
  • 73: Transforming Shame into Power with Shoshanna Raven
    Apr 14 2021
    Feel Pray Love - Episode 73 - Transforming Shame into Power with Shoshanna Raven In this episode of the Feel Pray Love Podcast, our host Nikki Sunshine invites guest, Shosh on to talk about feminine leadership, how to heal our relationship with money, how to turn shame into our super power, how to have a powerful relationship, and more. Intro -Nikki is tapping into the pure full hearted devotion to the divine, taking her to all of her next steps -She invites listeners to visit the Patreon to support the show and the team keeping this podcast alive -Nikki also invites listeners to a fun giveaway -To enter, leave a review on iTunes, take a screenshot, email to hellonikkisunshine@gmail.com and then she will pick a winner within one week of a release of this episode -Winner will receive access to one of the courses, a one-on-one session, etc Shoshanna Raven -She is a teacher, Business and Leadership Coach -In 2015 she left corporate America for a one-way ticket to India -She ended up launching her podcast, Living Brave -Living Brave grew from $0 to $600,000 in one year -The goal is to break shame and stigmas Pain as a Superpower -Shosh had been traveling as a digital nomad for a year and a half in Nepal, doing journalism and got really sick -She was told she had Typhoid even though she had just had her shot for it -She went to the internet and online forums and found out she has an STD, genital herpes -She was devastated and felt this death for her sexual life -She went through mourning and loss and then realized that she was more than that -There is something that makes you feel less than when you have an STD -“Shame becomes a source of power” - Shosh Embracing Vulnerability -Shosh went on a vulnerability spree -She first sought out what made her most vulnerable and scared -The world is always matching you, so the question is, ‘who do I get to become?’ -This is identity work -“The more that shame lives in the dark, the more power it has over you” - Shosh -Taboos are here to keep us misinformed and disempowered -“I can be in process AND help others in their healing” - Shosh -We are not perfect and we get to be of service at the same time Our Relationship with Money -The way that we can reframe money and health is in a place of neutrality -Money and our relationship with money is an energy based process -It ties in deeply and is reflected by our personal energy -One way to break the stigma to the uncomfortability with money is to experience the pleasure of letting money move in a circulating, life-giving way -Business is a sacred ceremony with money -You can’t feel guilt and shame around being abundant -One of the biggest fears around becoming a boss, CEO, etc is having a negative impact on our relationships with our partner -The larger the space is to hold, it's not about the weight of holding a larger container for people, it's about illuminating our light brighter and brighter -It doesn't have to feel like this element of sacrifice, it can be an AND conversation -“There are definitely points on my journey where I have lost my internal validation system, and I somehow confused my offer with myself, it does become a personal spiritual growth journey” - Shosh -Nikki mentions that starting a business provides service, freedom, and growth -“It's so important to be with someone who meets you in your power” - Shosh Final Thoughts -Shosh is here for anyone who knows that when they speak their truth, the world is a better place because of it Shoshanna’s Links -Instagram: @soshanna_raven -Website: https://shoshannaraven.com/ Links -Her Reclamation Course: www.nikkisunshine.info/store -Website: www.nikkisunshine.info -Instagram: @heartwombhealing -Email: hellonikkisunshine@gmail.com
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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • 72: The Ethical Responsibility of Our Own Healing
    Apr 7 2021
    Feel Pray Love - Episode 72 - The Ethical Responsibility of Our Own Healing In this episode of the Feel Pray Love Podcast, our host Nikki Sunshine delves into how our energy, whether it holds anger or love, creates a ripple effect throughout life. She explains how important our ethical responsibility we have in our own healing truly is in order to change the world. The Ripple Effect of our Energy -Nikki has been asking God, the Universe, Source, these big, heavy questions -She participated in ceremony and received downloads, answers to her questions -To perpetuate love is to continue to focus on our own healing -“It is an ethical responsibility to prioritize our own healing” - Nikki -“To harbor darkness within is to change your aura, the energy that we radiate, changes the world” - Nikki -Every single thing we do has many ripples of effect, even if we can’t see it, this is the butterfly effect -Nikki walks us through a story of how the butterfly lives in our life, how anger and pent up darkness can lead step by step through different circumstances through life -When someone cuts you off in traffic, you have options. You can respond with anger, then you hold the anger, and you multiply that anger by keeping it rolling -Or, you can smile and wave and change their day, then you feel happy about changing their day and go to multiply that kindness and keep that ball rolling -This is how we change the world Changing the World Through Our Own Healing -Continuing to focus on our own healing is how we change the world -“If more people on this planet were living in a state of harmony, and love and forgiveness, we would see a different world reflected on the outside” - Nikki -“How can I take the energy I would be using to fight against something, and stand for something?” - Nikki -“We can use the system as a means for distracting ourselves from our own healing” - Nikki -Any unresolved wound within us, any thing were not willing to go into, comes through in the way we show up in the world -We have to acknowledge our dark parts, and we must prioritize our own healing, or else we should not hold space for anyone else -Nikki invites us to channel resources and time and energy into our own healing Links -Her Reclamation Course: www.nikkisunshine.info/store -Website: www.nikkisunshine.info -Instagram: @heartwombhealing -Email: hellonikkisunshine@gmail.com
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    52 mins
  • 71: Grief, Death and Loss as Messengers
    Mar 31 2021
    Feel Pray Love - Episode 71 - Grief, Death and Loss as Messengers In this episode of the Feel Pray Love Podcast, our host Nikki discusses death and grief. She explains how grief is a messenger and how death is just as much of a beginning as it is an ending. Our Dear Friend Grief -“Its through the cave of the dark mouthed goddess that I emerge with more light shining through my scars. It is in the darkest hours that I am granted the deepest wisdom” - Nikki Sunshine -“The more medicine she receives, the more she has to give” -Nikki asks us to let in our grief and pain and to let it take us deeper and crack us open -Death is the same energy of transformation, death is just alchemy -It's important to become comfortable with death, okay with transformation -In the West, people tend to cringe when we hear of death, they tend to contract -In the East, people tend to see the beauty in death, they view death as a part of life -Where Nikki lives now, she sees the women and children bathing and preparing their elders for burial after death, death is weaved into their lives at a young age -“Death is as much of a beginning as it is an ending” -Beneath the grief of losing someone, Nikki says that she has this trust in it -“Let the heartbreak break you open” - Nikki Sunshine Final Thoughts -Allow grief to open you -Let heartbreak take you deeper -You may never feel the same as you did before your loss, and that is okay -Grief and death are a transformation point, if you feel the same after loss, it's possible you didn't open up to the medicine that the experience had to offer -Grief is a messenger, ask and listen -“Healing through feeling” - Nikki Sunshine Her Reclamation Course: www.nikkisunshine.info/store Website: www.nikkisunshine.info Instagram: @heartwombhealing Email: hellonikkisunshine@gmail.com
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    50 mins
  • 70: Embracing and Appreciating Our Darkness
    Mar 24 2021
    Feel Pray Love - Episode 70 - Embracing and Appreciating Our Darkness In this episode of the Feel Pray Love Podcast, our host Nikki tells her story of immense amounts of darkness and sadness that she experienced in her childhood. With her story, she explains the importance and meaning of darkness and why we shouldn't run from it, but instead embrace it. Intro Announcements -Nikki announces she will be leaving her home in Bali in about a month -“When I follow my guidance, I’m living in alignment with my purpose” - Nikki -She will be traveling to Istanbul, Turkey, meditating in caves with a group and then moving on for her own exploration from there Darkness -Nikki shares that she was born backwards in the birth canal, and was suffocated as she came earth side -When she turned 2, her father had a work accident -He was electrocuted working on telephone lines, and suddenly passed away -Nikki's mother, with 3 children, was presented with the news -This is where Nikki’s childhood darkness began -Her mother turned to alcohol and pills -“For those who have grown up with an alcoholic parent or guardian, you become very empathic because you feel like you have to attune to their mood” - Nikki -Her family had an intervention and her mom was sent to rehab -Her mom came back, but then eventually fell back into her addiction -Nikki turned to sports to cope with her traumas -She then began partying with drinking, drugs, music, etc -When she was in her early 20’s, her nightmare was going to become her reality -Her mother had been found on the floor of her kitchen and was admitted into the hospital spending days and days there -Nikki held her mother in her arms as she took her last breath Grief -Nikki went through massive amounts of grief -“Losing her was the wound that was so deep, that no bandage could cover it” - Nikki -Looking back, Nikki says she couldn't be more grateful for this experience -Nikki describes her mothers passing as her darkest night -She says she is an advocate for the darkness -“We can trust the darkness” - Nikki Allowance -So many spiritual communities talk only about the light and the love -“I don't want to turn my sadness into joy, the medicine is in allowing myself to feel the sadness and allowing myself to embrace the sadness, the pain, the fear, and letting it flow through me.” - Nikki -By not immediately turning the sadness into joy, we allow the sadness to pass through and not get stuck in our bodies -“When my heart breaks, I feel sadness, and I'm okay with that now” - Nikki -“Light shines more brightly through the cracks of darkness” - Nikki -Feeling through our emotions is just a part of the dance -“As deep as I allow myself to experience my pain, my darkness, is the same level of depth I am able to experience joy” - Nikki Sunshine -“Your light is shown ever brighter, when it is shown through the cracks of the darkness” - Nikki Sunshine Links -Her Reclamation Course: www.nikkisunshine.info/store -Website: www.nikkisunshine.info -Instagram: @heartwombhealing -Email: hellonikkisunshine@gmail.com
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    59 mins
  • 69: Healing the Parent Wound through Forgiveness
    Mar 17 2021
    Feel Pray Love - Episode 69 - Healing the Parent Wound through Forgiveness In this episode of the Feel Pray Love Podcast, our host Nikki talks about healing the parent wound, why it's so hard to forgive our parents, as well as the power and importance of forgiveness. Hard to Forgive -How do I forgive my parents? -“Forgiving my mom was the most liberating journey I ever went on” - Nikki -We are all on our own journey -Why is it so easy to forgive everyone else for hurting us except our parents? -“The wounds that were created when we were children with our parents, were created in the context of a codependent relationship” - Nikki -As children, we needed to be codependent -As adults, if a friend or a partner doesn't align with us, we can choose to walk away -As children, we don't have the option to walk away from our household -“The only person stopping me from having a relationship with my mom was me” - Nikki -We think we can change our parents, and we cannot -“What is love if it's not accepting someone as they are?” - Nikki -As Nikki began to find a better understanding of her mothers pain, she was better able to forgive her Forgiveness -We've come here to go through difficult shit, pain, and loss, but those experiences are actually opportunities -“When you learn to be okay with the darkness, this understanding strengthens naturally” - Nikki -That same principle applies to our experiences with our parents -Forgiveness doesn't mean that were excusing or accepting the behavior that caused us trauma -“Forgiveness is about liberation of the self” - Nikki Final Thoughts -Examine the expectations you've created around forgiveness -Nikki says she began thanking her mother, instead of picking her apart -She challenges us to thank our parents for something the next time we talk to them Links Her Reclamation Course: www.nikkisunshine.info/store Website: www.nikkisunshine.info Instagram: @heartwombhealing Email: hellonikkisunshine@gmail.com
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • 68: Healing the Wounded Masculine and Feminine and Becoming Whole
    Mar 3 2021
    Feel Pray Love - Episode 68 - Healing the Wounded Masculine and Feminine and Becoming Whole In today’s episode, our host Nikki talks about the way in which we attract our partners. She talks about wholeness and healing our wounded inner masculine and feminine to attract what we want in a partnership. Wholeness -Masculine energy is the energy of consciousness, Female energy is the energy of love and life -“Wholeness is the full embodied integration of the duality that lives within us” - Nikki -Duality is the understanding that both the masculine and feminine are within us -Then we learn to heal the their imbalanced nature -Wholeness is finding the ratio for masculine and feminine that works best for you Hyper (Wounded) Masculine and Feminine -The manifestation of the hyper-masculine (wounded masculine) looks like a denial to slow down and listen to the body -Historically, women relied on receiving from the masculine, which is a manifestation of the wounded feminine -Then with the women’s movement in the West, women started to take place in work, and own their boundaries -Women started to set goals, bring their visions into reality, etc -“Women don't know how to just be, they don't know how to fully relax” - Nikki -For men, they stopped feeling safe enough to cry Partnership -“If I am not whole, I will attract a person that is the reciprocal of me, because when we come together, we become whole” - Nikki -When you attract someone who is whole, they have the masculine and the feminine within them balanced -When someone is whole, they are going to attract a whole person -“We will attract what we are not embodying so we can feel full” - Nikki -This is why for so many people, losing a partner can feel like death -Losing a person in relationship can feel like you're losing a part of yourself -The questions are, “how do we attract that which we want in a partner?” and “how do we attract that which we want in our partner” -Do not tell anyone how to be -“We attract that which we want by how we show up” - Nikki -“When you get emotional, how do you stay grounded in those times? -How does your inner masculine show up for your inner feminine, in order for you to feel safe within your own body?” - Nikki Final Thoughts -Nikki announces her opening up of 1 on 1 sessions -She only has space for 3 -If you are interested, email her at hellonikkisunshine@gmail.com with the subject line: 1 on 1 work inquiry Links Her Reclamation Course: www.nikkisunshine.info/store Website: www.nikkisunshine.info Instagram: @heartwombhealing Email: hellonikkisunshine@gmail.com
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    50 mins
  • 67: Healing Trauma Wounds to Share our Feminine Gifts
    Feb 24 2021
    Feel Pray Love - Episode 67 - Healing Trauma Wounds to Share our Feminine Gifts In today’s episode, our host Nikki goes into depth on the feminine gift, how the masculine and feminine are expressed when unbalanced, unhealed trauma, blocks, and safety. Masculine and Feminine -“Everything is unfolding on purpose” - Nikki -Everyone has both masculine and feminine, that is the truth of duality -You cannot have darkness without the light, you cannot have masculine without the feminine: -Those who embody both masculine and feminine evenly, may feel like both aspects are at war, there is nothing wrong with that -But it usually indicates an imbalanced masculine and/or feminine -“My inner masculine creates a safe container for my feminine to express, and my feminine brings color and life into the simplicity and silence of the masculine, and that is wholeness” - Nikki The Feminine Gift -The feminine is primarily experienced through the body -The female body is an oracle to feel the energy that moves through everything -“Her body is an oracle between the seen and the unseen world” - Nikki -This oracle is a gift to the entire world -Many women who were raised in the West have learned to quiet this oracle -We have probably experienced trauma where we have been told we are too much -The feminine gift is to feel the energy in any moment, and respond to that feeling with her body -“The mind can lie, the body cannot lie” Unhealed Trauma -When we don't heal our trauma, we have a wound from it, and that affects how we experience the world -“When we have unhealed trauma, it unconsciously determines the experiences we have in the world” - Nikki -Present moments trigger the past all the time Blocks -What blocks so many women from utilizing this gift? -Most feminine beings have trouble expressing themselves -People pleasing is a common expression among those who have troubles expressing themselves -“Fake kindness is not love, truth is love” - Nikki Links Her Reclamation Course: www.nikkisunshine.info/store Website: www.nikkisunshine.info Instagram: @heartwombhealing Email: hellonikkisunshine@gmail.com
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    52 mins
  • 66: Releasing Control to Relax and Receive
    Feb 17 2021
    Feel Pray Love - Episode 66 - Releasing Control to Relax and Receive In today’s episode, our host Nikki talks about letting go of our need to control. She goes into detail on the need to feel safe, the ebb and flow of life, and getting unstuck from our control patterns. Control -When we release control, we actually get what we were seeking out of control -The moment Nikki meets someone, she knows if they are stuck in control patterns -The person seeking something from control is tight, rigid, closed -These control patterns cause destruction in our relationships, work, etc -“The idea that you can or will have any control over your life is an illusion” - Nikki Ebb and Flow of Life -Nikki says that life will never be stagnant and easy, she knows that for her evolution, life must stir -Life ebbs and flows, and once you realize that, you'll learn to ease in to life’s unexpected moments Safety -Control comes from a place of fear and from a place of not feeling safe -“You cannot begin to heal, or open, or soften, or surrender, or you are inherently feeling unsafe in your body.” - Nikki -One thing that happens when you don't feel safe, is you start to feel controlling -You start to think that by keeping things under control, then you can relax -But you will be able to relax when you feel safe -In this space of control, you're going to find everything to be difficult -Control is what stops you from being able to relax -“Why would you want to control anyway? Do you really think that you will do a better job at our life than our creator?” - Nikki -“Do you actually believe that you are more equipped to guide yourself toward a life that is in alignment with your soul, than the force that created us?” - Nikki Letting go of Control -Control has an aura of tightness, rigidity, etc, and when you are controlling, you carry that aura with you through the world -The feminine, is open, tender, surrendered -When we release control, we are open, we are a magnetic to all of our desires -In order to release control, you must feel safe. It all starts with safety -“Deciding to let go of my need for control, was the most profound experience of my life” - Nikki HER:Reclamation -Portal for Embodiment of healing -A 5 week group program for women -This isn't a mindset course, it won't teach you the law of attraction, because you already ARE the law of attraction -This is an embodiment course Links Her Reclamation Course: www.nikkisunshine.info/store Website: www.nikkisunshine.info Instagram: @heartwombhealing Email: hellonikkisunshine@gmail.com
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    54 mins