the more that we sow the seeds of love, giving attention, making sacrifices, putting others first, just simple acts of service can make a tremendous difference.”

    Join us in this enlightening discussion and discover practical ways to create more opportunities for goodness in your life. Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more insights on living a faith-filled life.

    We thank you for listening and look forward to sharing more meaningful conversations with you next week.

    religion, spirituality, Christianity, Catholicism, discipleship, Joe Rockey, Father Boniface Hicks, Mary, fourth commandment, opportunities for goodness, following God, creating good, Jordan Peterson, call to adventure, listening to God, prayer, annunciation, personal growth, self-sacrifice, service to others, love and sacrifice, distracted living, cell phone distraction, modern challenges, spiritual guidance, faith in action, religious podcast, Catholic teachings, spiritual growth, community service, living a holy life, seeking God, growing in faith, finding purpose, living intentionally, overcoming distractions

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    19 mins
  • Father and Joe E365: Understanding the 4th Commandment: Honoring Your Parents as You Grow
    May 28 2024

    Welcome to another insightful episode of Father and Joe! I'm Joe Rockey, joined by Father Boniface Hicks, as we delve into the profound meaning of the 4th Commandment: "Honor your mother and father." In this special episode, we address a listener's question about what it means to honor your parents, especially when their guidance might seem flawed as you grow older.

    Father Boniface explains the virtue of piety, a subset of justice that acknowledges our inability to repay our parents for giving us life, just as we cannot repay God. "Our parents have always given us something that we can never repay them for," Father Boniface shares, emphasizing that this honor holds true even in difficult circumstances. He acknowledges the complexities of parental relationships, especially for those who have experienced abandonment or abuse, and offers a compassionate perspective on how to navigate these challenging situations while still adhering to the biblical commandment.

    Father Boniface highlights the importance of reverence towards parents, stating, "As we grow, even in healing and forgiveness, ultimately the movement towards heaven is that we start to see the good in everything." He also discusses the evolving nature of the parent-child relationship as children reach adulthood and become independent.

    Drawing from the example of Jesus and the Holy Family, Father Boniface illustrates how Jesus honored His earthly parents despite being greater in dignity. "He followed the family business and went along with the flow," showing that honoring parents includes recognizing their role and sacrifices.

    We also explore the broader implications of the commandments and their order in the Bible. The first three commandments focus on our relationship with God, while the fourth emphasizes honoring those who gave us life, highlighting a divine structure in these sacred guidelines. As Joe notes, "There is an order, and there's something interesting to ponder in this."

    Throughout the episode, we strive to provide practical and compassionate advice for those seeking to live out their faith in their relationships with their parents. We acknowledge the difficulties and offer insights into maintaining a balance between honoring our parents and not indulging their wrongdoings.

    Join us in this heartfelt discussion that aims to enrich your understanding of the 4th Commandment and its application in our lives today. Don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and send in your questions to fatherandjoe@gmail.com. We appreciate your support and look forward to journeying with you in faith and understanding.

    honoring parents, 4th commandment, Bible teachings, Christian family values, Joe Rockey, Father Boniface Hicks, honoring mother and father, Christian podcast, biblical commandments, faith and family, Christian relationships, virtue of piety, religious discussions, family dynamics, Christian parenting, faith journey, spiritual growth, Catholic teachings, honoring God, Christian obedience, parental relationships, scriptural guidance, faith-based advice, Christian virtue, relationship with parents, adult children and parents, biblical justice, honoring life givers, Christian ethics, spiritual guidance, Christian living

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    23 mins
  • Father and Joe E364:Understanding the Importance of Jesus' Resurrection and Ascension
    May 21 2024

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father & Joe! In this discussion, Joe Rockey and Father Boniface Hicks delve into a thought-provoking question about the significance of Jesus' resurrection compared to his ascension. Joe raises a compelling point about why the ascension is not as emphasized despite its importance. Father Boniface provides deep insights into the theological significance of both events, shedding light on their transformative nature and their implications for human life.

    As Father Boniface eloquently explains, Jesus' resurrection signifies a fundamental shift in human existence, transforming death into a new form of life permeated with divinity. He contrasts Jesus' resurrection with the resuscitation of Lazarus and the widow of Naim's son, highlighting the unique nature of Jesus' risen life. The ascension, Father Boniface emphasizes, is a consequence of the resurrection, representing Jesus' entry into divine glory and the fulfillment of his salvific mission.

    Throughout the conversation, Joe and Father Boniface explore the profound implications of Jesus' post-resurrection interactions with his disciples, highlighting his respect for human freedom and his invitation to personal encounter and faith. They reflect on the importance of embracing curiosity and questioning in the journey of faith, recognizing that God desires authentic and free responses from his creatures.

    Join Father & Joe as they unravel the mysteries of the Christian faith and offer insights into spiritual growth, theological understanding, and the transformative power of encountering the living God. Don't miss out on this enriching discussion that will deepen your appreciation for the profound mysteries of Jesus' resurrection and ascension. Subscribe to our channel for more engaging conversations and leave a review to let us know your thoughts!

    religion, faith, Christianity, Jesus, resurrection, ascension, theology, Catholicism, spirituality, Father and Joe, Father Boniface Hicks, Joe Rockey, religious discussion, religious faith, Bible, religious teachings, Christian beliefs, divine mysteries, spiritual growth, religious exploration, Christian theology, Catholic faith, religious insight, Christian life, religious perspective, biblical interpretation, faith journey, spiritual enlightenment, divine presence, religious reflections

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    22 mins