
  • Stepmom: A Redemption Story
    May 15 2023

    Stepmothers have a terrible reputation. Until 1998 they were almost exclusively evil- ruining the lives of Snow White, Cinderella, and multiple Lindsay Lohans.
    The best PR imaginable is having America's sweetheart Julia Roberts play one opposite Susan Sarandon (who would go on to play an Evil Stepmom herself in Enchanted). This week we talk all things blended family and the many paths to motherhood.

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    39 mins
  • Jonathan Major-ly F*cked Up
    May 9 2023

    Join us for a Very Special Episode where we go completely off-script and talk about a movie industry phenomenon- recasting. Specifically for boys who behave badly. Inspired by the controversy surrounding Marvel and prestige film darling Jonathan Majors and calls for him to be recast/dropped from current projects, we ask the hard questions: Can we separate the art from the artist? When, if ever, is recasting appropriate? What are some examples of this decision in a post #MeToo world? If you like hot takes, this episode is for you!

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    44 mins
  • Living: Live Like You Were Dying
    Apr 6 2023

    We know, we know. You haven't even heard of this movie. But it is going to be one of our favorites for a long time and it's our pod, so deal with it! This episode is all about Living- the film but also kind of the act itself. Bill Nighy (not the Science Guy) was nominated for an Oscar for it and it's a remake of a 1950s Japanese drama based on a Tolstoy novella. So yeah, pretty hip.

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    44 mins
  • Knock At The Cabin: The Things We Do For Love
    Apr 3 2023

    We're back! Strap in for a real stream of consciousness take on a film about love, loss, trust, and faith. What DOESN'T this film have? Dave Bautista as a gentle giant, Ron Weasley as a homophobic horseman of the apocalypse, Jonathan Groff singing in a car! It's the end of the world as we know it, and we're not fine.

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    42 mins
  • Oscar? I Barely Know Her!
    Mar 6 2023

    You didn't think we would let film's biggest night go unnoticed, did you? We know, we know- you haven't seen many of the nominees. That's ok! We got you covered. Join us for an overview that will prepare you to gossip about potential winners and losers with all the authority of someone who has seen the movies without having to spend countless hours watching them. You're welcome!

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    43 mins
  • Soul Food: Don't Hold Back, Tell Us How You Really Feel
    Feb 27 2023

    We've all been there- you get a little wine drunk with your bestie and suddenly you're unpacking complex family dynamics both real and imaginary. Well, we recorded our latest session just for you! Listen to us talk Soul Food the movie, the metaphor, and the menus. This episode has it all- how we actually feel about our siblings, what our parents did wrong, how infidelity holds up to an actual felony! You won't want to miss it.

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    51 mins
  • The Wedding Singer: More Like The Wedding ZINGER Am I Right?!
    Feb 20 2023

    You didn't think we would do a whole month about romcoms and NOT mention Adam Sandler, did you? So many to choose from, we went with The Wedding Singer. Did we use this episode as an opportunity to rail against patriarchy and archaic relationship dynamics? Sure. But that's what you came for.

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    39 mins