Aug 28 2023
    Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode 123 , - ~ ! In Part One of "CHILDREN OF HEAVEN," we were introduced to a novel way to view the surprising Scriptural Silence on Paradise and the proverbial World to Come! Part Two of the same title comprises the fifty-first consecutive segment of chapter four. Inasmuch as it features the continuation of the third reason, it takes its place in the series as Bitachon Preamble VI. To explain the silence on Heavenly Rewards -- Rabbainu Bachaya presented a fascinating supposition that suggested G-d had no choice to the feeblemindedness of the newly birthed nation of erstwhile slaves. Yet while the perspective was certainly creative, and thought provoking, this explanation on the Biblical Blackout on Heaven left us hungry and wanting. Were our early ancestors really such fools, or is the scriptural silence on Olam Haba subtly conveying a critically important message? Imagine if this seeming omission is an inclusion of the most powerful teaching on how to effectively educate, influence, and inspire future generations! That is to say; not only insightful, but also highly relevant and pragmatic! Although, as previously, we won't directly address the subject of Bitachon, the content and concepts touched upon are fascinating, enlightening and even uplifting! Upon full clarification of this important issue, we will eventually return the original subject: applying Trust to this specific dimension of Yiddishkeits life and values. The fifty-first study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Shaar HaBitachon" comprises the 124th consecutive video about learning how to Build Trust in G-d to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!
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    1 hr
    Aug 14 2023
    Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode 122 , - ~ ! In the immediate past Episode, we addressed the notable exception to the Biblical Blackout on What Happens in Heaven. Now, in our Forty-ninth Episode of Chapter Four we move onto the next reason. Entitled "FAITH OF OUR FATHERS," in Bitachon Preamble IV we return to the subject itself with an all-new approach to understanding Scriptural Silence on Paradise and the proverbial World to Come! In this Episode Rabbainu Bachaya directs our attention to inspiration and insight we received from our Faithful Fathers and Teachers of Old, which as it turns out provide us with a perfectly sensible cause for the scriptural silence on Olam Haba! Although, as previously, we won't directly address the subject of Bitachon, the content and concepts touched upon are fascinating, enlightening and even uplifting! Upon full clarification of this important issue, we will eventually return the original subject: applying Trust to this specific dimension of Yiddishkeits life and values. The forty-ninth study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Shaar HaBitachon" comprises the 122nd consecutive video about learning how to Build Trust in G-d to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!
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    1 hr and 21 mins
    Aug 7 2023
    Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode 121 , - ~ ! Chapter Four, Part Forty-eight features Bitachon Preamble III on what we were told about Heaven in one of the rare exceptions of the otherwise biblical blackout on Paradise and the proverbial World to Come! Entitled "WALKING WITH ANGELS" this Episode focuses on a most unusual explicit reference about the nature of spiritual reward in the afterlife. Here, Rabbainu Bachaya directs our attention to a notable exception to the rule. We will investigate this minority reportage on the future to see what it means, and with an eye to reconciling it with the otherwise glaring scriptural silence. For whom were these verses conveyed, and how can it be meaningful when we know that it's impossible for us to understand the spiritual dimensions of reality? Although, as previously, we won't directly address the subject of Bitachon, the content and concepts touched upon are fascinating, enlightening and even uplifting! Upon full clarification of this important issue, we will eventually return the original subject: applying Trust to this specific dimension of Yiddishkeits life and values. The forty-eighth study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Shaar HaBitachon" comprises the 121st consecutive video about learning how to Build Trust in G-d to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!
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    1 hr and 22 mins
    Jul 26 2023
    Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode 120 , - ~ ! Having already (albeit briefly) addressed the idea of Consequences and Remuneration in "This World," we shift our focus onto the concept of Punishment and Reward in the Afterlife, or Olam Haba (the "Next World"). In sharp contrast to the consequences described in the "Here and Now" when it comes to Gan Eden (Paradise, or Heaven) surprisingly enough the Torah doesn’t even mention it once! That's not an exaggeration, there literally isn't a single explicit reference in the entire Chumash of spiritual reward in the afterlife. Not even once! This fact, obviously begs the obvious question: Why the deafening silence on Heaven? In this Episode, Rabbainu Bachaya will first present us with the first of seven possible reasons for this glaring omission. Although we will not be directly addressing the actual subject of Bitachon, this issue requires full clarification before we are able to move on and properly discuss the next incredibly important Trust dimension. The forty-seventh study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Shaar HaBitachon" comprises the 120th consecutive video about learning how to Build Trust in G-d to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!
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    1 hr and 28 mins
    Jul 24 2023
    Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode 119 , - ~ ! FOR THE REWARD” opens with Bitachon Preambles the idea of applying Trust with regard to the Torah truisms of G-d’s faithful guarantee to Remunerate Righteousness; namely rewarding people for Mitzvah activities and spiritual service to Hashem. Having concluded addressing how to apply Bitachon (e.g., relying on Hashem) when it comes to the things Hashem made us responsible for: our Avodat Hashem (namely spiritual, moral and ethical conduct)! We are now ready to move on to the sixth segment of Trust: the promised Reward for Mitzvot – which may be granted in This World, as well as the Next World! Rabbainu Bachaya will first present us with a detailed analysis of consequences (reward and punishment) before he is able to address the actual issue at hand.
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    1 hr and 8 mins
    Jul 16 2023
    Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode 118 , - ~ ! Completing the thesis of applying Trust in situations of Mitzvah activities and spiritual matters (especially when there are others involved and anonymity isn’t an option) with a final important note on how we should view success at their fulfilment. Following clear guidance in effectively balancing Bitachon and Bechira – especially when you aren't the only active participant, and after having been instructed on the virtues of shunning publicity if that doesn’t impede the required investments of effort. In this new Episode, we take that a lot further: beyond not telling others Rabbainu Bachaya will insist that you shouldn’t be taking credit for “your” [hard earned?] success at all – even in your own mind! Thus, fully developed Bitachon in the arena of spiritual endeavor necessitates three critical components: 1) Reliance on Hashem for successful fulfilment of your spiritual activities 2) Seeking to do so anonymously if it doesn’t encroach on the required efforts. 3) Ultimately giving all the credit to whom it is truly due: Hashem! Rabbainu Bachaya further emphasizes that thinking or believing that we are responsible for our achievements can be a very costly mistake for us to make! Yet shouldn't insufficient intentions and attitudes be superseded by positive actions, and why does this have to get in the way of achieving Trust-based inner tranquility? To be sure, such a high level of humility it sounds a bit over the top. But Torah is never beyond the reach of every one of us... how are we to make sense of this all? Our marvelous journey of discovery will enable us to to appreciate the sweeping (and seemingly inordinate) demands the Sha’ar HaBitachon makes of us, and why its cuts to the very essence of the power and potency unleashed by Bitachon! This is the forty-fifth study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Shaar HaBitachon." It comprises the 118th consecutive video about learning how to Build Trust in G-d to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!
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    1 hr and 17 mins
    Jul 16 2023
    Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode 117 , - ’ ~ ! Continuing to show us how to apply Trust in situations of Mitzvah activities and spiritual matters when others are involved! As we've learnt at length, balancing the spiritual values of Bitachon and Bechira is a tough act that becomes even more difficult when you aren't the only one in the arena. In the immediate previous Episode, we began to delineate when one may rinse their hand of responsibility and instead calmly rely of Hashem. Now we'll qualify; in addition to doing your utmost, it's also important to keep it to yourself. In this new Episode, we build on the already established principals of meaningfully applied Bitachon when engaged in spiritual activities that involve and impact others. Here, Rabbainu Bachaya adds a small but critical ingredient to the secret sauce. Fully understanding the pos and cons of concealing vs revealing our involvement is an important issue to work through if we are to successfully develop our Bitachon. This is the forty-fourth study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Shaar HaBitachon." It comprises the 117th consecutive video about learning how to Build Trust in G-d to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!
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    1 hr and 13 mins
    Jul 4 2023
    Sha’ar HaBitachon - Episode 116 , - -- ~ ! -- continues to teach us how to apply Trust and rely on G-d, in situations of Mitzvah activities and spiritual matters when others are Involved! In Part I we illustrated how and why applying Bitachon in areas warranting Bechira (mandated moral choices) to serve Hashem when others are involved and directly impacted is radically different than placing our Trust in Hashem in other endeavors! Having made the case for the differentiation in the previous Episode, now we’re ready to learn how to place our Trust in Hashem under these unique circumstances. In this Episode we will articulate the practical approach and hands-on strategy of applying this special dimension of Trust! This forty-third study segment of the Fourth Chapter of "Shaar HaBitachon" has been generously sponsored for a Refuah Shelaima and a long life, b’Ezrat Hashem, for Shmuel Yisrael Ben Chana Sara. Part 2 of "A Perfect Circle" comprises the 116th consecutive video about Building Trust in G-d to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!
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    1 hr and 2 mins