• Put Up The Good Fight | Made For More | Week 4
    Aug 26 2024

    Are you struggling to believe that God truly sees you as His beloved child? Many of us can accept that truth for others, but when it comes to ourselves, doubts creep in. We know our flaws, failures, and darkest thoughts. But Romans 8 reminds us that being a child of God isn’t about achieving perfection; it’s about fighting the good fight. Even if we get knocked down by our sinful nature, the mark of God’s children is that we keep getting back up. God’s grace is scandalous, but it’s real. Embrace it. Fight the good fight, knowing God is in your corner.

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    37 mins
  • Spirit Of Adoption | Made For More | Week 3
    Aug 19 2024

    Are you stuck in survival mode, running in circles, and living like a slave to your past? This weekend, we explored a powerful truth: God doesn't see you as a project or pity you—He loves you as His child. Through stories, scripture, and even a unique horse analogy, we unpack how understanding your true identity in God can change everything. You were made for more—more significance, purpose, and joy. Learn how turning toward God as your Father can lead you into the life you were meant for, filled with freedom and grace. Join us and see how embracing this truth can transform your life and the lives of others around you.

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    49 mins
  • Riding High | Made For More | Week 2
    Aug 12 2024

    What happens when we let our struggles define us? Life throws challenges our way, but we don't have to face them alone. In this message, you'll discover how to embrace your true identity beyond your past mistakes and current battles. It's about finding strength in faith, community and understanding that you are more than what you're going through. This broadcast invites you to explore a perspective where hope and purpose take center stage, offering a fresh start no matter where you are in life. Don't miss this chance to reconnect with what truly matters.

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    55 mins
  • Into The Round Pen | Made For More | Week 1
    Aug 5 2024

    Have you ever felt that God is trying to teach you something through your struggles? In this message, Jim explores how God communicates with us through His creation, especially through our experiences and the animals around us. After a rejuvenating sabbatical, Jim returns with fresh insights from God's teachings, illustrated by stories of his dog Murphy, their new puppy Gus, and a wild Mustang. We'll dive into the Book of Romans and the parables of Jesus, revealing how paying attention to God's creation can lead to profound truths about His love and intentions for us. Join us as we embark on this August series, discovering how we are all made for more.

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    45 mins
  • How to Transform Your Nation | Worlds Apart | Week 9
    Jul 29 2024

    How do the chains we choose to wear shape the freedom we experience in sharing the Gospel? Exploring Rome's ancient wonders like the Colosseum and the Forum, we see how the city’s structures, once symbols of power and oppression, have become landmarks of faith. Paul, imprisoned in Rome, used his chains to spread the Gospel, turning his guards into captives of Christ’s message. His boldness, even in chains, reminds us that God’s story continues through us. Will we let Christ work in our lives and share His story, regardless of our circumstances?

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    30 mins
  • How to Transform Your City | Worlds Apart | Week 8
    Jul 22 2024

    Can the Gospel really transform a city? In Acts 19, Paul’s ministry in Ephesus shows us that it can. Ephesus was a city steeped in wealth, violence, sexual immorality, and power struggles. Yet, the message of Jesus offered something greater than wealth or tradition. Paul’s bold preaching led to extraordinary miracles, the spread of the Word, and a city-wide transformation. Even the mighty temple of Artemis couldn’t withstand the power of the Gospel. Discover how the teachings of Jesus can offer not just a new way of living but a revolutionary change worth dying for.

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    37 mins
  • How to Love Everyone | Worlds Apart | Week 7
    Jul 15 2024

    can we truly reach out to those different from us? Jesus' resurrection changed everything, showing that God’s love extends to all people. This series on the Book of Acts explores how the early church embraced this mission, despite challenges and cultural barriers. Discover the stories of key figures like Stephen, Philip, Paul, and Peter, and learn how their experiences can inspire us today. Whether it’s understanding the courage needed to bridge divides or seeing the importance of inclusivity, these lessons are crucial for us at Flatirons. Join us as we learn to be a church that reaches out beyond our boundaries, just as Jesus intended.

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    36 mins
  • How to Stand Up in a Crazy Culture | Worlds Apart | Week 6
    Jul 8 2024

    How do we connect with a culture that seems distant from God? Mark Moore explores how Don Richardson's journey to reach the Sawi tribe with the gospel offers powerful insights. The Sawi's "peace child" tradition became a bridge to understanding Christ's sacrifice. Similarly, we look at Paul's approach in Athens, finding common ground with intellectuals by highlighting God's fingerprints in nature, history, culture, Jesus, and the church. Join us as we learn how to stand firm and share our faith in today's challenging culture.

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    37 mins