
  • Stay consistent on your Homeschool Journey with these Simple Tips
    Jul 24 2024

    Hello Fellow Homeschooling Friends,

    I hope that you are all enjoying your summer break.

    While my family and I are on summer break for the next week or so, I wanted to reshare this episode that originally aired in 2022.

    An awesome quote by Gloria Copeland says - In consistency lies the power. The fact is, if you can remain committed and consistent to your homeschool decision, you will stick with it long-term and reap all the wonderful gifts of homeschooling.

    In this episode, I share 3 simple tips for remaining consistent in your homeschool journey.

    My goal is to equip you with simple, practical, and actional tips and advice I have garnered over my 16 years of Homeschooling to help you avoid the pitfalls I encountered early on in our family's homeschool journey.

    Remember that you're not alone, even if it feels like it sometimes. This is your space! If you're a fellow homeschooling parent, or parent you belong here.

    Together, we will make sure that you have the best, the most successful LONG-TERM homeschool experience ever. Because I truly believe that it is only after sticking with it long-term that you can truly experience the Gift of Homeschooling!

    New episodes drop every day, every week, or.... as often as my full schedule allows -:0). Make sure you hit the follow button to get notified.

    Happy Homeschooling and remember that - You've Got This!

    #homeschoollongterm #Youcanhomeschool #homeschooltipsandadvice #giftofhomeschooling #giftofhomeschoolingpodcast #newtohomeschooling #prosandconsofhomeschooling #mixedhomeschoolingfamily

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    19 mins
  • End of Homeschool Year Tips
    Jul 2 2024

    As we close out another Homeschool year, certain things are essential to keep in mind to set yourself up for another successful homeschool year ahead. In this episode, I share five simple tips to consider as you close out another homeschool year and look to another one.

    My goal is to equip you with simple, practical, and actional tips and advice I have garnered over my 16-plus years of Homeschooling to help you avoid the pitfalls I encountered early on in our family's homeschool journey. My goal is to motivate you on your homeschool journey and inspire you to experience the best life EVER as a homeschooling parent, friend, and fellow human being navigating this thing we call life.

    Remember that you're not alone, even if it feels like it sometimes -This is your space; you belong here.

    Together, we will make sure that you have the best, the most successful LONG-TERM homeschool experience and LIFE ever.

    New episodes drop every day, every week, or.... as often as my full schedule allows -:0). Make sure you hit the follow button to get notified.

    Happy Homeschooling and remember that - You've Got This! #homeschoollongterm #Youcanhomeschool #homeschooltipsandadvice #giftofhomeschooling #giftofhomeschoolingpodcast #mixedhomeschoolfamily

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    15 mins
  • 5 tips to ensure you don't neglect the main thing while homeschooling
    Jun 13 2024

    As we close out another homeschool year, it is essential to look back to ensure we're keeping the main thing the main thing. In this episode, I share what I mean by this, and you might be surprised that it is not what you think it is. Keep listening to find out what I mean and get five simple tips to ensure you are keeping the main thing the main thing.

    My goal is to equip you with simple, practical, and actional tips and advice I have garnered over the years to help you avoid the pitfalls I encountered early in our family's homeschool journey.

    Remember that you're not alone, even if it feels like it sometimes. This is your space! If you're a fellow homeschooling parent, or parent in general, you belong here!

    Together, we will make sure that you have the best, the most successful LIFE and LONG-TERM homeschool experience, and ever.

    I truly believe that it is only after sticking with it long-term that you can truly experience the full Gift of Homeschooling!

    New episodes drop every week, or.... as often as my full schedule allows -:0). Make sure you hit the follow button to get notified.

    Happy Homeschooling and remember that - You've Got This!

    #homeschoollongterm #Youcanhomeschool #homeschooltipsandadvice #giftofhomeschooling #giftofhomeschoolingpodcast #parenting #momlife #homeschoolmomlife #mixedhomeschoolfamily #mixedhomeschoolfamilylife

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    20 mins
  • Regular school may be better than homeschool in this one way!
    May 30 2024

    As much as I love homeschooling, I think that regular schooling may be better than homeschooling in this one aspect that I discuss on today's episode. Wondering what it is? Go ahead and push the play button.

    Don't forget to like and subscribe and leave a great comment, as this helps me to continue to do what I do.

    My goal is to equip you with simple, practical, and actional tips and advice I have garnered over my 17 years of Homeschooling and life on this earth to help you avoid the pitfalls I encountered early on in our family's homeschool journey.

    It is also my goal to create a safe loving space where you you belong - if you are homeschooling or not.

    Remember that you're not alone, even if it feels like it sometimes. This is your space!

    Together, we will make sure that you have the best, the most successful LIFE and LONG-TERM homeschool experience ever. Because I truly believe that it is only after sticking with it long-term that you can truly experience the Gift of Homeschooling!

    New episodes drop every week, or.... as often as my full schedule allows -:0). Make sure you hit the follow button to get notified.

    Happy Homeschooling and remember that - You've Got This!

    #homeschoollongterm #Youcanhomeschool #homeschooltipsandadvice #giftofhomeschooling #homeschool #homeschooling #homeschoolmom #homeschoolmomlife #giftofhomeschoolingpodcast #aplacetobelong #youarenotalone #mixedhomeschoolingfamily #homeschoolfamilylife

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    12 mins
  • Happy Mother's Day My Friends
    May 12 2024

    Hello Friends!

    I am so grateful to each of you who calls Gift of Homeschooling home and is a regular part of the Gift of Homeschooling Community.

    Today's episode is a simple, heartfelt Mother's Day wish from me to YOU, my friend.

    Have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day, and as always, thank you for listening. We'll talk again in the next podcast!

    #Giftofhomeschooling podcast #happymothersdayfriends #homeschooling #homeschoolmommy #homeschoolpodcast

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    10 mins
  • 3 simple Tips to Avoid Loneliness
    May 2 2024

    Please leave a review or comment if you enjoyed this episode.

    Loneliness is extremely pervasive in our society today, and we as homeschooling families are not immune to it. The consequences of loneliness are so detrimental that I thought it important to share with you 3 simple things that I think were instrumental in keeping the loneliness bug at bay during our many years of homeschooling.

    So if you or someone you know are dealing with loneliness, hopefully one of these simple tips will resonate with you.

    My goal is to equip you with simple, practical, and actional tips and advice to help you have the most successful life ever.

    Remember that you're not alone, even if it feels like it sometimes. This is your space! If you're a fellow parent or homeschooling parent, you belong here.

    Together, we will make sure that you have the best, the most successful LONG-TERM Life and Homeschool Experience ever.

    New episodes drop every week, or.... as often as my full schedule allows -:0). Make sure you hit the follow button to get notified.

    Remember that - You've Got This!

    #dealingwithloneliness #tipstocombatloneliness #cureforloneliness #homeschoollongterm #Youcanhomeschool #homeschooltipsandadvice #giftofhomeschoolingpodcast #youbrlonghere #dontbelonely #dontbealone

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    17 mins
  • 5 Tips to Avoid Losing Your Sense of Self in the Journey
    Apr 24 2024

    In this episode, I share 5 simple tips that you can incorporate in your life to ensure you do not wake up one day to realize, like too many parents, you have lost your sense of self.

    My goal on this Podcast is to equip you with simple, practical, and actional tips and advice to help you have the best life and homeschool journey ever. It is also my goal to inspire and motivate you to stay the course Long-term. Because I truly believe that it is only after sticking with it LONG-TERM that you can truly experience the Gift of Homeschooling!

    Remember that you're not alone, even if it feels like it sometimes. This is your space - If you're a fellow parent, or homeschooling parent, you belong here.

    New episodes drop every week, or.... as often as my full schedule allows -:0). Make sure you hit the follow button to get notified.

    Together, we will make sure that you have the best, the most successful LIFE and LONG-TERM homeschool experience ever.

    Happy Homeschooling and remember that - You've Got This!

    #homeschoollongterm #Youcanhomeschool #homeschooltipsandadvice #giftofhomeschooling #giftofhomeschoolingpodcast #enjoythejourney #enjoyyourlife #lifeinspiration #mommyinspiration #findingjoy #joyinhomeschooling #Dontloseyourself #maintainingyoursenseofself #mommymotivation #motivation #inspiration #youbelonghere #parentingtip #homeschoolmom #homeschoolfamily

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    14 mins
  • 3 Tips to Help You Not Just Endure But Enjoy the Journey
    Apr 18 2024

    Please don't forget to like, subscribe and leave us a wonderful review if you enjoyed this episode.

    Too often, we find ourselves enduring the journey instead of enjoying it. We can spend years of our lives going through the motions. Days tick by, which turn into weeks, which turn into months, and then turn into years. Before we know it, our children are grown up. In this episode I share 3 simple tips to help you learn how to enjoy the journey.

    My goal on this Podcast is to equip you with simple, practical, and actional tips and advice I have garnered over my years of Homeschooling to help you avoid the pitfalls I encountered early on in our family's homeschool journey. It is also my goal to inspire and motivate you to stay the course Long-term. Because I truly believe that it is only after sticking with it LONG-TERM that you can truly experience the Gift of Homeschooling! Remember that you're not alone, even if it feels like it sometimes.

    This is your space - If you're a fellow homeschooling parent, you belong here.

    New episodes drop every week, or.... as often as my full schedule allows -:0). Make sure you hit the follow button to get notified.

    Together, we will make sure that you have the best, the most successful LONG-TERM homeschool experience ever.

    Happy Homeschooling and remember that - You've Got This!

    #homeschoollongterm #Youcanhomeschool #homeschooltipsandadvice #giftofhomeschooling #giftofhomeschoolingpodcast #enjoythejourney #enjoyyourlife #lifeinspiration #mommyinspiration #findingjoy #Joyintheprocess #joyinhomeschooling #motivation #inspiration #youbelonghere #homeschoolmom #homeschoolfamily

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    12 mins