
  • Episode 47: Which Witch Series pt.1 Kitchen Witchery
    Feb 13 2023

    Welcome back Witches! Today's episode is going to be the very 1st in our brand new Which Witch series where we're going to flesh out different types of witchcraft!!  For our first episode in this series we're going to dig into Kitchen Witches and Kitchen Witchery.  So get in losers, and let's look at what Kitchen Magic looks like.

    We would be forever thankful if you leave our podcast a 5-Star review. If you really loved the show and want more Get in Loser content, check out our Supercast link below, or search the Supercast website for Get in Loser, We’re Doing Witchcraft. You can also find us at our Buy Me a Coffee link below.  There you can purchase a membership to our podcast and obtain exclusives like, getting episodes early, shout outs on the show, access to our “Ask me anything” forum, our monthly newsletter, a promo code for merchandise, and more.

    You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @GetinWitches, on TikTok @weredoingwitchcraft or email us at weredoingwitchcraft@gmail.com. You  can support our show through our Supercast: https://getinloserweredoingwitchcraft.supercast.com/ Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/getinwitches

    Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio- The Witch



    1. Ciccolini, Kristen. Kitchen Witch Basics (2022). Good Witch Kitchen. https://www.goodwitchkitchen.net/kitchen-witch-basics/
    2. Ciccolini, Kristen. Kitchen Witch Rituals. (2022) Good Witch Kitchen. https://kciccolini.notion.site/Kitchen-Witch-Rituals-cce592303d07421a9dab9372339008e5
    3. Renee. Kitchen Goddesses. (2022) Awesome on 20. https://awesomeon20.com/kitchen-goddesses/
    4. Vervenna. Deities for The Kitchen Witch. The Cottage Mystic. https://www.thecottagemystic.com/deities-for-the-kitchen-witch.html
    5. Vera, Alyssa. Kitchen Witchery for Beginners. (2022).
    6. Burbage, Lacey (2023). What is a Kitchen Witch? Naturally Modern Life. https://naturallymodernlife.com/what-is-a-kitchen-witch/
    7. Wigington, Patti (2019). What is Kitchen Witchcraft? Learn Religions. https://www.learnreligions.com/about-kitchen-witches-2562549
    8. Moone, Aurora (2022). Magical Properties of Lavender, Materia Magicka. https://plentifulearth.com/magical-properties-lavender/
    9. Moone, Aurora (2019). Magical Properties of Cinnamon, Materia Magicka. https://plentifulearth.com/magical-properties-of-cinnamon-cinnamon-materia-magicka/
    10. Terravara (n.d.). Basil: Magical Properties, Benefits & Uses. https://www.terravara.com/basil-magical-properties/
    11. Caro, Tina (2019). Mint;s Magickal Origins. https://magickalspot.com/mint-magical-properties/
    12. Otherworldly Oracle (2019). 14+ Kitchen Gods and Hearth Goddesses for the Kitchen Witch. https://otherworldlyoracle.com/kitchen-gods-hearth-goddesses/
    13. Britannica (n.d.). Brownie. https://www.britannica.com/topic/brownie-English-folklore
    14. The Wholesome Witch (n.d.). What is a Kitchen Witch? And how to become one. https://www.thewholesomewitch.com/what-is-a-kitchen-witch/
    15. Youtube:
      1. The Green Witch
      2. IttyBittyCelticWitch

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Episode 46: Oracle Cards
    Feb 6 2023

    Welcome back Witches! We're bringing the small amount of information we were able to dig up on Oracle Cards this week!  Unlike Tarot, there is not a lot of readily available information on Oracle Cards, and neither one of us are experts on them.  We hope this episode gives those interested a better understanding of them and how they work!!  So get in losers, and let's better understand Oracle Cards together.

    We would be forever thankful if you leave our podcast a 5-Star review. If you really loved the show and want more Get in Loser content, check out our Supercast link below, or search the Supercast website for Get in Loser, We’re Doing Witchcraft. You can also find us at our Buy Me a Coffee link below.  There you can purchase a membership to our podcast and obtain exclusives like, getting episodes early, shout outs on the show, access to our “Ask me anything” forum, our monthly newsletter, a promo code for merchandise, and more.

    You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @GetinWitches, on TikTok @weredoingwitchcraft or email us at weredoingwitchcraft@gmail.com. You  can support our show through our Supercast: https://getinloserweredoingwitchcraft.supercast.com/ Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/getinwitches

    Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio- The Witch



    1. Chinggay. Oracle Cards: A Beginner’s Guide. (2020) Practical Magic. https://www.practicalmagic.co/pm-blog/2020/9/14/oracle-cards-a-beginners-guide
    2. Boley, Megan (2021). Oracle Decks: What are they and how to use them. Medium.com. https://medium.com/moments-matter/oracle-decks-what-they-are-and-how-to-use-them-c037251a7a84
    3. Brown, Maressa (2021). Oracle Cards are the spiritual tool you’ve probably been missing out on. Instyle.com. https://www.instyle.com/lifestyle/astrology/oracle-cards
    4. Wigington, Patti. (2019). Oracle Cards: History and Use. Learn Religions.. https://www.learnreligions.com/oracle-cards-4779899
    5. Youtube:
      1. HearthWitch
      2. Colette Baron-Reid Official
      3. Brittney Carmichael
    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Episode 45: Nightmares & Sleep Paralysis
    Jan 30 2023

    Welcome back Witches! This week's episode will take a look at Nightmares & Sleep Paralysis!  We're going to discuss the science, the supernatural, and ways to help prevent them from occurring.  So get in losers, and let's gain some knowledge on Nightmares and Sleep Paralysis.

    We would be forever thankful if you leave our podcast a 5-Star review. If you really loved the show and want more Get in Loser content, check out our Supercast link below, or search the Supercast website for Get in Loser, We’re Doing Witchcraft. You can also find us at our Buy Me a Coffee link below.  There you can purchase a membership to our podcast and obtain exclusives like, getting episodes early, shout outs on the show, access to our “Ask me anything” forum, our monthly newsletter, a promo code for merchandise, and more.

    You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @GetinWitches, on TikTok @weredoingwitchcraft or email us at weredoingwitchcraft@gmail.com. You  can support our show through our Supercast: https://getinloserweredoingwitchcraft.supercast.com/ Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/getinwitches

    Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio- The Witch



    1. Hershner, Shelley MD & Morse, Anne M. DO (2020). What is Sleep Paralysis? AASM Sleep Education. https://sleepeducation.org/sleep-disorders/sleep-paralysis/
    2. Newsom, Rob (2022). Sleep Demon. Sleep Foundation. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/parasomnias/sleep-demon#:~:text=When%20sleep%20paralysis%20is%20accompanied,%2C%20or%20vestibular%2Dmotor%20hallucinations.
    3. Suni, Eric & Singh, Abhinav, Dr. (2022). Nightmares. Sleep Foundation. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/nightmares
    4. Davis, Owen. The Nightmare Experience, Sleep Paralysis, and Witchcraft Accusations. (2010). chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://uhra.herts.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/2299/2342/103471.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=n
    5. Farooq M, Anjum F. Sleep Paralysis. [Updated 2022 Sep 5]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK562322/
    6. Roybel, Beth.  Sleep Paralysis. (2022). WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-paralysis
    7. Stanborough, Rebecca Joy. Understanding ‘Old Hag’ Syndrome: What it Means When You’re Paralyzed in Your Sleep. (2020) Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/sleep/old-hag-syndrome
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    50 m
  • Episode 44: Imbolc
    Jan 23 2023

    Welcome back, Witches! For this week's episode, we're going to be going over ALL things Imbolc!! We're going to be discussing history, the Goddess Brigid, correspondences, and ways to celebrate for those in and out of the broom closet.


    We would be forever thankful if you leave our podcast a 5-Star review. If you really loved the show and want more Get in Loser content, check out our Supercast link below, or search the Supercast website for Get in Loser, We're Doing Witchcraft. There you can purchase a membership to our podcast and obtain exclusives like getting episodes early, shoutouts on the show, access to our "Ask me anything" forum, our monthly newsletter, a promo code for merchandise, and more. If you are feeling generous, check out our Buy Me a Coffee link below to fuel our coffee addiction.  


    You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @GetinWitches, on TikTok @weredoingwitchcraft, or email us at weredoingwitchcraft@gmail.com. You can support our show through our Supercast: https://getinloserweredoingwitchcraft.supercast.com/ 

    Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/getinwitches


    Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio- The Witch






    Imbolc. (2022) History. https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/imbolc

    14 Imbolc Ritual Ideas for a Pagan February Eve Celebration. (2022) Spells8. https://spells8.com/imbolc-ritual-ideas/

    Manson, Megan (2016). Setsuben- Japans Imbolc. Pagan Tama. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/pagantama/2016/01/28/setsubun-japans-imbolc/

    Wigington, Patti (2019). Maman Brigitte, Loa of the Dead in Voodoo Religion. Learn Religions. https://www.learnreligions.com/maman-brigitte-4771715


    Scarlet Ravenswood


    Michael Fortune (to create your own Brigid's Cross)


    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Episode 43: Wicca
    Jan 16 2023

    Welcome back Witches! This week's episode will cover Wicca!  You'll get a brief background and history of Wicca along with Wiccan practices!  Wicca is a very in depth practice with a huge history and several branches.  With that, we hope that you use this episode as a starting point to further your research if Wicca is something you are interested in.  So get in losers, and let's try to better understand Wicca.

    We would be forever thankful if you leave our podcast a 5-Star review. If you really loved the show and want more Get in Loser content, check out our Supercast link below, or search the Supercast website for Get in Loser, We’re Doing Witchcraft. You can also find us at our Buy Me a Coffee link below.  There you can purchase a membership to our podcast and obtain exclusives like, getting episodes early, shout outs on the show, access to our “Ask me anything” forum, our monthly newsletter, a promo code for merchandise, and more.

    You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @GetinWitches, on TikTok @weredoingwitchcraft or email us at weredoingwitchcraft@gmail.com. You  can support our show through our Supercast: https://getinloserweredoingwitchcraft.supercast.com/ Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/getinwitches

    Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio- The Witch



    1. Grimassi, Raven.  Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft. Llewellyn. https://www.llewellyn.com/encyclopedia/term/Alexandrian
    2. Slack, Claire. Wicca & Modern Witchcraft: A History. (2022). History Extra. https://www.historyextra.com/period/20th-century/wicca-witchcraft-origins-history-meaning/
    3. Slick, Matt. Gardnerian Wicca. (2011). Carm. https://carm.org/wicca/gardnerian-wicca/
    4. What is Wicca? A Religion of Witches? (2019). Spells8. https://spells8.com/lessons/what-is-wicca/?gclid=CjwKCAiAnZCdBhBmEiwA8nDQxbGbVJA6-xjB95vJFoBU2dhXRtjzQQ--xCygAHXJK6dfw4_-yLGYvhoCTh8QAvD_BwE
    5. Mooney, Thorn (2019). Traditional Wicca, A Seekers Guide. Lleywellyn Publications 
    6. https://www.bop.gov/foia/docs/wiccamanual.pdf
    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Episode 42: Egyptian Deities Ra & Khonsu
    Jan 9 2023

    Welcome back Witches! For this week's episode, we're going to be going over 2 Egyptian Deities, Ra and Khonsu!!  The Egyptian pantheon is new for us, so please bare with us when it comes to pronunciation, as google was not much help in that realm!  And of course, if there are specific deities you'd like us to cover, just let us know!  So get in losers, and let's learn all about Ra and Khonsu.

    We would be forever thankful if you leave our podcast a 5-Star review. If you really loved the show and want more Get in Loser content, check out our Supercast link below, or search the Supercast website for Get in Loser, We’re Doing Witchcraft. You can also find us at our Buy Me a Coffee link below.  There you can purchase a membership to our podcast and obtain exclusives like, getting episodes early, shout outs on the show, access to our “Ask me anything” forum, our monthly newsletter, a promo code for merchandise, and more.

    You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @GetinWitches, on TikTok @weredoingwitchcraft or email us at weredoingwitchcraft@gmail.com. You  can support our show through our Supercast: https://getinloserweredoingwitchcraft.supercast.com/ Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/getinwitches

    Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio- The Witch



    1. Dunn, Jimmy. Khonsu, The Lunar God who Came to Greatness. (2011). Tour Egypt. http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/godkhonsu.htm
    2. Hill, Jenny. Khonsu (2010). Ancient Egypt Online. https://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/khonsu/
    3. Lettman, Alexandria. Inside Moon Knight’s Zodiac Signs. (2022). Bustle. https://www.bustle.com/life/moon-knight-zodiac-signs-virgo-capricorn-aries-astrologer
    4. Egyptian God Khonsu- Facts, Mythology, Depictions, & Symbols. (2021) Study.com https://study.com/learn/lesson/khonsu-facts-symbols.html
    5. God Khonsu. (2022). Landious Travel. https://landioustravel.com/egypt/egyptian-deities/god-khonsu/
    6. Dieties in Ancient Egypt- Ra. (n.d.). Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum. https://egyptianmuseum.org/deities-ra
    7. Re: Egyptian God. (n.d.). Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Re
    8. Mark, Joshua (2021). Ra: Egyptian God. https://www.worldhistory.org/Ra_(Egyptian_God)/
    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Episode 41: Elemental Magic
    Jan 2 2023

    Welcome back Witches and hello 2023! We hope that everyone had a fantastic holiday season and that you got some time to recharge yourselves for the new year!!  We're going to be discussing all things Elemental Magic for our first episode of the new year. We've got correspondences, ways to practice, and tons of information coming at you this episode so make sure you take some notes. Get in losers, and let's discuss Elemental Magic.

    We would be forever thankful if you leave our podcast a 5-Star review. If you really loved the show and want more Get in Loser content, check out our Supercast link below, or search the Supercast website for Get in Loser, We’re Doing Witchcraft. You can also find us at our Buy Me a Coffee link below.  There you can purchase a membership to our podcast and obtain exclusives like, getting episodes early, shout outs on the show, access to our “Ask me anything” forum, our monthly newsletter, a promo code for merchandise, and more.

    You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @GetinWitches, on TikTok @weredoingwitchcraft or email us at weredoingwitchcraft@gmail.com. You  can support our show through our Supercast: https://getinloserweredoingwitchcraft.supercast.com/ Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/getinwitches

    Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio- The Witch



    1. Youtube-
      1. The Norse Witch
      2. Hearth Witch
      3. Mintfaery
      4. Beverley Butterfly
    2. Wicca Living (n.d.). The Fire Element. https://wiccaliving.com/fire-element/
    3. Gruben, Michelle (2015). Which Plants and herbs are attributed to Fire. Grove and Grotto. https://www.groveandgrotto.com/blogs/articles/36713217-what-plants-and-herbs-are-attributed-to-fire
    4. Eclectic Witchcraft (n.d.). Herbs and Plants for Witchcraft: Water Element Herbs. https://eclecticwitchcraft.com/water-element-herbalism/
    5. Crystal Alchemy (n.d.). 9 Powerful Water Element Crystals. https://crystalsalchemy.com/water-element-crystals 


    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Episode 40: Yule
    Nov 28 2022

    Welcome back Witches! This week's episode is going to be our final podcast episode for 2022 and it's going to cover ALL things Yule!!  We're going to discuss history, correspondences, and ways that you can celebrate this beautiful holiday!!  Members of our Supercast will still have 2 exclusive episodes and 1 more newsletter for 2022!!  If you don't want to miss out on our bonus content, make sure you subscribe at the link below!

    We would be forever thankful if you leave our podcast a 5-Star review. If you really loved the show and want more Get in Loser content, check out our Supercast link below, or search the Supercast website for Get in Loser, We’re Doing Witchcraft. You can also find us at our Buy Me a Coffee link below.  There you can purchase a membership to our podcast and obtain exclusives like, getting episodes early, shout outs on the show, access to our “Ask me anything” forum, our monthly newsletter, a promo code for merchandise, and more.

    You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @GetinWitches, on TikTok @weredoingwitchcraft or email us at weredoingwitchcraft@gmail.com. You  can support our show through our Supercast: https://getinloserweredoingwitchcraft.supercast.com/ Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/getinwitches

    Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio- The Witch



    1. Beyer, Rebecca. Wild Witchcraft. (2022) Simon Element, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc. 
    2. Stirler, Gael. Yule History and Origins. Renstore. https://stores.renstore.com/history-and-traditions/yule-history-and-origins
    3. Moone, Aurora. Yule & Winter Solstice Pagan Correspondences. (2021). Plentiful Earth. https://plentifulearth.com/yule-magickal-correspondences/
    4. Yule- Day of Winter Solstice. (2019). National Day Calendar. https://nationaldaycalendar.com/yule-day-of-winter-solstice/
    5. Youtube
      1. Scarlet Ravenswood 
    6. Wigington, Patti (2019). History of Yule. Learn Religions. https://www.learnreligions.com/history-of-yule-2562997


    Más Menos
    59 m