• You NEED To Have This Questioning Attitude
    Sep 13 2021

    If you find yourself listening to an expert,
    Or know of a method to get results in a particular area
    and you never question if it's the right way,
    Or if there is a better way...

    You're literally setting yourself up to failure and low expectation.

    How Do great inventions start?
    People ask questions, "can this be improved? Is there another way?"

    If you pose the question why to something, you put yourself in a
    position to understand it, and understand if there's a better way.

    Listen to this and fire up your brain as you start to tune in!

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    17 mins
  • 5 Reasons why you need to STOP Watching the news!
    Sep 11 2021

    Here's why You absolutely need to stop Watching the news
    Especially if you struggle with mental health

    I want you to picture you're mind as a jug of water.
    a positive mind represents bright colourful water,
    a negative depressed mind represents dark cloudy water.

    Whenever you watch the news, or fill your mind with
    what's going wrong, you're literally putting mud in the water
    and making it dark and cloudy.

    It's, almost never ever beneficial for you,
    especially not the general news.

    Checkout the video and we explain it in depth as to why!

    Show more Show less
    14 mins
  • How To Know If Someone You Know Has Depression - Signs Explained
    Aug 30 2021

    It can be really easy to not read the signs when someone has depression,
    people think it'll be easy to pick up, But it's really not always the case.

    Some are very good at hiding it,
    and here we explain in simple ways how anyone without being a psychologist
    can find out if they are living with, or are friends with someone who is becoming
    or already depressed and in need of help.

    Make sure to share this with those you know

    Show more Show less
    22 mins
  • 5 Steps To INCREASE confidence in yourself!
    Jul 22 2021

    Don't feel like you're the right person for the "job"?
    or that you can get what you want because you're not able to?

    I feel you, We both feel you! (in an appropriate way lol)

    It's completely natural to doubt yourself, and sometimes necessary,
    here we uncover the 5 steps to not only stop doubting in yourself
    but how to also create the confidence you need to know that you
    can do what it is you set your mind to!

    Make sure you share this with one person that really
    needs to hear the message

    📷Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/3Ko952kE84yvX2rnp1lkSE

    📷 iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/from-sofa-to-success/id1535586919

    DM Us On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fromsofatosuccess/

    Show more Show less
    13 mins
  • 4 Amazing Tips To IMPROVE Focus - Entrepreneur Tips
    Jun 23 2021

    Has your focus been crappy lately?
    Or have you just been wanting to improve it and make it better?

    You absolutely can,
    Forget the "hacks"
    We share 4 amazing Tips & Tools that aren't generally spoken of
    to improve your focus

    These 4 tips will:

    1. How to breathe for better focus
    2. Remind you how focus works
    3. Remind you that Focus is a skill, and how to use it
    4. How to eat for better focus

    Try whichever tip you need most
    and drop a comment with how it works for you!

    📷Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/3Ko952kE84yvX2rnp1lkSE

    📷 iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/from-sofa-to-success/id1535586919

    Have a podcast topic suggestion? DM us On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fromsofatosuccess/

    Show more Show less
    15 mins
  • Understanding Mental Health - It Can be Improved
    Jun 10 2021

    Do you feel like you’re trapped in your own thoughts?
    constantly feeling like you’re stuck and avoiding your mind?

    It’s a normal thing to WANT to avoid your mind and escape it,
    but it’s not a good thing… because it won’t stop chasing you.
    Meaning you’ll have to forever keep running, and that’s exhausting.

    The key is to understand what’s going on in your mind so you can fix it,
    and that means you shouldn’t try to escape and run away from the pain…
    It means you need to instead lean in and listen to what the pain is telling you.

    Pain is our greatest teacher, when we listen to it.
    It tells us what’s wrong, and when we know what’s wrong we
    know what to fix.

    Believe me, I’ve been there, we all have.
    You’re not stuck like that forever, you can change it, if you are willing.

    Beware, it's not nice, it's going to be a painful process...
    You need to stick with it, it's going to feel horrible doing what it takes,
    but after some time it will absolutely get better! I've been there.

    Before I share these 4 tips, please share this with one person who needs
    this kind of help, they’ll be thankful for you.

    4 Tips to help improve you understand your mind more so that
    you can improve your mental health (1 is MOST important)
    Please know these are super uncomfortable, but important.

    1. Write down a list on paper, of everything that you think is causing
    you this pain, what’s making you feel this way? Now we’re going to go
    very deep here, after writing your reasons, you're going to question it 5 times
    and find the root cause. Question why it’s causing you pain and answer
    with your best knowledge, repeat this process 5 times for the same reason.

    2. Meditation – 5 Minutes daily (To bring the mind to stillness)

    3. Improve Your Self Respect – Do 1 small action at a time that you respect daily
    (Picking up rubbish off ground, cleaning your room etc)

    4. Journaling – Every night, write down the emotions of your day, and why
    you think you had those emotions, start unpacking them and finding out what
    made you feel that way, what did you do, or where were you.
    Understand yourself more and more.

    Do number 1 once, or as many times as you feel.
    Do numbers 2,3 and 4 daily. Within 4 weeks you will already notice an improvement!

    Share this with just 1 person who may need it
    but hasn’t said anything about it to you
    and please DM Me if you need someone to talk about it to!

    📷Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/3Ko952kE84yvX2rnp1lkSE

    📷 iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/from-sofa-to-success/id1535586919

    Have a podcast topic suggestion? DM us On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fromsofatosuccess/

    Show more Show less
    17 mins
  • 5 Ways to Learn FASTER - Simple formula to learning quicker than ever
    Jun 8 2021

    Do you take time to learn? or maybe you just want to
    learn faster as you don't have much time, or are a Self-development monster!

    Learning is a skill, and there are methods to increase how quickly you learn
    by absorbing the information better, and being able to spot information you need easier.

    Here we go through 5 ways how you can do that,
    they are simple, but don't underestimate how powerful they are.
    Number 1, 4 and 5 are probably the most powerful tools you can ever learn!

    Let us know which one you're going to start with by dropping us a message
    on instagram!

    📷Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/3Ko952kE84yvX2rnp1lkSE

    📷 iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/from-sofa-to-success/id1535586919

    Have a podcast suggestion or general question? DM us On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fromsofatosuccess/

    Show more Show less
    14 mins
  • Going through unmotivating times - Growth talks 6
    Jun 3 2021

    Trouble comes along, and you probably get disheartened
    and want to quit.. it's not always easy

    It's not always sunshine and rainbows indeed,
    there are plenty of times Sunny and I also aren't feeling pumped
    to go out and dominate.

    So here we share some things we're going through and
    how we're pushing through and moving along.
    You may or may not relate, but know that you aren't alone
    and everyone struggles to want to always kick ass!

    You got this.

    📷Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/3Ko952kE84yvX2rnp1lkSE

    📷 iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/from-sofa-to-success/id1535586919

    Have a podcast topic suggestion? DM us On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fromsofatosuccess/

    Show more Show less
    16 mins