• Episode 46: Embrace Your True Sexual Self: Unleashing the Power of Sensual Liberation (ep.46)
    Sep 27 2024

    Interview with Berenice Brito

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    49 mins
  • Episode 45: Multi-award winning Advocate, Artist, Author and 3x Multipreneur of fun & fundraising (ep.45)
    Sep 25 2024

    Interview with Beaudy Loney

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    39 mins
  • Episode 32: The Art of Selling: Elevate Your Game with Authentic Human Connection (ep.32)
    Sep 21 2024

    Interview with Marla Koupal

    In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys:

    • The Importance of Genuine Connection
    • Effective Communication Strategies
    • Overcoming Sales Challenges

    Do you want more clients and more income? Then get ready to learn the art of selling as Marla Koupal shares the blueprint.

    Listen and learn how buyers buy, how your buying patterns help and detract from your selling skills, and how your buyer behaviors, not words, outline the various ways you create your sales conversation.

    Marla has been selling since the age of 19. She was in commissioned sales and realized that she disagreed with everything they taught except for asking open-ended questions. She then developed the successful training protocol for her own sales team because she believes that the art of quality communication is a pillar of success!

    ✨ Connect with Marla: https://www.facebook.com/groups/salesandmarketingstrategies

    Our Mission at Fempreneur International: To advocate for diversity initiatives such as workshops and courses which support and empower multicultural or multilingual female entrepreneurs to overcome biases and confidently launch or maintain their online business so that they can have impact in their communities.
    Time to shine!
    Visibility Mentor,
    Learn more at:- http://www.fempreneurinternational.com/

    Join the conversation on our blog~ https://fempreneurinternational.com/the-art-of-selling-elevate-your-game-with-authentic-human-connection-ep-32/

    Show more Show less
    48 mins
  • Episode 44: Part 2. Male Archetypes: Empower your inner Sexy, Father, Badass, King! (ep.44)
    Sep 20 2024

    Interview with Trez Ibrahim

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    20 mins
  • Episode 43: The Human Side of Healthcare: Prioritizing Compassion in Elder Care Leadership (ep.43)
    Sep 18 2024

    Interview with Dana Weaver

    In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys:

    • The Challenges of the Senior Care Industry
    • The Importance of Leadership and Self-Care
    • The Need for Industry Disruption and Advocacy


    Odiva Vassell (00:41):
    Welcome, welcome, my fabulous Fempreneurs. I am here today with Dana Weaver, and as usual, get ready to learn something new. She works with top-level executives who are working in the senior care industry, and what a vast industry that is. So she’s going to introduce her field and tell us more about what we may need someday for ourselves in the future. Welcome, welcome, Dana.

    Dana Weaver (01:24):
    Thank you so much. I’m very happy to be here.

    Odiva Vassell (01:27):
    And so describe it for us. How can you put this in words, this industry that you work in and the type of people that you work with?

    View the full transcript here: https://fempreneurinternational.com/the-human-side-of-healthcare-prioritizing-compassion-in-elder-care-leadership-ep-43/

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    31 mins
  • Episode 31: Unveiling the Secrets of Abundance: Transforming Your Relationship with Money (ep.31)
    Sep 14 2024

    Interview with Mary Ann Marriott

    In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys:

    • Transforming Scarcity to Abundance Mindsets
    • Strategies for Money and Success Alignment
    • Personal Stories of Money and Success Alignment

    Money is not important to me, money doesn't grow on trees... If these are some of the stories you've created around money then this is the podcast for you. Money is a necessary part of our lives and an important part of our business future.

    As a licensed insolvency trustee specializing in bankruptcy, Mary Ann understands that the flow of money is so important to our health and that limiting beliefs can put us out of alignment and hold back our progress.

    Are you a woman, who has spent her entire life taking care of everyone and everything else? Well, it's time to rediscover, or discover who you are and step more fully into the life you desire.

    ✨ Connect with Mary Ann: — https://www.maryannmarriott.com/

    📋 HER AWESOME FREEBIE: – https://maryannmarriott.podia.com/lights-journey-meditation/

    Our Mission at Fempreneur International: To advocate for diversity initiatives such as workshops and courses which support and empower multicultural or multilingual female entrepreneurs to overcome biases and confidently launch or maintain their online business so that they can have impact in their communities.
    Time to shine!
    Visibility Mentor,
    Learn more at:- http://www.fempreneurinternational.com/

    Join the conversation on our blog~ https://fempreneurinternational.com/unveiling-the-secrets-of-abundance-transforming-your-relationship-with-money-ep-31/

    Show more Show less
    22 mins
  • Episode 42: Unlocking Self-Love: Embracing Feminine Archetypes for Empowerment (ep. 42)
    Sep 13 2024

    Interview with Trez Ibrahim

    In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys:

    • Embracing Feminine Archetypes
    • Balancing Self-Care and Success
    • Connecting with Inner Strengths


    Odiva Vasell: (00:40)
    Welcome, welcome, my fabulous fempreneurs! Here today I have an exciting moment with my new guest, who’s going to talk to us about self-love, entrepreneurship journey, and so many topics that involve what it means to be a woman. And she is also an expert in manifestation. So you want to sit down, get ready to take some notes, and listen carefully as I welcome our guest today, Trez Ibrahim. Welcome, Trez.

    Trez Ibrahim: (01:22)
    Thank you! Thank you so much for inviting me. It’s such a pleasure to be here and chat with you. So excited. Thank you.

    Odiva Vasell: (01:29)
    Yes, you’re very welcome. And I know you have a wealth of experience to share with us today. So let’s start a little bit by looking at your story. Where did you begin before you became an entrepreneur?

    View the full transcript here: https://fempreneurinternational.com/unlocking-self-love-embracing-feminine-archetypes-for-empowerment-ep-42/

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    30 mins
  • Episode 41: Transforming Pain into Power: Charting a Path Through Betrayal to Rediscover Your Inner Home (ep. 41)
    Sep 11 2024

    Interview with Rosita M. Perez

    In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys:

    • Navigating Betrayal: Understanding the Impact and Moving Forward
    • Empowering Women Through Faith and Practical Tools
    • Overcoming Self-Doubt and Embracing True Self-Worth


    Odiva Vasell: (00:43)
    Oh, my fabulous Fempreneurs! I am so excited to have you join us today as we have a wonderful, enlightening interview with Miss Rosita Perez, a woman after my own heart because she has a heart for midlife women who are on the journey of self-discovery. And we’re going to learn more today about why that journey of self-discovery is key for women going into their midlife years. Welcome, welcome, Rosita.

    Rosita Perez: (01:24)
    Odiva, thank you so much for having me here. I’m so excited to talk about this. Let’s roll.

    Odiva Vasell: (01:37)
    Today, I had to remember to press the record button because we were talking and we were just really understanding the wavelength, a similar wavelength of how self-discovery is so important. And let’s talk about your journey for self-discovery. I’d also like to add that before we press the record button, I was speaking about, and I didn’t finish. I was speaking about my heart goes out to multicultural women who have worked so hard in industry and how I’ve worked with those women who didn’t want to speak up because of accent or they’re just not confident in their English ability, and they had so many credentials and so many qualifications, and there they are in the boardroom. There they are, leaders and heads of divisions and companies, but they still feel that lack of confidence or a little insecurity, and it happens to all of us. So tell me a little bit about your heart and how you got on this journey for helping women self-discover themselves.

    View the full transcript here: https://fempreneurinternational.com/transforming-pain-into-power-charting-a-path-through-betrayal-to-rediscover-your-inner-home-ep-41/

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    32 mins