• Ep 20: How to Stop Fighting About Money by Answering These 3 Questions
    Jul 26 2024

    When you know you need to start talking with your partner about money more, but don't know where to start, these 3 questions can help. Rather than jumping right into looking at spending, budgets, balances and statements, answering these questions together can help you gain a better understanding of where the other person is coming from, particularly if you commonly have conversations about money devolve into arguments. Even if you've been together for years, this can be constructive and may actually be even more necessary.

    For an agenda to share monthly money dates along with suggested topic areas to discuss that ensures you'll cover all aspects of your finances at least once a year, visit www.financialblisscoach.com/moneydates to download your copy.

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    19 mins
  • Ep 19: The Surprising Reason You're Still Living Paycheck to Paycheck
    Jun 26 2024

    If you find yourself living paycheck-to-paycheck despite earning more than enough to cover your bills and lifestyle and know that you have room to save this episode is for you.

    When you find yourself always spending more than you intend, even when you know that you can easily cut back because you DO when your run out of money at the end of your pay cycle, there's a surprising habit that may be at play.

    The good news is, you can change this! The tough news is that it is about more than just crafting the perfect budget or deleting apps off your phone.

    Previous episodes mentioned in this podcast can be found here:

    Ep 2: Why You Keep Sabotaging Your Goals and How to Stop for Good

    Ep 12: Why Changing Your Financial Life Is About More Than Just Learning to Budget

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    20 mins
  • Ep 18: Shifting Perspectives on Homeownership: Reasons to Reevaluate Your Desire to Buy a Home
    May 26 2024

    The reasons you think you need to buy a home ASAP may not be as valid as you think.

    In this episode, Kelley Long gives a hot take on why home ownership is probably not the financial boondoggle a lot of us think it is.

    There are plenty of great reasons to want to buy a home. But there are also a lot of reasons it's not exactly the Best Thing Ever, despite what the so-called American Dream says.

    If you're stressed because you think you should be a homeowner by now and are frustrated that you haven't been able to get there yet, this episode is for you. Listen to the common reasons people give for needing to buy and why they may not be as true as the industry would have us believe.

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    25 mins
  • Ep 17: The Science-Backed Way That Comparison Can Help You Improve Your Finances
    Apr 26 2024

    It is human nature to compare ourselves to others, particularly when we are wondering whether or not we measure up. And for the most part, these types of comparisons cause us to feel like we are falling short in some way.

    In this episode, Kelley Long, financial coach and money mindset advocate, shares a research-backed way that we can use comparison to actually boost the way we feel about ourselves and our lives that can ultimately lead to better financial behaviors that are in support of your own personal life goals and values.

    It's true that comparison is the thief of joy. Except in this one instance. Give it a listen to learn more!

    Visit the episode page here.

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    13 mins
  • Ep 16 Exploring the Origins of Your Money Worries
    Mar 26 2024

    This episode is all about self-exploration to uncover the root cause of financial anxieties. When we have a better understanding of our own origin stories and how they are showing up for us today, we can really accelerate any changes we’d like to make to our mindset and our behaviors, around money: how we earn it, how we spend it, how we save it, how we avoid it, etc.

    Grab a pen and a journal, and settle in for an exercise that will have you re-thinking your assumptions about money "truths" based on who you are today, versus who you were when the beliefs were formed. Enjoy!

    Full episode site here.

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    20 mins
  • Ep 15: From Rollover to Cash-Out: Navigating Choices for Your Old 401k
    Feb 26 2024

    Get a breakdown of ALL the options you might want to explore before deciding what to do with your old 401k plan.

    This episode explores the pros and cons of each of the 4 options available while also touching on related retirement and tax rules at play, including:

    - The rule of 55

    - Net-unrealized appreciation rules for company stock

    - Why a rollover IRA might be a choice you regret

    - Where to go for more help making this decision

    Resources to support the topics discussed:

    How to do a backdoor Roth IRA

    How Are Financial Coaches Different From Financial Planners, CPAs & Financial Advisors?

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    21 mins
  • Ep 14: Why You Can't Seem to Stay Motivated Toward Your Money Goals and What's Missing That Will Keep You on Track
    Jan 26 2024

    Whether your goal this year is to pay off debt, reach a new savings level or achieve a specific financial-related goal, it's easy to lose motivation if working toward that goal also requires you to make trade-offs or change habits that you enjoy or are really used to.

    The main reason people lose motivation toward these types of goals is because they are actually tasks that need to be completed in pursuit of a greater, more exciting and rewarding goal.

    In this episode, Kelley Long, your fairy financial coach, gets into the reasons you may be struggling to stick with new habits you set to support your money goals and offers insight into how to reframe what you want so that you can push through and stay on track.

    Listen for her unpopular take on emergency funds, how she personally overcame debt more than once in her life and how to keep yourself accountable to the intentions you set, even when the excitement wears off.

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    17 mins
  • Ep 13: 3 Common Money Beliefs That Stand in the Way of Financial Bliss
    Dec 26 2023

    We all carry several money beliefs, or money scripts as they are called in the financial therapy world, and those underlying beliefs influence the way we not only behave with money, but the way we make decisions in our lives.

    This episode dives into three that are commonly seen among clients who work in the Financial Bliss framework, along with tips to update those beliefs to be supportive of the life you wish to live into.

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    16 mins