• Victory Over Sin & Temptation
    Aug 15 2021


    We daily are faced with constant distractions. At times we may think that these "little" distractions will not cause us to fall nor lead us to our old habits , cycles, and temptations. The truth of it all is that exact thinking is what is keeping us hostage. It is a lie the enemy (Devil) himself loves to feed us with daily. Just a little of this or that can't do any harm. Let me say, I have been there , you have been there we have all fallen short of God's glory. It's those exact moments we find ourselves in good standing with God our faith is a smooth ride and then right when we think we are strong we fall . We fall to the devils lies and temptations. Today , we will dive in deeper to why we fall back into our old living habits and patterns that the lord has or continues to deliver us from. Spoiler alert, you will overcome you have the victory through Jesus Christ sin has no hold on you!

    Take Away:

    • Scenerio: Young man dealing with the addiction of lust and pornography.
    • To feed the flesh is to succumb to the lies of the enemy in turn , falling prey to sin.
    • Sin just doesn't happen it is an intention that we must be aware of the temptation.
    • To be aware of our thoughts is key to take our power back from the temptation to sin.
    • The devil knows our very weakness. He knows what entices our eyes , our ears , and our very flesh.
    • The lord will always give you a way out, but must adhere to the lords rescue.
    • James 1:13 "Remember when you are being tempted do not say God is tempting me".
    • Where do our Temptations come from?
    • When we feed our flesh it will become stronger meaning it will harder to overcome the temptations.
    • What are the things, people, places that you're letting in that are making an influence to drive your actions to succumb to these temptations.
    • The world becomes more alluring when we feed our flesh .
    • James 4:4 "You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God".
    • To deny our spirit will lead us to become perfecters of sin.
    • The freedom comes when we come to feed our spirit.
    • If sin is what you are currently dealing with there is hope.
    • Reflection: What is it that I have been feeding myself lately?
    • Have you been feeding your flesh or spirit?
    • Identify it and take action ask God to help you overcome it.
    • 1 Corinthians 10:13 "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure".
    • Your weapon? Use the word of God to counter attack the fiery darts of the enemy and temptation.
    • Expose to the light the temptations that keep on rising within your life.
    • The enemy will disguise himself as the angel of light to lead you into temptation and sin.
    • Key: To know the word of God is to be victorious over the enemy.
    • Reflection: What area in your life is sin active when you’re frustrated, sad, angry?
    • Key: To overcome sin feed the spirit and not the flesh.

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    Email: FlourishForChristpc@gmail.com

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    Never forget that you matter and that Jesus Loves you!

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    26 mins
  • Guard Your Heart For It Determines The Course Of Your Life
    Jun 13 2021


    The World says, to "Follow Your Heart" . We have all been there done that, where we have come to follow our heart only to end up align with situations , people, places, and circumstances God never meant for us to be align with in the first place. To acknowledge our very thoughts , feelings , and emotions is healthy of course, but to base our very decisions & behaviors from that place is a great way for the enemy himself to use it to fully sabotage what God wants to do within our very lives.

    Take Away:

    -To acknowledge our feelings , thoughts, and emotions is healthy , but to surrender them at the feet of Jesus it is wise .

    -Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life”

    -The world says -> “Follow Your Heart”

    - God says -> “Guard Our Heart”

    -When we do the opposite we find ourselves aligned to the wrong people & circumstances.

    - To seek the lord is a way to guard our heart and to grow in wisdom.

    -The enemy (devil) would love to see us follow our heart , feelings , thoughts , and emotions to fully sabotage what God wants to do over our life.

    -To take action by guarding our heart is to be able to have further clarity in the direction God is leading us too.

    -To let our guard down is to lay down our very wisdom & discernment . (Giving an opportunity for the enemy to prowl on us) (John 10:10).

    - Keep in mind that we are more than conquerors.

    -The enemy (devil) can’t come to steal , kill , and destroy God's purpose over your life unless you let your guard down.

    - Reflective Question: “Why, would it be wise to guard our heart?”

    - When we derive our decisions out of our emotions , feelings, and thoughts we align ourselves out of God's will and come into alignment with what the enemy's schemes.

    - God knows our story, don't let your past mistakes keep you in the same place . Let him renew you.

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    Follow: @FlourishForChrist (Instagram)

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    Email: FlourishForChristpc@gmail.com

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    Never forget that you matter and that Jesus Loves you!

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    16 mins
  • Vision Purpose | The Lord Is Leading You
    May 17 2021


    Life is hard and at times we might find ourselves with this question . In what direction is my life heading to? Yes, it is not always a vivid picture . The vision at times may get quite blurry , but I am here to remind you that God knows the vision he knows the plan but most importantly he wants to order your very footsteps into the direction where he knows it will be the best for you.

    Now, to see the clear vision of God over our lives we must be able to fully discern God’s voice.

    Take Away:

    • The lord speaks to us in various ways
    • To adhere the Holy Spirits nudging (Solitude Time is Key)
    • When he speaks it will come with peace, confirmation, and clarity through his words
    • If you begin to question or face confusion it is NOT from God (God is NOT the author of Confusion)
    • Seek the throne first for further guidance (The Lord will confirm it)
    • Pray for Wisdom & Discernment
    • When faced with major decisions (The Lord will direct your very footsteps)
    • Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the lord with all your heart; and do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do , and he will show you which path to take.
    • When we lay & surrender our ways we will begin to see the vision clearly
    • The people, things , circumstances we surround ourselves with will eventually Influence & Impact us.
    • Reflective Questions:
    • 1. Whose voice are you listening to?
    • 2. When I am faced with a major decision who do I first confide in?
    • 3. In what direction is your life heading to right now?
    • 4. Am I leaning more towards what others are saying or am I leaning to what God is revealing?
    • Psalms 1:3 “ They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do”
    • The vision becomes clear and the fruit within our lives will show and edify both others and the kingdom of God
    • The Lord is leading your very footsteps he is the Plug and Source

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    Follow: @FlourishForChrist (Instagram)

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    Email: FlourishForChristpc@gmail.com

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    Never forget that you matter and that Jesus Loves you!

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    20 mins
  • The Enemy's lie | Salvation
    Apr 5 2021


    There is an enemy we all have yes! But NOT quite the enemy you might be thinking about. You and I have the same enemy . And this might be a surprise to you or not! Today we will dive in deeper to the enemies' lies and tactics as well as a huge life changing decision that you might have already made , heard of or not. We are all faced with daily decisions to make . Some decisions are small like deciding what to eat or like buying a home and signing in on that life contract. On today, we will be discussing one of the most life changing 360 turn around kind of decision that maybe you have already said Yes too or maybe not.

    Take Away:

    • Ephesians 2:8-9
    • There is NOTHING that we can do to earn love . Mercy , grace to win the approval , love , and salvation from God.
    • We all have our own unique stories .
    • God at times will humble us out to come to an end to ourselves. It’s our very own Personal Testimony
    • Sometimes God sends reminders such as friends , family including strangers to be used as vessels to be the compass into the direction he wants to lead us into.
    • Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom & go through the storm to see the silver.
    • Reflection: What caused you to reject & deny the opportunities God was sending your way before ?
    • Reminder : You are NOT here by accident.
    • When we CHOOSE Jesus our life will take a 360 turn .
    • Bold Leap of Faith: Opportunity, to give yourself the opportunity to accept a life changing gift ! (The Gift of Salvation)
    • Key Tips:
    • Be in community (Plug into a church)
    • Share this decision with someone you love today . (It’s celebration Day In the heavens) .
    • 360 life turn will take place
    • Continue to pick up that cross.

    • With a life changing decision to walk with JESUS the enemy (devil) will NOT like it.
    • John 10:10 “The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life”.
    • Ephesians 6:12
    • Remember there is a spiritual battle that we can’t see in the natural.
    • Remember: Stay close to Christ seek him & let God guide, lead , and protect you as you begin this new beginning.
    • 2 Corinthians 5:17
    • The old has now passed away change will take place . (The lord will equip you).
    • Sometimes the lord has to strip away the old to begin to renew us .
    • Shackles & bold fold will fall off.
    • Do NOT —> Get discouraged when you face OPPOSITION , REJECTION, PERSECUTION.
    • 2 Corinthians 4:4
    • The DEVIL is the ruler of this world. (He is cunning).
    • The words you do NOT want to hear :
    • “Depart from me I never knew you ,
    • Keep running the —> The race keeps fighting the God fight.
    • Be Bold (For the kingdom of God).
    • The people you think are your enemies are NOT your real enemy.
    • Stand Your Ground , and don’t let the world corrupt you.

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    Follow: @FlourishForChrist (Instagram)

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    Email: FlourishForChristpc@gmail.com

    @FlourishForChrist (Instagram)

    Never forget that you matter and that Jesus Loves you!

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    35 mins
  • God Restores | The Open Wounds
    Feb 17 2021


    We have held ourselves hostage for far to long  walking around carrying past hurts  open wounds & the lord is in this season Is leading many  to expose those very circumstances for him to begin to restore & amend.  The time is now to fully let him begin to restore you. Today we will  let go & let God restore and begin to close those open wounds. Today we say no more . 


    Take Away:

    • We will identify the open wounds we have  carried within ourselves for far to long.
    • The Pruning Process Season
    • 1. Exposure
    • 2. reshaped
    • 3. Renewed
    • The roller coaster ride we all go through when the lord is reshaping  our character.
    • Repressing our open wounds will lead us to stay constant .
    • Making the decision to let God restore us & close the open wounds.
    • In the midst of the pruning process you will see a new side of God and yourself .
    • The lord's discipline is a good thing for it will renew us.
    • Self- Evaluation: We take time to write down the open wounds we are carrying within ourselves.
    • Attacking the root is key to heal , and let God close the wounds.
    • Specific word for someone led by the Holy Spirit.
    • It’s time to let go and let God In.
    • It’s a choice to embark on the journey to let God close the open wounds.
    • We must first let God heal & close the open wounds before we can help another.
    • The open wounds that remain will lead to resentment , anger, greed , unforgiveness, jealousy etc.
    • Hostage by choice .
    • God can & will close shut those wounds.
    • Phrase starter: We take a moment to fully let go & finally Forgive.
    • Bible verse : Isaiah 61:3
    • Song I shared is by : Jordan Feliz “Wounds”

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    Email: FlourishForChristpc@gmail.com

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    Never forget that you matter and that Jesus Loves you! 

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    29 mins
  • Life| The Narrow Road
    Feb 9 2021


    There are many roads in life that we will walk . Some may lead us to temporary joy. Others will leads us to disappointment . At the end we will find that gate , door, that pathway road  that will lead us to discover something that hits us a different way that will forever change us ! 


    Take Away:

    1. There are many roads , but there is one road that will NOT lead us to a dead end .

    2. Many discover it but many fall away to soon because it’s a rocky pathway ! 

    3. If we choose the narrow unexpected road we will discover that all to soon it’s easier to throw in the towel than to walk through it ! 

    4. Luke 13:25 

    5. Having Daily Check-Ups will help us endure to keep walking through it . 

    6. Raw —> AWAKENING! 

    7. John 14:6 

    8. There is a gate and road that leads to Peace , True freedom, and everlasting life. 

    10. Mathew 7:13-14 

    11. ONLY a few find this gate & pathway ! 

    12. Giving up is not an option ! endure the narrow road.

    13. Be encouraged to continue to fight the good fight .

    14. Trials will come but the sorrows will be turned into joys at the end! 

    14. God will NOT lose sight of you; he will be right beside you. 

    15. Temptations will come to succumb to the world's ways.

    16. Romans 12:12

    17. Let God renew your mind Jesus will see you through ! He will crown you at the end continue to walk through the narrow road ! 


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    Email: FlourishForChristpc@gmail.com


    Never forget that you matter and that Jesus Loves you! 

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    20 mins
  • Fear of the unknown | Healing
    Feb 1 2021


    Today we will call out those fears we carry in the inside of us. We will expose them into the lords presence to receive healing, deliverance from the fears we have carried within our lives for far to long. The time is now says, the lord to let go of those fears. 


    Take Away:


    1. Exposing the fears that we carry within ourselves.
    2. Taking the step to surrender and fully let go.
    3. Giving ourselves the opportunity to let go of anything toxic that may be hindering us.
    4. acknowledging that we have fallen short of God's glory & inviting him to heal us .
    5. Isaiah 43:2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "When you go through deep waters,
          I will be with you.
      When you go through rivers of difficulty,
          you will not drown.
      When you walk through the fire of oppression,
          you will not be burned up;
          the flames will not consume you.
    6. Through the fire we will be refined.

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    Email: FlourishForChrist@gmail.com

    Never forget that you matter and that Jesus Loves you! 




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    15 mins
  • Overcome Fear | When Trusting & Hoping Is The Last Thing You Want To Do
    Jan 19 2021

    Take Away:


    1. Don’t Lose hope in the midst of the chaos there is hope.
    2. God is well aware of your trial and tribulation.
    3. Deuteronomy 31:8 “Fear NOT”.
    4. Surrender the Silent battles.
    5. Personal Experience faced with hopelessness , God restored!
    6. Philippians 4:19 “He is Provider”.
    7. He will NOT forsake you nor abandon you.
    8. Be of good courage in the midst of that trial.
    9. God won't answer all of our prayers, but he will answer the ones that he sees fit!
    10. Jeremiah 29:11 “God has a plan and purpose over your life”.
    11. Seek him surrender it lay it all at the feet of Jesus and let go !
    12. Don't give up on Hope and Trust that he will come through for you.

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    Email: FlourishForChrist@gmail.com

    Never forget that you matter and that Jesus Loves you!



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    20 mins