
  • S2. 97 - all hail madam president
    Jul 29 2024
    a lady? as president? c’mon bro, you really think we’re fucking ready for that bro? a big stinkin pussy in the white house? what if she gets her 60 year old pussy juice all over the office chairs? who’s cleaning that up bro? tell you what, ain’t gonna be me. i won’t go near that stuff bro, it’s fucking toxic bro.
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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • S2. 96 - meditation for the sake of democracy
    Jul 22 2024

    i'd like to have a quiet moment to remember the life and career of joe b.





    okay, now that that's out of the way - what the fuck, right? what the fuck is going on? does anyone know? do the people that usually know, do they know what's going on? or is everything now just as chaotic as it appears to us on our phones? is voting for a president going to have the same schizo energy as looking for the right porn to jerk my wiener off to? i can't believe how fucked we are, it's awesome, thank god i'm an american, it's such a good thing to be and a good way to feel.

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • S2. 95 - a very unique experience
    Jul 15 2024

    it's so disappointing... because you see all these people, Obama, Biden, etc.... and it's all this "thoughts and prayers" bullshit, this "there's no excuse for violence" type of speech, and it's like... excuse me motherfucker, didn't you spend the last eight years telling me this man is going to destroy democracy? that he was a fascist that under no circumstance should be allowed to be president? it's kind of hard to see, given your sudden and specialized concern for the man, what exactly your stance is, from a voting perspective. because now you're acting like trump is a legitimate candidate, and not a man condemned of 34 crimes, with a proclivity for hate speech? something i, myself, an unfamiliar with

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • S2. 94 - recollections of a past life
    Jul 8 2024

    remember the 90's? no, me neither. fuck you if you remember the 90's, too, because i bet that shit was cool. you know how lame it was to grow up after the 90's? in the fucking early aughts? embarrassing. no one knew who they were or what they believed in. conviction was on a slow and gentle decline in all aspects of life. the color schemes we thought were appropriate... i mean goddamn. if i had a time machine i wouldn't even stop hitler, i would just go back and kill everyone in 2002, so we could start over, start again, and rebuild a society with the same pinash and reckless abandon of the stupid 90's

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • S2. 93 - historically ruined by dementia
    Jul 1 2024

    at this point, i mean come on, bro. just let the man die. he doesn't know how to do sentences anymore! you remember sentences? you remember learning how to translate the thoughts in your head into complete verbal structures? that's gone, for him. he doesn't have it. god took it from him. and this is the same man enabling a genocide... i mean jesus christ, even i feel bad for him. this is elder abuse, plain and simple. he's a walking corpse, barely able to differentiate real life from the underworld. maybe we are in hell. maybe joe brandon simply sees a reality we have yet to comprehend, like how babies can sometimes see angels.

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • S2. 92 - a history of guys
    Jun 24 2024

    who's your favorite guy? and why? because my favorite guy has got to be the lord and savior. that's just a fun little quirk about me, is that despite all the other guys available for choosing, i still always go for the lord and savior. because it is very cool, historically speaking, that his name, given or chosen, was jesus christ, and at the time that was just like... some guy's name. you know? two thousand years later, that's the most famous name in the world, but back then, he might as well have been named clark. clark christ: the hero that gotham deserves (or whatever).

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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • S2. 91 - the last president
    Jun 17 2024

    let's imagine you have a son, and he's smoking crack, he's listening to fleet foxes... isn't there a part of you that says "I wish I could have done that, when i was so young and so free, at fifty four years old"

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • S2. 90 - fascist cumshots on the bestial plane
    Jun 10 2024

    look, we all love to make boom-boom out of our stick holes... but have you considered, rather than, instead of - we take all that pent up energy and overthrow the government? like, if we hold those bad boys in for a couple weeks, maybe forgo sex as an option at all, then maybe we'd finally find a prime directive. has anyone seen Chi-Raq? because i haven't, but i do know what happens in the movie, and i think maybe we could learn a thing or two from black women. everyone hold your nuts, and let's get this country back in working order.

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    1 hr and 8 mins