• Easing Burnout With Social Connections with Lesley Waldron
    Sep 5 2024

    If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed and exhausted by everything you have to do (while still worrying you aren’t doing enough!) then this episode is for you.

    Today I’m talking about burnout with Lesley Waldron, is a burnout coach who is also a sandwich caregiver (a parent and caregiver to a parent). Much of our conversation tackles this conundrum: friendship is hard during burnout, yet, it’s also crucial for our well-being.

    I wish I could say this episode has all the answers, but unfortunately there is no magic solution. We’re here to acknowledge a challenging situation many of you face and offer small ways to ease burnout in your own life.

    Sometimes what you need most when you’re running on empty is actually a social connection: a hug, a swim date, a walk, or a living room dance party with a friend.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • The stressors of being a caregiver, plus, the neurological and physiological shifts stress triggers in your body, from blood pressure to focus
    • Different ways to “complete” the burnout stress cycle, from physical activity and laughter to social interaction and affection
    • Emotional labor: expressing your emotions to accommodate and elevate the emotions of others (which is common especially among women)
    • Four steps to use social connection as a means to complete the cycle if you’re experiencing burnout
    • Group gatherings vs. one-on-one gatherings: which do you find more restorative? Plus, the role of oxytocin in combating burnout

    Resources & Links:

    Read Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski and Emotional Labor: The Invisible Work Shaping our Lives and How to Claim Our Power by Rose Hackman.

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    50 mins
  • Who We Are Right Now: The Benefits of Making New Friends and Starting Over with Leannda Shearer
    Aug 29 2024

    There’s no better way to test your friendship skills than to move to a new city, and today’s guest, Leannda Shearer, has moved to a new city not once or twice but eight different times!

    So, at this point, you could say she’s an expert at building a support system. With each new move, she’s learned that it takes not just the right skillset but also the right mindset to create meaningful connections.

    Leannda is also a resilience coach and host of the podcast Rising with Phoenix Grace, and in this episode, she provides amazing tips and tricks on how to make new friends after a move, plus, some of her favorite quotes about friendship.

    There’s a lot packed into this episode, and I think these tips apply to anyone who’s trying to make an impact or change in their friendships or community.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • The skillset AND mindset required to make new friends, plus, the benefits of even “surface level” connections (see my Wheel of Connection framework)
    • Making friends and “putting things on the wall,” even when you know this place is only temporary (and how to not overthink your connections that aren’t reciprocating)
    • How new friends see you for who you are in this moment and not just who you used to be or what you’ve gone through
    • Some of Leannda’s favorite places to make new friends, from meetup.com to networking nights to Facebook groups
    • Some of Leannda’s and my favorite inspirational quotes regarding friendship, from Heidi Priebe to Winnie the Pooh

    Resources & Links:

    Listen to Leannda’s podcast, Rising with Phoenix Grace.

    Listen to Episode 48 with Michele Reichman and be sure to look at my Wheel of Connection framework.

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    59 mins
  • How to Not Live Vicariously Anymore with Christine Hetzel
    Aug 22 2024

    Sometimes, when our social lives feel lacking, we find ourselves living vicariously through others and wondering: how come they’re all living their lives and I’m not?

    This is the experience today’s guest, Christine Hetzel, found herself in during a kind of quarter-life crisis. To turn her friendship situation around, she took the initiative and began organizing different kinds of public meet-ups.

    Today Christine is the host of the Time for Brunch podcast and blog where she coaches clients on how to prioritize their own needs and personal development. She has since organized meet-up groups around the world with hundreds of members.

    This episode is packed with inspiration on how to make the connections you want right now. As Christine reminds us, you can’t sit around and imagine things might magically change. You have to go and take action.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • How Christine turned her friendship situation around by organizing meet-ups all over the world
    • The sometimes under-appreciated work of event-organizing, and how to not take things too personally in friendships (especially new ones)
    • The joy of friendship match-making, and how to broaden your network not as a means to “close the deal” but widen your possibilities
    • Being curious about what lights people up, and the conversation starter we both hate the most
    • Folding past friendships, relationships, and acquaintances into your next season of friendships

    Resources & Links:

    Listen to the episodes Christine mentions in this episode including Episode 24 (Marco Polo), Episode 41 (the Liking Gap), Episodes 44 and 48 (finding friends on the internet), Episode 49 (navigating small talk), and Episode 91 (party/event envy).

    And be sure to check out Christine Hetzel’s blog and podcast, Time for Brunch and listen to the episode I recorded with her!

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    49 mins
  • How to Stop Dreading Parties and Take Charge of Your Guest Experience
    Aug 15 2024

    If you’re somebody who dreads going to a party, then this episode is for you.

    Sometimes the couch feels more appealing than going out into the world and socializing, and I get it. Attending a gathering takes energy. Sometimes it feels awkward. But gatherings can also make us feel inspired and supported and invigorated.

    Today I offer an approach that will help you take charge of your guest experience with three simple questions. You can ask yourself these questions before you leave, while you’re driving, or even on your way inside. It’s that easy.

    My hope is that this episode helps more gatherings feel like time well-spent – and that, consequently, you’ll want to say yes to more invitations in the future, too.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • Why do we like being invited? What feeling do we think a gathering will offer? And why do we sometimes feel dread on the day of?
    • What the very best gatherings can provide: a shift in momentum, a feeling of relief, a connection made, something learned
    • How to take charge of our guest experiences and create moments of meaning by asking three simple questions
    • Remembering that we don’t always know what will happen – and that sometimes the most unexpected gatherings can actually be the most impactful

    Resources & Links:

    Read The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker. It’s amazing!

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    28 mins
  • Dear Men: Stop Living on Autopilot and Strengthen Your Social Circle with Antonio Neves
    Aug 8 2024

    Do you know men who don’t have close friends?

    It’s a common problem (one that I cover in Episode 31 and Episode 32 of this podcast) with major implications. Poor social and mental health in men is connected with all kinds of other issues ranging from suicide and depression to gun violence.

    Joining me to talk about this issue is Antonio Neves, a leadership expert, motivational speaker, award-winning journalist, bestselling author of Stop Living on Autopilot, host of the podcast The Antonio Neves Show, and founder of Man Morning.

    This episode is full of great advice for men who are looking to rebuild their social circles. His major suggestion: take action! Find a group. Give a friend a call. Put something on the calendar. It might feel awkward, but it’s all part of the process.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • My personal experience seeing the downside of poor friendship support networks when my mom passed away and my dad became a single parent of three kids
    • Face-to-face communicators vs. side-to-side communicators, and the difference between big conversations at 7 a.m. vs. 7 p.m.
    • Antonio’s advice on how to push past the “Level 1 Listener” status; plus, five of the most powerful words you can say in a conversation
    • The power of investing in ourselves, particularly our support systems, BEFORE we hit rock bottom

    Resources & Links:

    Want to hear more on this topic? Be sure to listen to Episode 31 and Episode 32.

    Check out Antonio’s book Stop Living on Autopilot, listen to The Antonio Neves Show, and learn about Man Morning.

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    56 mins
  • Want a Couch Friend? You Need to Be a Couch Friend
    Aug 1 2024

    Today I talk about two friendship terms I’ve been hearing more about lately: the “couch friend” and the “errand friend.”

    Lots of people want these kinds of friendships because they’re supposed to be easy. You do life’s responsibilities together or you do absolutely nothing together – no planning or panic cleaning required.

    But how do you find these friends? How do you find someone you’re so comfortable with that you can just sit back and watch TV in your sweatpants together, and it’s not weird?

    My thoughts? If you want a couch friend, you have to BE a couch friend. If you want an errand friend, you have to BE an errand friend. In this episode, I offer a few ideas about how to put that energy out into the world, from embracing spontaneity to encouraging your guests to get their own glasses of water.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • What a couch friend is, what an errand friend is, and why these kinds of relationships are often with already established friends
    • Leaning into a more casual energy from the getgo in a new friendship instead of putting your best foot forward
    • How I act when I have couch-type friends coming over (hint, I might be in sweatpants, and I’m probably not panic cleaning)
    • What kind of energy does somebody bring when they come over? Is it roommate energy? Or are you waiting on them?
    • Creative ways you might actually be able to spend time with a couch or errand friend even if you’re a parent or busy adult

    Resources & Links:

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    42 mins
  • Realizing It’s Just Not the Same Anymore With Sarah Marie Paige
    Jul 25 2024

    Have you ever gone back to an old friend, only to realize it’s not the same as it was?

    This is the experience of today’s guest, Sarah Marie Paige, who in this episode shares about her amazing high school friend group – a group she assumed she’d be able to re-enter without a hitch post law school.

    Instead, she learned they couldn’t actually pick up where they left off. Just like with plants, if you don’t water your friendships, they don’t continue to live. So, Sarah created a new community, one that supports her new lifestyle as a lawyer and fantasy writer.

    I hope this episode makes those who’ve experienced this phenomenon feel less alone and realize that there are options – you can try to start over with these old friendships, or, like Sarah, you can put your energy elsewhere to build what you need.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • Sarah’s high school friends, who kept in touch post graduation via blog for several years but eventually lost touch
    • Grieving the loss of old friendships, which change as we grow older, and the crossroads ahead: do you start over with them or find new friends?
    • Sarah’s life as a fantasy writer, and her books, each of which is a kind of love letter to a specific friend – plus, how she met new friends who support this passion
    • The importance of having a WHY when it comes to community – why are you bringing these people together? What is your shared purpose?

    Resources & Links:

    Sarah is a fantasy author! Check out her books on her website!

    Go back to Episode 12 and learn about my theory about the Roots Framework.

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    40 mins
  • Spring Cleaning Friendships Through Life’s Transitions with Emily Rogers
    Jul 18 2024

    There are some friendships we just need to let go of. In some instances, this means letting go of an aspect of a friendship. In others, this actually means letting go of an entire friendship.

    Today’s guest is Emily Rogers, a transition and leadership coach and the host of the Leap to Lead podcast (which I was recently a guest on; link in the show notes!). Emily has lived overseas for 20 years and has personally navigated many moves and transitions.

    She says that with each transition comes a spring cleaning of sorts with past connections, which requires stepping back and reflecting on the energy of these relationships. Can you alter the expectations of this friendship? How will you connect? Is it time to let go entirely?

    Hopefully this episode helps you navigate those transitions with more grace and intention, so that, if you desire, those old friendships can still thrive in their new forms.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • The different kinds of life transitions that affect friendship: physical moves; starting a family; a new romantic relationship; a medical emergency; finishing school, etc.
    • Instances in which you SHOULDN’T do the work (for example: a toxic relationship; lack of capacity; you simply don’t want to)
    • Recognizing energy: when it’s right, when it’s not right, and when it’s time to shift your friendships (and remembering that what feels right now might not feel right later!)
    • The impact of taking a step back six to eight months after a big move or life transition to make sure your friendships aren’t draining (or sliming!) you
    • Managing interactions with draining people you have to spend time with (for example, doing an activity together or only hanging out in groups)

    Resources & Links

    Listen to Emily’s podcast, The Leap to Lead, which I was recently a guest on!

    Go back to Episode 12 and learn about my theory about the Roots Framework.

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    49 mins