• EP 34: What is Your Relaxation Style?
    Oct 1 2024

    “Maybe you fit squarely in one of these five categories, maybe you are a combination of all of them, or maybe you are something else completely,” offers host Corinne Morahan about the five major categories of relaxation and which one—or more—you fall into. As we get more organized, we naturally find ourselves with more free time and may be lost as to how to fill it—or worse yet—feel pressured to fill it with productivity for productivity’s sake. Instead, Corinne encourages you to take the time to figure out how you best like to spend your downtime and embrace those activities that make you feel content, peaceful and recharged.

    You may love staying home, curled up watching old reruns, or you may like to go out to dinner and a movie with friends. Perhaps you’re more likely to be found sweating it out in the gym, hiking in nature or reading a new book while sipping a latte in a cafe. You just may be a combination of two or more of all of these types, and you may have a category all your own.

    Learning to relax—and learning to allow ourselves to enjoy it—can take some time and adjustment. The more we pay attention to what truly makes us happy, the more we can make the most of our new well-earned downtime.


    • “If you are doing all this work to relax and then you can’t even relax, it’s very demotivating, and I want us to be able to really enjoy the fruits of our labor—not that you have to earn relaxation, you absolutely don’t—but I know most of you in my world are on an organizing journey, or you’ve already gotten organized and you’ve found yourself with all this extra time and you need someone to help you relax.” (2:03 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “For me, one of the greatest pleasures of getting my home organized was making my house feel like it was this calm oasis because I am such a homebody and home is where the heart rests, and when your home is organized, it is so much easier to embrace that.” (7:58 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “My goal in sharing this with you is so that you really have a catalog of things you can do when you’re finding yourself with downtime unable to relax. So, maybe you fit squarely in one of these five categories, maybe you are a combination of all of them, or maybe you are something else completely.” (9:17 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “As you are recalibrating your nervous system and as you are coming up with this new way of being in the world, now that your life is organized and you have more free time, it’s not going to feel natural at first. But, the more you do it, I guarantee you friend, the easier and more natural it’s going to be when you have those pockets of time to know exactly what you want to do with your free time. And you deserve that friend, because you are amazing.” (11:52 | Corinne Morahan)

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    13 m
  • EP 33: School Year Organization - Conversations for Good with Briggs
    Sep 24 2024

    “My expectation is to have very little expectation,” says Briggs Rolfsrud, COO of Grid + Glam who joins host Corinne Morahan on the Get Organized for Good podcast for another installment of Conversations for Good. Today they discuss back to school routines and how to put systems and frameworks in place in the mornings and evenings so that everyone—parents and children alike—get their needs and goals met with the least amount of stress. They talk about how goals and routines change over time, how to pick and choose your battles, and how to get everyone out the door in the morning—without forgetting their lunch.

    They draw on the concept of immersive productivity which Corinne introduced in her most recent episode of Get Organized for Good, whereby instead of merely adding more tasks to a to-do list for the purpose of checking them off, we focus on what we and our children truly want and need in the big picture. Not only does this put everyone in better alignment with each other it can turn dread, drudgery and obligation into exciting steps toward the future. Briggs explains how she learned to stop feeling pressure to include activities in her kids’ routine that they didn’t really want or need and instead allowed everyone to carve out more space and time for themselves.

    The fun and laughter between Corinne and Briggs is contagious. Join in to share their relatable trials and triumphs as they prepare their kids to meet another school year filled with intention, productivity as well as joy and confidence.


    • “In my experience, I feel like the biggest hurdle to that is mindset, which we talk about all the time, being willing to accept that it’s a process to get them to a place where they will do the things they need to do, and that it’s not their fault and that we don’t need to just be mad about it every day. We have to accept that, ‘I can fix this and I will fix this and it’ll become a morning routine that I actually enjoy and they can feel good about and that is possible.’” (11:51 | Briggs Rolfsrud)
    • “Do the scaffolding, I think that was the goal, to set myself small goals with all the things and not expect to have 40 hours in a day, because I don’t have 40 hours in a day, so backing off on all of that.” (18:07 | Briggs Rolfsrud)
    • “There is a place in everyone’s life, in every day to get some deep work done and we want people to make the space and the time for that and to prioritize it above the ticking off the the things, because in addition to really making progress and deciding what work really matters the most, you also then will feel good about turning that off and then immersing yourself in some deep relaxation and you’re done for the day.” (23:01 | Briggs Rolfsrud)
    • “It doesn’t look the same year over year. Having morning routines that are strong, having afternoon routines that are strong is imperative, but what they are might shift from year to year, and also our goals for ourselves and for our kids and for our families might shift from year to year.” (31:56 | Corinne Morahan)


    Download the FREE Stress-Free School Year replay here: https://gridandglam.myflodesk.com/stress-free-school-year

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    Más Menos
    39 m
  • EP 32: Introducing: Immersive Productivity
    Sep 17 2024

    “We are not winning a medal for checking the most tasks off our to-do list,” says host Corinne Morahan. As she explains on this episode of Get Organized For Good, we can actually become so addicted to the thrill of completing tasks that we fail to actually move the needle in any major way in our working lives. What’s more, so much focus on productivity and achieving our goals can keep us from enjoying life and being present for the small precious moments of everyday life. To help us create the right balance, Corinne introduces the concepts of immersive productivity as well as immersive relaxation.

    Learn how to determine which tasks truly need your attention and which you can outsource and how to embrace what truly makes you happy, without anything hanging over your head. She’ll explain the concept of completion bias and how our need for efficiency can actually hold us back.

    Life is made up of small, precious moments. Join today’s episode to learn how you can learn to make the most of them while achieving your big dreams.


    • “How many of us feel guilty when we are doing nothing? When we are not being super-productive? I don’t want that for us.” (1:22 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “For so long, I felt like I was chasing a happy life, chasing, chasing, chasing a happy life—feeling like, ‘where is the happy life?—not realizing that I actually had so many happy moments, but I was letting them pass me by and not fully penetrate because I was so focused on this future, this future happy life I was going to build.” (2:01 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “I deeply believe that we can build adventure into the everyday. I know for sure that we can have a steamy sex life even after being married for 18 years and we can plan trips and travel the world—and that’s all a piece of it. But it is also the small moments, and when we are so focused on automating and systematizing and being productive, we really can become detached from our everyday lives and then start looking at the everyday moments and feeling like we are failing.” (3:44 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “I realized it was our efficiency that was holding us back because, I, in particular, had gotten out of my strategic thinking mindset, all of the excitement and energy that leads me to build new things and to make things better because I thought, ‘Look at me. I’m ticking all these tasks off and now I have all this free time.’ So, I really started reassessing my whole notion of productivity.” (6:46 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “Immersive relaxation—it is equally important as immersive productivity. Being fully immersed in relaxation is among the most productive things you can do. It really, truly is. It recharges your mind, your body and your soul.” (10:52 | Corinne Morahan)

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    Más Menos
    16 m
  • EP 31: Essential Life Skills for Kids
    Sep 10 2024

    “You cannot give a child confidence by telling them how amazing they are all the time if they don’t have the skill set and experience to back it up,” says host Corinne Morahan. To ensure that her own kids are fully equipped with these necessary life skills, Corinne and her husband are compiling a “life skills list” and on today’s episode of Get Organized for Good, she’s sharing this framework with us. The list covers all the major categories—from manners to philanthropy, finances to health--that make for well-rounded, productive adults who positively contribute to society. Not only will this help kids to successfully and independently navigate a rapidly changing world, they will also gain the confidence that only comes from acquiring competence.

    Basically, this is the antidote to helicopter parenting. While often done out of an abundance of love, doing everything for our children rather than allowing them to do it themselves only sends the message that we have no faith in them. And as a result, not only are they unprepared once they leave the nest but they are robbed of the opportunity to build vital confidence and self-esteem. Corinne discusses the “I do-we do-you do” approach, and how she and her daughter use this method in the kitchen.

    The more competent and independent a child becomes, the less they—and the parents—have to worry. Though we can’t predict the future, we can prepare our kids to go forth into it with the confidence they can handle whatever comes their way.


    • “I have seen a ton of really good data on how competence builds confidence and how independence builds confidence. I’m sure you’ve seen this parenting advice that says don’t do things for kids that they can do for themselves. Now, there’s a lot to unpack there for moms listening to this because I think we have so much guilt around not doing things for our kids.” (4:40 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “Think about all the times we do things for our kids that we’re actually sending them a message, ‘Oh, I can do this better, I can do this quicker. I just don’t think you can do it,’ whereas if we gave them the opportunity and ability to do it, how much better they would feel about themselves. And there is the added bonus——then we don’t have to do these things. It really is win-win. No, they will not do things exactly the way we want them to. Yes, these are always learning lessons and opportunities, but this is how they build their confidence and independence.” (6:12 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “Do they know how to make a doctor’s appointment? I’m sure you’ve seen these reels on Instagram or TikTok where kids don’t even know what a social security number is. They don’t know where to find it, they can’t even answer basic questions when they’re trying to make an appointment. It’s so comical, but also not, because how are they supposed to know it if we haven’t taught them.” (12:02 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “I think this is so exciting from the perspective of it’s going to help us worry less about our kids, because we just want our kids to go out in the world and be happy and be positive, contributing members of society, and I feel like if we can do this well, it checks off both of those boxes and then it helps them with their own anxiety because they get to go out into the world and be happy and feel confident and know that if they’re in a situation where something happens, they don’t have to freak out.” (13:54 | Corinne Morahan)


    DM me @gridandglam on IG + I’ll share my Essential Life Skills for Kids list with you!

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    Más Menos
    21 m
  • EP 30: How to Make Entertaining Feel Easy
    Sep 3 2024

    “You’ve finally gotten your home so organized that you're ready to have guests over, and that makes me happier than you could ever possibly imagine,” says host Corinne Morahan. In today’s episode of Get Organized for Good, she dives into the art of entertaining at home and hosting parties. Corinne offers her top tips on creating a welcoming atmosphere, setting up the perfect spread, and ensuring everyone feels comfortable and included—all while keeping the stress off your shoulders.

    From setting the mood to setting the table, and from prep time to cleanup, Corinne covers it all. She discusses everything from lighting to playlists, serving pieces, and even the best trash bags to use.

    This episode is especially useful for those who, like Corinne, love food but aren’t fans of cooking. She shares her go-to small-bite spreads—including the ideal charcuterie board—so the party can center around good conversation, great company, and, of course, cocktails. Corinne also explains how to get guests and even local businesses involved in providing the food.

    If you’ve been following Corinne's advice on getting organized, your home should be ready to welcome your favorite people and create lasting memories. Tune in to hear her thoughts on whether—and when—to play party games, her two “big offenders” that are banned at parties, and her take on marble countertops.


    • “All of these things that we think are secondary to hosting, I actually think are primary to it and it takes the pressure off the food which is the thing I am least good at. I love delicious food and I love a great meal, but I don’t feel like I have to have the best, most delicious food every time I eat. And if I’m going to someone’s house for a party, I don’t need to eat the best things. I need to eat some things, but the food is never the thing, unless it’s the thing.” (7:32 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “If you put nothing else out, but you have a beautiful charcuterie board, you are ahead of the game.” (11:51 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “One thing to really keep in mind as you’re hosting is that everyone wants to bring something. No one’s going to show up to your house empty-handed, and if you don’t tell them what to bring they’re going to bring you a bottle of wine, probably—which is great, especially if you’re a wine-drinker—or you could ask each person to bring something. It is a little bit more work for them, but people want to bring something anyway.” (14:38 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “I got a question on how to prepare ahead of time. For me, I barely have to do any prep because my house is set, I have all the serving pieces.” (17:14 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “I want you to love hosting because it can be so fun and I want you to realize through everything I’ve shared that you can do it in a way that is easy, where it doesn’t require a ton of prep time.” (24:47 | Corinne Morahan)

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    Más Menos
    27 m
  • EP 29: 5 Steps To Stress Less
    Aug 27 2024

    “One of the most unexpected gifts, for me, of getting organized is how much chiller I am about everything in life,” says host Corinne Morahan on this episode of Get Organized for Good, where she discusses how we can turn down the stress in our lives. Stress—which is notably different from anxiety, as she explains—can have major physical effects and can just drain the joy out of our lives. There’s no avoiding stress completely, but to help keep it in check, Corinne offers five fabulous tips.

    At the heart of stress management is—no surprise—organization. More surprisingly, though, is learning to love the natural messiness of life without trying to control everything or be perfect— after all, there is no such thing. There needs to be a certain amount of acceptance that bad things will happen, and decide where you can—in taking a tip from leading self-help author and previous guest of the show, Susie Moore—make it easy.

    You have nothing to lose from trying these steps out. Why not experiment with them? To help you get started, Corinne shares her Sunday reset kickstarter list.


    • “My closest friends have noticed a change in me and they really can feel a palpable difference. I know my kids see it; I know I see it. I share that because I want you to know you can change. You absolutely can change. If you feel you are plagued by stress and you are not the person you want to be, you can change.” (3:58 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “Life doesn’t naturally get less stressful. You have to decide that you don’t want to waste your life away being stressed. And I think I used to get caught up in the cycle of, ‘When life gets less stressful; when the kids get older; when we’re more settled—when this, when that—then life will be less stressful.’ Ha! Friends: no, it doesn’t happen.” (4:35 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “You become so much more equipped to handle everything else that comes your way…there is no way that I would have become more chill, more laid back, more fun, less stressed, if I didn’t get organized. You have to do the work, you have to eliminate the pain points, you have to systematize your life, you have to get your family on board.” (6:03 | Corine Morahan)
    • “The messiness of life is so fun as long as your house isn’t messy.” (7:55 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “How can I let it be easy?’ What would it look like in this situation?’ I do this all the time. And just asking yourself that question makes you take a deep breath, like ‘OK. All right. There could be an easy choice here. There could be an easy way to go about this. I can actually let it be easy. I’m letting it be stressful. Why can’t I let it be easy?’” (10:13 | Corinne Morahan)


    Get your FREE Sunday Reset Kickstarter List here:


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    Más Menos
    14 m
  • EP 28: Conversations for Good with Corinne + Briggs
    Aug 20 2024

    “You and I are either blessed or burdened with an incredible amount of empathy.” Kicking off a new series called “Conversations for Good with Corinne + Briggs,” host Corinne Morahan welcomes COO and head of HR at Grid + Glam, her right-hand woman and (one of her) favorite people in the world, Briggs Rolfsrud. While today’s conversation highlights the womens’ fun and funny dynamic and the deep friendship at the heart of their working relationship, it nonetheless addresses the best way to approach difficult conversations in the workplace. They also tackle how to keep healthy boundaries between personal and professional life and why empathy is a double-edged sword.

    They will explain why things actually go more smoothly when one person decides they are in charge. When one person takes on the responsibility of approaching the other with concerns or criticism, the other must hold up their end of the responsibility by being receptive and listening without judgment or defensiveness.

    Briggs shares a hilarious story about her mother attending her granddaughter’s softball game which is a reminder that just when we think someone isn’t paying attention, they may actually be focused on the most important thing of all.


    • “I coach a lot of entrepreneurs, some of whom are in partnership, and I think it absolutely can work when two people are in charge. It works best when there are very clearly defined purviews that people oversee, but I do think it’s tricky. I think at the end of the day it reduces a lot of conflict, believe it or not, when there is one person in charge.”(5:47 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “You’ve told me that if there is something that is bothering me about you, to tell you and to be direct about it, and I took that seriously. So, instead of letting things fester or getting too upset about them, I tell you, so that you know. But the other part of that, that is really important, is that you are willing to hear it, which is hard.” (10:53 | Briggs Rolfsrud)
    • “In the depths of hard conversations we’ve had where we’ve been crying is that I know—and I think we feel this about each other—that we love each other so much, we respect each other so much, and how each other feels is paramount to any money, to any business decisions, to anything else. We would throw the whole frickin’ company away for our friendship, but truly, truly. And when you feel that someone really cares about you to that extent, then you hear what they’re saying through the lens of, ‘This is not an attack. This person doesn’t have ulterior motives, they want the best for me, for us, for everything.” (12:36 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “As a society, I wish we would focus on the importance of empathy. Ambition is very highly regarded, everyone knows who’s the most ambitious and you’re so proud of them and that’s wonderful, but who’s the most empathic? No one gets any awards for that.” (19:24 | Briggs Rolfsrud)

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    Más Menos
    28 m
  • EP 27: Love Your Body Part 2
    Aug 13 2024

    “How do you want to look? How do you want to feel? And what choices will you make to get there?” asks host Corinne Morahan in today’s episode, a follow-up to her most popular “Love Your Body” episode. Corinne shares her personal pillars for looking and feeling good, discussing what works for her, what doesn’t, and the boundaries she sets to achieve her goals. She encourages listeners to reflect on their own goals and the steps they're willing to take.

    Corinne emphasizes the importance of clarity and honesty in setting and achieving goals, while also having fun and staying flexible with exercise and diet. She shares her experiences with health and beauty trends from social media, along with surprising and comforting results. Additionally, she reveals the effort behind making her life look effortless.

    Tune in to learn how to show up in your own life, looking and feeling your best, guided by self-love and self-acceptance.


    • “You have to pick your ‘hard.’ It is hard deciding to eat healthy foods during the day when I’m craving unhealthy foods, but it’s also hard eating those [unhealthy] foods during the day and feeling like crap and not being able to get things done. So, the ‘hard’ that I’m picking is the one that gives me the best of both worlds. So, if you really start thinking about ‘pick your hard,’ what do you want your hard to look like, you take back control, you stop feeling like you’re doing this because of societal pressure or internal pressure you’re putting on yourself. You’re doing this because you love yourself, and you want to feel good and you want to look good.” (5:17 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “The bottom line is, you have to try what works for you. Listen to what people are saying because it’s so interesting, there are many options out there, but don’t let it make you feel overwhelmed and like you have to try all the things, because certainly not everything is going to work for you. Test the things out that feel interesting, see what works for you and leave the rest.” (11:12 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “As you approach this ‘love your body’ concept, and finding out what your pillars are to make you feel your best, do it from a place of wanting to love how you look and feel, not because you hate the current state of affairs. Can you see the difference?” (11:57 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “We don’t talk about it enough, and I think a lot of us are craving feeling sexier. That is a piece of loving our bodies and feeling good and looking good.” (17:10 | Corinne Morahan)
    • “We don’t have to be one thing in this world. We get to be all the things we want to be—not all at once, in the same moment, but you don’t have to decide that you only want to be this one version. You get to be all the versions of yourself.” (17:45 | Corinne Morahan)

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    Más Menos
    26 m